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rm SEA ‘Nn SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS [JNTU-KAKINADA) BB DIFFERENTIAL GPS. 5 es. 1 FFI 1,.a7() |Apaitay-9, Set2, 7p 1 Pap Q33. Explain about the differential GPS. | (or) 7 - Apri-t8, Set2,O7() Explain the principle of differential GPS. . (or) } apt, See4n ae) APM, SH9, CB) Explain the working of a differential GPS. , (er) 3 2 y y ‘AprliMay-6, Sets, a3(y) Write short notes on differential GPS. wt : . (on ‘aprits, Sot, a8) Explain the principle of a differential GPS with 2 neat diagram. Ans ey) Differential GPS vethe acuracy of GPS measurements, One among these techniques prove the accuracy of the GPS timing measurements, GPS receiver and the satellite are countable, and the Differential GPS (DGPS) techniques ae used to impro uses comparative phase of most GPS transmission 80 as t0 i ‘Assume that the number of eyeles of L, (1575 MHz) carrier wave between GPS satellites are motionless for he period of time ittakes to countat two diferent locations, ‘The L, carrier thus has a wavelength of 0.19043 m, Therefore, fora drift of the receiver by 001 m away from satelite, it wil result in change of Phase of received Wave by 18.9" Ifthe total humber of éeles beeen the GPS receiver snd stellite are identified and calculations of fractional cycles is done with a phase resolution of 20° then the exact length tothe satellite ean be known with an accuracy of 0.01 m. This method of finding the receiver movements at centimeter level is knowin as differential phase GPS or kinematic DGPS.” Counting the number of L, carriers between the GPS'receiver and the satellite is very difficult, Yet, the phase angle calculations, comparing the time of arrival of different GPS signals at two, separate locations and the movement between the two locations can be determined. The measurements ate a bit simple if one among the receivers is fixed. This fixed receiver helps in finding the accurate location of other GPS receiver. “The complesty in DGPS phase comparison measuremeis isthe L, carrie, because the wave fepicats itself for every (0.19043 where one cycle is similar to the next. This results in range ambiguity that should be resolved with respect to wavelengths of other signals. 3 ‘The P-code (10,23 MHz) transinission of L, carrier has chip length of 29.326 m. This length is 154 cycles of the L, carrier. “The range ambiguity of carrier waveform can be determined within the length of P code chip. This is possible by comparing the time of arrival of any cycle of L, carrier with starting time of P-code chip. The P-codes can be included in real-time differential calculations even without having its knowledge as only their time of arrivals comparisons of code bits are needed. Uses ‘The differential phase GPS or kinematic DGPS is used for the following, 1. © For the purpose of land surveying. For ex:imple, establishing a reference station at predetermined location: 2, For determining position of airraft comparative tothe runway of an arport so aso setup the approach path 3, For tracking light paths of an aircraft to a2.em accuracy for distance of tons ‘of kilomiet: Scanned with CamScan Station Technol (eorth logy & Low. or : : 7 er Sezment Earth Orbit and Geo-Stationary Satellite Systems ) 5.27 set it comprises : i user segment comprises earth based Gp receivers that decodes the timing signals from four satellites at atime. Tt ine distaice, latitude; elevation, tong ives te levation, longitude arid time of the position point. inode Pape, Qt) | APrIMay-1, Set, (0) (on ane wi 120 : xplain the dolay considerations of LEO, MEd and GEO satellites. x me ; S “Rea, 892,060 (or) 1 i iplain the throughput considerations of LO, MEO and GEO satellites. 2 1 t «ty i soca (or) How fo determine the optimum orbital ‘altitude? (@) Explain the delay and throughput in satellite systems. (b). How to determine the optimum orbital attitude? ; (0) Write nofas on delay and throughput considerations for a geo-stationary satellite. ~ pn, So (| Apray 6, St, QIN) sg i clin Ste Shs) : a) put considerations for a geo-statlonary satellite. Discuss the delay and throught ‘aprivay-16, Set, 70) ns for 2 geo-stationary satellit Write notes on delay and throughput consideratior ‘Aprititay-16, Set, 27(0) te tana rn Stele Ser) (on) | Scanned with CamScan the delay and trovshh ‘Considerations of satelite communteaton Ink ei 5809 fer Ont Da ant Trot in Sie SH) on Erne delay rd hrouphtcostnrens oa 0 8H (fr Oty ata andr IE Ans: 5 (2) Delay ana Throughpet in Sate Stems © Ancommaniaion sk, dy stot few ities when there are quick aeons song wer Bathe > Felted to mtnned miso 1 the mon ar ery res eed the improvement of sree reeds efx xa ‘Sommunicaton see mltay ofa ets eu and feo ike “ore wind ent we pe. 1 oog stat commento Mas dey tis