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Sr. No. 0gG

'fotal Questions
Question Booklet Series t DJ
: 60
'l'imeAllowed : 70 Minutes Roll No. :

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.tJ-325-I) 1 ['furn over

1. T'he process of preserving food by rapid freezing L All the following are sulphrir containing amino acids

lollowed by dehydration under vacuum is called : found inproteins except :

(A) lyophilisation
(A) Cysteine
(B) Cystine
0f) Sterilisation
(C) Methiorrine
(C) Cold dehydration
(D) Cryopreservation 0ll Tlrreouirte

8' The general fbrmula of po11'sacchaltdes is :

2. Which one of the following statements is true ' (A) (C6HroO5),,

(A) Allbacteriaareharmful.
(B) (C6H1'O5),,
(B) Somebacteriaareharmflil (c) (c6t{roo6),,
(C) No bacteriaare harmful (D) (C6llroo5)4
(D) Only bacterial spores are harmful g. In humans the conversion of carotenoicls to it:utrin
What is the correct operating temperature for a "
A takes place predominatttlv in :

retrigerator ? (A) Intestine

(A) 1"C to 4'C rBl 1i.1-L:..
0f) 5uC to 63oC C L'.:r.
(C) -- 18"C iDr Slur
(D) 100'c 10. Kuasl-riorkol' occllrs n'hett the iici -s severely
4. In comparison to raw rice bran, parboiled rice bran deficientin:
contains: (A) Iron
(A) [,ess starch and more oil (B) Calories
(B) More starch and less oil (C) Proteins
(C) More starch and more oil (D) Essentialfattl'acids
The high nutritive value of cheese is due to
(D) I-ess starch and less oil 11' :

fhe fbllowing technique/method can be used to

(A) Flighmineralcontents

estimate protein content in milk :

(B) Flighproteincontents
(A) Phenol-SulftricAcid (C) -laste and flavor
(B) I(jeldahl (D) A11 of the above
(c) NMR t2. The application of any effective method or sr-tbstance
(D) Diphenylamine to a clean surface lbr destruction of pathogen is
Principal protein inbovine milk is : called:
(A) Albumin (A) Pasteurisation
(B) Lactzrlbtunin (B) HighTemperatureTreatment
(C) Casein (C) Sanitiution
(D) Lactoglobulin (D) Cleaning

JJ-325-I) 2
tJ. linergy value of a food is measrred in terr:-rs
trl : !9. ln batch fernentation, this duing the final
can occur
(A) Carbohyclrates growth phases while procluct concentrations
(B) Fats higlr,
(C) Proreins (A) Procluctinhibition
(D) Calorie-s
@) Intennediateinhibition
14. ])estmction r.: '. r,.;-- :ltz,.lt- is r-rsed as an index of (C) Substrateinhibition
qtrne,'-[ lT-
JLrpLt-lj .-
l.- -.:-,-J.l_:.. l- (D) None ofthe above
(.\ f 20. In this phase, the net specific growth rate
is same,
B Lipase
measured by either cell number or cell lrass
(C) Lactoperoxidase
(A) Lap

(D) All ofthe abor.t (B) I-ae

15. Ifall the obsen-ations are ntLrltiplied by
3, then : (C) Exponential
(A) Neri. SD ,,.,.,1jC L.e also multiplied by 3
@) All ofthe above
(B) Neu SD ri ould be one-half of the previous 21. With respect to their surroturding
membrane system,
which is the odd one out ?
(C) \e,,i .-:D u oulcl be increased by 3
(A) Nuclens
(D) Ne ir -.ip ri oulcl be clecreased by 3 (B) Endoplasmicreticulum
16. l'he coerjlire nt oi-ariation (CV) for
a sample, with (C) Mitochondria
mean: 100 and SD: 10- is
(D) Chloroplasts
(A) 0.1 ,,_.
22. Which ofthe following cells cioes not
(B) 10 belong to the
myeloid lineage ?
(c) 100 % (A) Macrophages
(D) 200 % (B) Neuhopliils
17'. 'Ihirty peopie were ad,tiited ur a hospital (C) Mastcells
for the
treatment of particLrlar iilness : 14 r,vere admitted
a (Dl NI( cells
fbr I clay ; 10 l.or 2 da1 s. and 6 fbr 3 iiays.
What is 23. Which ofthe following is responsible
the mode tbr da1,s aclrnitteci in lxrspital
for seconclarv
: immuneresponses ?
(A) I
(A) Mediated by naive lymphocy.tes
(B) 2
(B) Mediated by memory lymphocytes
(c) 3
(D) (C) Mediated by effector lymphocytes
18. What type of data do you need for a chi_squar (D) Mediated by anribodies
e 24. A recombinant DNA molecule
test ? is produced by joining
(A) Categorical together:
(B) Scales (A) OnemRNAwithaDNA segmenr
(C) Ordinal (B) OnemRNAwithatRNAsegment
(D) Parametric (C) TwomRNAmolecules
(D) TwoDNAsegments
.i- [Tirrn over
25. Conversion ofexcess glucose to glycogen is known 31. Thinking about photosl,nthesis and respiration in
AS: plants, which statementis conect ll
(A) Galactogenesis (A) Photosynthesis is the opposite oirespiration
(B) Glycolysis (B) Photosynthesis and respiration both occur in
(C) Glycogenesis plants
fl)) Glycogenolysis
(C) Only, photos),nthesis occurs inplants
26. Rickets rnay arise in children that do not receive
(D) Respiration for maintenance and growth only
occurs in the dark
(A) MtaminA
)1_ Which spice is a great natural remedr-for nausea
(B) Bgroupvitamins
and motion sickness ?
(C) Vtamin C
(D) VitaminD (A) Ginger
21 . Whichofthe following is/are cltokinin(s) :
@) Blackpepper
(A) Ben1ylaminopurine (C) Mustard seed
(B) Indole-3-butyric acid (D) Cuxin
(C) Indole-3-aceticacid JJ. Oxyhaemoglobin dissociates into oxygen and
(D) All ofthe above haemoglobinat:
28. I(ashrniri (local) name fbrArtemisia absinthium is : (A) Low oxygen pressure in tissues
(A) I{ahZaban (B) I-Iigh oxygen pressure in tissues
(B) Tethwan (C) High Carbondioxide ievel
((l) Sozposh (D) Never dissociates
(D) Zakhmihayat 34. Which ofthe following represents bile salts ?
. 2L). In margarine manuf'acture, hydrogen is added to (A) Bilirubinandbiliverdin
tursafurated lats to saluratethem andproduce amore
@) Flaemoglobinandbiliverdin
solicl product. fhis is an exarnple of :
(C) Sodium glycocholate and taurocholate
(A) Hydrolysis
(B) Carbonation @) Bilirubinandhaemoglobin
35. Curdling ofmilk in stomach occurs due to
(C) Hydrogenation :

