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Group 4 Project
Group 4 - Esther Mukami, Bravine Ochieng, Antony Mwangi, Deborah
Lenasalon, Chris
Eco-house design project is focused on reducing the CO2 levels introduced to the
atmosphere by investing in solar roofing as an innovation that discourages fossil fuel
burning by encouraging use of solar energy. This project aims at maximizing the
renewable energy such as solar as one of the energy sources that is not only cost effective
but also environmentally sustainable as compared to use of fossil fuels such as coal to
produce electricity. Additionally, using fossil fuel such as coal to produce electricity
involves extractions that leaves the environment with lots of landmines that can lead to
loss of biodiversity and land degradation. Therefore, this project aims at relieving the
extraction of fossil fuel that causes the formation of landmines in the environment by
encouraging renewable energy sources.
Energy Efficiency: Optimize the energy efficiency of the building to reduce its environmental
footprint. The use of passive solar design principles maximises the use of natural lighting and
heating. This can reduce the reliance on artificial lighting and heating systems reducing thermal
Recycling and Material Selection: The use of materials such as plastic and rubber tyres which are
non-biodegrades a key solution in taking control of the ecosystem and making sure our environment
is clean and facilitates both the biotic and abiotic components of the environment.
Solar panels can lower utility bills and produce clean, environmentally friendly energy. But what
contributes more to solar panels efficiency?
The efficiency of photovoltaic solar panels is related to the quality of their photovoltaic (PV) cells. The
conversion efficiency of a PV cell is the percentage of solar energy shining on a solar panel that is
converted into usable electricity. The more efficient a solar panel is, the more energy output it will have
per amount of light hitting the cell, which will, in turn, take up less surface area to meet your energy
Solar panel efficiency is determined by both photovoltaic cell efficiency (namely, cell type and design)
and total panel efficiency based on such considerations as cell type, layout and size. An easy way to gauge
the efficiency of solar panels is to look at the manufacturer’s efficiency rating, which are based on
standard test conditions and provide a reliable indication of performance. The more efficient the panel, the
more it will produce compared to a less efficient panel, and the fewer panels you will need.
Solar panel materials
There are three main types of solar panels:
 Monocrystalline: made of high-purity silicon, are generally seen as the most efficient. These are

more expensive and take up less space.

 Polycrystalline: slightly less efficient, cost less, and may be a good option for facilities that have

more space.
· The photoelectric effect
 Photoelectric effect refers to the emission of electrons from a metal surface as a result of the absorption of electromagnetic wave energy.
Upcycled car tires
Eco-house design can significantly contribute to the reduction of carbon dioxide (CO2)
emissions and help mitigate the impact of climate change. The extent to which it can do so
depends on various factors, including the specific design features, materials used, and the
behaviours of the occupants. Here are some ways in which eco-house design can reduce CO2
Energy Efficiency: Eco-houses are often designed with a focus on energy efficiency. This
includes the use of insulation, energy-efficient windows, and passive solar design principles.
When a house is well-insulated and designed to maximize natural heating and cooling, it
reduces the need for heating and cooling systems, which can be significant sources of CO2
Renewable Energy Sources: Many eco-houses incorporate renewable energy sources, such as
solar panels and wind turbines, to generate clean electricity. This reduces reliance on fossil
fuels for electricity, lowering CO2 emissions.
Sustainable Materials: The choice of construction materials can impact the carbon footprint of a
house. Using sustainable and low-carbon materials, such as bamboo flooring or recycled steel,
can help reduce emissions associated with the construction process.

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