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Eliseu Gervásio Damião

A proposal for an effective teaching of English vocabulary through flashcards.

A case study of Nampaco secondary school, grade 10, day shift

(Licenciatura Degree in English Language Teaching)

Universidade Rovuma

Eliseu Gervásio Damião

A proposal for an effective teaching of English vocabulary through flashcards.

A case study of Nampaco secondary school, grade 10, day shift

Monograph to be presented to the

Department of Letters and Social
Sciences for the fulfilment of
Licenciatura Degree in English Language

Supervisor: Rosita Ruco, MA

Universidade Rovuma

Table of Contents
Abstract ....................................................................................................................................... v
Declaration................................................................................................................................. vi
Dedication .................................................................................................................................vii
Acknowledgements .................................................................................................................viii
List of appendixes...................................................................................................................... ix
List of tables ............................................................................................................................... x
List of abbreviations .................................................................................................................. xi
1.1. Background Information ............................................................................................ 12
1.2. Statement of the problem ........................................................................................... 12
1.3. Research Objectives ................................................................................................... 13
1.3.1. General objective .............................................................................................. 13
1.3.2. Specific objectives ............................................................................................. 13
1.4. Critical questions ........................................................................................................... 13
1.5. Merit of the study ........................................................................................................... 14
1.6. Area of the study ............................................................................................................ 14
1.7. Limitation of the study ................................................................................................... 14
1.8. Structure of the study .................................................................................................... 15
CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................................. 16
.1. Concepts..................................................................................................................... 16
.1.1. Effective teaching ................................................................................................. 16
.1.2. Vocabulary ............................................................................................................ 16
.1.3. Flashcards ............................................................................................................. 17
.2. Importance of vocabulary teaching and learning ....................................................... 18
.3. Types of vocabulary ................................................................................................... 19
.3.1. Receptive vocabulary ........................................................................................... 19
.3.2. Productive Vocabulary ........................................................................................ 19
.4. Classification of vocabulary ...................................................................................... 20
.4.1. Types of flashcards ............................................................................................... 21
.4.2. The advantage of flash cards ............................................................................... 22
2.5. Visual Aids and their importance to the process of language learning.......................... 22
2.6. Teaching vocabulary through flashcards ................................................................... 23
2.6.1. Teaching techniques ......................................................................................... 23
2.6.2. Teaching practical activities ............................................................................ 25
CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY .................................................................... 28

3.1. Research paradigm ......................................................................................................... 28

3.2. Research Approach ........................................................................................................ 28
3.3. Research Design ............................................................................................................ 29
3.4. Participants..................................................................................................................... 29
3.5. Research instruments ..................................................................................................... 29
3.5.1. Observation ............................................................................................................ 30
3.5.2. Interview ................................................................................................................ 30
3.6. Procedures ...................................................................................................................... 30
3.7. Data analysis technique.................................................................................................. 31
CHAPTER IV: DATA PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION ............................................ 32
4.1. Data presentation ........................................................................................................... 32
4.1.2. Data from students' interview .............................................................................. 34
4.1.3. Data from classroom observation ........................................................................ 36
4.2. Data Discussion ............................................................................................................. 38
CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................................ 44
5.1. Proposals ........................................................................................................................ 44
5.1.1. Teaching techniques.................................................................................................... 44
5.2. Implementation .............................................................................................................. 46
5.3. Recommendations .......................................................................................................... 47
5.3.1. To the Ministry of Education and Human Development ............................................ 47
5.3.2. To the course designers ............................................................................................... 47
5.3.3. To the School Staffs .................................................................................................... 47
5.3.4. To the teachers ............................................................................................................ 48
5.3.5. To the students ............................................................................................................ 48
The students should: ............................................................................................................. 48
5.4. Conclusion ..................................................................................................................... 49
References ................................................................................................................................ 50
Appendixes: ............................................................................................................................. 53


