BSBPMG531 Assessment 1 Knowledge Test

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RII60520Advanced Diploma ofSCivil
E S S Constructio

Manage Project Time


Assessment 1 – Knowledge Test

Student Assessment Agreement

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the agreement below.
If there is anything that you are unsure of, consult your assessor prior to signing this agreement.

Have you read the assessment requirements for this unit? Yes No

Do you understand the requirements of the assessments for this unit? Yes No

Do you agree with the way in which you are being assessed? Yes No

Do you have any specific needs that should be considered? Yes No

If so, explain these in the space below.

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Unit code and title

Student signature


BSBPMG531 Manage Project Time Assessment 1 v1.3 Dec 2023
Valley International College RTO No: 41413 | CRICOS 03989C |
Assessment Submission details

Unit code and Title BSBPMG531 Manage project time

Assessment Type Knowledge Test

Trainer/Assessor Name


1. This assessment is my own work.

2. I specified in my assessment any assistance I received in its preparation, and I referred to any sources
from which I used data, ideas, or words, either quoted directly or paraphrased.
3. I prepared this assessment specifically for this unit, as directed by my Trainer/Assessor.
4. I acknowledge the requirement to keep a copy of the submitted assessment and provide it upon request in
the future.

I certify the above to be true. By signing this statement, I agree to the penalties that apply in the event of any
breach of academic conduct, including copying, cheating and plagiarism.

Student ID Student name Signature Submission Date


BSBPMG531 Manage Project Time Assessment 1 v1.3 Dec 2023
Valley International College RTO No: 41413 | CRICOS 03989C |

The assessment tasks for BSBPMG531 Manage project time are outlined in the assessment plan
below. These tasks have been designed to help you demonstrate the skills and knowledge that you
have learnt during your course.

The project skills learnt throughout this unit can be demonstrated in a practical workplace or a
simulated environment. The conditions specified within the project portfolio reflect those found in a
working environment.

Assessment for this unit

BSBPMG531 Manage project time describes the skills and knowledge required to manage time
during projects. It involves determining and implementing the project schedule and assessing time
management outcomes.
For you to be assessed as competent, you must successfully complete two assessment tasks:

 Assessment Task 1: Knowledge questions – You must answer all questions correctly.

 Assessment Task 2: Project – You must work through a range of activities and complete a
project portfolio consisting of two (2) projects.

BSBPMG531 Manage Project Time Assessment 1 v1.3 Dec 2023
Valley International College RTO No: 41413 | CRICOS 03989C |
Assessment 1: Knowledge Test
Assessment Description The assessment consists of 8 questions that demonstrate the
knowledge required to complete the unit.
Assessment Outcomes By completing this assessment, you will demonstrate the
knowledge of the following elements for the unit.

 Determine project schedule

 Implement project schedule

 Assess time management outcomes

The assessor will mark each question as S satisfactory or NS

not satisfactory.
S – This outcome indicates that the student has answered the
questions satisfactorily.
NS - This outcome indicates that the student has not answered
the questions satisfactorily and needs to redo the question to
achieve a satisfactory outcome.
When and where This assessment is a knowledge test that will be completed in
class as per the timeline below.

What do I have to do? The assessment consists of 8 questions that demonstrate the
knowledge required to complete the unit.

All the questions must be answered satisfactorily in the space

provided. Any additional evidence/material could be uploaded
along with the assessment if necessary.

You are required to answer all questions correctly to be

deemed satisfactory (S) for the assessment.
Assessment Purpose Successful completion of this activity will contribute to the
evidence collected by your Trainer/Assessor to demonstrate
that you possess the required knowledge for the unit.
Resources and Equipment To complete this assessment, you will need a pen, Student
Guide, computer, and internet.
Timeline This assessment will take approximately 1 – 1.5 hours to
complete. However, this is only a guide.

This assessment is due to be submitted on the due date as

instructed by your Trainer/Assessor. Any late submissions must
be approved by the Trainer/Assessor prior to the due date.
Submission Instruction Submit the completed assessment via LMS and ensure that
you complete the assessment Proof of Submission sheet with
your full name, date (DD/MM/YYYY) and signature in the
declaration section. Remember to retain copies of your
assessments for your own records.

