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Leizlee B. Daowag
Team Leader

TVL 12 - COOKERY Page 1

This module will walk you through the module lesson, provided activities based on
Learning Competencies needed to acquire in Cookery NC II. This will guide you towards your
capabilities to be competent even during this Pandemic. It will ensure for you to cope with self-
paced learning. Attaining knowledge and skills that may be a challenge along the way to the
learning process.
This module should be accomplished for the Second Quarter of the School Year. As a
learner you are expected to prepare a Portfolio/compilation of activities and accomplish all the
activities within the given time frame.

At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:

LO 4. Store vegetables
4.1 store vegetables based on the prescribed location and temperature
4.2 demonstrate vegetable storage in accordance with FIFO operating procedures
4.3 follow standard safety and hygiene procedures
LO 5. Evaluate the finished product
5.1 rate the finished products using rubrics

Multiple Choice:
Read each question carefully. Choose the letter that corresponds to the correct answer.
1. Can you freeze fresh vegetables for later use?
A. Yes, you can freeze and cut-up vegetables; but it should be blanched (heat-treated)
before freezing. B. Yes, you can freeze and cut-up vegetables and store right away
C. No, you can’t freeze vegetables.
D. not recommended
2. How long can salad vegetables be kept at room temperature?
A. for 2 hours C. for 3 hours
B. for 24hours D. for a week
3. Why should you wash vegetables before storing them?
A. not recommended
B. for keeping it fresh
C. for sale
D. you are washing away the dirt, bacteria and pesticide residues.
4. What causes vegetables to become contaminated during storage?
A. because of proper storage
B. because of lack knowledge to its best before use and proper storage
B. because of following the correct way of storing in the cupboard or in the fridge
D. because of following the best before dates
5. Where should you store vegetables?
A. depends on its classification, maybe stored in the cupboard or in the fridge
B. keep it at room temperature
C. stack in food container
D. can be stored in the fridge.
6. What evaluation can you give from the use of seasonings and flavorings in vegetable dishes?
A. they are needed only in bland foods
B. they are used to mask dull flavors

TVL 12 - COOKERY Page 2

C. they are used to change the natural flavor of food
D. they enhance the natural flavor of food
7. Which of the following vegetables should not be stored in the refrigerator?
A. Potato C. Bean Sprouts
B. Carrots D. Squash
8. In food evaluation one of which is observed. Which of the following is NOT a purpose of
A. to take attention away
B. for visual appeal
C. for color
D. for balance
9. What is sensory evaluation to food dishes?
A. Working out how much recipes cost.
B. Testing the appearance, aroma, texture and taste of food.
C. Adding color to food.
D. Checking the sell-by date on food packaging.
10. What are the basic tastes we usually concentrate when evaluating food?
A. Fruity, beery, meaty, sweet
B. Sweet, salty, bitter, sour
C. Salty, vinegary, savory, tasty
D. Bitter, cheesy, milky, salty

Plating Tips
 determine the focal point by visualizing how it will appear or draw out a plate
 focal point should be the highlight of the plate and where the eye is drawn to
 bright or contrasting colors, elevation, and food placement helps to highlight
 avoid the rim while creating a space from the rim to the flat of the plate.
 play with symmetry, geometry, and sequencing of the foods.
 odd numbers are more pleasing to the eye than even numbers.
 keep the components of the plate in proportion to each other to balance the

Prepare a slide show of your Vegetable Dishes. Present it to the class and tell something how
did you plate your dishes following the guidelines in Food Presentation / Plating Tips.

LO 4. Store vegetables
4.1 store vegetables based on the prescribed location and temperature
4.2 demonstrate vegetable storage in accordance with FIFO operating procedures
4.3 follow standard safety and hygiene procedures
LO 5. Evaluate the finished product
5.1 rate the finished products using rubrics

Remember the FIFO rule: First In, First Out. Use whatever is oldest first and continually
rotate your stock to ensure freshness and reduce waste. The FIFO rule applies to all types of
foods—fresh, frozen, canned and dried.

