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Title: Writing a Thesis on the Gulf Oil Spill: Challenges and Solutions

Are you struggling with crafting a thesis statement on the Gulf Oil Spill? If so, you're not alone.
Writing a thesis on such a complex and multifaceted topic can be incredibly challenging. The Gulf
Oil Spill, one of the largest environmental disasters in history, presents a myriad of issues and
considerations that must be addressed in a coherent and comprehensive manner. From the
environmental impact to the economic repercussions, there is no shortage of angles to explore.

One of the biggest challenges of writing a thesis on the Gulf Oil Spill is the vast amount of
information available. With so many different perspectives, studies, and opinions on the topic, it can
be overwhelming to sift through it all and determine what is relevant to your thesis. Additionally, the
constantly evolving nature of the situation means that new information is constantly being released,
making it difficult to keep your thesis up to date.

Another hurdle is the emotional and ethical considerations involved in discussing such a devastating
event. The Gulf Oil Spill had far-reaching consequences for both the environment and the people
who live and work in the affected areas. Balancing the need for objectivity with the desire to convey
the human impact of the disaster can be a delicate task.

Fortunately, there is help available. If you're struggling to write your thesis on the Gulf Oil Spill,
consider seeking assistance from a professional writing service like ⇒ ⇔. Our
team of experienced writers can help you craft a thesis statement that is clear, concise, and well-
supported by evidence. Whether you need help brainstorming ideas, organizing your thoughts, or
polishing your final draft, we're here to assist you every step of the way.

By ordering from ⇒ ⇔, you can ensure that your thesis on the Gulf Oil Spill is of
the highest quality possible. Our writers are experts in their field and have extensive experience
researching and writing about environmental issues. With their help, you can feel confident that your
thesis will make a meaningful contribution to the ongoing conversation surrounding the Gulf Oil