BSBPMG531 Manage Project Time Assessment 1 v1.3 Dec 2023
Valley International College RTO No: 41413 | CRICOS 03989C |
Instruction for students
Knowledge questions are designed to help you demonstrate
the knowledge that you have acquired during the learning
phase of this unit.
Ensure that you:

 comply with the due date for assessment, which your

assessor will provide

 adhere to the submission guidelines

 answer all questions completely and correctly

 submit work that is original and, where necessary, properly


 avoid sharing your answers with other students

BSBPMG531 Manage Project Time Assessment 1 v1.3 Dec 2023
Valley International College RTO No: 41413 | CRICOS 03989C |
Provide answers to all the questions below:

Q1. Explain how each of the following estimating techniques can be used to determine task
duration and resource effort within a project?

This method applies insights from past projects to the current project. It
assumes that the duration of tasks and the effort required for resources
will be similar to those in previous, comparable projects.

This technique typically relies on a wealth of historical data. A common

example from construction projects is the parametric model that estimates
resources and time based on the total square footage of new construction.
Parametric Model

This approach generates three estimates for each project activity, each
based on a different set of assumptions. The first estimate is an optimistic
or best-case scenario, the second is a pessimistic or worst-case scenario,
3 Point Estimating
and the third is the most likely estimate, falling between the first two.
These estimates are typically derived using other methodologies, such as
Analogous or Parametric Model techniques.

In this method, an expert formulates an estimate based on their

understanding of the project’s timeline and the resources needed. A
significant proportion of project estimates are generated in this manner.
Expert Judgment

This analysis takes into account the assumptions that vendors operate
under and conducts a sensitivity assessment of these assumptions. An
evaluation can be made on each vendor’s bid to ascertain the cost
Vendor Bid
spectrum associated with the duration of tasks and the exertion of

This technique considers the project’s inherent uncertainty and risk,

setting up a contingency reserve of time, resources, or potentially
performance. This reserve can be utilized to mitigate any unforeseen
Reserve Analysis
issues that were not initially accounted for in the estimates.

Bottom-up estimating strives to decompose a project into more

manageable subtasks, and then predicts the time, effort, and resources
necessary to accomplish each subtask. By scrutinizing the individual tasks
of a project and concentrating on the minutiae, the team can gain a
comprehensive overview of the entire project before its commencement,

BSBPMG531 Manage Project Time Assessment 1 v1.3 Dec 2023
Valley International College RTO No: 41413 | CRICOS 03989C |
thereby enabling the prioritization of requirements.

Scenario: Read through the case and answer questions 2 to 8. Utilise the learning from the unit to
answer the questions.

ABC Construction Company embarks on a significant endeavour, constructing a cutting-edge

hospital facility. This large-scale infrastructure project encompasses diverse tasks, spanning
architectural planning, construction, interior design, and landscaping. The company demonstrates
unwavering commitment to efficiency and budget adherence. With a focus on precision and quality,
ABC Construction Company aims to create a state-of-the-art healthcare institution, embodying
advanced architecture and innovative design elements. Through meticulous planning and
dedication, the company strives to deliver a hospital that not only meets but exceeds the highest
industry standards, ensuring a top-tier healthcare environment for the community it serves.

Q2. Explain one estimation technique that ABC Construction Company could employ to determine
task duration and resource effort for the hospital construction project?

One estimation technique that ABC Construction Company could employ is the Bottom-up
estimating. This method involves estimating the cost of individual tasks by considering the
resources required for each task, such as labour, materials, and equipment. It’s a detailed and
accurate method, especially when the specific resource needs for each task are known. Apart
from that Bottom-up technique can also be easily audited and sensitive to labour rates.

Q3. Can you describe the procedures that the company could use in identifying the critical path
within the construction project plan?

The Critical Path Method (CPM) is a strategic project management technique that ABC
Construction Company could utilize to identify the critical path within the hospital construction
project plan. Here’s a more detailed explanation:

Specify Each Activity: The first step in the CPM is to list all the tasks or activities that are
necessary to complete the hospital construction project. This includes everything from initial
design work to the final touches on the landscaping.

Activity Sequence: Once all the tasks are identified, the next step is to determine the order in
which these tasks need to be completed. Some tasks may need to be completed before others
can begin, while others can be carried out concurrently. This step involves creating a network
diagram that visually represents the sequence of tasks.