(D) Rancidity (A) Rerurin

30. (B) Renin

_ transport is a naturally occurring
phenomenon and does notrequire the celi to expend (C) Trypsin

energy to accomplish the movement. (D) Chynohlpsin

(A) Active 36. Green house gases include :

(B) Passive (A) CO2' CFC' CH4' N20

(C) I{yper (B) co,, N2' No2' 02' NH.
(D) A11 ofthe above (c) cH4' N" CO2' NH.
@) cFC, CO2' NH.,' N2

JJ-325*I) 4
37 ' The dirnensions for "de,sity" are : .
43 which atomic orbitar is sphericar
(A) LT-2 in shape ?
(A) 2s
(B) ML{
(B) 3P
(c) MLr, (c) 3d
(D) ML-rT-2 (D) 4t
38 ' Fundamental equation that
relates presswe to fluid's 44 . which one ofthe following thermodynamic
speed and height is known
as : is not a state fi:nction ?
(A) Equdionofmntinuity (A) Gibbsfreeenergy
(B) Bemoulli'sequarion (B) Enthalpy
(C) Lightequation (C) Enrropy
(D) Speedequation @) Work
39. Lightyearisaunitof : 45' A positron has a mass number.of
(A) TIrrE c,r2r*9of .;;;"*m;"?
@) ustfr a(an) --.....-.----.
(C) Distance (A) 0, 1+, Proton
@) Intensiryoflight @) l'2*'Proton

ofthe object for 3l ljl:,'::ff;
46. calcurate the distance between
(A)Anobjectthatsinks two charges of 4c
1 -
@) Anyobjectzubmergedparriallyorcompletely (A)
inafluid 1

(C) Anobjectthatfloats [B) 1.5

, (C) 2
@) Noobjectsubmergedtoanyextentinafluid @) 2.5
41 ' A temperafure change of
1.0 "c is equivalentto
ralhat 47 ' For anucleus with nuclear spin
quantum number
temperature change in
Fahre4foeit ? I: Yz,what are the values
ofml ?
(4) 1.0 "F (A) +Yz, + I
@) "F
1.8 (B) +,/,,-y,
(c) 32 "F (C) 0, + I
@) 212'F @) *t/z, o
42' when amass 'm' oficemelts 48' which element has the ground
and becomes liquid state electronic
water : configuratio n ls2,2s2 2pu
3s, 3p, 2
(A) The ice absorbs larent heat (A) Si
(B) The ice gives out latent heat (B) p
(C) Theicedoesnotexchange (C) S
(D) None ofthe above
@) CI
aooo [Tirrn over
contains aplanar 53 ' Multiplication of the con-rpler nunrbers'
4L) . Which ofthe following compouncls (7 - 51) (6 r 4i), gives :

C, ring ? (.\) 62 t 2\
(A) CYcloPentzu'ie (B) 11 - 2i

(B) CYciobtrtane (C) 11 - 2t'

(C) CYcloProPane (D) 62 -2i
A) CYclohexane
54' Diiferentiating Y = -
x'' u ith respectto x' glves :

about ethanol
50. Which statement is incorrect
(EIOI{) ?
(A) 2x5

Hydrogen boncling occurs between

(A) (B) ^j x" i5x)

molecules in neat EtOH

(B) The OH group in EIOH is hydrophobic 1.

rCr Jt
(C) Ethanol is miscible with r'r'ater
rDt '-b \
(D) Flydrogen bonding occt'ns betr'r'een E'IOH ar-Ld
HrO molecules in aqueous E'IOH
51 . Which expression represents the foilowitlg
sum :

55. Thecorrectsolutionforthe integral'

*n-d*7 (A) 2*+c


(A) )-,1t _1
;=l (B) 2i,

.1 1
-)^ a

21 (c) z*+c
((-) +,1- (D) **,
(x-3) gives :

