Comparison Animalplant and Bacterial Cell

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Difference Between Plant, Animal and Bacterial Cells

Classification of Cells - Plant, Animal and Bacterial Cells

A Cell is the basic structural and functional unit of organisms. The word ‘cell’ is derived
from the Latin word “cella” which means “small room”. The type and number of cells in
plants and animals vary. The cells can be classified in different ways. For example, based
on the presence of a nuclear membrane, the cells are classified into two types i.e
Eukaryotic and prokaryotic. Cells may also be classified based on the number of cells an
organism is made of i.e unicellular, multicellular, and acellular.

Brief on Animal Cell

An animal cell is typically a eukaryotic type that has a well-defined nucleus and
other membrane-bound organelles such as mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum,
and Golgi apparatus. All cells are surrounded by a cell membrane or plasma
membrane which separates the inner and outer components of the cell. The cell
components are suspended in a fluid called cytoplasm.
Animals are multicellular organisms. The cells are specialized to perform various
functions. Also, they look and function differently from each other even if they belong to
the same organism.

Animal Cell Types

There are numerous types of animal cells and each of them is designed to serve specific
functions. However, some of the most common types of animal cells are as follows:
 Skin Cells
Melanocytes, keratinocytes, Merkel cells and Langerhans cells
 Muscle Cells
Myocyte, Myosatellite cells, Tendon cells, Cardiac muscle cells
 Blood Cells
Leukocytes, erythrocytes, platelet
 Nerve Cells
Schwann cell, glial cells etc
 Fat Cells
Animal cells need to adapt to a more active and non-sedentary lifestyle as animals
acquire their food, hence, they do not possess any of the specialized cell organelles such
as chloroplasts.

Brief on Plant Cell

A plant cell is mainly a eukaryotic cell with a true nucleus and organelles similar to an
animal cell but also consists of certain specific components such as chloroplasts which
carry out photosynthesis. Plants are multicellular and have a distinct rigid wall
surrounding the cells.

Plant Cell Functions

The plant cells are the building blocks of the plants. Since photosynthesis (the process of
preparing food by the plants, by utilizing sunlight, carbon dioxide and water) is the major
function performed by the plant cells it occurs in the chloroplasts of the plant cell.

Plant Cell Types

There are different types of plant cells some of which include the following different
 Collenchyma Cells
These cells are hard or rigid and play a primary role in providing support to the plants if
there is restraining growth due to the lack of hardening agents in the primary walls.
 Sclerenchyma Cells
These are more rigid as compared to the collenchyma cells and it is because of the
presence of a hardening agent. They are usually found in all the plant roots and are
mainly involved in providing support to the plants.
 Parenchyma Cells
The Parenchyma cells have a significant role to play in all plants. As they are the living
cells of plants, which are involved in the production of leaves, they are also involved in
the exchange of gasses, production of food, storage of organic products and cell
metabolism. The Parenchyma cells are typically more flexible because they are thinner
than other cells.
 Xylem Cells
The Xylem cells are the transport cells in vascular plants. They are responsible for the
transport of water and minerals from the roots to the leaves and other parts of the plants.
 Phloem Cells
These are the common type of cells and the most heard ones, the phloem cells are the
transport cells in vascular plants as they are responsible for transporting food which is
prepared by the leaves to different parts of the plants.

Brief on Bacterial Cell

A bacterial cell is a prokaryotic cell that lacks a well-defined nucleus and membrane-
bound organelles. Instead, it contains an irregular-shaped region where the genetic
material is suspended. Bacteria is a single-celled organism.
Functions of a Bacterial Cell
The Cytoplasm or protoplasm is the part of the bacterial cells, where the functions for cell
growth, metabolism, and replication are carried out. This is a gel-like matrix that is
composed of water, enzymes, nutrients, wastes, and gasses and contains cell structures
such as ribosomes, a chromosome, and plasmids.

Types of Bacteria Cells

The Bacterial cells are classified into five groups according to their basic shapes:
 Spherical (cocci)
 Rod (bacilli)
 Spiral (spirilla)
 Comma (vibrios)
 Corkscrew (spirochaetes)
These can exist as single cells, in pairs, chains or clusters.
Difference Between Plant, Animal and Bacterial Cell

Plant Cell Animals Cell Bacterial Cell

Type of Cell
Eukaryotic cells Eukaryotic cells Prokaryotic cells
Size of the cell
10 to 100 µm 10 to 100 µm 0.2 to 2 µm
The shape of the cell
Are of different shapes- cocci,
Rectangular shaped Round or Oval shaped
bacillus, vibrio, spirilla.
Cell Wall
Present Absent Present
Present Present Absent
Absent Absent Present
Present Absent Absent
Present Present Absent
Larger 80s Ribosomes Larger 80s Ribosomes Smaller 70s Ribosomes
Absent Present Absent
Larger vacuoles Smaller vacuoles Larger vacuoles
Endocytosis and Exocytosis
Present Present Absent
Golgi Apparatus
Present Present Absent
Present but are few in
Present Absent
Cilia and Filaments
Absent Present Present
Mode of Nutrition
Both heterotrophs and
Autotrophs Heterotrophs
Mode of Reproduction
Sexual reproduction in higher
Both sexual and asexual Both sexual and asexual mode
animals and asexual in lower
mode of reproduction. of reproduction.
Mode of Respiration
Aerobic respiration. Aerobic respiration. Both aerobic and anaerobic.

The major differences between the plant cell and animal cell are mentioned below:

Plant Cell Animal Cell

Cell Shape
Square or rectangular in shape Irregular or round in shape
Cell Wall
Present Absent
Plasma/Cell Membrane
Present Present
Endoplasmic Reticulum
Present Present
Present and lies on one side of the cell Present and lies in the centre of the cell
Present but are very rare Present
Absent Present
Golgi Apparatus
Present Present
Present Present
Present Present
Present Absent
Few large or a single, centrally positioned vacuole Usually small and numerous
Absent Present in most of the animal cells
Present but fewer in number Present and are numerous
Mode of Nutrition
Primarily autotrophic Heterotrophic

Both plant and animal cells comprise membrane-bound organelles, such as endoplasmic
reticulum, mitochondria, the nucleus, Golgi apparatus, peroxisomes, lysosomes. They also have
similar membranes, such as cytoskeletal elements and cytosol. The plant cell can also be larger
than the animal cell. The normal range of the animal cell varies from about 10 – 30 micrometres
and that of plant cell range between 10 – 100 micrometres.

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