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Are you struggling with the daunting task of writing your Blue Ocean Strategy Ph.D. thesis?

not alone. Crafting a thesis of this caliber is an arduous journey that demands meticulous research,
critical analysis, and eloquent articulation. From formulating a compelling research question to
conducting extensive literature reviews and presenting original findings, the process can be

Navigating through the complexities of the Blue Ocean Strategy framework requires a deep
understanding of strategic management principles, market dynamics, and innovation strategies. It
entails delving into case studies, dissecting industry trends, and exploring competitive landscapes to
unearth unique insights that contribute to the body of knowledge in the field.

Moreover, the rigor and academic standards associated with a Ph.D. thesis demand precision in
methodology, rigor in data collection and analysis, and coherence in argumentation. Each chapter
must seamlessly flow into the next, building a cohesive narrative that demonstrates scholarly rigor
and intellectual acumen.

Given the challenges involved, seeking expert guidance and support can significantly alleviate the
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From refining your research proposal to polishing your final draft, their services encompass every
stage of the thesis writing process. Their writers are well-versed in the nuances of the Blue Ocean
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Don't let the challenges of writing a thesis deter you from pursuing your academic aspirations. Take
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The book helps you to identify a “price corridor” that your price should fall within. Should We Burn
the BUSINESS MODEL CANVAS and LEAN CANVAS. Horses could easily negotiate the bumps
and mud that stymied cars—especially in rain and snow—on the nation’s ubiquitous dirt roads. The
strategy canvas is used to plot the current main dimensions that are valued by customers and used by
you and your competition. Instead, they created a sophisticated theatrical production with a unique
storyline and characters. As competition mounted in the global marketplace, a slew of red ocean
strategies emerged, all arguing that competition was at the core of corporate success and failure. It is
mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Strategic
Management: Concepts and Cases. 9 th edition Fred R. To me, this is a fascinating use of the two
frameworks and I will plan to explore this in later detail. The best I can do for you is to point you to
two excellent articles. The hallmarks of a Blue Ocean are extraordinary revenue with little or no
competition. Value innovation is created in the region where a company’s actions favorably affect
both. The researchers used descriptive statistical methods, as well as, linear regression analysis, that
were done to test the study's hypotheses and analyze the collected data. This isn’t new to me and we
wrote about Waterfall analysis back in 2014. Examine how the value is constructed and who
influences buying decisions in the market. The strategy canvas demonstrates that Nintendo designed
the Wii to compete on different value components than Sony Playstation and Microsoft Xbox. The
reason is that blue ocean strategy creates considerable economic and cognitive barriers to imitation.
In other words, the key to success is to find a market that you can create and then make your own.
Of the companies listed here, only Ford, Apple, Dell, and Nickelodeon were new entrants in their
industries; the first three were start-ups, and the fourth was an established player entering an
industry that was new to it. Ask yourself: How many industries that are unknown today will exist
then. Zero Budget Marketing Strategy with KPIs for a Cleaning Detergent Training. Adam Kogler
Michael Ostrowsky Matt Porter Ryan Martin. Red Oceans. Red Oceans Compete in existing market
space Beat the competition Exploit existing demand. This category only includes cookies that
ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Taking market structure as given,
much as military strategy takes land as given, such a view drives companies to try to carve out a
defensible position against the competition in the existing market space. The tagline for one of the
first Cirque productions is revealing: “We reinvent the circus.” Cirque did not make its money by
competing within the confines of the existing industry or by stealing customers from Ringling and
the others. Several popular strategic frameworks for the development of new business models have
been proposed in the past decades. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne studied 150 strategic moves
across 30 industries across 100 years. To sustain themselves in the marketplace, practitioners of
strategy focus on building advantages over the competition, usually by assessing what competitors
do and striving to do it better. Once teams are familiar with the tools, the shift in mindset becomes
easier and the process becomes embedded in the way of creatively framing opportunities. They
analyzed new business launches in 108 companies and found that 86% of these new ventures were
merely line extensions and only 14% actually created new markets or industries.