This research is entitled " A Proposal for an effective teaching of English Vocabulary through
Flashcards". The study occurred at Nampaco Secondary school grade 10, day shift in Nampula city, in
2023, and its main objective was to investigate the reasons why most grade 10 students of Nampaco
Secondary School, day shift, have a very low level of English vocabulary mastery. The study was done
through a qualitative research approach based on a semi-structured interview and direct observation, as
data collection instruments for analysis of different ideas and beliefs depicting relevant issues in the
teaching of English vocabulary through flashcards. A sum of 12 participants, all of which were selected
randomly out of universe of 283 students. Among the 12 participants, 10 were students in which 6 were
female and 4 were male, and two male teacher of English. The data were analysed through content
analysis and presented through a detailed and careful description. The findings demonstrate that grade
10 students of that specific School, need to be effectively taught English vocabulary in order to improve
their English vocabulary mastery and to enhance the communicative competence. Moreover, the study
shows that the low level in English vocabulary that those grade 10 students of that School present, is
due to lack of an effective teaching of vocabulary using flashcards, and lack of use of appropriate
techniques and practical activities for vocabulary teaching and learning. Therefore, teachers of English
Language, may solve this problem by being creative and dynamics in producing their own teaching
materials (flashcards), and providing practical exercises or activities to the students, by participation of
their school boards. This study suggests the use of flashcards in English vocabulary teaching, simply
because help teachers to save the time and at the same moment, wake up into the students the interest to
learn vocabulary and to use the language for communication.

Key words: Effective teaching, vocabulary, flashcards.

vi 6

Eliseu Gervásio Damião, I declare that this scientific study (monograph), is a product of my
investigation under the guidance of my supervisor and the resource which were employed in
the course of the research have been acknowledged. Not only, I also declare that this work has
not been yet presented on any academic institution for the attainment of any academic degree.

Eliseu Gervásio Damião



To my deceased father, and to my mother.



This monograph was possible through the collaboration of many people, as it can be seen:
Lecturers, colleagues and family. My first recognition, admiration and thanks go to my
supervisor MA. Rosita Ruco who spent her time supervising all the long process of this
monograph for its effective production. Especial thanks also goes to all lecturers had during all
the training process for spending their time providing knowledge which I consider as part of
my present and future life.

I am totally grateful to my parents: my mother Mrs. Julieta Silvério, who indirectly and
tirelessly encouraged me, and to my late father Mr. Gervásio Damião, who spiritually also
encouraged me. My deepest thanks also go to my two daughters: Grace and Fernanda, and to
my wife Anunciada, that gave me power to tirelessly work for this achievement. My special
thanks go to all my classmates: Maló Namige, Frenqui Mussa, João Daniel, Wiki Camisa,
Henriques Arcanjo, Cássimo Sampaio, and friends, who were always there to help me when I
needed, and I wish that my God bless all of them. Finally, I would like, with happiness say
THANKS GOD. This is because everything was done because HE admitted, otherwise it
wouldn't happen. So, I respectfully repeat " THANKS GOD". And I wish HE could always
protect all of us and forever.
ix 9

List of appendixes
Appendix 1: Classroom observation…………………………………………………...53
Appendix 2: Interview form for teachers….…………………………………………..54
Appendix 3: Interview form for students.……………………………………………..56
Appendix 4: “Entrevista para alunos (versão portuguesa)”……………..…..................57
Appendix 5: Picture and word flashcards......................................................................58
Appendix 6: Suggested activities..................................................................................59
Appendix 7: Activities with flashcards.........................................................................62

List of tables

Table 1: Classification of vocabulary………………………………………………………...21

Table 2: Distribution of participants....……………………………………………………….30
Table 3: Bingo, teaching technique………………………………………………...………....47

List of abbreviations
CLT: Communicative language Teaching
STT: Students Talking Time
TTT: Teacher Talking Time
TPR: Total Physical Response
ESL: English as Second Language
EFL: English as Foreign Language

1.1. Background Information
Language is one of the primary tools which help people to think and communicate well based
on their understanding. It is global conception that English language is an international
language. According to RIDHO (2018:258), in this era of globalization, English has become
very important especially for students usually included as millennial generation where they
grow and live in rapidly developing and changing technology era in which English is mainly
used as a means of communication, internationally, by the majority of people in the world.

