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[ER6] Explain how you will ensure veracity, confidentiality and security of your data collection, storage,

and disposal

Action Taken

- The study conducted will be ensured by the researchers' adherence to the guidelines.
Throughout the study, there will be no risks or harm to the participants. The researchers place
the utmost importance on treating study participants in a fair and ethical manner throughout
the screening process. The researcher maintained the confidentiality of the study participants'
identities and personal information, and they will not be disclosed to any third party not
involved in the study. Before participating in the study, participants will be required to read and
accept the terms and conditions of the research as stated by the study's organizers; this
information is included in the informed consent. Before participating in the study, participants
will be required to read and accept the terms and conditions of the research as stated by the
study's organizers; this information is included in the informed consent. Additionally, debriefings
will be held with participants by researchers to make sure they fully get the overall objectives of
the study. A permission letter that has been accepted and evaluated will be sent by the
researchers to a respondent if they choose to actively participate in the study. The consent form
will provide background and purpose information about the study. It is completely voluntary for
participants to participate in this study; they are not required to. Should a volunteer choose to
leave the research at any point before or after it begins, they can accomplish this by getting in
touch with a researcher.

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