Ejercicios Entrega Tema 5

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Questions Unit 5

1. A capillary of 10 cm long is introduced into a beaker containing hydrochloric acid at

25 ° C. Upon dipping 1cm in him, it rises 8 cm. Then the capillary break in half and it is
again introduced into the hydrochloric acid. a) How high will raise the hydrochloric acid?
b) will leave continuously the hydrochloric acid the top of the capillary?

2. The figure schematically shows the Langmuir superficial balance. Assuming that the
system is in equilibrium, deduct reasoned: a) what was the position of the movable bar
before having added a certain amount of oil on the surface of the central basin where there
was water?, b) what would be the new position if we add an amount of a water-soluble
ionic substance such as sodium chloride in the left basin?.

Mobile bar Fixed bar torsion wire

3. Since the assembly shown in figure where two bubbles of different radii, what happens
when the horizontal branch valves open?

4. The fundamental components of detergents are surfactants.

A) How do you remove grease spots from clothes? Try to first make a molecular
description of what happens and then thermodynamics (using the surface tensions of the
different interfaces involved: water, clothes and grease spot). Note that the grease initially
has a clothes contact surface of area 'A' and that this area will eventually be in contact
with water.

Water W G

Clothes C

De sem
meee -V 2

pc -
pPghr Un
E(p2- pP) ghir,


HC 25°2
a 22

E(p2 -
pP)ghir E(p2- pP)gham,
= h hz


r1 r2

Un E(p2
pP) ghzz

na8ew Ee
3 HC Saldra la parte superior a partirlo por la mitadd e

A UCACEIE) > 5* (AGA) >IdA

hacia la izquierda, es decir, antes de añadir el aceite, la Movil
BARRA estaba más hacia la derecha.

3) si soluble recipiente, UP
para vuelvan estar en
equilibrio, lo que bdA
añadimos una sal en la parte inquierda del que a

* P1 Po


siRR2 c PTP2 > al ser la presión de la PEQUENA

BURBUTA es mayor, en tejo se
dirige hacia la BURBUCA GRANDE

* P2 P


Para la mancha de debemos eliminar el contacto R-G, esto se consigue aumentando las áreas de
quitar de grasa la ropa,

Contacto R-A y G-A (necesitamos que este proceso sea espontáneo:AGCC

* Ag=UGA. DA+URA. CACO s WEA+URA <Umo, debemos encontrar un detergente

que consiga disminuir

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