For Mozambique as a country, English is also an important language from that it is introduced
in national public and private primary and secondary schools to be taught and learned, having
as a general objective to the end of the secondary level, learners obtain the communicative
competence, in English language. But, if we go around to the national public secondary schools,
we will find out that almost all the students from these schools have serious problems in naming
things in English language and they don’t have a competence to communicate in English

Learning vocabulary in EFL is one of the important factors in all language teaching process,
because these words have a vital role in conveying learners' expressions, ideas and their
thoughts in learning process. Vocabulary as an English language component, is very important
to be learned well, because it is the gate and basis to understand phrases and sentences in
English. One of the media that is known as a simple, easy, economical, and a quite effective of
teaching English vocabulary, is Flashcard, especially if it is compared to other media of

1.2. Statement of the problem

During the Teaching Practice process at Nampaco secondary school, grade 10, day shift, in
English lessons that the researcher took part, most students of the same grade, appeared
motivated and attentive and they seemed to be enjoying the lessons, but they didn’t respond
voluntarily to the teacher’s questions, and didn’t participate in the classroom discussions.
Furthermore, we came to understand that most of these students were unable to name classroom
materials, parts of human body, school environment, dressing, family tree, different means of
transport, and parts of speech, which are the most basic things that students should know at the
level of grade 10.

For example, in a simple conversation with some students of the same grade, but from different
classes, presented difficulties in naming some of the school environment objects. The same
happened when the researcher introduced a converse related to parts of the human body, most
of the students didn’t identify the difference between fingers and toes. This showed clearly that
they have a low level of English vocabulary mastery.

Therefore, the research seeks to answer the following research question: "Why aren’t most
grade 10 students of Nampaco secondary school, day shift, able to develop the knowledge of
English vocabulary for communicative competence?"

1.3. Research Objectives

1.3.1. General objective

The major objective of this research is to investigate the reasons why most grade 10 students of
Nampaco secondary school, day shift, have a very low level of English vocabulary mastery.

1.3.2. Specific objectives

Based on the general objectives, the researcher formulated the following specific objectives:

1. To identify what stands behind the poor knowledge of English vocabulary for
communicative competence, of most grade 10 students, day shift at Nampaco Secondary
2. To find out if the teachers of English language use flashcards to effectively teach
English vocabulary to grade 10 students, day shift at Nampaco Secondary school.
3. To propose teaching techniques and practical activities based on the use of flashcards
to teach vocabulary to grade 10 students, day shift, at Nampaco Secondary school for
communicative competence.

1.4. Critical questions

1. Why aren’t most grade 10 students of Nampaco secondary school, day shift, able to
develop the knowledge of English vocabulary for communicative competence?
2. Do the teachers of English language use flashcards for an effective teaching of
3. What teaching techniques and activities are applied by the teachers of English language
to practice vocabulary in the classroom?

1.5. Merit of the study

Teaching is a reciprocal process that involves both-teachers and students. According to TYSON
and CAROLL (2009:9), teaching is a way and process of reciprocal relations between teachers
and students who are equally active in carrying out activities.

The researcher chose flashcards as a medium that can help students to improve their
understanding of the English vocabulary in the learning process. Therefore, the researcher
believes that the findings of this research will be very important tool for teaching English
vocabulary and that when effectively applied by teachers of English language will benefit them
in: producing an easy and economic medium for teaching of English vocabulary in the
classroom; planning the English lessons for different levels of students based on the same
medium; making the lessons of English vocabulary interesting and enjoyable; teaching English
vocabulary easily to students of all levels.

Secondly, students will benefit from the findings of this research as they will learn vocabulary
when effectively applied by their teachers; having English vocabulary learning with images,
that convey the meaning of the words; foster their interest in participating and enjoying the
English language lessons through flashcards to improve their vocabulary knowledge for
communicative purpose. Finally, this research is expected to be a reference to conduct further
researches about the teaching of vocabulary through visual aids.

1.6. Area of the study

The research was conducted at Nampaco Secondary school, which is located in administrative
post of Muhala in Namutequeliua area in the east of Nampula city. Regarding the Nampaco
secondary school geographical location, on the East - Anamanluco health center, West - Demó
area, North – the old traffic control to Anchilo, South – Mutomote river. Nampaco secondary
school result from Nampaco primary school which began in 1986 by catholic missionaries. As
secondary school, it started in 2007 until nowadays. It has a total number of ten thousand five
hundred forty-six students in which five thousand and thirty-three are girls. In terms of teachers,
the school has hundred and thirty teachers and it attends two shifts, day and night shift.
Furthermore, Nampaco Secondary School PESD (Programa de Ensino a Distância).