-l 1
56. (x3 - 5x2 -2x+24) dividedby
(D) )-, ; (A) -x2+2x+8
52. Reanange the following expresslo
ntomakeYthe (B) -* -Zx-&
subject : ln (4Yr):2 (C) xz *2x-8
tl (D) x2+2x+8
(n) , =\l
o [t o ,l i'
(B) y=ei s7 rhe rank c,rthe matrix
[o I i]
,4 -
(c) V= (A) 0

l1 (B) 1

'-!2t,, (c) 2
(D) 3

JJ-325-l) oaao
58. If fr- : 3r - 4, what is f(ar -r- 1 ) equal ti_r
:'. :
60. For a reaction 2A + Il -+ 21,with the rate equation
(Al .. -1.r - 3 :

(llt ,, --ra:-3 Rate:k[A]'][B]:

(C, -,'-a2-6 (A) TheorderwithrespecttoAis 1 andthe overall
(Dr a--3a-3 order is 1

5 9. The diclromate ion :1:-,i rl-rs ltgJrt ofrvavelength close (B) The order with respect toAis 2 ancl the overall
to 500 nm. Basel _,:: :l:s rnformation, whatcanyou
order is 2
conclude -
(A) T:re :1-;::-:,;:rare ior-r absorbs outsidethe visible (C) The order with respect to A is 2 and the overall
1r I -'-
Ll-^!i order is 3
(B) Sillons ofthe dichromate ion are colotuless (D) The order with respect to B is 2 and the overali
(C) The dicluomare ion absorbs in the ultraviolet
order is 2

(D) The dichrornate ion absorbs within the visible


u-325-D 7
The cl]@tomtiradon ofle@ lithFfeMe 10 Whichofthe lollowing is not th limiting factor in
nomd @ndidm ofPholosrni!*is ?
(A) Cell qall. @llndbrane, trsl ,Pl6tid
(B) tidn
(B) cellsan. nudas, nbosome. otonosome q'l@ptvu
(C) Cell menbimq milocLondJi4 nbosome

(D) cell membtuq nbosone, nilochondna

Tne phse of a cell cycle wilh a pmod of intense

s)nth6n md gFsl! constlrutinsabout 90% ofel
@) lturcden divisim
ComzrG @Elally,itamindsilad$ involved

(A) Oxidation andtdEtionEacrioB

(c) Bofi (A) corer

and (B) aE
Ok@h naehenls re sldBized on : (D) NeithE (A) nor (B) c colRl
(A) t ading $red duitrgEpli(aion
Medicin l pl 6 have rheir tbeapeuric action
(B) Lrgsing slEndduilgEpljc.don
(c) Silat slrand duingn@qiption
(D) Irlto6duingtarseFion
1. The tem erzrre m coined bY :

Molecul* olnatuFl poly usatuaEd fartv eids in

(C) WfieLn rne&ich (iiine lqetalle onhn :
(A) 18 6bod atom *ith one caibon cdbon
Trck odd one out r*i resletlo Fdulia iDclioN double bond i! cis cdigElion
(r) 18 ctrbon atotr
ai lean N\b cdbo''
ca6on doubG bonds in cis onngu"tio
(c) 18 cebon atotr wiih ore cdboHdbon
lias @,lnguation
dou6lc bond in
(D) 20 cdbon atom $ii\ at ledt Mo cdhon_
6. Brcakdou ofa ploton gradieft develoled duing dbon dounLe bonds in cis onheuation
chmiososis leadsb 6e El6e of : 12. Cnnss ddhmenc de sPi6 @defru:
(A) nle imerbdkoft es

(c) Enqe/ (c) Dliednomrbuds

@) F@mted ad &ied bsies

B.O.D. md C.O.D, m two impoflanr pa@€td Accordins to Bemoulli's €qution, whft sleed n
for eslabtsning \ratei pollution dd for polluted
(A) H&
(A) B.O.D. is 2lmy4 les thu C.O.D, (B) tw
@) B.o.D. is alwys staler th,n c.o.D.
(c) B.o.D. is alwrts cqual to c.o.D.
Wnat isihe plilciple forheasumertof the velNity
(D) B O.D. ofware! mot be prcdicnqd

Bufed.g oFrityofblood is @tibuidby :

{A) M,sEroslicion efdr

(q l6ulh
Entropy chmC. dep.nds on :

r5 rthe pEofstotrEc! is L6, ln.n $irich en4me pill

(c) chlrgeoflenpmrre
(D) lllmodydic s(ale

c+olrcor ; AIlo = xkJ

2CO+O:+ 2COl r AH'= -yld
olfmtiotr of@bon nonoxide will
The aan\alpy
fte nomone/s cotrEolli4tled gleose ldcl ce
(A) () 2x)r2
(B) 0 2x)
(c) (2x ))
(g Bod,hrlEdd GnEspn (D) (x y!2
t_l On. oflh€ best solve*s fo! ionic conpounds in
(D) Neilhalns'n Mclucaed aeordace ofthei! dielecEic consels (D) ar 2s1:
'Ile dim*iotuIfotuulaofEle€y@h. :

(A) MrLlT 'r (A) solventwirh, D = 78.5

(B) MrLlT (B) Solvcnr wirE D = 32 6
(c) sorldlwilt! D =24.3
(D) Solved widr. D:20 ?
ao) MrL?T4
rlhgth of\lne h I n ud coss-sectional eea (A) MRI does not inv.lve x-rays or lhe use of
5 x I l}rDl. eta wne is srEt hedtuoughI lm i@izingndiatioq whichdistinguishes irtm
by a for@ of 10,000 N. YouE\ modulus ofwire CT or CAT $m md IET s@s
(B) Magnelic No.mce inasin8 is a medical
applicationof nucledmagneticresonan@
2 x 10' Nnr or}tr{)
@) (C) MRI sas orieinalLy called NMRI (Nclear
nusneticlts@ inaCine)

