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What is Coastal Erosion?

Coastal Erosion is the breaking down and carrying
away of materials by the sea.
What is the Process of Coastal Erosion?
Local sea level rise, strong wave action and coastal
flooding wear down or carry away rocks, soils, and/or sand
along the coast.
What are the four types od
Coastal Erosion?
It occus when
waves break on
cliff faces and
slowly evode it.
When rocks and other
materials carried by the
sea are picked up by
stong waves and thrown
against the coaastline
causing more material to
be broken off and
carried away by the sea.
When material such as
rocks and stones
carried away by the
waves hit and knock
against each other
wearing them down.
Hydraulic Action
Happens through
the forces of the
waves hitting a
coastline and
trapping air into
cracks and joints on
the face of a cliff.

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