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Knowledge « Yield «Excellence Genius web : KYE Systems Sor. +# 492, Sec. 5, Chung He Sanctong ie, Now Tepe ly 24160, Taiwan Tol: 16-2'2005-6645 Fax: +886-2-2005-6849 @ Lena oe Genius 7 MOUSE User’s Manual 12090069400-A fevice iy mo cause Irn ncfeyene, and (2) "is equips has teen ied and ind vo eompy wih the ents oa Class ial dovie, puruneto Pa 15 of ti FCC Rae, The linea dep bovie ensonsble protection yal har interfere a reside isto, This couipment penerates, wes anders ral lequency energy an if noe ‘svat and used in ceontence with he iniructions ny case haa irereicg =f--—- 'o radio computations. However, thee i no gustan tht ittfeence will her —— ‘ecu in pacar installation, ifs equpanert docs cause harm imerfeence to "dio or tlevition rept, whith can be determined by tuning the esuipment of? fn on, the ws is encourage to ty i corct te ntenfrence by one or more of the following messures: 1, Reorien/ Relocate tho receiving sean 2. Iotease the separation betes the gulp ad receiver. 3, Connect the equipment into an aut om accu ciferect fom tht the reseiver is ‘comme 4. Con the dealer ota experienced rag TV ccc hep CALITION: Changes or naaifictions not expressly approved by the manatactorer ‘espormible for compliance could void the user's authorty operate the eyument Disclaimer The flowing doesnot apply to any-courtty white sach provisions are inconsistent ‘th loca Tw: KYE Syne Cons imesh wairatcs Wat gespeet to thie sdocamertation, hath enresied or spled All nteil povided “as Ths lnsludes, tot not init to, any ipl’ watraies of merehantsbilty and fitness fo «paiculr perpose. The information ost inthis documeat subject to, tunge witout notice RYE Systems Corp sume no responsibilty fr any rors hat may pear in this SEI. document All brand naees maton i his manual are trademarks of registered trademarks of their respective companies, SS Copyright © 2012 KYE Systems Corp, All rights reserved, raraterdenopeasyve! hana grb. 5 Bu cits tet edi ve FCC Kura Part 15, Kiara B iter uyun ‘wuamagn Bu Limiter kallanun ve kruhum esesndeobupbileek zara ‘parzterden koruna amsciyia dizayn edie ‘ita ado Gekann sinyaler yey, alimatlinan gr kurvinadis ake radio korinikasyonuna arr paaztroltubil. Parzen olasamayoca ile staal br gaan lamayaco gibi, bu chaz ado ve tevisyon ominiasyonunds slyabilecei praileri engellemek chat a kapatmak ile cécilbiecei gb, eoilemedii tkdide tulle ages dle denemest tay ili 1.Chhaz yer degivin/antnin yi dein 2.Ciiaz ve ales eas Ki mesafey erin. 3. Chaz alictoun bo oldu fr bie noktdan balm. 4 Todesitgnizen verano TY teayenlnden ati sh. DIKKAT Crete tartan nyunflugn hut yaa deigilervoye ‘woliisayedar it att db. Dislainer Yulandakiler bu standart uymayan ve by kanualara uymayan kel iin geet egidr: KYE Systems Corp. Sietn ba evn dayanara vedi eye -verbiloce erhang bir grant yokur. ‘Yularsoki naaryelle "Ber" diye suoulan maeryellerdi. KYE Systems Comp, sirketi yokandakbilglerden mesl, eye garativeren olmak sytimaz. Bu beled igerik haber verilmesizn degigtibil. KYE Systems Comp. ‘Siketba doktimandakierhangi br katadn dolay sorumiu did. Ad geren ‘narklar sketlernde testi edi marrkalad. | Telf2012 KVE Systems Corp, Tam baka peer. ‘Mogi Role, Prose te “Magle-Roter 