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YALTA CONFERENCE Sunday, February 11, 1945

In the words of President Roosevelt,

they were able to unanimously agree
to all that was discussed.

The participants representing the

three allies ranged from: US
President Franklin D. Roosevelt,
British Prime Minister Winston
Churchill and Soviet Premier Joseph
Today, Sunday the eleventh of
February 1945, marks the day that the Topics that were reached in
Yalta Conference has ended. After, agreement, included the division of
one week of fruitful discussion the Germany into four zones: American,
three allies are proud to be able to French, British and Soviet. On
announce, that their conference went Germany, they further agreed to that
as planned and they were able to as countries were liberated from
unanimously reach agreement. Or, so occupation by the German army,
it may seem. they would be allowed to hold free
elections to choose the government
Historic News received various reports they wanted. Alongside agreeing to
that in reality, tensions and hunt down and punish war criminals
disagreements did indeed rise during who were responsible for the Nazi
the debate. Many blame this on Concentration Camps.
di erent ideologies followed by the
allies, and private judgment of each
The cooperation presented at this
conference could be signs of the
“We argued freely and frankly across
formation of a new peace keeping
the table. But at the end, on every
organisation to replace the old,
point, unanimous agreement was
League of Nations organisation,
reached... We know, of course, that it
including the USSR. This
was Hitler’s hope and the German war
organisation would be to replace the
lords’ hope that we would not agree
old League of Nations and prove to
that some slight crack might appear in
be more successful and longer
the solid wall of allied unity… But
Hitler has failed. Never before have the
major allies been more closely united
not only in their war aims but also in
their peace aims.” - Extract from
President Roosevelt’s report to the US

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