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Students will be presented with a scenario, each assigned a specific role for participation in an event.
Their task is to present ideas on various topics related to the main theme of the event. Additionally,
they are expected to formulate questions after listening to the talks of their fellow group members.
1. Getting Ready:
o Research and get information about the assigned topic.
o Make a short talk with important points.
o Think about questions others might ask about the topic.
2. During the Workshop:
o Work in a team of four, with each student having a different role.
o Each person talks about their topic for 1.30 - 2 minutes.
o Others ask questions after each talk.
3. Questions and Answers:
o After each talk, be ready for questions from your classmates.
o Try to ask questions too, to learn more from others.
Scenario 1: Global Economic Insights Workshop
Background: This is a workshop where students from around the world gather to share insights
about the modern global economy. You are attending thew workshop with a specific job related to
1. Economic Reporter (Student A):
o Your job is to talk about recent economic trends like how much money countries are
making, prices, and jobs.
o Make a short talk about challenges and good things happening in the economy.
2. Trade Explorer (Student B):
o Your job is to talk about how countries buy and sell things with each other. Discuss
trade deals, taxes on goods, and how events around the world affect trade.
o Prepare a short talk with examples of how countries trade.
3. Green Economist (Student C):
o Your job is to talk about how the economy affects the environment. Share ideas on
how we can keep the economy growing without harming the planet.
o Make a short talk with solutions for balancing economic growth and taking care of
the environment.
4. Tech Guru (Student D):
o Your job is to talk about how technology and new ideas influence the economy.
Discuss how inventions and technology impact jobs and industries.
o Prepare a short talk with examples of how technology is changing the economy.
Scenario 2: Economic Systems Exploration
Background: Welcome to the Economic Systems Exploration workshop, where students gather to
discuss and understand how economics is organized around the world. Each of you plays a crucial
role in examining different economic systems.
1. Market Economist (Student A):
o Your role is to explore market economies. Discuss how businesses and individuals
make decisions, and how prices are determined by supply and demand.
o Prepare a talk highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of market economies.
2. Planned Economy Analyst (Student B):
o Your role is to delve into planned economies. Explain how the government makes
decisions about what to produce, how much, and for whom.
o Create a talk that outlines the advantages and disadvantages of planned economies.
3. Mixed Economy Specialist (Student C):
o Your role is to analyze mixed economies. Discuss how these economies combine
elements of both market and planned systems. Explore examples of countries with
mixed economies.
o Prepare a talk highlighting the features and challenges of mixed economies.
4. Traditional Economy Expert (Student D):
o Your role is to understand traditional economies. Explore how customs, traditions,
and historical practices shape economic activities in these systems.
o Create a talk that explains the characteristics and potential limitations of traditional
Scenario 3: Market Economy Exploration
Background: Step into the Market Economy Exploration workshop, where students gather to dive
into the dynamics of market economies. In this scenario, each of you takes on a specific role to
understand and discuss the principles, advantages, and challenges of market-driven economic
1. Market Analyst (Student A):
o Your task is to explore the core principles of market economies. Discuss how the
forces of supply and demand determine prices, and how businesses and consumers
make decisions.
o Prepare a talk highlighting the key features and benefits of market economies.
2. Entrepreneurial Enthusiast (Student B):
o Your role is to focus on the role of entrepreneurs in a market economy. Discuss how
innovation and competition drive economic growth and development.
o Create a talk that showcases the importance of entrepreneurship in a market-driven
3. Consumer Advocate (Student C):
o Your task is to represent the interests of consumers in a market economy. Discuss
how choices, preferences, and consumer behavior shape the market.
o Prepare a talk emphasizing the significance of consumers in driving market forces.
4. Government Watchdog (Student D):
o Your role is to examine the role of government in a market economy. Discuss
regulations, interventions, and the government's role in ensuring fair competition.
o Create a talk outlining how the government balances free-market principles with
regulatory oversight.