1.7. Limitation of the study

Almost every study naturally encounters many aspects of different natures that sometimes may
hinder the normal course of the planned activities. In this part of research, the researcher

brought up the problems that were faced during the data collection in the field such as:
unreadiness of the school board in allowing the researcher to run the study in that school. The
two teachers of English were fearful to be observed during their classes, as they took many days
to accept the researcher’s request, most of their students were embarrassed and had limitations
to interact naturally with their teachers in the classes, and finally, they were reluctant in terms
of understanding and answering the questions from the researcher in interviews, including the
absence of some students during the observation process.

1.8. Structure of the study

This research comprises five chapters: Chapter I, is the introductory part of the research. The
emphasis is on background information, statement of the problem, objectives (general and
specific), Critical questions, Merit of the study, Area of the study, Limitation of the study and
Structure of the study;

Chapter II, portrays the precisely Literature Review. It presents views related to the field of
ELT from different authors, tackling aspects of the teaching English vocabulary through
flashcards. Such views have been examined and engaged in the context of the Mozambican
education, particularly for grade 10, at Nampaco Secondary School.

Chapter III depicts Research Methodology. Here, we find research paradigm, research
approach, research design, target population, the sample, research instruments (interview,
questionnaires and observation), procedures, data analysis and techniques.

Chapter IV has to do with the Data Presentation and Analysis, where the data from the teacher’s
interview, student’s questionnaire and the classroom observation is unveiled.

Finally, chapter V addresses the Proposal, Implementation, Recommendations and the

Conclusion. However, the bibliography and appendices are found towards the end of the


This chapter looks at many writers’ perspectives and beliefs about an effective teaching of
English vocabulary through flashcards. It also looks at the pedagogical relevance of teaching
English vocabulary through a wide range of flashcards. Henceforth, the researcher brings about
a discussion concerning the authors’ views below, as a way of suiting them to the context of
Mozambican education, with particular emphasis on grade 10, day shift at Nampaco Secondary

.1. Concepts
.1.1. Effective teaching
The dictionary MERRIAM and WEBSTER (2003:397) defines the term effective as producing
a decided, decisive, or desired effect. Whilst teaching, according to BROWN (2000:7), teaching
is defined as showing and helping someone to learn how to do something, giving instruction,
guiding in the study of something, providing with knowledge, causing to know and understand”.

Effective teaching, according to SCOTT and YTREBERG (1990:40) is “a term used to describe
the knowledge, strategies and conduct of a successful educator”. Moreover, it is the knowledge,
strategies, processes and behaviours which lead to good students’ outcomes. In second language
learning, using visual aids is an essential teaching strategy in the English as Second Language
and English as Foreign Language classroom.

Based on the explanations above about an effective teaching, the researcher understands that an
effective teaching is a well-planned teaching in which at the end of the process the teacher
achieves the desired goals. Furthermore, the researcher believes that in the case of Mozambique
where English is as a foreign language, flashcards should be used in lesson planning for
effective teaching of English vocabulary in classrooms.

.1.2. Vocabulary
The term vocabulary has been defined in different ways proposed from different scholars.
McARTHUR (1992:96-99) in his dictionary book indicated that, vocabulary came from Latin
vocabularium a list of vocabula words. The medieval vocabularium was a list of Latin words
to be learnt by clerical students. It was usually arranged thematically, with translation
equivalents in a vernacular language.

The author still believes that vocabulary is an inseparable part of any language learning process.
It would be impossible to learn a language without vocabulary. The term vocabulary refers to
students’ understanding of oral and print words. The understanding implies conceptual
knowledge of words that goes well beyond a simple dictionary definition. Intuitively,
vocabulary could be defined as a dictionary or a set of words. The definition is quite simple.
From the definition we know that vocabulary is a set of words, to study about vocabulary same
with study about word and meaning.

RICHARDS and RODGERS (2001:60) define vocabulary as a core component of language

proficiency and provides much of the basis how well learn speak, listen, read, and write.
Without an extensive vocabulary and strategies for acquiring new vocabulary, learners often
achieve less than their potential and maybe discouraged from making.

LAKSANA (1993:127) defines vocabulary as a component of a language that maintains all of

information about meaning and using word in language. He adds that generally, vocabulary is
a group of words that represents in a particular language which serves as the basic elements of
the language.