ity than be eka dt imate eansio ie “The echo suger nice he misma is le. 88 GEO Stee ik the echo enters te telephone Bande aad falta second ater be epeater as Spoken and geerally hile he sener iil peaing TAS ye of et Gas {he cmmendon of peak and ence the convention Bs ‘agora ‘Thon wy rpupson tne of LEO, MEO 158 0EO prensa shows se Be (0). Fei) Fromtbefigwe, tine ny eccured when sgnlit posed wero e294 LED wih tacos overages and te od Wp diye wich it ce thee. Theron ely of LEO sli operating in ihe orbs is dole moe ts be lover et. The oud ip a of blr abs apc ego 2500 kn 1833 ms and for GEO wes tis $60 ms (250 pik delay and 230 downlink delay). The delays ae mee when MSS sate ar tse Beats they compress he vole wast ede the gaTeLiTE COMMUNICATIONS LINTU-KAKINAD 9, eal awe ne ce ene iy tp eu dla inetd eee hey conver eel wo tw ee dial nS reser en hee wl ‘SE ant nn The Mette TDD Tine Din ss tate sop it fen wea sare en neat TOMA, eae tine Ba ye [SSecnninion sn een Tarun oq ‘Setananon an eqn of ON noni te ws sel cmt sta sp men on Perigo steel entree arate pp sere i mead vnomnon Fuerte beh Ssletmacdo Ril an ial tse he SALE peces whine isttinnscoerge {aa eahee tocival ato tn, Ienractig Tae ee the wemssone ey 8 25, wc Sinker GE0 steak Deny oink i ens the wou of Se sia Pa oghpta gel pete he pre See a teed ar gece dy errno (0) Deteminaion f Opinum Or Inde of tite vce, tea lly est iste toamneurcoveg: toners pom te wuSfcncoge rene hese pith owe deat mo SEE Srey ws Ferdeer pen tte comet Soni team, wich ces he ge of eoveage eo fear aera es flake ule 3 sank {Aled es path tte go coverage. Reding teal ded ont tanson ho de ofan i devgn gol Th sen os a oe ue pablo ac ipons at tenn ones oi [ince ar cp css brs heer dressy In LEO coset of sacs wh # pil ‘Mpeinchatacncowrgerstonen. whan aces 8 tral ltd he sole dar mae uly he Jablecsireien Thos scoring amber fate Fore, te LED comeltion sl ove opium ue Fie (and show the ec for oto ith {Want Sauces pep anng otc covrge nea) repre bandwith ar Took fo the SIA GROUP L000 Gon the WHLECOVER bwow jy : we gent error ol in| eee pepe nn mat | se ecdooy ocean | crea most important factor in saelie's hardware design | de verte wise ae ine al mentbecnis oon rei at] ‘iio oun 3 km he werent a | ‘Yanai power fom wes rin The actos | wt 3 onto age | fon ogre nf 7 {524 ystem Conaldertlons nic factors infarc he vr communion #7 ‘erento 0 Oo | peserve te system dean conicraton | Geo eatales, i arses | co” i incor tatinnande ea | Ans ofan [SPECTROM aULFORE JOURNAL FOR are th nga What arn ti cormaston 7? icin. viata atone ntcton gn of any salt © system? Espa ys 008 (00 sleratlon f4ctos. explain tho system 2 sicavabn one of be desian are system comierson aban saline compra 1. Incremental oot smerin opersins Repent rt tEnbaoend sen Scanned with CamScan (on Explain the batic principle of FOMA and wre ts applicators. Ane: Frequency Divison Maile Acces (FDMA) ‘5A GROUP Loco Gon he Teco cyan ceca po 3 srt, 09, 086) Seam} Fie a Baseband Le a6 Fi Ri ar Sein 8 Sar ocanned With Ualt: ‘0 SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS [JNTU-KAKINADA} earth station the baseband data designed for earth stations (B,C,D) is multiplexed, modulated and transmitteg if transponder is distributed among ‘n’ earth stations by In igure (1), from earth station with an allocated bandwidth B,. The bandwidth o d eee dividing it into ‘n' fixed parts owing to'various traffie requirements with B, allotted to n® earth station. Here, 7 is equal to 4. lization efficiency, the loss being ‘Also, there isa guard band between each segment. Guard bands reduice the bandwidth uti directly related to the number of accessing earth station networks. ‘number of carriers are passed through a satellite corresponding to N users and these are acquired at the receiving earth suitable RF filter. “B° filters out the frequency segmentB, and demodulates this band. The output of the demodulator ‘Cand D together with the channels addressed to it. The desired station by its traffic address In figure (2) earth station ‘consists of multiplexed telephone channels for earth stations Is baseband frequency segment is extracted with a proper baseband filter and is then de-multiplexed into many telephone channels with a de-multiplexer and finally fed into terrestrial network for further transmission. Advantages : 1, FDMA\s the most simple type of accessing technique. It is widely used by earlier satelite systems, 2 3. Channel equalization is no required. A 4. Its acontinuous transmission method and does not require network timing, Disadvantages : 1, _Itrequires back-off power and tight RF filtering to minimize adjacent channel interference. 2,__Its susceptibility to station cross talk and inter carrier interference. Scanned with CamScan

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