Ddiation non Beertmbed lav Eshs in c6e
somert of nnromethme h l1
Thc obsefled diPole
hiehr drd ine dipole nof,ent calculatcd fion i1s
ft is b€caue oll (A) EieNY€nmEaEdelurioB
srrulual de$nPtions.
(B) As$cndcn ofana!1e
(C) DissociationofdElrte
(c) lnducbv.esEl
Wtichofthc folosine d] 5 is/dc $r$ctic ?
o) None ottheabove
Ir6e ofDNA slrucluc, ba$ is c@dedlo d@4''

(A) Tw hydsgetrbo.ds
(B) A coaalcnlboid
if (x) = Ix sitr p xl {rheE lxl daoles gr'atest
(C) TbEchydrog bonds
inteed nenon), $m{x) n :

The .flinmumrtaintv in thelei@iq ofabul€i

(B) contin@B in (-I,0)
{eiehing L
s and whose Position is knoM wi6
(C) Difiddtiable atx= I
(D) Difermtiable in (-1. 1)

lr nF sl6on ot dre des|l , =

A!isolopehaving loo hish notro,tpslonntio m (A) Y= ls

(B) y-51nr
(c) y= 15C 5
(D) y= lser-3
i5. r t*o nomal al P md Q of a p@bola vr = 4d
inteMct al a third point R on [E cNq then the
29 The acidic cneactd oipheDol c&te explained podrct ofodiores ofP md Q is :

(A) RBol,Mefecr (B) 8o'

(q 2^'
(c) E)Fr@njugation
@) AI orr,'E above 16. The slope of&e nomral to the cwe
lO. Vhich mong the following conecnv detues x1+ xr + 3xy + )r +5 = 0
(A) ftehave sme magniude butdifcmtsigs (A) 5/8
oloPdcal iolation
(B) -r8
@) No$dlerinposableobjetni@rElatiomhip (c) 8/s
(C) Tlcc difs in an plvsical pioFrhs
(D) S.paEtion G rery difficdli (D) -8/5

nF(!20648 A
l?, Desre ofa pobronial Ep€sc.ted itrx is the : 1.1. u,iEr is baking soda uscd for in bal€d ?
(a) trsest cefrcients olx (A) To male dousn sweder
@) Smalldt ccmciqalofx (B) doucl bate fater
To malGrhe
(c) Lo\resrposdorx (C) Usd a a leavenins agml in bared soods
(D) Hiendpovdofx (D) To nake Lhe doush look norc ediblc
Ifbr 4ac < 0. t\m roots ol d'+ bx + c
Milk Gmenlad.n to pmdu€ cb* i.inally isdone

(A) t pp.o.o.c* 1ds edkclobacillN speies

@) Sacch4tuhryces ceDisiae
Ifde&mimi ola idix is equal ro u rq then it is
(c) Acetob&ts md Gluobacler
@) lnctobacillus6 sdic"s StrtPtacocil

Belov gih & two stllemmls ,boul the sloBse

olmcar ar lowtenpdal'ft l
I. A lor ofchmges l,re plae inmeai on slcnng
Mari* A who ndtiplied si{r Malrix C eiv6 lhe al chilled iomFciatue. These ohdge nucle
iddtty ednx I, Lhm c will be :
2. lle above proces is callcd aeeinE or

(A) I stalene ish.

G) B.d salements ae trae
\\hat is &e lorblanclins (ime6ing (C) Onlt 2 satcnent is true
in bot se) vegebble dunls @ins ?
(])) Both sbcmenc m falsr
(A) To ehetrtbeprot@rs b nll6.ila
1; {tich ofthe follo$ing h6 hielest SDA valw ?
@) 10 denarE eo4h6rh,l cnesemlor
(C) To ftdG mimbial popuiation

Sodim bsmare is added forpEs@adon ofmosl

(c) Egc
of&idic 6:uitjuics usudly in Lbe @nentatim of (D) NC,eo
(A) 0.06-0.10% ccod ils to BI S speci icaii.ns rolal mi lk solid
(B) 0.10.5% pdmbecinondeNedmilkis :

(c) 0.006-0.01% (A) 27

@) 0.J-1.0% (B) 29
4l whicn oldE folloeinc is NoT a siep indE pr{is (c) ll
invoh€d in dry milinsofnaia ? 0)) 35
Themaimh buffding capacriy ofa butrais :

(A) I pH uilbelo{ ns pK
(B) SiijrE I pE unit above its pK
(c) Remval ormoislw
(D) pK h6 m corcm wilh de bufioilg mpa.1q

(A) Polyechdide
55 Ulhedoubinsrnrc.rabrrerhal0mi^)urrnc
{ lh No brrcna intr a t}, rhc numberolbrchr;
prcdlced in 3 houB wil be l

(A) t6
None oftbe abole
Myoslobin. vben @mbined with oxl,gen,
(g 12
so a (c) 64
Bdrrut Pjee o{Ed hqt wil be . (D) 128
56. whichisnotaadrahs.or r. iEmmred food
(B) BoB ?
(c) BriEhiEd
lAl Mdl,es6eroodmuE Jrpen,b e
rB) Ircr6e {orase tile
52 (c) sln$stevitahiN
Pinerplgmrain!rcErnis$rirnsozyrd6elled (D) &.i6e incsiinal mieon E
snjcb 6 knoM fd i6 powern abitirvro
57. illhelzlue or y reeE$ion coefitctenr u m.ln
bEaJ. doq pmhin chaiE is

