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Vibrant Gram Sabha

Gram Sabha Resolution

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Grama Sabha Resolution (2023-2024)

We recognize t hat people are at t he cent re of sust ainable development and, we commit to work
toget her to promot e sust ained and inclusive economic growt h, social development and
environment al prot ect ion and t hereby to benefit all.

We reaffirm t he import ance of freedom, peace and securit y, good governance and t he rule of law,
respect for all human right s, including t he right to development and t he right to an adequat e st andard
of living, right to healt h, including t he right to food.

We recognize t hat gender equalit y and women’s empowerment are basic for sust ainable development
and our common fut ure.

We believe in providing equal opport unit ies for all, and t he prot ect ion, survival and development of
children to t heir full pot ent ial. We emphasize t hat sust ainable development must be inclusive and
people-cent red, benefit ing and involving all people, including women, yout h and children, persons wit h
disabilit ies, smallholder and subsist ence farmers, fisherfolk and t hose working in small and medium-
sized ent erprises, and will st rive to improve t he st andard of living and empowerment of t he poor and
vulnerable groups.

We acknowledge t hat climat e change is a cross-cut t ing,persist ent and looming crisis, and underst and
t hat t he scale and gravit y of t he negat ive impact s of climat e change affect all. Planet Eart h and it s
ecosyst ems are our home and we commit to restore t he healt h and int egrit y of t he “Mot her Eart h”.

And so, we envision our Panchayat and commit to achieve -

Theme 1 : A povert y free Panchayat , t hat ensures t here is social prot ect ion so t hat none slip
back to povert y. A village where t here is growt h and prosperit y wit h enhanced livelihoods for all.

Theme 2 : To Ensure healt hy lives and well-being for all at all ages

Theme 3 : To ensure t hat all children are able to enjoy t heir right s for survival, development ,
part icipat ion and prot ect ion to reach t heir full pot ent ial
Theme 4 :A village wit h Funct ional House Tap Connect ions to all, wit h t arget ed st andard of
qualit y wat er supply, good wat er management and abundant wat er availabilit y for agricult ure and
all needs, and conserving it s wat er ecosyst em

Theme 5 :Creat ing a village for t he fut ure of our children, which is lush and green wit h nat ure’s
bount y, using renewable energy, clean, prot ect ing environment and climat e resilient

Theme 6 : To achieve Self Sufficient Infrast ruct ure and , ensure access for all to adequat e, safe
and affordable housing and basic services

Theme 7 : Every person in t he village must feel cared for and all eligible must be covered by social
securit y syst ems

Theme 8 : Ensuring benefit s of development under various schemes and responsive service
delivery to all resident s of GP t hrough Good Governance

Theme 9 : To achieve gender equalit y, provide equal opport unit ies, empower women and girls in a
safe environment

We resolve to t ake urgent act ion to achieve sust ainable development out comes of all t he 9 T hemes,
assessing t he progress to dat e, t he remaining gaps, and working on preparing Gram Panchayat
Development Plans, and implement t hem. We will mobilize t he full pot ent ial and ensure t he equal
cont ribut ion of bot h women and men. We st ress t he import ance of t he act ive part icipat ion of young
people in decision-making processes, as t he issues we are addressing have a deep impact on t heir
lives and as t he cont ribut ion of children and yout h is vit al to t he achievement of sust ainable
development . We call upon for a broad alliance of people, all government depart ment s, Non-
government al Organisat ions, Inst it ut ions, civil societ y and t he privat e sector, to part ner wit h us, all
working toget her for t his. Today, we t ake t he Sankalp to redouble our effort s and init iat e immediat e
act ion on T heme(s)
1. T heme 6: Village wit h Self-sufficient Infrast ruct ure

We express our det erminat ion to achieve for our village all t he 9 T hemes, renew our commit ment to
sust ainable development and to ensuring t he promot ion of an economically, socially and
environment ally sust ainable fut ure for our planet and for present and fut ure generat ions.

GP Name: Bari

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