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Lesson Information

Lesson Information
Name: Kylie Johnson

Educational Placement: Emotional Support/Life Skills/Autistic Support/Learning

Support/Intensive Support

Content Area: English Language Arts

Date to be Taught: 2/27/2024

Time to be Taught: 11:55am

Duration: 30 minutes


Lesson Overview

The students will complete a review of the passage that they had read before and then work alone,
with partners, or with a group to answer the questions that relate to the passage.


Materials List

SmartBoard (to project the questions and page numbers that the answers are on)
Packet/Passage – “Mount Rainier’s 125th Anniversary” (also contains the questions)
Pencils – for the student
Chromebooks – for the quiz
Pre-test link –
Post-test link -
Extra paper copies of the quiz


Common Core PA Standards

Was told to use these by Mrs. Westfall.

5th grade:
ELA.EE.RL.5.1 Identify words in the text to answer a question about explicit information.

6th grade:
ELA.EE.RL.6.1 Determine what a text says explicitly as well as what simple inferences must be drawn.

7th grade:
ELA.EE.W.7.2.b Provide facts, details, or other information related to the topic.

8th grade:
ELA.EE.W.8.2.b Write one or more facts or details related to the topic.

Goals from the student's IEP

Worked with Mrs. Wevodau and Mrs. Westfall for these.

Short term goals –

 Student will independently look back in the text they’ve read to answer questions about the
text with 100% accuracy on 4 out of 5 trials measured quarterly.
 Student will locate specific phrases or sight words in a familiar text with 100% accuracy on
4 out of 5 trials measured quarterly.

Teaching Objectives

Teaching Objectives
Worked with Mrs. Wevodau and Mrs. Westfall for these.

The student will be able to retell the main idea of a story and participate in group discussion with
appropriate language with 90% accuracy.

Teaching Methods Used in the lesson

Highlighting – The day before this lesson is taught, the students will have read the story and
highlighted important things or new things to them that they thought were interesting to them. They
will use the highlighted information to answer the questions during this lesson.
Movement - As long as they have earned this privilege throughout the day, and they stay on task,
they can move to a different spot throughout the room when finding a workspace to work at with
their partner. I will request that the students have a flat surface to write their answers on.
Partner/Group talk – Students have the option to work with a partner (assigned by the teacher) or
in a group when completing the questions that relate to the story.


Google Form – 5 questions quiz

- 2 multiple choice
- 2 true and false (I agree and I disagree)
- 1 open ended

1. What is the name of the national park? – Mount Rainier

2. Mount Rainier has many activities to participate in. – I agree
3. What is the year of the anniversary of Mount Rainier? – 125
4. ONLY black bears live in Mount Rainier. No other animals live there. – I disagree
5. Tell me one thing about Mount Rainier. OPEN ENDED

Differentiated Learning Activities (content, process, product, and/or

learning environment examples):

 The questions will be projected onto the board.

 The page numbers of where the students can find the answers written beside each
question number.
 Students who are in need of more support will work with students who need less to help
 Students will be prompted to stay on task and to answer the questions with their
partners as many times as needed.
 If students are struggling to answer the questions, remind them that the page number
where they can find the answer is projected onto the board to help.
 Chunk the questions to do the multiple choice/true and false first and then move onto
the open ended/opinion based questions to give the students a break in the middle.
o What they don’t finish is for homework/TAP.

*Only 1 question will be done together because the students know how to do this. They do this each

Responsibilities of Professionals, Para-educators or Volunteers

Professionals, Para-educators, or Volunteers will be responsible for walking around the room and
helping to monitor student work, participation, and understanding. They are also responsible for
assisting me in any disciplinary actions that are needed throughout the lesson.
 Specifically, they are responsible for keeping students on task during their independent work
time. They should be prompting students to answer the questions and helping them to break
down the questions if needed. Lastly, they are responsible for reminding the students that the
page numbers of the answers of the questions are on the board.

Direct Instruction

1. Anticipatory Set

Grab it – Good afternoon, everyone! I am going to finish your News2You with you
State it – We are going to work on our packets/questions. But first I have a joke to
tell you first. Are you guys ready?
Relate it –
Who’s there?
Lake who?
Prereq Check – Who can tell me what we read about yesterday? What national park
did we read about? Who can tell me something cool that they remember about MOUNT

2. Modeling / Demonstration:

Beside each question, the page number that correlates with the answer will be written. REMIND THE
- “For #1, you can look at page 1 for the answer.”
o WHAT is the main idea of this article? – Mount Rainier National Park is 125 years old in
o “Everyone look at page 1.”

3. Guided practice:

- I will do the first question with the students.

o Let’s look at page 1’s highlighted information.
o “Okay, what is the answer?”
- I will read the rest of the questions with the students reminding them that if they need help,
they can raise their hand and Mrs. Stahl, Mrs. Westfall, or I will be over to help them.
- I will then have the students tell me if they would like to do the rest by themselves, with a
partner, or with a group. REMIND THEM THAT THEY ARE AT A LEVEL 1 VOICE LEVEL. If it
gets any higher we may return to our seats and work silently by ourselves.
- The students will then split up into different parts of the room to work on their worksheets.
o As the students are moving, remind them that they need to get the worksheet done
during this period and that they need to get started on the writing portion. Whatever
they do not finish is going to be homework or need to be done in TAP.

4. Formative Assessment:

The students will be monitored and observed as I walk around the room to make sure they are
grasping the different concepts throughout the reading and answering my questions correctly.
- A checklist/sticky note would be required for this section with the formative assessment for
anecdotal recording.
5. Independent practice:

The students will work through the page of questions by themselves, with a partner, or in a small
- There are 5 questions on the page.