TVL 12 - COOKERY Page 3

Fresh Vegetables
1. Use within a few days.
2. Store all fresh vegetables as short a time as possible. They lose
quality rapidly.
3. Keep refrigerators and storage areas clean.
4. Some can be left at room temperature to ripen, then refrigerated.

Frozen Vegetables
1. Store at 0°F (–18°C) or colder, in original containers, until ready for use.
2. Do not refreeze thawed vegetables. Quality will be greatly reduced.
3. Use before the “use by” date on the package. As a rule, use within 6 months.

LO 4. Store vegetables
4.1 store vegetables based on the prescribed location and temperature
4.2 demonstrate vegetable storage in accordance with FIFO operating procedures
4.3 follow standard safety and hygiene procedures
LO 5. Evaluate the finished product
5.1 rate the finished products using rubrics

Remember the FIFO rule: First In, First Out. Use whatever is oldest first and continually
rotate your stock to ensure freshness and reduce waste. The FIFO rule applies to all types of
foods—fresh, frozen, canned and dried.
Fresh Vegetables
1. Use within a few days.
2. Store all fresh vegetables as short a time as possible. They lose
quality rapidly.
3. Keep refrigerators and storage areas clean.
4. Some can be left at room temperature to ripen, then refrigerated.

Frozen Vegetables
1. Store at 0°F (–18°C) or colder, in original containers, until ready for use.
2. Do not refreeze thawed vegetables. Quality will be greatly reduced.
3. Use before the “use by” date on the package. As a rule, use within 6 months.
Canned Vegetables
1. Keep in a cool, dry place, away from sunlight and off the floor.
2. Discard cans that show signs of damage or spoilage (swollen, badly
dented, or rusted cans). When in doubt, throw it out.
3. Check the “use by” date on the can. Most canned goods have a shelf
life of about 2 years.

TVL 12 - COOKERY Page 4

1. The best way to store leftovers is not to create them in the first place.
Careful planning and small-batch cooking reduce leftovers.
2. Don’t mix batches.
3. Store leftover creamed vegetables for one day only. Then either use or
discard. Before storing, cool rapidly by placing the container on ice.

Storage times are different for each type of vegetables, each one has its own expected shelf life.
The guidelines below are for vegetables at their best quality. They still may be safe to eat after
the stated times as long as they are not moldy or rotten.

Cupboard/cool room temperature How long?
 Potatoes 1-2 weeks (2-3 months in a cool, dark place)
 Tomatoes 1-5 days
 Onions 1-2 months

In the fridge

 Asparagus 3-4 days

 Beans (green, wax) 3-5 days
 Beets 2 weeks
 Broccoli 3-5 days
 Cabbage 1 week
 Carrots 3-4 weeks
 Cauliflower 1 week
 Celery 1-2 weeks
 Corn 1-2 days
 Cucumbers 1 week
 Green onions 7-10 days
 Lettuce 1 week
 Mushrooms 4-7 days
 Peppers (green, red) 1-2 weeks
 Potatoes (new) 1 week
 Sprouts 3-5 days

Activity 1
Make an inventory by listing of the available vegetables in your fridge or in your
kitchen. It may also be a recent purchased received. Complete the given table for your
inventory. Add if needed.
Vegetables Date Purchased Remarks

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Activity 2
Make a list of your Top 10 favorite vegetables and be able to evaluate each using the given

Hedonic Purchase Acceptability

9 – Like extremely 5 – Definitely would 3 – Tastes great
8 – Like very much 4 – Probably would 2 – Acceptable
7 – Like moderately 3 – Might or might not 1 – Unacceptable
6 – Like slightly 2 – Probably would not
5 – Neither like or dislike 1 – Definitely would not
4 – Dislike slightly
3 – Dislike moderately
2 – Dislike very much
1 – Dislike extremely

Vegetables Hedonic Purchase Acceptability


Why did you give it highest and lowest scale? Give example dish you like it best
prepared with the highest and lowest scale.