51. Fug NDll) tuc N^

rhe ed rood maen, D lne i8 rne rcm rcae$ion \.as uscd 5v:

r @) starch

(c) arycocen
@) lipids 59. reitmetic mee
54. Co6 derLhetoUowine6crssbo!trhesinctecelt is DulriDlied to oefficienr
veiadon lletrresutting,alE is ct6sire{i 6 :
l. (A) coenicienrofdcvlarion
Single celt prctcins rcfers io tle some
p@EiN whjlh m er&red iiom
of (B) Coefdcient oancd
,nale cell
orE@jns litr atgae J 61bo.Eri& d6nei
(c) SLDddd d.riati..
nomE!, Erch onasi.ultur, sm 40. llmcui! tl udm.didi! [.$-\r]u.oam.dc
2. M@Beistave aaliliry !c upstulelow
pmlon contet ed this Dhqomfton Mc
emplqd duing Fi^1 Wdld lth bv Cmmc
ChoordE@ftctmw ftom l!. @d* orn
hrlow: (c) ll
(D) t?

Sr. No. ............039......

Total Questions': 60
Question Booklet Series IA I

TimeAllowed , ...: 70 Minutes Roll No. :

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DAJ-11109-A [Tirrn over


of fatty substances is
Respiratory quotient
adjacent plant .1
bridge between two
t. The cytoplasmic (A) UnttY
cellsis: 19) Zerc
(A) Middle lamella (C) More than one
(B) Printarywall 0D) Less than one
(C) Secondary wall 8.
o' To produce 3 glucose
(D) Plasmodesmata j-
homologous chromosomes towards (A) 54' 36
z. The movement of (B) 54'30
'.' opposite p-oles occurs
, (C) 36' 60
(A) TeloPhase
6p) l8'I2
(B) AnaPhase-l g' Clove is a:
(C) AnaPhase-l I (A) Seed
(D) -MetaPhase .. ,a
to be discovered
3. resffiction
The first endonuclease
[] lilll,"roru
was: (D) Vegetativebud
(A) Hind lt ,0. WhichofthefollowingisNOTtrue?
(B) .EcoR I (A) Tea is a product of leaves of a
Coffee is a product
of seeds
tCl- nu* ff f .u)
the green tea
reactions is used for
4. Which of the following
concentration of
oil contains a very high
11 . olive
(A) rsomerization
(B) Phosphorylation ||l N"fi:Iffi::'ff":::'
(C) Immobilization (C) Saturated fatty acids
(D) Polymerization ip) Both (B) & (C)
regarding cytokinins
5. All the statements are true rz. coirofcommercialimportancecomesfromwt
except: ofcoconut?

(A) Promote cell division (A) EPicarP

(B) DelaY senescence (B) MesocarP
(C) Seed coat
(C) Induce dormancY
(D) EndocarP
(D) Counteract aPical dominance . PtYlin acts in a medium that is:
is mismatched?
6. Which of the following (A) SlightlYacidic
(A) VitaminA-XeroPhthalmia (B) StonglY acidic
(B) Vitamin D- Rickets (C) StronglY alkaiine
(C) VitaminK-Beriberi (D) SligtrtlYalkaline
(D) Vitamin C -ScurvY
DAJ-1110e-A &

14. Onehaemoglobincarries moleculesofoxygen: 21. Convective heat transfer is expressed by the equation:

(A) 4 (A) q:h A(T,-T,)

(B) 2 (B) q:h A/ (Tr-T,)
(c) 6 (C) q:KA(T,-T,)/ dx
a)8 (D) q:K A dx/(T,-Tr)
15. Blood transfusion is possible between groups: 22. Allhydrogen atoms :

(A) DonorA & reciPient O (A) Have the same resonance frequency
(B) DonorB&reciPientA (B) Resonate at different frequencies depending on
I (C) DonorAB & reciPient O the environment
@) DonorO&reciPientAB (C) Resonate at about the same frequency as
I6. B-cells produce antibodies in response to instructions carbon
(D) Don't resonate at all
(A) KillerT:-cells
L). Magnetron is:
(B) Suppressor T-cells
(A) Anamplifier
(C) Moistcells
(D) HelPer cells
(B) An oscillator

17. Young's modulus is defined as :

(C) A phase shifter

(A) The ratio of linear strain to the normal stress @) Both (A) and (C)
aA Entropy of athermodynamic system does not change
@) The ratio of normal stress to the strain
(C) Product of linear strain and noimal stress when this system is used for:

(D) Square ofratio of normal stress to strain (A) Conduction of heat from a hot reservoir to a
cold reservoir
18. Dimensional formula for latent heat is :

(A) M2I:l-2 (B) Conversion of heat into work isobarically

(B) ML',Q-' (C) Conversion of heat into internal energy

(C) L2T-2 isochorically

(D) None of these (D) Conversion of work into heat isothermally

19. A fluid of density d and viscosity 11 flowing with an

is 25. The ratio between the neutrons in C and Si with
rt average velocity v in a pipe of radius r. The Reynolds' respect to atomic masses 12 and 28 is:
number is given bY: (A) 2:3
(A) R:2rvdl4 (B) 3:2
' (B) R: rvd/ q (C) 3:7
(C) R: rvd/ rl2 (D) 7:3
(D) R:2n1vld "-) A I -) YB*, the value of x and y is
26. "' U n, :

" 20. Choose the correct statement:

(A) 90,234
(A) Sound waves are transverse waves
(B) 9t,234
(B) Sound travels faster through vacuum
(C) Sound travels faster in solid than in gases
(c) 9r,238