Once the students are done with that page, they can move onto the writing section of the packet.
o There are 4 open-ended/writing questions for the students.

6. Summative Assessment:

I will also be walking around to make sure that the students are staying on task during their
independent time to complete their News2You packet.

Post test
Google Form – 5 questions quiz
- 2 multiple choice
- 2 true and false (I agree and I disagree)
- 1 open ended

1. What is the name of the national park? – Mount Rainier

2. Mount Rainier has many activities to participate in. – I agree
3. What is the year of the anniversary of Mount Rainier? – 125
4. ONLY black bears live in Mount Rainier. No other animals live there. – I disagree
5. Tell me one thing about Mount Rainier. OPEN ENDED

Wrap up – While the students are finishing their quiz.

- Thank you guys for letting me hang out with you and do the News2You. Did you like this
article? What was one thing that you learned? What did you write for your last question on
your mini quiz?
- You guys may clean up your desks and work areas. Mrs. Pearson’s group you may start making
your way to the door.
- Mrs. Westfall and my groups may start your break.

1. Accommodations for Disabilities

Repetition of verbal praise to each student.

Repetition of questions.
Prompting of the task at hand.
The questions are read aloud for students who request or need something repeated that was stated

2. Accommodations for Cultural and Linguistic Differences:


POST-LESSON REFLECTION (completed after the lesson is taught)

Analysis of Student Learning/Evaluation of the Objectives

Pre-Assessment Post-Assessment
Student A 2/5 5/5
Student B 4/5 3/5
Student C 2/5 3/5
Student D 1/5 5/5
Student E 1/5 3/5
Student F 2/5 3/5
Student G 2/5 5/5
Student H 2/5 5/5

In the pre-assessment, the students were given a link to a Google form. Some of the students
were able to access the link and some of the students were taking their time to access the link
or they did not know where the link was or how to click on the link. Mrs. Westfall had warned
me about this, so I printed off some paper copies of the assessment just in case. When I
noticed that over half of the class was “struggling,” I had the students close their Chromebooks
and take out a pencil to take the paper copy of the test. This was much more successful than
trying to use the Google form. The test had 2 multiple choice questions, 2 “agree” or “disagree”
(true or false) questions, and 1 open ended question. 2 students got 1 answer correct. 5
students got 2 answers correct. 1 student got 4 answers correct. This pre-test assessed their
reading comprehension of the article that they were going to read later during that period. In
order to ensure that the students were comprehending the text, I asked many comprehension
questions while we were reading. I also underlined, boxed, and highlighted interesting things and
things that they would need to know for the next day’s packet and assessment. The post
assessment was the exact same test, but without the Chromebooks this time. Everything was on
paper. On the post-assessment, 4 students got 3 answers correct and 4 students got every
question correct. I was very proud of these students because this assessment was challenging
and each of them stepped up to the challenge without doubting themselves.

Analysis of Teaching/Self-Evaluation

Planning and Preparation:

I tried to use my resources effectively through the Google form quiz, but the students did not like
that idea very much. They had other ideas in mind. The pre- and post-assessment were designed to
be online, but it took a while for the students to log on and open their Chromebooks, so I just had
them complete the assessments on paper. Flexible learning was also included throughout this lesson.
While the students were working in pairs, groups, or by themselves, Mrs. Westfall, Mrs. Stahl (the
instructional aid), and I walked around to help the groups. We tried to accommodate each of the
students’ needs by providing the support needed. I tried to be with each group, but one group needed
the most support and needed the most prompting to stay on task.

Learning Environment:

I feel like something that I did successfully was create a positive learning environment for the
students. I thought that the students showed that they know they can approach me with any
questions that they have regarding the Language Arts content or about anything else going on in their
lives. I wish I could spend more time with these students, but I am trying my best to pop in as much
as possible and be as present as I can. I would say that I spend about 2 periods with these students a
day (Math and ELA). I wave to the students in the hall, and I spend some study hall periods with some
of the students from Mrs. Westfall’s room. One thing that the students did really well was
collaborate effectively. Some of the students need more prompting than others when it comes to
staying on task and talking about the content. But the students collaborated productively, and I was
very proud of them for staying on task and how well that they all worked together. I noticed one of
the groups having 1 person do the odds and the other person doing the even numbered questions.

Learning Experiences:

Something in my last lesson that I needed to work on was setting my expectations for the students. I
thought that I did this a lot better during this lesson. I told the students what volume level their
voices should be, I reminded them that I should not hear conversations about anything other than
Mount Raininer. I told them that I also expected one part of the packet to be written in complete
sentences. One thing that I needed to improve on during this lesson was student participation. Dr.
Gardner pointed it out during our debriefing after my lesson, but I knew as soon as it happened as
well. I wanted to complete the first question with the students, but the way that I asked the
question was a bit confusing. I think I do this quite often, not just during this lesson. This is
something that I need to work on across the board.

Principled Teaching:

After the lesson was over and I got off of the Zoom with Dr. Gardner, I walked over to Mrs.
Westfall’s room and asked what she thought of the lesson. I am constantly looking for others’
feedback. She told me that she thought that I did a good job and that even though it was a bit
different from what the students are used to, she thought that I managed them well. Her students
struggle with change and I knew that we were going to do it differently than what they are used to.
But she thought that I managed them well and that she thought I kept them on task to the best of
my ability.

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