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Platinum Cut

User Manual
Technical Assistance : (418)-268-4020, ext.224
Information on the present document

Document article number: PC-2019-07-V0 EN

Legal Advice

• Using a cutting system as described in this manual may be hazardous. Special attention must be paid to
safety measures during installation, use, and maintenance of the system.

• The purchaser is responsible for ensuring safe work practices and complying with standards in the country
of use.

• As a user of a Platinum Cut Plasma Cutting System, each customer is required to comply with all the
instructions mentioned in the safe machine operation training. Failure to follow these instructions can cause
damage to the machine. Similarly, misuse can cause of serious injury or death. This type of machine should
always be treated with care.

• Some changes to the information in this manual may be made without notice. This manual must not be
onsidered as a contract or an obligation on the part of Machitech Automation Inc.

Revision History

V0 – Original document – July 2019


Machitech Automation Inc’s mission is to offer a customized cutting solution to optimize the productivity of
metal processing companies with a quality product, backed by the best after-sales service in the industry.

Machitech offers a wide range of turn-key, standard and custom-made computer numerical control (CNC)
cutting solutions. Installation and training programs at your plant are tailored to the needs of your business.
Our engineering department designs systems of the highest quality to provide you with the best machines in
the industry.

For more information about our products, please refer to our website at:

NOTE:. It is important to become familiar with this manual, paying particular attention to the safety section
before starting to use the system.
Table of contents

Security................................................................................................................................................................. 6

General product description............................................................................................................................... 9

Operation.............................................................................................................................................................. 10
Turning ON the machine.................................................................................................................................... 11
Pressurize the gas lines..................................................................................................................................... 12
Homing the machine.......................................................................................................................................... 13
Load a part......................................................................................................................................................... 18
Select process.................................................................................................................................................... 23
Consumable....................................................................................................................................................... 24
Turning ON the plasma...................................................................................................................................... 26
Align a part for cutting......................................................................................................................................... 28

Maintenance......................................................................................................................................................... 35
Check before start-up......................................................................................................................................... 35
Maintenance routine........................................................................................................................................... 36
Machine axis configuration................................................................................................................................. 36
Quick chart......................................................................................................................................................... 38
Task.................................................................................................................................................................... 38
Daily................................................................................................................................................................... 39
Weekly................................................................................................................................................................ 40
Monthly............................................................................................................................................................... 40
Bi-annual............................................................................................................................................................ 41
Annual................................................................................................................................................................ 41

Machine cleaning................................................................................................................................................ 42
X bearings of End truck Assy............................................................................................................................. 43
X engagement bearings of End truck Assy........................................................................................................ 44
Y bearings of Carriage Assy............................................................................................................................... 45
Y engagement bearings of Carriage Assy.......................................................................................................... 46
Z bearings of Carriage Assy............................................................................................................................... 47

Ground test.......................................................................................................................................................... 48
Table of contents

Exploded view of Platinum cut........................................................................................................................... 49

Front view........................................................................................................................................................... 51
Top view.............................................................................................................................................................. 52

Gantry / End truck / Carriage / Edge Connect................................................................................................. 53

End truck assembly............................................................................................................................................ 54
End truck motor assembly.................................................................................................................................. 55
Carriage assembly ............................................................................................................................................ 56
Carriage Motor assembly .................................................................................................................................. 57
Carriage.............................................................................................................................................................. 58
XPR Torch Console assembly............................................................................................................................ 59
HPR Console assembly..................................................................................................................................... 60
5 AXIS Assembly ............................................................................................................................................... 61
5 AXIS Height controller THC Assembly ............................................................................................................ 62
Magnet Plates Assembly ................................................................................................................................... 63
CNC Console assembly..................................................................................................................................... 64
CNC Console assembly parts............................................................................................................................ 65

Water Table.......................................................................................................................................................... 66
Down Draft Table................................................................................................................................................. 67
Air cylinder assembly.......................................................................................................................................... 68
Rail assembly..................................................................................................................................................... 69

Gantry Assembly................................................................................................................................................. 70
XPR CORE......................................................................................................................................................... 70
XPR VWI............................................................................................................................................................ 71
XPR OPTIMIX.................................................................................................................................................... 72
Gantry HPR........................................................................................................................................................ 73