Don't let the challenges of writing a thesis on the Gulf Oil Spill hold you back. Order from ⇒ ⇔ today and take the first step towards academic success.
In March, the culprit was Berry Brother’s General Contractors, doing dredging work for
ExxonMobil, just the way Transocean was doing contracting work for British Petroleum on their off-
shore rig, got into trouble. If these companies are drilling for oil, they are naturally doing it with the
consent of the government, who are in turn doing it for the betterment of the citizens. Will the use of
dispersants reduce environmental damage (pp. Many oil companies conduct the drilling and
prospecting process haphazardly and pay little attention to safety issues on their rigs and that is why
we have the disastrous environmental nightmare today; and, we have the British Petroleum
Corporation to thank for the damage to wetlands and beaches in the Gulf Coast. But I can tell you
that there are places, particularly in some of the estuaries, where you can go up on the marsh with a
shovel and still collect oil in a bucket without spending much time working. The more than 15 million
m 3 of dredged sand came from sources or locations that were not proposed for future coastal
restoration, and of this, more than 9.2 million m 3 came from the Mississippi River. 4 Other sources
were Pass a Loutre Hopper Dredge Disposal Area, Pilottown Anchorage, Cubit’s Gap, South Pass,
and Hewes Point (north of Chandeleur Islands). Since businesses touch such a large segment of our
society, codes of ethics must be established and followed to protect the general public. The second
type is a containment boom that is used to surround pooled oil so it can be removed by skimmers.
The community should take in deliberation to be voluntaries and subscribe up with organisation to
assist with attempts of the oil spill. Diversion of a watercourse to repel oil from the shoreline was
also a response strategy implemented during the DWH oil spill. Available at, accessed June 20, 2013.
Lee, K., C. S. Wong, W. J. Cretney, F. A. Whitney, T. R. Parsons, C. M. Lalli, and J. Wu. 1985.
Microbial response to crude oil and Corexit 9527: SEAFLUXES Enclosure Study. The sunshine can
assist extinguish the volatile oil compounds. One could argue that the oil rig operator and Halliburton
chose to lower their standards or cede to BP's demands even where they had doubts because they
cared more about their paychecks than the possible cost of the outcome in case of an incident. The
solutions to all of these issues involved in the BP oil spill, along with all disasters which human are
accountable, is not a simpler as society may like. The fast and strong winds that have been spreading
the black goop over the wide area to the extent that the spill threatens animals in the open seas would
baffle the President and show him how unpalatable this accident and experience has been, especially
for residents of the Gulf Coast. Some in State and Local governments demanded that Obama’s
Administration take control of the oil spill management, jettison British Petroleum and its cohorts of
oil spill managers, as it had become evident that the company and surrogates were overwhelmed by
the Deep-water Horizon disaster. Eventually, a group at the University of South Florida linked the
spill directly to those lesions and sores. Further, it is lowering a dome of metal to cap the oil rising
from one of the wells and channeling it through a funnel to a standing ship for storage. Journal of
Coastal Research 27(Special Issue):7-37. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how
to manage cookies. It is also very dangerous to the animals and their habitat. The community and
organisations should work together to reconstruct the biome with the assistance of persons as
voluntaries and the financess provided. Whatever it was, it does not seem all was well on the Deep-
water rig when all hell broke loose thirty-nine days ago. No one should forget what the Katrina eye-
sore did to President Bush’s administration: It made that administration look heartless, indecisive and
probably incompetent. David Kennedy of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
was quoted by Seattle Times as saying: “I am frightened. It did this by determining the entire cost of
this issue under legal courts’. Does a company as this nature have an option to be rescued by
taxpayers. Pollutants in this layer remain in the atmosphere for long because they do not disperse.
They are watching closely what British Petroleum is saying or not saying; they are keenly observing
the effort to prevent further damage to the coastal shoreline and some are probably talking to the
governors of the gulf coast states regarding what best direction to take in the coming class action
suit that may run into billions of dollars. The focus of the message while developing and
implementing the.
It did this by determining the entire cost of this issue under legal courts’. Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 106:1305-1312. Mbarrett, P. (2013).
Spillapalooza: How Bp Got Screwed In The Golf. More accurate monitoring and documentation of
dispersant ef-. This tends to enhance biodegradation and mitigate the adverse effects of the oil at the
surface including the reduction of vapors (thus enhancing the safety of response personnel). In this
context, you are tempted to ask, why would British Petroleum be willing to take responsibility for
another company’s created mayhem. Submerged oil mats were widespread in the lower intertidal
zone, but they were difficult to clean because they became covered by high water and clean sand
over time (OSAT, 2011b; Santner et al., 2011). The use of heavy equipment was limited because of
concerns that mechanical methods would result in increased beach erosion or because of restrictions
and prohibitions on the use of mechanical equipment on remote barrier islands. Major spills (greater
than 2,500 bbl) encompass large areas. References Mervin, J. (2011, April 11). Counting the cost of
the BP disaster one year on. BBC News. Retrieved from Rushe, D. (2013, September 30). So you
will always see some legacy that an analysis will say, yes, this was from the 2010 event. The added
result of this is the current oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. As operator, BP hired Transocean to
conduct the well drilling operations. Additionally, the emmets, crickets, and spiders are of import
factors of the coastal nutrient web. The range of oil spills per day had led to some marine scientists,
geologists and lawyers to wonder, why in the first place, practices that could have allowed British
Petroleum to quickly conquer this type of accident, which are used in Brazil and some European
drilling sites, were absent from the drilling operations conducted by British Petroleum and some
other oil prospecting firms in American off-shore drilling. Scientific background paper on Resilience
for the Process of the World Summit on Sustainable Development on behalf of the Environmental
Advisory Council to the Swedish Government, Johannesburg, South Africa, August 26-September 4,
