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Procedure Sheet 07 June

Procedure for Application of Long-Term Open Access Solar Power Plant in Rajasthan

Based on the review of the procedure for grant of Long Term Open Access (“LTOA”)
procedure in Rajasthan, the following note has been drafted.

In this note, reference has been drawn to the following:

(i) “DISCOM” shall mean Distribution Company owned by the State responsible to
source power from various sources and supply it at regulated tariffs to its
(ii) “INR” shall mean Indian National Rupees
(iii) “LTOA” shall mean Long-Term Open Access for a period stipulated below to use
the intra-state transmission system or distribution system
(iv) “RVPN” shall mean the Rajasthan Rajya Vidyut Prasaran Nigam Limited, the
Company responsible for the generation, transmission, and/or distribution of
electric energy in Rajasthan.
(v) “SLDC” shall mean the State Load Dispatch responsible for optimum scheduling
and despatch of electricity within a State
(vi) “STU” shall mean the State Transmission Utility responsible for a smooth flow of
electricity from generating stations to the load centres within the state. RVPN is
the STU for the state of Rajasthan.

Sr. Particulars Authority Procedure

1. Applicability -  Long-Term Open Access licenses are
given for a period of minimum 7
(seven) years1 and maximum of 25
(twenty-five) years.

2. Application RVPN  Letter of Application for LTOA must

be addressed to the Nodal Agency2
 Accompaniments of the letter:
a. Duly filled Application Form
b. Non-Refundable Fee of INR
1,00,000/- (INR One Lakh only)3
c. Bank Guarantee of INR
10,000/MW (INR Ten Thousand
per Mega Watt)
 A copy of the letter to be sent to local

Kindly note that the period has been amended to a minimum of 7 years from 12 years by the CERC,
Director (P&R), RVPN, Jaipur, Rajasthan.
The application fee has been amended to INR 1 Lakh from INR 50,000 by the Open Access Regulations, 2016.
Reference to Regulation 10,
Procedure Sheet 07 June
3. Timeline RVPN  The STU, SLDC, and DISCOM will
decide on the status of the application
and communication is sent to the
applicant within 60 (sixty) days
 In case of strengthening of system, the
decision is communicated to the
applicant within 90 (ninety) days.

4. Extension RVPN  For extension of LTOA, application to

be sent to STU within 1 (one) year
before expiry of LTOA along with
Non-Refundable Fee of INR
1,00,000/- (INR One Lakh only)

5. Agreements RVPN  Applicant to enter into a Commercial

Agreement with the STU highlighting
charges for open access, surcharges,
non-utilization of open access
capacity, energy-losses, etc.
 Applicant to enter into Commercial
Agreement with the DISCOM
highlighting terms of use of
distribution system.
 In case of any change in the
aforementioned agreements,
Applicant to enter into a
Supplementary Agreement with
relevant party.

6. Payment Obligations  The open access charges for

consumers availing net metering shall
be settled in accordance with RERC
Net Metering Regulations, 2015, as
amended from time to time.
 As payment security towards cross
subsidy surcharge and additional
surcharge, a deposit equal to 3 (three)
months billing of these charges for
allotted open access capacity shall be
maintained with the distribution
licensee of the area of supply
 Transmission and wheeling charges
shall be payable on the basis of open
Procedure Sheet 07 June
access capacity contracted, or open
access capacity utilized, whichever is
higher. The excess open access
capacity utilized up to 5 (five) % of
open access capacity allocation,
occurring to the extent of two time-
blocks of 15 (fifteen) minutes each,
during a month, shall be exempted.
 As payment security towards
transmission charges, the customer
shall deposit an amount equal to 3
(three) months of the transmission
charges for allotted open access
capacity with the STU

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