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Department of Electrical and Energy Engineering

Institute of Technology of Cambodia

I3GEE – Feedback Control System - FCS

Course Syllabus
Venue: Microsoft Teams – Online class
Duration: Lecture - Course: 24h
Practice - TD: 32h
Laboratory - TP: 22h
Instructor: Dr. Chrin Phok (Course)
Mr. It Chivorn (TD)
Mr. Lim Phing (TP)

Course description
This is an undergraduate-level course in classical control theory. The course covers the modeling of physical
systems, analysis and performance of linear systems, and basic feedback controls. We emphasize the basic
principle of feedback and its use as a tool for altering or inferring the dynamics of systems under uncertainty.

This course focuses on single-input/single-output linear time-invariant control systems emphasizing control
methods. We present material that is fundamental and foundational for the study and practice of control
systems. Concepts include the s-domain, transient and steady-state behavior, PID control, root locus, Bode,
Nyquist plots, compensator design, etc.

A tentative list of topics that we will cover include:

 Part I: System modeling (4 weeks): ODEs, linear time-invariant systems, first-order and second-order
systems, mechanical systems, RLC circuits, Mechatronic system etc.

 Part II: System analysis (6 weeks): Laplace transform, transfer functions, final value theorem, block
diagram, Steady-State Error, Transient Response, Stability etc.

 Part III: Feedback control (6 weeks): Feedback compensation, PID control, Bode plots, Nyquist plots,
stability margin, root locus, etc.


Basic course on ordinary differential equations and linear algebra, Knowledge of signals and systems will be
an advantage.

Computer tool: Matlab/Simulink

 A high-level language and interaction environment
 Enables you to perform computationally intensive tasks faster that C,C++, and Fortran
 A powerful tool for control system designers

Text book and references

 Modern Control Systems - Richard C. Dorf, Robert H. Bishop - 13th Ed.-Pearson
 Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems - Gene F.Frankline et al
 Feedback Systems - Karl Johan ˚Astr¨om Richard M. Murray

 Quiz – 20% (at least 5) (Course)
 Assignment – 10% (TD)
 Attendance – 10 % (Course + TD)
 Presentation – 10% (TD)
 TD – 20% (TD)
 Final – 30% (Course + TD)

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