Through the different definitions of vocabulary presented above, the researcher came to
understand that vocabulary is the word and its meaning which is taught as well as known and
used by an individual. And, it is a basic element of a language that might be used to make the
learning of a foreign language facilitated due the fact that it might be illustrated in flashcards to
give the meaning and to be memorized. In addition, vocabulary enables the learners acquire
easily all four language skills, that is, for learners, vocabulary mastering is the key to learn
easily a foreign language.

.1.3. Flashcards

Flashcard is a card used to old rote memorization, are visual medium used in vocabulary
teaching and learning process that one side of a card contains data of one kind, or a question,
and the other side contains associated response which one wants to memorise.

According to LADO (1961:90) flashcards are set of cards with a word or phrase on one side
and its meaning usually – in translation – on the other side. Based on Oxford Advanced
Learner’s Dictionary (1995:94) flashcard is a card with the word or words and sometimes a
picture down it. While ARSYAD (2002:119) explains that flashcards mean small cards

containing pictures, text or symbol to remind and to stimulate the students on a certain thing.
According to HARMER (2007:233) flashcards are smallish cards which we can hold up for our
students to see. Whereas CROSS (1991:119) flashcard is a simple picture on a piece of card or
paper, which is probably the most widely used visual aids in language teaching.

From the different authors’ definitions above about flashcards, it can be taken a general view
that, flashcards are cards with a word or words, number or a picture on it for use in the classroom
by teachers and students that help in teaching and learning process, to learn and memorize new
vocabulary. The researcher still believes that flashcards are visual aids which are used to make
students more interested and joyful in learning process and to improve their understanding on
the material given by the teacher, mainly for students that English is as a foreign language

.2. Importance of vocabulary teaching and learning

Vocabulary and vocabulary learning is an issue that almost all language educators have found
important. We know that communication stops when we do not know the words.

THORNBURRY (2002:115) states that if you spend most of your time studying grammar, your
English will not improve very much. You will see most improvement if you learn more words
and expressions. You can say very little with grammar, but you can say almost anything with
According to McCARTHY (1992:69) it is the experience of most language teachers that the
single, biggest component of any language course is vocabulary. No matter how well the student
learns grammar, no matter how successfully the sounds of a foreign language are mastered,
without words to express a wide range of meanings, communication in a foreign language just
cannot happen in any meaningful way. Therefore, teaching vocabulary is an important domain
which is worth investigating. HARMER (1991:85) argues that if language structures make up
the skeleton of language, then it is vocabulary that provides the vital organs and the flesh.

According to McCARTHY (1992:71) vocabulary is obviously a very important element within

a language as the overwhelming majority of meaning is carried lexically; and, therefore,
something to be taken into consideration both in second and Foreign language teaching –
although not only that conveys meaning.
There are certainly other elements such as grammar, stress, rhythm, intonation, tone of voice,
pauses, hesitations or silences, not to mention the use of non-vocal phenomena such as kinesics
and proxemic features.

In the context of learning English as a second language ESL, it has been stressed that adequate
knowledge of vocabulary is required for English language learners to be able to function
effectively using the language.

To sum up, based on the expressions about the importance of vocabulary it can be understood
that vocabulary is considered one of the most important items for language that has a crucial
role in determining the successful mastery of EFL skills, and that vocabulary maybe the first
aspect of English should be mastered by the learners to whom English is as foreign language.

.3. Types of vocabulary

Some experts divide vocabulary into two types: active and passive vocabulary. HARMER
(2007:229), distinguishes between these two types of vocabulary. The first type of vocabulary
refers to the one that the students have been taught and that they are expected to be able to use.
Meanwhile, the second one refers to the words which the students will recognize when they
meet them, but which they will probably not be able to produce.
HATCH and BROWN (1995:83) indicate two kinds of vocabulary, namely receptive
vocabulary and productive vocabulary.

.3.1. Receptive vocabulary

STUART (2005:33) defines receptive vocabulary as a word that learners recognize and
understand when it’s used in context, but which they cannot produce. It is vocabulary that
learners recognize when they see or meet in reading text but do not use it in speaking and writing
for instance, when our students listen to the teacher’s explanation or read a text in the classroom
or in daily life.

.3.2. Productive Vocabulary

STUART (2005:34) says that productive vocabulary is the word that the learners understand
and can pronounce correctly and use constructively in speaking and writing. It involves what is
needed for receptive vocabulary. Through the explanations above receptive and productive
vocabulary, it can be understood that productive vocabulary is that a student or a person knows
completely and always uses it for communicative purpose; whereas receptive vocabulary is that
the student or a person may know and understand but doesn’t use it in speaking. Take as an
example: (when students use the word to practice the language orally or to write a sentence or
a paragraph in classroom or in their daily life in the correct way).