Activity 3
In your previous activity in presenting your best vegetable dish. Be able to present a photo
document. Evaluate your dish by answering the following questions.

Add a photo of your Vegetable Dish

1. What went well with your Vegetable Dish?

2. What did not go well with your Vegetable Dish?
3. What could be improved in your Vegetable Dish?

Storing vegetables, the right way will keep them fresh and safe to eat.

Watch this short video clip for additional information on How to store vegetables.

TVL 12 - COOKERY Page 6

I. Match the following types of vegetable in Column A with the proper storage in column B.
1. Frozen Vegetables A. Check the “use by” date on the item label

2. Dried vegetables B. Stored at 0°F (–18°C) or colder

3. Canned Vegetables C. Stored as short a time as possible.
4. Fresh vegetables D. Careful planning and small-batch cooking
5. leftover vegetables E. Stored at room temperature or in a well-ventilated place
II. True or False
1.Freezing destroys harmful bacteria that can cause food poisoning.
2. If canned foods are stored properly, they have an unlimited shelf life.
3. Fruits and vegetables can carry the risk of food borne illness, just like any other food.
4. Leftovers that have been unrefrigerated for more than two hours should be discarded.
5. Storage times are all the same for each type of vegetable.

Multiple Choice:
Read each question carefully. Choose the letter that corresponds to the
correct answer.
1. Can you freeze fresh vegetables for later use?
A. Yes, you can freeze and cut-up vegetables; but it should be blanched (heat-treated)
before freezing.
B. Yes, you can freeze and cut-up vegetables and store right away
C. No, you can’t freeze vegetables.
D. not recommended
2. How long can salad vegetables be kept at room temperature?
A. for 2 hours C. for 3 hours
B. for 24hours D. for a week
3. Why should you wash vegetables before storing them?
A. not recommended
B. for keeping it fresh
C. for sale
D. you are washing away the dirt, bacteria and pesticide residues.
4. What causes vegetables to become contaminated during storage?
A. because of proper storage
B. because of lack knowledge to its best before use and proper storage
B. because of following the correct way of storing in the cupboard or in the fridge
D. because of following the best before dates
5. Where should you store vegetables?
A. depends on its classification, maybe stored in the cupboard or in the fridge
B. keep it at room temperature
C. stack in food container
D. can be stored in the fridge.
6. What evaluation can you give from the use of seasonings and flavorings in vegetable dishes?
A. they are needed only in bland foods
B. they are used to mask dull flavors
C. they are used to change the natural flavor of food
D. they enhance the natural flavor of food
7. Which of the following vegetables should not be stored in the refrigerator?
A. Potato C. Bean Sprouts
B. Carrots D. Squash

TVL 12 - COOKERY Page 7

8. In food evaluation one of which is observed. Which of the following is NOT a purpose of
A. to take attention away
B. for visual appeal
C. for color
D. for balance
9. What is sensory evaluation to food dishes?
A. Working out how much recipes cost.
B. Testing the appearance, aroma, texture and taste of food.
C. Adding color to food.
D. Checking the sell-by date on food packaging.

10. What are the basic tastes we usually concentrate when evaluating food?
A. Fruity, beery, meaty, sweet
B. Sweet, salty, bitter, sour
C. Salty, vinegary, savory, tasty
D. Bitter, cheesy, milky, salty

Given the following taglines, what tips can you give to prevent vegetable waste?

Buy only what You Need

1. _______________________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________________________

Store It to Last
1. _______________________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________________________

Track What You Have

1. _______________________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________________________

Use It All Up
1. _______________________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________________________

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Name: ______________________________ Grade: ______________ Section:____________

Quarter: __ Week: ___ Teacher:_______________________ School: ________________
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
8. 1.
9. 2.
10 3.

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.




Quarter 2-Week 4-5

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