This international best seller upends traditional thinking with principles and tools to make the
competition irrelevant. How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make the Competition
Irrelevant. Blue Ocean Strategy Definition and Fundamentals What Are Red Oceans. The Blue
Ocean framework is a strategic approach that how companies can create new markets where there is
little or no competition and therefore they can earn above-average profits. Rod King, Ph.D. 12
Disruption Vulnerabilities of the Business Model Canvas: BUSINESS MODEL CA. 12 Disruption
Vulnerabilities of the Business Model Canvas: BUSINESS MODEL CA. Also go after non-
customers, who might well be waiting for what you can offer in the blue ocean. Brief comparison
between competitive environment (Red Oceans) strategy and blue ocean strategy and also
importance of role of management in using blue ocean strategy to increase return for the firms are
issues that explained. In time, competition emerged, but firms still managed to find new blue ocean
opportunities in these markets. Nor do they necessarily stick to Colgate when there is a special
promotion for Crest, and vice versa. Horses could easily negotiate the bumps and mud that stymied
cars—especially in rain and snow—on the nation’s ubiquitous dirt roads. The creation of blue
oceans, in other words, is a product of strategy and as such is very much a product of managerial
action. And as brands become more similar, people increasingly base purchase choices on price. You
also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. These questions are at the heart of understanding
competitive advantage. The book helps you to identify a “price corridor” that your price should fall
within. According to this view, companies and managers are largely at the mercy of economic forces
greater than themselves. Incumbents often create blue oceans within their core businesses. These
combined strategies effectively beat the competition or in their own words “ make the competition
irrelevant “. The Blue Ocean Strategy offers an important framework that businesses can adopt to be
able to create uncontested markets and subsequently focus from the vicious circle. Given that these
classification systems are designed for standardization and continuity, such a replacement shows
how significant a source of economic growth the creation of blue oceans has been. In red oceans-
-that is, in all the industries already existing--companies compete by grabbing for a greater share of
limited demand. Silicon Valley’s Tools for Translating Startup Ideas into Billion Dollar Comp. Vijay
Tandon Blue Ocean Strategy - Universal Business School by Prof. You then need to move to target
costing, instead of strategic pricing. Using this strategy, companies can also find out where they need
to focus, which market is fruitful, and how they fulfill customer demand. In the smartphone example,
Apple decided to completely eliminate the SD card slot. While line extensions did account for 62%
of the total revenues, they delivered only 39% of the total profits. The real opportunity is to create
blue oceans of uncontested market space. Novo Nordisk a Danish insulin producing company
created a Blue Ocean in the insulin industry. In blue oceans, demand is created rather than fought
In a study of business launches in 108 companies, we found that 86% of those new ventures were
line extensions—incremental improvements to existing industry offerings—and a mere 14% were
aimed at creating new markets or industries. Gaming and Strategic Decisions Dominant Strategies
The Nash Equilibrium Revisited Repeated Games. These cookies do not store any personal
information. Just three decades ago, none of these industries existed in a meaningful way. From
within the red oceans of theater and circus, Cirque has created a blue ocean of uncontested market
space that has, as yet, no name. There is ample opportunity for growth that is both profitable and
rapid. The answer: Industries as basic as automobiles, music recording, aviation, petrochemicals,
pharmaceuticals, and management consulting were unheard-of or had just begun to emerge. Chapter
Outline. The Nature of Strategy Analysis and Choice A Comprehensive Strategy-Formulation
Framework. Rod King, Ph.D. Business Model Strip SCORECARD FOR RADICALLY
IMPROVING THE PERFORMANCE OF BUS. Blue ocean strategy refers to creation of new and
uncontested markets spaces whereby competition is irrelevant due to new customer value Kim and
Mauborgene 3. But once corporations realize that the strategies for creating and capturing blue
oceans have a different underlying logic from red ocean strategies, they will be able to create many
more blue oceans in the future. As the market space gets more crowded, prospects for profits and
growth decline. This international best seller upends traditional thinking with principles and tools to
make the competition irrelevant. Red oceans will always matter and will always be a fact of business
life. In red oceans, industry boundaries are defined and accepted, and the competitive rules of the
game are well understood. In other words, strategy is essentially a choice between differentiation
and low cost. Although the themes are intentionally vague, they bring harmony and an intellectual
element to the acts. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. How to create uncontested
market space and make the competition irrelevant. The strategy canvas is both a diagnostic and an
action framework for building a. Blue ocean strategy, by contrast, is about doing business where
there is no competitor. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. A blue ocean is an
analogy to describe the wider, deeper potential to be found in unexplored market space. Strategy
Canvas The Strategy Canvas and Value Curve The Strategy Canvas is the cornerstone of the blue
ocean strategy. Since its inception in the mid-2000s, BOS has become one of the most popular
concepts in the field of strategy and one of the biggest buzzwords in the business world. There are
lots of good examples such as Cirque Du Soleil, Often you can see breakthrough innovation
happening across different industries and the emergence of value innovation. Get in touch with your
inner creative with our downloadable resources. Universal Pain Reliever for Exponential (10X) Lean
Startups: The Lean POKER S. If you do the strategy well, you may not face credible competition
for many years, but eventually your ocean will turn red. But what is it all about and what are the
important lessons we can learn as business leaders looking to forge our own strategic direction and
Indeed, is Cirque really a circus with all that it has eliminated, reduced, raised, and created. After
that, the questionnaire forms were distributed to the selected sample. In which stage are the biggest
blocks to fun and image? The blue ocean strategy fundamentally challenges leaders to assess the
value rather than the technology. It was also found that the reduction process significantly affects the
achievement of a competitive advantage. Novo Nordisk a Danish insulin producing company created
a Blue Ocean in the insulin industry. Access more than 40 courses trusted by Fortune 500 companies.
