Vectors GC

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Make Each Day

Extra-Ordinarily Special

Be a blessing everyday!
R = 5 m, north
R = 1 m, south
R = 5 m, west
R = 3 m, east
R = 3 m, 45⁰ south of west
R = 4 m, 34⁰ north of east
f) A=2 m, west & B=2 m, south
R=3 m, 45⁰ south of west R = ((2m)2 +(2m)2)1/2
R = 2.828427125 m
Note: R is not in bold type because it
involves magnitude only.

ϴ = tan-1(2m/2m)
B ϴ = 45⁰ south of west

Note: θ is taken, as a convention, relative to the E-W direction or x-axis.

g) A=3 m, east & B=2 m, north
R=4 m, 34⁰ north of east

R = ((3m)2 +(2m)2)1/2
R = 3.605551275 m
R=4m B

ϴ = tan-1(2m/3m)
ϴ = 33.69006753⁰
ϴ = 34⁰ north of east

c b

Sample Problem
Vector A has a magnitude of 145 m and is oriented 20.0⁰
clockwise from the +y-axis. Vector B has a magnitude of 105
m and points 35.0⁰ clockwise from the +x-axis. Determine the
resultant of A and B.

Since the vectors are not in the same direction, nor in opposite
directions, nor are they perpendicular, we will use the component
method to solve this problem.
In both cases, vectors A and B are components
of the resultant vector R.
Components of a Vector
• A vector V at an angle to the axes of RCS is
equivalent to two vectors that are perpendicular to
each other.
• These two vectors are called components and the
process of splitting the vector into its components is
called resolution.
• The component along the x-axis is the horizontal
component or x-component: Vx = ±Vcosθ
• The component along the y-axis is the vertical
component or y-component: Vy = ±Vsinθ

*where θ is the angle that V makes with the x-axis.

Components of Vector V
Component Method of Vector Addition:
1. For each vector to be added, determine the x- and y-components.
(Take into account the directions of the components by using + and – signs.)

2. Find the algebraic sum of the x-components and of the y-

(To determine the x- and y-components of the resultant)

3. Use the Pythagorean Theorem to determine the magnitude of the

resultant and the inverse tangent function to find the angle that
specifies the direction of the resultant.
(Since the x- and y-components are perpendicular)

Thus, this method basically converts two or more vectors

into two perpendicular vectors.
Vector A has a magnitude of 145 m
and is oriented 20.0⁰ clockwise
from the +y-axis. Vector B has a Ay A
magnitude of 105 m and points
35.0⁰ clockwise from the +x-axis.
Determine the resultant of A and B
using the component method.

Ax = +Acosϴ
Ax = +145m(cos70.0⁰) Ay = +Asinϴ
Ax = +49.59 m Ay = +145m(sin70.0⁰)
Ax = +49.6 m Ay = +136.3 m
Ay = +136 m
Vector A has a magnitude of 145 m
and is oriented 20.0⁰ clockwise from By = -Bsinϴ
the +y-axis. Vector B has a magnitude
of 105 m and points 35.0⁰ clockwise
By = -105 m(sin35.0⁰)
from the +x-axis. Determine the By = -60.23 m
resultant of A and B using the
component method. By = -60.2 m

Bx = +Bcosϴ
Bx = +105m(cos35.0⁰) By
Bx = +86.01 m
Bx = +86.0 m
Ax = +49.6 m Ay A
Bx = +86.0 m
Rx = +135.6 m

Ay = +136 m
By = -60.2 m By
Ry = +76 m
Thus, the components of R are:
Rx = +135.6 m and Ry = +76 m
Since both components are +, R lies in the 1st Q of RCS.


R = (Rx2 + Ry2)1/2 ϴ = tan-1(Ry / Rx )

R = ((135.6m)2 + (76m)2)1/2 ϴ = tan-1(76m/135.6m)
R = 154.92 m ϴ = 29.3⁰
R = 155 m ϴ = 29⁰

Thus, R = 155 m, 29⁰ relative to + x-axis

Problem Solving

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