.4. Classification of vocabulary

Part of speech Description Examples Examples

(words) (Sentences etc.)
Noun (noun A word (or group of Eleanor Eleanor arrives
phrase) words) that is the London tomorrow.
name of the person, Table I visited London
place, thing. It can be Walking stick. This my table
used the subject or I don’t need a
object of a verb. walking
Eleanor London stick.
Table Walking stick.
Pronoun A word that is used Her, she, they, Jane’s husband loves
in place of a noun or him her.
noun phrase. She met him two
years ago.
Adjective A word that gives Kind, better, best, What a kind mind!
more information Impetuous. We all want a better
about a noun or life.
pronoun. She is so impetuous.
Verb A word which Ride I like riding horse.
describes an action, Write He wrote a poem
experience or state.
Adverb A word that describes Sensibly Please talk sensibly
(Adverbial or adds to the carefully I like listening at
phrase). meaning of a verb, At home, in half home.
adjective an hour.
Preposition A word which is used For, in, of, on A plan for life.
(Prepositional to show a way in top of…etc Put that in the box.
phrase) which other words
are connected.
Determiner Definite article: The The queen of the
Indefinite article: a, an, hearts.

Possessives: My, your A princess in love

Demonstratives: This, that My secret life Look
Quantifiers: Some, few...etc at those birds Few
pupils listen to him.
Conjunction A word that connects And, So, but Fish and chips
sentences, phrases, Cold but nice.
Source: Classification of English Language Vocabulary (part of speech) adapted from:
HARMER (1998, p.37).
The table illustrates the classification of English Vocabulary, in nouns or noun phrases,
pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs or adverbial phrases, prepositions or propositional phrases,
determiners, and conjunctions. On the table we find description of each part of speech with
examples in words and in sentences, in order to explain how this part of speech is used.

.4.1. Types of flashcards

According to HAYCRAFT (1978:77) generally there are two types of flashcards.
a) Word flashcard

Word flashcards are cards on which words have been printed. When practicing word order, the
teacher can use a number of cards representing all the word in a sentence. The cards can be
fixed to the board, or given to a student, and arranged correctly either by the class a whole or
individual student. The word flashcards also can be used to practice structure.
The uses of word flashcards may be general or specific. Some general use as follows:
i. They can be used to practice adverbial clauses.
ii. Connectives such as “next”, “soon”, “then”, “after a while”, and finally may be used on
flashcards in the same way.
iii. A random collection of verbs, nouns, adjectives and adverbs can be printed on the
flashcards and used for exercise in identifying part of speech.
b) Picture Flashcard

Picture flashcards are useful for presenting, practicing and revising vocabulary or as prompts
for other activities – for example, to illustrate characters in a dialogue, to help students improve
understanding. Picture flashcards can be used as prompts for simple substitution drills. Picture
flashcards are also useful for identifying verbs on action. The pictures or illustration on the card

should be attractive, a lot of fun and large enough for the whole class to see, because it will
make the students be interested in the lesson.

.4.2. The advantage of flash cards

There are some advantages of using flashcards in language teaching based on CROSS (1991:
a. Flashcards can be used for memorizing and consolidating vocabulary;
b. Flashcards are motivating and eye-catching;
c. Flashcards are effective that can be used for any level students
d. Flashcards can be taken almost everywhere and studied whenever has free moment
e. Flashcards can be arranged to create logical grouping of the target words;
f. Flashcards are cost effective/inexpensive
g. Flashcards provide visual link between L1 and the target language; and
h. Flashcards also can be used for practicing structure and word order or for a variety of games

2.5. Visual Aids and their importance to the process of language learning

According to ADRIADI (2010:40) defines visual aids in English Language Teaching materials as
instructional aids that display information visually for the purposes of English teaching or class use.
Visual aids can be a mediating tool for language learners of all ages in making sense of the target
language - English. Practically, visual aids include everything that a teacher wants to show to the
students and to work with for achieving effective materials understanding. Visual aids include any
objects used to allow for easy understanding and motivating media for language learning.