But it’s much more common for a blue ocean to be created from within a red ocean when a company
expands the boundaries of an existing industry. What was more astonishing though was that although
the line extensions accounted for 62% of total revenues, they only delivered only 39% of total
profits. Blue ocean strategy research paper pdf For an improved version of the theory Kim and
Mauborgne should especially 1 update the Blue Ocean Strategy theory generation 2 the. Horses
could easily negotiate the bumps and mud that stymied cars—especially in rain and snow—on the
nation’s ubiquitous dirt roads. These cookies do not store any personal information. Ad Online open
access journal from the publishers of Nature. For this example I stuck with mostly specifications for
simplicity. There have been numerous innovators who have succeeded at restructuring an industry, or
creating a completely different industry. What’s more, companies that understand what drives a good
strategic move will be well-placed to create multiple blue oceans over time, thereby continuing to
deliver high growth and profits over a sustained period. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne, reveal
another way to innovate and grow. Chan Kim, of the books Blue Ocean Strategy and Beyond
Disruption: Innovate and Achieve Growth Without Displacing Industries, Companies, or Jobs
(Harvard Business Review Press, 2023). Instead they make it irrelevant by creating a leap in value for
both buyers and the company itself. (The exhibit “Red Ocean Versus Blue Ocean Strategy” compares
the chief characteristics of these two strategy models.). HBR Learning’s online leadership training
helps you hone your skills with courses like Strategy Planning and Execution. Adam Kogler Michael
Ostrowsky Matt Porter Ryan Martin. Red Oceans. Red Oceans Compete in existing market space
Beat the competition Exploit existing demand. A free account also gives you access to our free
templates library. Using this method, you can outdo your competitors and. Why use it? A good way
to understand how to reassess strategic options. The Blue Ocean Strategy is a useful framework for
leadership teams and can facilitate ideas and development of new initiatives. Report this Document
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The analysis shows that the BOS concept exhibits several characteristics which makes it highly
appealing to organizations and managers. But the idea of removing an SD slot isn’t a very game
changing innovation. There is ample opportunity for growth that is both profitable and rapid. Least
Mastered Competency: Understand the chromosomal basis of inheritance and the role of DNA as a
blue print of life.
In red oceans--that is, in all the industries already existing--companies compete by grabbing for a
greater share of limited demand. In 20 years, Cirque has achieved revenues that Ringling Bros.
Experiment (XP) Gameboard: How Great Organizations Rapidly Solve Problems, Le. Most
businesses make the mistake of focusing on their competitors when developing strategies. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade
your browser. Inside this Instaread Summary of Blue Ocean Strategy by W. Several popular strategic
frameworks for the development of new business models have been proposed in the past decades.
The result is an approach to developing new products and services with a 15-year track record. Focus
on identifying and then taking advantage of the things that exercise a disproportionate influence on
performance. All gains are at the loss of another company and wealth is captured and redistributed
instead of being created. Red Ocean Strategy Compete in existing market space Beat the
competition. Ideally you would have customer survey data to back up these ratings and ensure the
ratings were not heavily influenced by your own biases. The book helps you to identify a “price
corridor” that your price should fall within. The reason is that blue ocean strategy creates
considerable economic and cognitive barriers to imitation. Strategic Thinking. Chapter 3 The
External Environment. The book Blue Ocean Strategy urges the readers to revisit their basic strategy
in tryin. You can browse through a vast library of Blue Ocean Strategy Google Slides templates,
PowerPoint themes and backgrounds to stand out in your next presentation. Kim and Mauborgne
recommend creating blue oceans —uncontested market spaces where the competition is irrelevant.