Warranty............................................................................................................................................................... 74

Les chocs électriques peuvent tuer. Electric shocks can be fatal.
Ne pas toucher les pièces électriques sous tension Do not touch live electrical parts.
Gardez tous les panneaux et les couvercles en place Keep all panels and covers in place when the machine is
lorsque l' appareil est connecté à une source d'alimentation connected to a power source.
Isolez-vous de la zone de travail et du sol : porter des Insulate yourself from the work zone and the ground: wear
vêtements isolés tels que gants, chaussures et vêtements. insulating gloves, shoes and clothing.
Conservez les gants, chaussures, vêtements secs de zone Keep gloves, shoes, clothing, the work area, the torch and
de travail et de la torche this machine dry at all times.

Une explosion surviendra si des conteneurs pressurisés sont Explosion will result if pressurized containers are cut or
coupés. punctured.

La découpe au plasma de l’aluminium sur un bassin à l’eau Plasma cutting aluminum on a water table is not recommended
n’est pas recommandé car il y a risque d’explosion. because of the explosion hazard.

Rayonnement laser Laser radiation

L'exposition à la sortie du laser peut entraîner des Exposure to the laser output can result in serious eye injury.
blessures graves aux yeux . Avoid direct eye exposure.
Éviter l'exposition directe de l'œil. Wear approved eye protection while operating this machine.

Les pièces mobiles peuvent écraser et couper. Gardez les Moving parts can crush and cut. Keep hands clear of moving
mains loin des pièces et des machines en mouvement. parts and machinery.

La fumée et les gaz peuvent endomager votre santé. Fumes and gases can injure your health
Gardez votre tête hors des fumées. Keep your head away from fumes.
Fournir une aération, une évacuation à la source , ou les Provide ventilation, an exhaust at the arc, or both to keep the
deux pour maintenir les fumées et les gaz de votre zone de fumes and gases from your breathing zone and the general
respiration et de la zone générale. area.
Si ventilation est insuffisante, utiliser un respirateur If ventilation is inadequate, use an approved respirator.
approuvé. WARNING: This product, when used for welding or cutting,
AVERTISSEMENT: Ce produit, lorsqu'il est utilisé pour le produces fumes or gases which contain chemicals known to
soudage ou la coupe, produit des fumées ou des gaz qui cause birth defects and, in some cases, cancer.
contiennent des produits chimiques connus pour causer
des malformations congénitales et, dans certains cas, le

La chaleur, les étincelles et les éclaboussures peuvent Heat, splatter and sparks cause fire and burns.
provoquer un incendie et des brûlures. Do not cut near combustible material.
Ne coupez pas à proximité de matières combustibles. Do not cut containers that have held combustibles.
Ne pas couper de récipients ayant contenu du combustible. Do not have on your person any combustibles such as butane
Ne pas avoir sur vous des combustibles tels que des lighters or matches
briquets au butane ou des allumettes. Keep the torch nozzle away from yourself and others when
Gardez la buse de la torche loin de vous et des autres the switch is depressed.
lorsque l'interrupteur est enfoncé. Wear approved eye and body protection.
Porter des lunettes approuvées et une protection du corps.

Les rayons d’un arc peuvent blesser les yeux et brûler la Arcs rays can injure eyes and burn skin. Wear approved eye
peau. Portez des lunettes de sécurité approuvées et une and body protection.
protection du corps adéquate.

Le bruit peut domager votre audition. Portez des Noise can damage hearing. Wear correct ear protection.
protections auditives approuvées. / July 2015 / Juillet 2015 9

General product description
This section aims to familiarize users with the main concepts, as well as the important components of the
Platinum Cut cutting system. This cutting table was designed for; produce a high quality of cut, ensure reliability with regard
to repeatability, be durable for several useful years and which stands out for its ease of use. Further details of the product
can be found on page.50 ‘‘ Exploded view ’’.


Turning ON the machine

Turn ON the main power source of both the drive panel, and plasma source. As well as all related componant for the use of
the machine such as air dryer, dust collector etc.