2002. In the past week, multiple ideas to shut the well have failed and no one is certain that the idea
being toiled with by BP would work come Wednesday. A Professor from Florida State University
estimates that a life well, that is, one that has nothing to do with a spill, which is functioning very
well, should be able to put out 30,000 gallons per day. Work to understand the fate and effects of the
spilled oil is ongoing. For this and other reasons, the expedited lease sale of 18 million acres in the
Gulf of Mexico on August 18, announced by Interior Sectary Salazar must still go ahead, despite the
current public relations disaster from British Petroleum. However, some in the industry have some
questions regarding our sense of security regarding the stability of oil prices. However, the whole
process doesn’t have to be polluting and damaging to the environment. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf
Science 104-105:1-22. Pp 79-101 in Life in the World’s Oceans: Diversity, Distribution, and
Abundance, A. D. McIntyre (Ed.). Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. Question 5 There are several
new regulations and safety measures for oil drilling. This is how the spill represented a domino effect
that then affected the local economies. If the leaders of our nation choose to look elsewhere, to
pretend that this problem is only in our waters and the cascading effect of ocean waves are not
important, we probably will end up with some unlikely challenges including the possibility of being
dragged to the international court to answer to questions about an accident, we had very little
information on as of the night of April 20th, 2010. Unfortunately, it has not kept proper records of
the level of spills that had occurred on any of those wells and is currently getting a lot of flak for its
past regulatory activities. Furthermore, unlike some other cleanup methods, skimmers have little
potential negative environmental impact. The time to nurture the acceptance that British Petroleum
has the knowledge and technology to address this problem are all but, over. Concentrations of DPnB
decreased over time after dispersant application stopped in mid July; all values were less than 5
micrograms per liter by July 30 (OSAT, 2010).
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 57(4):481-492. The key qualities of leadership, control, respect
and trust had disappeared in the relationship between the US Mineral Management Services and the
oil companies. It was argued that in the Gulf of Mexico’s warm climate, the situation would clean
itself up. Their reports serve as appendixes to the Core Groups’ final reports, “The Stage III SCAT-
Shoreline Treatment Implementation Framework” (Santner et al., 2011). Their findings are described
below. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
109(50):20280-20285. Application of what is wed known about the physical properties. The
fishermen and other who heave their living from the oceans in the Gulf of Mexico are not faceless
names, who want direct answer to their suffering from this current accident. International Society
for Microbial Ecology Journal 6(9):1715-1727. It is the desire of the government to protect not only
the shores and residents of Florida, Mississippi, Alabama and Louisiana, but also, islanders in places
as Cuba, Trinidad and Tobago, who may be directly impacted by the migrating oil that are estimated
to be within 25 nautical miles of many shores and recreational sites in the Gulf of Mexico. Late April
is the current mayhem where busted oil pipes and wanton nightmare of a spill that may take another
nine to twelve months to clean up, have become the talk of the day. The fact that British Petroleum
earlier professed that they had the situation under control, only to resort to asking for help when
things had spawn beyond manageability, is deplorable. Pollutants in this layer remain in the
atmosphere for long because they do not disperse. So where does the answer lie, and what will the
government do now that the ExxonMobil oil spill has refreshed the urgency of the debate. No matter
what the presumption in the oil and gas industry, deep-water oil rigs are very challenging to manage
and those who have taken this enterprise as the next frontier in prospecting for oil, may want to learn
from the mistakes of British Petroleum in the current dispensation. Question 5 There are several new
regulations and safety measures for oil drilling. From the laboratory data, they develop an algorithm
for droplet size based on a modified Weber law that accounts for the effects of dispersant. This oil
spill dispersed about eleven million gallons of oil into Alaskan waters and the oil damaged coastlines.
British Petroleum is adopting an acoustic device to replace the current effort and equipment, to help
stop the activation of oil from one of the three wells. Thus far, however, the documented losses of
ecosystem services after the DWH oil spill have been due to fisheries closures and public fears of
consuming contaminated seafood, rather than reduced juvenile recruitment (McGill, 2011; Upton,
2011). We are still lacking definitive data sets showing life cycle or next generation recoveries from
oil exposure in these key sentinel species. Samples collected later (September 2010) indicated a shift
away from these hydrocarbon degraders to methanotrophs, including Methylococcaceae,
Methylophaga, and Methylophilaceae. It also moves air pollutants from high pollution production
areas to lows production pollution areas. Hastings and L. Gross (Eds.). Ewing, NJ: University of
California Press. As it spread, it began to cling to and hinder the marine life and birds, as can be seen
in the images shown below. Many oil companies conduct the drilling and prospecting process
haphazardly and pay little attention to safety issues on their rigs and that is why we have the
disastrous environmental nightmare today; and, we have the British Petroleum Corporation to thank
for the damage to wetlands and beaches in the Gulf Coast. The number of animals trapped in the
sludge and coated in thick, blackish-brown goo is not acceptable. Hopefully at the end of the book,
readers would have come up with better ideas on how to ensure that prospecting for oil and gas does
not have to be a death sentence for oil and gas rigs workers and creative ideas on how the federal
government may compel the industry actors to follow regulatory agencies’ and industry standard
regarding safe ways for drilling and workplace safety. The question on our mind is, can we salvage
the shorelines of states like Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, Florida and Texas now with the pace of
oil spread on the waters in that area. To prospect for oil and gas without proper and adequate hedging
of associated risks is hardly tenable especially, when it comes to workplace safety. The core of the
problem is society’s need for the oil; eliminate this element and the risk of such disasters drops to

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