(D) Sound waves can be Polarized

(D) 92,234

DAJ-lll09-A [Turn over

27. Arrange the following aqueous solutions in order of 33. The focus of the parabola y2-x-2y + 2: 0 is :

their increasing boiling points: (A) (sl4,r)

i. 104 M NaCl (B) (l/4,0)
ii. 10{ M Urea (c) (1, 1)
iii, l0r M MgCl, (D) None of these
iv. 104 M NaCl aA
J+. Let f{2): 4 and f ' Q)=4, 1Y1"n
(A) i) < ii < iv) < iii)
(B) " ii) < i): iii) < iv) ( xf(z)-2f(x))
Lmt..-r[-=--) .
is given by:
(9,,.,,ii) < i) < iii) <iv)
,(D)*" iv<iiijci):ii) (A) 2

28. Natural rubber is a polymer of: (B) 2

(A) Styrene (c) -4
(B) Ethylene (D) 3

(C) Butadiene 35. l+i2+ i4 +i 6+ ............ i2nis :

(D) Isoprene (A) Positive

29. The number of sigma and pi bonds in 1-butene-3-yne (B) Negative

are: (C) Zero
(A) 5 sigma and 5 Pi (D) Cannot be determined

(B) 7 sigma and 3 pi 36. The eccentricity ofthe rectangular hyperbola is:
(C) 8 sigma and 2 pi (A) 2

(D) 6 sigma and 4 pi (B) 4z

30. Phenol is converted into salicylaldehyde: (c) 0

(A) Etard reaction (D) None of those

(B) Kolbe reaction 3-x22
(C) Reimer-Tiemann reaction \
If the matrix 2 4 -x 1 is singular,
(D) Cannizaro Reaction \\St
-2 -4 -1-x
JI. HaloformtestisNOTgivenby:^ .\'c X' / then the value of x is:
(ei Fomardehyd" CNY$Y'/ (A) 0,3
.(B) Acetyldehyde Fl
(B) 0,4
(C) Acetone (c) 3,4
(D) cr-phenylethylalcohol (D) 3,1
nt Units of rate constants for first and zero order reaction 38. If a > 1, roots ofthe equation (1 - a)x'? * 3ax -1 :
s in terms of molarity (M) are respectively: are:

(A) Sec-r, M Sec-r (A) One positive and one negative

(B) Sec-r, M (B) Both negative
(C) M Sec-r, Sec-r (C) Both Positive
(D) M, Sec-r (D) Bgth non-real comPlex

DAJ-11109-A 4
39, The number of real roots of (x*3)a +(x+5)a:16 is: Operation flood is related to :

(A) (A) Rice

(B)2 (B) Fish
(c) 4
(c) Mlk
(D) None of these
(D) oils
40. IfA and B are symmetric matrices of order n (A+B),
46. Fat content o,f double toned milk is:

(A) A+B is skew-symmetric (A) t5%

(B) A+S is symmetric
@) 2%


(C) . A+B ii a diagonal matrix 2.s%

(D) A+B is zero matrix (D) 3%

41. Bacteria are involved in the production of: 47. The pigment responsible for colour of fresh meat is:
(A) Nectar (A) Anthocyantn
(B) Vinegar (B) Haemoglobin
(C) Jam (C) Myoglobin
(D) Squash (D) All of these
A'\ Jelly in which fruit pieces are suspended is known as:
48. Candling in egg is done to:
(A) Jam (A) Judge the egg quality
(B) Jelly (B) Preserve the eggs
(C) Marmalade (C) Break the eggs
(D) Squash (D) All ofthese
43. Continuous use of polished rice in countries with rice 49: CroHrrO, is chemical forryrula of:
as staple food leads to :
(A) Arachidic acid
(A) Scurvy
(B) Arachidonic acid
(B) Beriberi
(C) Linolicacid
(C) Both of these
(D) StearicAcid
(D) None of these
50. Which enzyme is responsible for brown discoloration
44. The brown crust of bread during baking is due to millard of cut fruits?
reaction between:
(A) Amylase
(A) Protein and sugar
(B) Lipase
(B) Sugar and vitamins
(C) Protease
(C) Sugar and salt
(D) PolyphenolOxidase
(D) Starch and lipids

DAJ-11109-A f, iT.r.o or".

of 56. Which of .the following is NOT true about
51. The following polysaccharide is composed
bacterium responsible for botulism?
B-glycosidic bonds:
(A) Starch (A) Belongs to genera Clostridium

(B) Glycogen (B) Is anaerobic

(C). Producesneurotoxin
(C) Dextrin
(D) Cellulose (D) ProduceshePato-toxin
The"sum of mode and median of
following data
52. What is the temperature at which water reaches
12, I5,11, 13, 18, 11, 13,12,13 is
maxiinum densitY?
(A) @)
lAht-roo'c.* (B) oococ 26 31

(D) 40 (c) (D) 2s

fil 4"c 36
53. 70s ribosomes in bacteria consist of:
Sg. tf the total sum of squares is 20 and sample
is 5. then total number of observations
(A) Two 40s subunits (B)
(B) a 50s and a 30s subunit (A) ls 2s

(c) 4 (D). 3s
(C) a 40s and a 30s subunit
59. If coefficient of determination is equal to 1' thet
(D) a 50s and a 20 s subunit
correlation coeffi cient:
54. Sauerkraut is a fermented product of:
(A) Must also be equal to 1