Boot up the controller by pressing the power button

Pressurize the gas lines

Open all the gases, and verify the pressure on the shop’s regulator, a steady 120 psi (for HPR) should always be provided to
the plasma system **(see below for XPR)**

Machines with XPR must be regulated as close as possible to the console, this is why the regulators on the wall must be
adjusted at 150 psi, and then regulated at 120 psi, on the gantry’s regulator

Homing the machine

Once the Ethercat loop has booted up, a pop up message will appear, asking to Home the Torch height control (THC), click
on Yes, the Z axis will now move.

You can then home the axis of the machine. Click on the Manual button

**If your machine does not have a bevel head, skip this section**
Click on Home Axes

A pop-up screen will appear, asking if you want to Home Tilt Rotator Axes, click on Yes to access the
bevel head axis homing page

Click on All, the Tilt and Rotate will now move to home. Once the homing is done, click on OK to go back in the manual
options page.

Click on Home Axes

A pop-up screen will appear, asking if you want to Home Tilt Rotator Axes, click on No, to access the
XYZ axis homing page.

Click on All, the Rail, Transverse and THC will now move to home. Once the homing is done, click on OK to go back in the
manual options page.

**If your machine does not have a bevel head, the homing will like below**
Click on Home Axes

Click on All, the Tilt and Rotate will now move to home. Once the ho-
ming is done, click on OK to go back in the manual options page.

Load a part

Load a part from disk

At this point, you can either load a part from a network server, or from a usb stick
Click ont the file tab.

Select the disk on which the program file is in. Click on the Load from rolling bar (1), and select the Memory Stick, or the
network path. the file will then appear. Make sure that the Load to rolling bar is set to Current Part (2). In that example,
the file is TEST.

Click on OK, then the selected file will appear in the main page preview, the part is now ready to be cut.

Load a part from shape manager
Click on the shape manager tab

Select a predefined shape to be cut, by double clicking on the shape. In that example the rectangle is selected.

Every different shape has different properties, which can be edited.

Once the properties are all defined, click on OK the Pronest CNC software will start, which will allow you to nest multiple
parts of the same kind altogether, and where the plasma process will be defined.

Once everything is defined, click on Nest to apply all those to the
part to be cut, the message below will appear, click on OK to clear it

Select process
Always refer to the Hypertherm’s cut chart to select the process to use, depending on the thickness to be cut
When cutting a Pronest part, the process parameter will all be defined by the software
When cutting a shape manager part, the process parameter will have to be defined in
the Plasma cut chart 1 page manually.

By looking at the cut chart, fill up the boxes on the left of the screen below (1)
Once all the process is defined, click on Change consumable to have a view at the consumable that will have
to be assembled in the torch head (2).


**Always make sure that the plasma is OFF when disassembling the consumable or torch head**
The consumable must always be assembled as shown below

If any of the consumables is hard to assemble, apply a thin film of the Hypertherm silicone lubricant (Hypertherm #027055)

1-For the water tube, simply push the piece in the inner part of the torch head.

2-Install the electrode, using the tightening tool (Hypertherm #104119)

For XPR, turn a ¼ turn to lock the electrode in place

For HPR, turn the electrode until the end of the thread is reached -DO NOT OVER TIGHTEN-

3- Assemble the swirl ring into the nozzle.
(Make sure there is no gap between the consumable)

4- Install the nozzle and swirl ring assembly in the torch head.

5- Install the nozzle retaining cap by turning it clockwise -DO NOT OVER TIGHTEN-

6- Install the shield over the nozzle retaining cap and nozzle tip, the shield must be installed as straight as possible.

7- Install the shield cap by turning it clockwise, do not overtighten.

Turning ON the plasma

Enable the station

Prior to switch the plasma On, a station must be enabled in the controller.

Switch on the plasma

Turn the switch at ON to initiate the plasma booting sequence.

Wait for the purge to be completed and check for errors
If an error appear, refer to the plasma manual.

Align a part for cutting

Once the part is loaded, click on Current Part Options

Then click on Align

Define the Corner to align with, which is the first point of reference that the software will take to do the alignment, in that
example, the Bottom Left is used.

To enable the Skew Adjustment, put the option at ON

Then select the Skew Reference, which will define a second point on the plate to define the skew of it, in that example the
Top Left is used.

**If your machine has a laser, you should enable your laser at this point**
Click on Manual options

Click on Manual Offset, the machine will now move to offset the laser to the torch position
Select the right offset to enable the laser.