According to ARSYAD (2002:22) visual aids are one of media which make the students to be
interested. Visual aids have important role in teaching learning activity. It can make student’s
understanding easier and to reinforce memory. It also helps to develop student’s interest and give
connection between material and real matter. In order to more effective, visual aid should occupy
the context which has meaning and the students have to interact with the image.

According to CANNING-WILSON (2001:98) argues that using visual aids encourages students
to use their imagination, as the same picture can be interpreted in many different ways. Visual
aids give an insight into the world and help students think ‘outside the box’. And finally, visual
aids can help lighten the lesson and make students laugh, which is not unimportant, teaching
aids are designed to teach, illustrate and reinforce lessons.
According to BRINTON (2001:159) teachers need to be aware of the important role of visual
aids as well as verbal tools and technologies, especially with this younger generation of learners

who are familiar with the visual interface of multimedia and internet technologies. Because of
the directly variable nature of language teaching and learning, many language teachers
underestimate the potentially constructive role learning aids can play in enhancing the language
learning in the classroom.

Moreover, the author emphasizes that teaching visual aids offer many pedagogical methods for
developing vocabulary skills. It is claimed that new words should be presented in a context
using familiar vocabulary and grammar. To learn new vocabulary more effectively it is
suggested the use of instructional aids for presenting new words. When learning word items
there are some aids which help the learners to find the meaning of words.

According to MANNAN (2005:108) emphasizes that teaching aids can be a helpful tool in the
language classroom as points out they help the teacher to clarify, establish, correlate and
coordinate accurate concepts, interpretations and appreciations, and enable him to make
learning more concrete, effective, interesting, inspirational, meaningful and vivid. In order to
achieve an effective learning, there must be a first-hand experience by displaying real objects
of everyday life such as: chair, table, flash-cards, charts, diagrams, maps, the globe, pictures
which are the ideal means to help facilitate and present information in an interesting and
entertaining way that the lesson would look more fun.

In a few words, it can be assumed that visual aids can be a helpful tool in the language classroom
as pointed out by the authors above. They help the teacher to clarify, establish, correlate and
coordinate accurate concepts, interpretations and appreciations, and enable teachers to make
learning more concrete, effective, interesting, inspirational, meaningful and vivid.

2.6. Teaching vocabulary through flashcards

2.6.1. Teaching techniques
ANGGRAINI (2009:120) has divided techniques into the following categories: memory,
drilling, identification and TPR:
1. Memory
Memory Tester: first, place a selection of flashcards on the floor in a circle. Second, students
have one minute to memorise the cards. Last, in groups they have two minutes to write as many
of the names as they can remember.

In the researcher point of view, looking at our Mozambican reality, for this technique, instead
of placing flashcards on the floor in a circle, teacher can hang flashcards in front of classroom
wall or on blackboard. Students have two minutes to memorize the cards. Last, individually

they have three minutes to write as many of the names as they can remember. (The number of
names/words must be reduced, minimum two and maximum five, depending on the level of the

2. Drilling
Invisible Flashcards: First, stick flashcards on the board and draw a grid around them. Second,
use a pen or a pointer to drill the words. Always point to the flash card you are drilling. Third,
gradually remove the flash cards but continue to drill and point to the grid where the flash card
was. Fourth, when the first card is removed, you point to the blank space, nod your head to
encourage students to say the word of the removed flashcard. Fifth, students should remember
and continue as if the flash cards were still there. Last, depending on the age group then put the
flashcards back in the right place on the grid. This activity highlights the impact of visual aids.
It really proves that the images are stick in the students' minds.
3. Identification

Reveal the word: First, cover the flashcard or word card with a piece of card and slowly reveal
it. Second, students guess which one it is. Third, once the card is shown, chorally drill the word
with the group using different intonation and silly voices to keep it fun. Vary the volume too,
whisper and shout the words. Students will automatically copy your voice. Fourth, alternatively,
flip the card over very quickly so the students just get a quick glimpse. Last, repeat until they
have guessed the word.

From this technique, thinking about our context, in researcher’s humble opinion, for example:
first, teacher should write and pronounce the word three times. Second, teacher asks students
to repeat the pronunciation of the word after him (three or four times). Third, teacher asks two
or four students to pronounce the word one by one, then, all students together, just once. Fourth,
he shows them a flashcard related to that word, in order to give the meaning. Finally, gives
them examples in context. (Through speech and writing sentences using the same word).