'I (A) SoYbean (B) .|i

Can be either -1 or
(B) Cabbage (C) Can be any value between -l and +i
(C) Cauliflower (D)
Must be -l
(D) Radish
Chi-square test is used for:
55 Which of the following is not an asexual spore?
(A) Goodness of tit
(A) Conidium (B) ComParingvariances
(B) Oidium (C) ComParison of means
(C) SprangiosPore (D) AII ofthe above
(D) AscosPore

DAJ:11109_A @

1. The strengthofan appliedmagneticfield inNMR is measuredin :
(A) MHz (B) Lumens
(C) Newtons (D) Teslas

2. Thedimensionsofviscosityare:
(A) MrLi'I'el (B) M,L1'\'?01
(C) MrLlrl e, (D) M,r-lIo o,'

3. continuouslyasit is propagated
Intensityof a soundwavedecrcases througha liquid
(A) Spreadingloss (R) r\ttenuationloss
(C) Neither(A) nor (B) (D) Iloth (A) and(B)

(A) 72Pa (R) 288 Pa

(C) t44 Pa (D) 0

5. ratioof normalstressto thevolumestrainwithin theelasticlimits is called:
(A) Bulkmodulus (B) Modulusofrigidity
(C) Poisson's
ratio ([)) Young'smodulus

6. If the deformationin a body is small,the stressin a body is proportionalto the

correspondingstrain. fact is known as :
(A) Young'sLaw (B) Stoke'sLaw
(C) Bemoulli'stheorem (D) Hook'sLaw

7. Microrvaveswerediscoveredby :
(A) Herchell (B) Herrz
(C) Marconi (D) Bacquenel

8. Taketheoddoneout:
(A) Range @) QuartileDeviation
(C) lvlean (D) MeanDeviation

9. Duringcellulersmetabolismsomedestructiveandhighly reactivechemicalspecies
within :
(A) Peroxisomes (B) Tonoplast
(C) fubosomes (D) Golgicomplex

10. In which of thefollowing phasesofcell division,centromeresplitsinto two
(A) felophasc (B) Anaphasc
(C) Metaphase (D) Prophase

I 1. Most ofthe genemutationsare :

(A) Recessivetonormalallele
(B) Dominanttonormalallele
(C) tethal
(D) More beneficialthannormalaliele

12. Which ofthe fbllowing functionsis performedby restrictionendonuclezses
(A) CleavingofDNA at specificsequence
(B) JoiningoftwoDNAmolecules
(C) MakingaDNAcopyofRNAmolecule
(D) All the above

13. Theendproductsofpynrvatemetabolismin aerobicrespirationare:

(A) EthanolandCO, (B) Only CO,
(C) CO, and water (D) Lacticacid

14. Whichof thefollowing is activefcrrmof vitaminA ?

(A) Reinol Gr) Retinal
(C) Retinoicacid (D) Alltheabove

czB-29329(B) [lurn over

15. Which ofthe following statements
pertiains photophosphorylation
to nonc-vclic ?
(A) Onlyphotosystemlisinvolved
(B) AlPistheonlyusefulproduct
(C) PhotosystemI is first electrondonor
(D) NADP is the lastelectronacceptor

16. Someviableseedsdonotgerminatedespite
Suchseedsaresaidto be :
(A) Nonviable (B) Recessive
(C) l)orrnant (D) t.huipe

17. Whichofthe followingis brinial?

(A) Solanumtuberosutn (B) Solarnurn
(C) Solurumnigrum (D) None ofthe above

I 8. Which ofthe fbllowing oils containsgosslrpol'/

(A) Coconut Gli Sesame
(C) Soybean ii)) Cotton seed

19. Whichofthefbllowingis garlic'/

(A) Alliumcepha (B) Alliumporum
(C) Alliumsativum 0l) None ofthe above

is roasting.Its purposers :
20. Oneofthe stepsin coffeeprocessing
(A) To developaroma @) To inactivatemicrobes
(C) To destroyantinutritional
factors (D) Allthe above

2l . Thenumberofpolypeptidechainsin haemoglobinmoleculeis :
(A) 2 @ ) 3
(c) 4 @ ) s

22. Pylorusis:
(A) Distalopeningofstomach
(B) Junctionofesophagusandstomach
(C) Jtmctionofsmallandlargeintestine
(D) DistalopeningofTrachea

23. Taketheoddoneout:
(A) Dendrite (R) Neuron
(C) Nephron (D) Aron

24. A substance
which doesnot occurin naturebut is introducedbv humanactivitv into
affectingits compositionis called:
(A) Contaminant (F]) pollutant
(C) Additive (D) Adulrant

25. Whichofthe followingis usedlor clarificationof liuit"fuices?

(A) Pectinase (B) Glucoseoxidase
(C) I{exokintue (D) Catalase

26. Whichofthe followingcameintoexistencein the.vear

2006 /
(A) Food Saf-ety
and Standards
Act @) F'pO
(C) PFO (D) All theabove

27. Safemoisftrecontentfor storage

is :
(A) 30 % (B) 33%
(c) 23% a) 8%

28. Proteincontentofcerealsis
(A) sffi}% (B) 4s-s5%
(c) 20-2s% (D) 7-ts%

czB-29329(B) [Tirrn over

29. After slaughterof ananimal,thepH of its muscle:
(A) lncreases
(B) Decreases
(C) Doesnotchange
(D) Increasesin the beginningandthendecreases

30. Which of thefbllowing is usedin meatcuring
(A) Sodiumnitrate (B) Carboxymethylcellulose
(C) Gelatin (D) Alltheabove

31. Whichofthe followingis testedtc assess
(A) Transferaseactivif @) I-iexokinaseactivit-Y
(C) Alkaline phosphatase
activity (D) Carboxylase