Draw the Network Diagram: A network diagram is a powerful tool used to graphically represent
the workflow and interdependencies of activities within a project. It provides project managers

BSBPMG531 Manage Project Time Assessment 1 v1.3 Dec 2023
Valley International College RTO No: 41413 | CRICOS 03989C |
with a clear visual overview of how tasks relate to one another, aiding in efficient planning and

Estimate Activity Completion Time: For each task, an estimate is made of how long it will take
to complete. This could be based on past experience, expert judgment, or statistical methods.
The duration estimate is crucial as it impacts the overall project timeline.

Identify the Critical Path: The critical path is the sequence of tasks that takes the longest time
to complete. It’s “critical” because any delay in the tasks on this path will directly delay the
completion of the entire project. To identify the critical path, you add up the durations of the
tasks in each sequence from start to finish, and the sequence with the longest total duration is
the critical path.

In essence, the Critical Path Method is a way of scheduling project activities to minimize
delays and make efficient use of resources. It provides a clear roadmap for the project,
highlighting the most important tasks that directly influence the project’s completion date.

BSBPMG531 Manage Project Time Assessment 1 v1.3 Dec 2023
Valley International College RTO No: 41413 | CRICOS 03989C |
Q4. What specific procedures does ABC Construction Company follow for managing project
baselines, including their establishment and how variances are addressed during the
construction project?

ABC Construction Company could adhere to the following procedures for managing project
baselines. At the project’s inception, the company would set up few fundamental managing

The Scope Baseline, which outlines the project deliverables, deadlines, goals.

The Schedule Baseline, which provides a timeline for the project and track progress using
project management software.

The Cost Baseline, which establishes the budget for the project.

Variance Management: The company would consistently track the project’s progression and
juxtapose it with the predetermined baselines. If discrepancies arise, the company would
implement corrective measures to realign the project with its original baselines.

Q5. How does the hospital construction project report progress through various project life cycle
phases, from initiation to completion?

The hospital construction project would report progress through various project life cycle
phases as follows:

Initiation: The project’s feasibility and objectives are determined.

Planning: Detailed plans, including the project schedule and cost estimates, are developed.

Execution: The actual construction work is carried out.

Monitoring and Control: The project’s progress is continuously monitored and compared with
the planned schedule and cost. Adjustments are made as necessary.

Completion: The final deliverables are handed over, and the project is closed.

Q6. Could you elaborate on the best-practice time management methodologies applied by ABC
Construction Company? What are their capabilities, limitations, typical applications, and
outcomes in the context of the construction project?

ABC Construction Company could implement a variety of effective time management


BSBPMG531 Manage Project Time Assessment 1 v1.3 Dec 2023
Valley International College RTO No: 41413 | CRICOS 03989C |
Task Prioritization: This involves arranging tasks in order of their significance and urgency,
ensuring that critical tasks are addressed first.

Delegation: This strategy involves assigning tasks to team members based on their individual
skills and capabilities, ensuring efficient task completion.

Utilization of Software Tools: The company could use project management software tools to
keep track of tasks, manage project schedules, and monitor the progress of the project.

GTD (Getting Things Done) and ZTD (Zen to Done) Methodologies: These methodologies
emphasize immediate decision-making and discourage reliance on memory for task
management. They promote productivity and efficiency in managing tasks.

BSBPMG531 Manage Project Time Assessment 1 v1.3 Dec 2023
Valley International College RTO No: 41413 | CRICOS 03989C |
Q7. How does the company utilise the key tools for project scheduling during the construction of
the hospital facility?

ABC Construction Company could employ a variety of essential tools for project scheduling:

Gantt Charts: These graphical tools offer a visual depiction of the project timeline, illustrating
the commencement and completion dates of each task.

Resource Management Tools: These tools aid in the efficient distribution of resources across
various tasks, ensuring optimal utilization.

Project Tracking Tools: These tools facilitate real-time monitoring of project progression,
allowing for timely adjustments and updates.

Q8. How are work breakdown structures (WBS) implemented in the project, and how do they
contribute to the development and management of the project schedules for the hospital

Work Breakdown Structures (WBS) are utilized in the project by segmenting the project scope
into smaller, more manageable tasks. Each tier of the WBS signifies a more granular
decomposition of the project deliverables. The WBS aids in the formulation and administration
of the project schedules by offering a clear blueprint of tasks, which can subsequently be
scheduled and monitored.

BSBPMG531 Manage Project Time Assessment 1 v1.3 Dec 2023
Valley International College RTO No: 41413 | CRICOS 03989C |

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