**If your machine does not have a laser, use the tip of the torch to do the alignment**

Manually move to the first point (Corner to align with). When the laser/torch is at the corner, click on the At Corner button
Manually move to the second point (Skew Reference). When the laser/torch is at the skew point, click on the
At Skew Point button.

At Skew Point

At Coner
Once the two points are set, click on OK, a pop-up screen will appear asking
Ready to final align from bottom left corner?

Click on Yes, then the machine will go back to the At Corner point, you will then see a plate skew value that will appear at
the bottom of the preview.

To ensure that the plate alignment is good, the program can be run in trial mode. To do it,
click on Change cut mode until it turns to Trial.

Start the program

Click on the green button to execute the program.

When the program is done, click Yes to the return to start message, then change the Cut mode to Plasma 1
the program is now ready to be cut.


The products designed by Machitech Automation are renowned for their accuracy and reliability.
However, to make sure that you always get the most out of your cutting system, it is essential that it be kept clean and to
also provide maintenance periodically.

Regular maintenance optimizes cut quality and significantly increases the service life of the

The maintenance presented in the following section is based on a 40-hour week schedule. Any
system that exceeds this value must have a maintenance schedule specific to its use.

Caution: The use of lithium grease or WD-40 for lubrication can cause premature wear of the

Check before start-up

Before operating the machine, here are some visual inspections to avoid damage or loss of time:

• Make sure that nothing blocks or can encounter the bridge during its movements.

• Plan out a safe path to avoid collisions.

• Verify that nothing is obstruct the cable chain to ensure that it will not be damaged while moving.

• Verify gas pressure and compressed air to ensure that the system can function properly.

• Verify air quality (clean and dry.)

• Verify the torch lead wiring to make sure there is no risk of it getting caught.

• Confirm that the correct consumables are installed in the torch.

Maintenance routine

The maintenance routine section is separated in three categories:

- Clean up
- Lubrication
- Adjustment

Maintenance routine frequency

The frequency of each task is set for a normal use of the machine in the best environment.
Therefore, the following must be considered, and may affect frequency

- Machine is outside, and is subject to be affected by element (water, sun etc.)

- Machine is close to a high humidity source

- Machine is used 24 hours on 7 days

- Machine is in an extremely bad air quality environment

Machine axis configuration


(-) (+)


**For all drill information, refer to the How to drill manual

Quick chart

* 1 Especially the Y top axis rail, must be clean more than the others
* 2 Depending on the model of your machine, there could be 1 or two electrical cabinet
* 3 Gears are built to wear faster than the racks
* 4 Machitech technical support 418-268-4020 ext. 224

For lubrication, refer to the lubrication chart

Task Daily Weekly Monthly Bi-annual Annual

Inspect the security systems X

Inspect machine controls X
Remove all debris and dusts on and around the machine X
Inspect the rails, clean and dust less X
Inspect the racks, clean and dust less (*1) X
Inspect the cable tracks X
Inspect all regulators X
Inspect all consumables X
Perform the machine homing X
Inspect all axis motion X
Inspect pneumatic lines for leak X
Inspect all gas connection for leaks X
Perform the grease schedule X
Clean up the compressed air system components X
Deep clean the electrical cabinet(*2) X
Open the THC assembly for visual inspection X
Inspect all gears on each axis (*3) X
Verify the alignment of the bevel head when homed X
Inspect the dust collector filters (see dust collector manual) X
Inspect all cables X
Inspect all gas hoses X
Verify the square of the machine X
Save a back-up of the controller parameter X
Inspect all electrical connections X
Perform a ground rod test X
Replace all worns gear(*3) X
Inspect all axis motor/reducer assembly X
Contact Machitech technical support for a full maintenance(*4) X


Inspect the security system

Ensure that the E-stop, pull cords are working properly

Inspect machine controls

Ensure that all control panel buttons, switches and joystick are working properly

Remove all debris and dust all around the machine

Keep the machine clean on a daily basis, to avoid premature component failure

Inspect the rails, clean and dust less

Rails should always be kept clean, as the dust will go inside the linear bearings which can bring to a premature failure

Inspect the racks, clean and dust less

Racks should always be kept clean, all racks teeth must be intact

Inspect the cable tracks

The cable track must always be free to move, every cable track cover must be in place, no cable must go out of the
cable track