32. Whichofthe followingis usedfor bluemold cheese?

(A) Rhizopus @) Aspergillw
(C) Penici[furn (D) Bacillus

33. A solutionthatresistschangein pH is called:

(A) Acid (B) Base
(C) Salt (D) Buftbr

34. Which ofthe following is pentose?

(A) Ribose (B) Xylose
(C) Arabinose (D) All theabove

35. Which ofthe following is isomerase?

(A) Mutase (B) Racemase
(C) Epimerase @) Alltheabove

36. Which of thefollowing is presentin thetetrapyrolecentreof chlorophyllmolecule?

(A) kon (B) Manganese
(C) Magnesium @) Znc

czB-29329(B\ 6
37. Coenocyticmyceliumrefersto
(A) Nonseptatemycelium (B) Aerialmycelium
(C) Submergedmycelium @) Colotredm.vcelium

38. Which ofthe following is fermentedmilk product?

(A) Yoghurt @) Kefir
(C) Koumiss (D) Alitheabove

39. Which of thefollowing refersto singlecell protein(SCP)?

(A) Proteinpresentin oneplantor animalcell
@) Any proteinpresentin highestquantityin acell
(C) Microbial cellsgrownandharvestedfor animalor humanfood
(D) Proteinneededto sustainonecell

40. Keepingmicrobesout of any systemor food item is known as :

(A) Sterilization (B) CommercialSterilization
(C) Asepsis (D) Pasteurization

41. If (x) : (x+1)(x+2)...........(x+n),

thenf'(0) equals:

(A) n! (B) l+^1-*]

2 3 "ln
(c) r*l+1.........*!
2 3 n
*+.+. *)
t") "r(r
I -i '
42. Themodulusof ts:
(A) 1 (B) -l
(c) 2 (D) Noneoftheabove

43. Thenumberof normalsto y' :4 axpassing

throughanypointis :
(A) I
G ) 2
(c) 3
(D) Dependanton the positionofthe pcint

czB-29329(B) [Turn over

44. J* dxisequalto :

(A) loe(e.-r) (B)

(c)? (D) los+

e* -


45. xy+ x + y + I i5;

/ .\ xr+2x
(A) (y * 1)= (B) c\y+ll=e
" "- " L

(c) cy = e*'n2* @) Noneofthe above

[o ol
46. tfA:
Ir o.],thenRcis equalto :

o.] fr
(A) [o o_l (B)
[o ol
[o o]
47. rheinverse
i* t, ,
[l l]
Io -rl rl
, ]
(B) [o l l
[_, Lr
(c)[l ],1 (D) [-r
L-l 0l

4 8 . I f c r ,p a n d y a r e r o o t s oxf 3+ 2 x 2* 3 x - F 4 : O , t h e n c r 2 +P t + y 2i s e q u a l t o :
(A) 2 @) -2
(c) 3 (I)) -3

49. Ifx andy areindependent,
thevalueofregressioncoefficientofy on x is equalto :
(A) 0 (B) 1
(C) Infinity @) .Anypositivevalue

50 . Themeandifferencebetweenninepairedobservationsis 15 andthestandarddeviation
of differences
is 5. t is :
valueof statistic
(A) 27 ( B ) e
(c) 3 (D) 0

5L Which of thefollor'"ingis neededto calculatetheatomicwcight o{'anclement?

(A) Relativeabundances
(B) Massof individualisotopesin atom
(C) Both (A) and(13)
(D) Neither(A) nor (B)

52. Gravimetricanalysisdependson :
(A) litrationdata Gf) Opticaldensity
(C) Wavelenglh G)) Weightdata

53. discoverythatthehcatofreactionis independent
experirnental ofthe reaction
methodis creditedto :
(A) GermainFless (B) FrancisBacon

(C) R.A.Millikan (D) None ofthe above

54. Accordingto groupdisplacementlau'whenanalphaparticleis emitted,thedaughter

elementis displacedin the periodictableto :
(A) Oneplaceto the left (B) placesto the left

(C) Oneplaceto theright (D) Tivo placesto theright

czB-29329(B\ ['l'urn ovcr

55. 0.2 g ofan organiccompourd containingcarbon,hydrogenandoxygenyieldedon
combustion0.147g carbondioxideand0.I 2 g water,thepercentage
of carbonin
the substanceis :
(A) 74.2 (B) 26.8
(c) 10.04 (D) 20.04

56. Which of thefollowing is usedforpreparationofparaffins?

(A) Heatingofanhydroussodiumsaltof fatty acidswith sodalime
(B) Reducingalkylhalides
(C) Both(A)atrd(B)
(D) Neither (A) nor (R)

57. Which ofthe following is usedfor ripeningof fruits like banana?

(A) Ethylene (B) Methane
(C) Ethane @) Propane

58. Which ofthe following pertainsto acetylene?

(A) Itbumswithsmokyflame
(B) It decolourizesbrominewater
(C) It giveswhiteprecipitatewithammoniacalsilvernitrate
(D) All theabove

59. Theformula9 x 100is usedto calculate:


(A) Correlation (B) Mode

(C) Median (D) Coefficientofvariation

60. The rateof heattransferthrougha 3 x4 m concretewall havinga thicknessof 0.2 m

andthermalconductivity of I . I w m-r with a temp. of 22oC on one sideand 35"C
on the othersideis :
(A) 858W @) 14s2w
(c) 2310w (D) r 100w

czB-29329(B) l0
Food Science & Technology - 2010

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