1 9 tn Inlet and Windows documents ight Buon; Provides atone! mouse ck onctions, el Magle-Rotor pam navegar por Inurinety par sretivos Winds doracher Olece las urcones tadconalas de até Pieced Tar appara Spa MT ERI Bread Bo Ean: Oreo a8 Tn Wao do HUES ‘potviie uy. reperacansae), ‘somo; chque, cole clave @ ana. ono igi Fler novus e niopere 8 Wagie-Roter Presson o Mogie Rel para sna onywentas Wao Inert «pee docamerto Ga Whaowe! atari Tparvwicenoe dbyiser oason not Sotto Dieto:Oereceunese Wadena de lea do mouse, we Bauch Tits Tato (Ua on Fal dle Obata NNER We eerands nner op Talonae na, eas tn, sich, Ooppetieen una denen duboelinten, on sepon Magle Roar Dvveken Se ce Taal Magis Rot un in Magi-Rollr dui 09 de ‘Nagi Réti’ om docr hat ntinat Inert 2 eran od nach Windou-Delumante ‘5 doo: Windews-documerten ta Dageren suehon ‘Rech trop: Lovet de tadllonele mulshiMundtes, Recto Taste (lah Buston:Ha le Gbehen Nautunonen, Fae Tocfengaicho fican we Vala sons WadlaTpaTae tay Tra Tahaan mp to WaT totes que eigur, coubiectquer at gace, foklopin ater Magic Rote: ulve lo «Magis Rote our sur Tit roles Hatiuo:Testho out k prochizent Inametetparcour vos doaients Wide, Interetdncouena sisters Windows ‘oun drat: Eocass ies forictons souls vaconreles, Prova lati: 2o}ttue obvyhie prt rny. 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RGRAY Tava Pata Sanaa RTS Sas TS a ‘ipalvehea ‘Tia wena Brranye pasa yA wT, Ta Bosanski! vou ni provingans rau, rome wiugoin va hoparryaatin Sepak “Magic ed: Piente ‘agin tote zaprovagy Magic Roler Hawans ‘Nowe Reker a8 nepermanara Intrnete Winco Yoho rophant tapuory ra nowpovry Windoe, Dosh taster; Obezhodule slandardne furkola “kaka mem. Fipaca son: Bicone rp! yal mo Foran ‘on GT ERaeened nei WaioNAa we wane TL ee ‘Yeast opp: Voaisabtavaplaste Wie tnRloonGe Taga um a fel, dub cic 9 gina. Gpsamé, fopolipsu ning lhsiamize, ces, ota magic’ Anka Rtn masic8" perv a naviga po ‘eerie nuppkeshiine noob: Kenge upp, nlemels ja Iromet seu pen a enpra documente Windows. Wirdowa dokumonides sur Drei: Efecivonzh fmt dele ol aan, Pater nupp: Hoots hire lavapsrase Képsarishik'siooi east ‘Burrapee Ta G/TOR Taos TpRAR eae Gy a Tatiefa Laisa Kiss pga nocd paresis ploy TanGTTE taro Xi (uporaara),asyepatveuipenpere Sree, ‘Magle-Rolo: Caporpate 6yrona ‘Magic Role? 30, opdtvparam rrapyer W 8 aonenn a Wieowe. ‘oy Byron; Vaya Ypaghusirnars pain ik ‘ksh, duburateay ry wikzane ‘Magi Role: nospeset Mage-Rolo (spi ral), ah Gol réernaa vl pavielotos pa Windows cedure {Lava pogm Noxkosiaparsli ples bla Kinkos Sepastabhines. cpt anlar vuinen est lina ae SRS al niin ee Dabhnyte mygiutas:Sutekia rastas pole sarogtljiro fracas. West __Canpsan Garspnae py, ouapin ay KS airman anapy ciara ttyl ogerver meronop I reawrauacus eve, *Canspnasayeansa’: Maropatr noi Windowe pearrapenna 092 Ay yu “caspn ayonua! arupuaci Goreng. ‘Oro¥a Barepua: Tiron onorTe wepry xpreness sanramacus ere, Pay Senay Ee Ay A a aged Jo shad Sy Ln i had aya ‘gab 3 oh yA SMS Jy, “Bahasa Lav Balers cian ful mouse ac apa, Indonesia Hk gan dan gest Magle- Rete. Tetan NowieROler unk borslanca Int ard dakuen Wiacons. ight Buton: Menyediakan fangs! mouse stanar. SHANTER ATRESIA ARCA: oye: seman ROR eeMERAONRAE

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