 Watchdog: a person or organization responsible for making certain that companies obey
particular standards and do not act illegally
Scenario 4: Technology and Economics Symposium
Background: Step into the Technology and Economics Symposium, a gathering where students
explore the intersection of economics and technology. In this scenario, each of you assumes a
specific role to investigate how technological advancements shape economic landscapes, industries,
and employment.
1. Tech Trend Analyst (Student A):
o Your role is to analyze current technological trends influencing the economy. Discuss
how innovations like artificial intelligence, blockchain, or renewable energy impact
industries and job markets.
o Prepare a talk highlighting key technological trends and their economic implications.
2. Digital Entrepreneur (Student B):
o Your task is to represent the entrepreneurial perspective in the digital age. Discuss
how technology enables new business models, startups, and global connectivity.
o Create a talk showcasing examples of successful digital entrepreneurship.
3. Workforce Futurist (Student C):
o Your role is to explore the impact of technology on employment. Discuss how
automation, digitization, and technological advancements reshape the job market
and workforce.
o Prepare a talk outlining both challenges and opportunities for the future workforce.
4. Economic Tech Policy Advisor (Student D):
o Your task is to examine the role of government policies in managing the impact of
technology on the economy. Discuss regulations, incentives, and ethical
considerations in the technology-driven economy.
o Create a talk on the role of policy in balancing economic growth and societal well-
Scenario 5: Global Economics and Sustainability Summit
Background: Enter the Global Economics and Sustainability Summit, a platform where students come
together to explore the intricate connections between economics, globalization, and sustainability.
Each of you takes on a unique role to investigate how global economic activities impact the
environment and how sustainable practices can be integrated into the global economic framework.
1. Global Trade Analyst (Student A):
o Your role is to analyze the impact of globalization on trade and economic
interdependence. Discuss how international trade affects economic growth and the
challenges it poses for sustainability.
o Prepare a talk highlighting the positive and negative aspects of global trade from a
sustainability perspective.
2. Corporate Sustainability Officer (Student B):
o Your task is to represent the corporate sector in adopting sustainable practices.
Discuss how businesses can contribute to both economic growth and environmental
o Create a talk showcasing examples of companies successfully balancing profitability
with sustainability.
3. Environmental Policy Advocate (Student C):
o Your role is to examine the role of policies in promoting sustainable economic
practices. Discuss the importance of international cooperation and policies that
encourage environmentally responsible economic activities.
o Prepare a talk on the role of government policies in achieving global economic
4. Community Development Economist (Student D):
o Your task is to explore the impact of globalization on local communities and
sustainable development. Discuss how economic activities can benefit communities
while maintaining environmental balance.
o Create a talk highlighting successful examples of sustainable community
Scenario 6: Macroeconomics and Microfinance Symposium
Background: Welcome to the Macroeconomics and Microfinance Symposium, a gathering where
students explore the dynamics of both macroeconomics and microfinance. Each of you takes on a
specific role to investigate how macroeconomic factors influence small-scale financial initiatives and
individual entrepreneurs.
1. Macroeconomic Analyst (Student A):
o Your role is to analyze overarching economic trends at the national and global levels.
Discuss how factors like inflation, interest rates, and government policies impact the
macroeconomic environment.
o Prepare a talk highlighting the connections between macroeconomics and
2. Microfinance Advocate (Student B):
o Your task is to represent the microfinance sector. Discuss how small-scale financial
initiatives empower individuals, especially in low-income communities. Explore the
role of microfinance in economic development.
o Create a talk showcasing successful microfinance projects and their impact.
3. Government Policy Liaison (Student C):
o Your role is to examine the role of government policies in supporting both
macroeconomic stability and microfinance initiatives. Discuss how policy decisions
can create an enabling environment for microfinance to thrive.
o Prepare a talk on the symbiotic relationship between government policies,
macroeconomics, and microfinance.
4. Community Entrepreneur (Student D):
o Your task is to explore the grassroots level impact of macroeconomic factors and
microfinance. Discuss how individuals and small businesses experience and navigate
economic trends.
o Create a talk highlighting personal stories and challenges faced by community

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