Inspect all regulator

Make sure that the main valves are open, and that the operating pressure is good

Inspect all consumables

Consumables should always be intact, and matching the process of the program to be cut

Perform the machine homing

Machine must be homed, so that all axis will be referenced

Inspect all axis motion
Each axis must move freely and smoothly

Inspect pnematic lines and connections for leak

Inspect all gas lines and connection for leaks

Perform the grease schedule
(See lubrication section)

Clean up the compress air system components

Air provided to the machine should always be dry and clean, clean compressor filter, and change filter if needed

Deep clean the electrical cabinet

All electrical component should be clean and dust less

Open the THC assembly for visual inspection

THC assembly should always be free and easy to move

Inspect all gear of each axis

Gears are built to be softer than the racks, if the gears are worn, they will need to be replaced, if the gears worn quickly,
the rails alignment will have to be checked

Verify the alignment of the bevel head when homed

When homed, the bevel head has to be perfectly straight to get better cutting results

Inspect the dust collector filters

Dust collector filters should never be clogged, has it can damage the system, and highly reduce the removal of dust

Inspect all cables
All cables must be intact without any damage

Inspect all gas hoses

Hoses must be intact without any cracks

Verify the square of the machine

Save a back-up of the controller parameter

(Refer to operation section)
Inspect all electric connection
All electric connection should be tight, without any traces of corrosion or burn

Perform a ground rod test
(Refer to ground rod test schematic)

Replace all worn gear

Inspect all axis motor/reducer assembly

Ensure that all assemblies are tight and the gears are still in good shape

Contact Machitech technical support for a full maintenance

Inspect each bolts and torque all bolt to the specifications

Machine cleaning

The machine cleaning must be considered as part of the preventive maintenance, as the plasma
process, and all related metal working process, commonly found where cutting machine are installed, are high dust and
debris generator. As the machine has multiple moving component, dust and debris must be cleared, to avoid it to go into
components, such as linear bearings, chains, controller, drive box etc., which will decrease these components lifetimes. A
good cleaning schedule will reduce the chance of premature failure and machine breakdown

*All bearings on the machine should be greased with NLGI 1 or 2 rated grease


Clean up
Lubrication frequency


X bearing 100 500 2000

X engagement bearing 1000 2000 5000

Y bearing 100 500 2000

Y engagement bearing 1000 2000 5000

Z bearing 1000 500 2000

X bearings of End truck Assy

Left: 2X
Right: 2X

X engagement bearings of End truck Assy

Left: 2X
Right: 2X

Y bearings of Carriage Assy

Total: 4X

Y engagement bearings of Carriage Assy

Total: 2X

Z bearings of Carriage Assy

Total: 4X

Ground test

Exploded view of Platinum cut

Platinum Cut

Front view

Top view

Gantry / End truck / Carriage / Edge Connect

End truck assembly

Left: 1X
Right: 1X

End truck motor assembly

Total: 2X

Carriage assembly

Total: 1X

Carriage Motor assembly

Total: 1X

Carriage assembly

Total: 1X

XPR Torch Console assembly

Total: 1X

HPR Console assembly

Total: 1X

5 AXIS Assembly

Total: 1X

5 Axis Height controller THC Assembly

Total: 1X

Magnet Plates Assembly

Total: 1X

CNC Console assembly

Total: 1X

CNC Console assembly parts

Total: 1X

Water Table

Total: 1X

Down Draft Table

Total: 1X


Air cylinder assembly

Qty.: Vary for each customer

Rail assembly

Total: 2X

Gantry Assembly




Gantry HPR


Machitech Automation cutting tables are high-end products that have made a name
for themselves thanks to their precision, reliability, and robustness.
For these reasons, any Machitech Automation Plasma Cutting System is sold with a basic warranty
covering parts, labour and on-site service for a one year period.
The company owes its success to the chose relationships it has cultivated with its customers, and as
such, is proud to offer remote support service for life, free of charge.
However, it is important to note that this warranty can not be transferred under any circumstances,
so the warranty applies only to the original purchaser.
For more information about the specific warranty for your Machitech product, please refer to your
sales contract.

** For Hypertherm product warranty: please refer to the manufacturer’s documents.


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