Of course this drives prices down for all suppliers and consequently reduces profitability generally.
Each company has a particular business culture, which is suitable only for the company in a specific
industry. However, the main advantage of the car was its price. Think of the Apple iPhone South
West Airlines Cirque du Soleil Nintendo and Ikea for example. The Blue Ocean Strategy is an
approach to innovate value and create new market space, tap into unsatisfied consumer demand, and
find uncontested market space. In which stage are the biggest blocks to environmental friendliness?
PERFORMANCE OF BUS. It is about creating and capturing uncontested market space, thereby
making the competition irrelevant. In 2023, they were chosen as two of the four leading thinkers in
the 100 years of Harvard Business Review’s publication. Learning Points. Tendencies that companies
have when building strategy The 6 Paths Framework Six basic approaches to remaking market
boundaries. At the time of Cirque’s debut, circuses focused on benchmarking one another and
maximizing their shares of shrinking demand by tweaking traditional circus acts. This suggests that
incumbents are not at a disadvantage in creating new market spaces.
Because blue ocean creators immediately attract customers in large volumes, they are able to generate
scale economies very rapidly, putting would-be imitators at an immediate and continuing cost
disadvantage. It was Henry Ford’s understanding of these advantages that showed him how he could
break away from the competition and unlock enormous untapped demand. Share to Twitter Share to
Facebook Share to Pinterest. While line extensions did account for 62% of the total revenues, they
delivered only 39% of the total profits. Get in touch with your inner creative with our downloadable
resources. However, unless a culture of exploration is developed then the end result will always be
ideas and implementations that fall short of value innovation. A corporate management team
pursuing profitable growth can plot the. Business design and blue ocean provides a framework for
leaders to rethink the trajectory of the business. They analyzed new business launches in 108
companies and found that 86% of these new ventures were merely line extensions and only 14%
actually created new markets or industries. One way is to implement Blue Ocean Strategy that allows
businesses to create a niche market to get out of the red ocean competition so that competition
becomes irrelevant. Dane works with owners and executives who are tired of relegating the lifeblood
of their business - their marketing and sales flow to 3rd party geeks and charlatans. At the time,
horse-drawn carriages were the primary means of local transportation across America. How do hotel
linen suppliers contribute to sustainable and eco-friendly pract. Companies have a huge capacity to
create new industries and re-create existing ones, a fact that is reflected in the deep changes that have
been necessary in the way industries are classified. Family of 4 Visual Templates for the TOTAL
HAPPINESS CANVAS Family of 4 Visual Templates for the TOTAL HAPPINESS CANVAS
Rapid Organizational Improvement (ROI): Instantly Xray Every For-Profit and N. These Strategy
PowerPoint templates are beneficial for presenting the Blue Ocean Strategy analysis and conclusion,
specific tools application, or business strategy lecture. This challenges the view that new markets are
in distant waters. The strategy canvas is both a diagnostic and an action framework for building a.
Imitating a whole-system approach is not an easy feat. They just gave it a resonant name and started
to flesh out the idea. Access more than 40 courses trusted by Fortune 500 companies. Should We
Burn the BUSINESS MODEL CANVAS and LEAN CANVAS. The four steps of visualizing
strategy builds on the six paths of creating blue. In a few cases, companies can give rise to
completely new industries, as eBay did with the online auction industry. But in most cases, a blue
ocean is created from within a red ocean when a company alters the boundaries of an existing
industry. The creation of blue oceans, in other words, is a product of strategy and as such is very
much a product of managerial action. For more information on what data is contained in the cookies,
please see our Cookie Policy Allow Cookies. But in cases where this analysis is intended as more of
a rough estimate rather than a scientific ranking, I’ve found that as long as you are quite familiar with
your products and your competitors products, ranking these yourself is good enough to start with.
Based on a study of 150 strategic moves, spanning more than 100 years and 30 industries, they
provide a systematic approach that every company can use to render rivals obsolete and unleash new
demand: Reconstruct market boundaries Focus on the big picture Reach beyond existing demand Get
the strategic sequence right Overcome organizational hurdles Build execution into strategy.

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