4. TPR_ Total Physical Response

• Point or race to the flash cards;
• Stick flash cards around the class;
• Say one of them and students point or race to it;
• Students can then give the instructions to classmates;
• You can extend this by saying 'hop to the cat' or even 'if you have blonde hair, swim to
the fish' etc. Based on this technique, according to our context, for our classrooms in the

country, for instance, the flashcards have to be numbered or identified by letters, like A,
B, C, D..., and well visible, then, after stick flashcards on the wall in front of classroom
or on blackboard, and saying one of them, in place of students point or race to it, they
will only pronounce the number or letter that identify the flashcard on which the
pronounced word or the drawing is.
2.6.2. Teaching practical activities
According to UR (1996:45) below are some of the teaching practical activities to teach
vocabulary through flashcards.

a) Kim's Game


Say that you are interested in seeing how observant the students are and what sort of memories
they have. Collect about seven or eight objects belonging to the students (with their agreement).
Let the class see each object before you put it into a bag. If there is a sufficient time, ask the
students to write down from memory the names of all the objects, what they look like and who
they belonging to. If time is short, ask the students to call out the names of the objects, their
appearance and who they belonging to. (You can check these by looking in the bag).

Do not immediately confirm or reject descriptions. Encourage argument! Finally show the
objects and return them to their owners.

b) Memorising new words.


Divide the board into two halves. Write in one half vocabulary which the students have only
just encountered and which you would like them to remember. Ask the class to pick one of the
new words and to suggest a word they know which it reminds them of in some way. Write the
"reminding word" on the other side of the board. Having written the "reminding word", erase
the new word. Do this with each of the new words. Now, ask the students what each "reminding
words" was linked to. Write in the new words again and erase "reminding words".

c) Making groups


Decide what lexical area you wish to review. Ask the students to call out all the words they
know related to that area. Two students' secretaries, should write the words on the board as the

class call them out. Ask the students to think of as many different ways of grouping the words
as possible. If you have coloured chalks (or pens if you have a whiteboard), ask the secretaries
to encircle the various words they feel belonging to one kind of grouping.

(Car lorry/truck wheel engine accident seat fast traffic lights driver petrol/gas speed sign road
motor way /highway police bus garage taxi bicycle key oil).

d) Recording and storing new vocabulary


Students need to record and store new vocabulary in a logical and helpful way, so that they can
find old words and they can add new words easily and quickly. Language students have
different ways of doing this, and a common way is to name a page or two for each letter of the
alphabet and then add words under their letter. However, recording word in this way means that
it is always to find the words you want. If you cannot remember what letter of the alphabet the
word you want starts with, it can be difficult.

e) Crossword

Students make and solve crosswords, where half the class or different groups, think of and write
half the clues (the "up" or "down" clues). The different groups then swap with another group
and fill in their half crossword.

According to SHOLIKHAH (2013:95-96) these are other choosing-like exercises. These

exercises below, according to our context, are for from grade 8 to grade 10. They may be
suitable for our habitual number of students in the classrooms, because can be done in 10 or 15
minutes, in production stage. They have as advantages: Motivate and engage students practicing
vocabulary in the context; helping students to remember about learnt vocabulary and its
meaning through Flashcards in the sentences. As follows:

Answer the following questions by choosing a, b, c or d

Source: SHOLIKHAH (2013:95-96).



In this chapter, the researcher presents the methodology that was used to conduct this study. In
its order, it starts with the research paradigm, the research approach, design, participants and
research instruments (interview and observation), procedures and data analysis technique.

3.1. Research paradigm

GUBAS (1990:17) defines research paradigm as a framework of ideas and beliefs through
which an individual interprets the world and interacts with it, that is, a basic set of beliefs that
guide actions. Thus, the paradigm of this study is interpretive. According to LEAVY (2017:134)
this paradigm examines how people engage in processes of constructing and reconstructing
meanings through daily interactions. When working within this paradigm, attention is drawn to
people’s patterns of interaction and the interpretive processes by which they assign meanings
to events, situations, and so forth. If you are working within this paradigm, you prioritize
people’s subjective understandings and multiple meanings in the research process. The major
theoretical schools of thought within this paradigm are symbolic interactionism,
phenomenology, ethnomethodology, and dramaturgy.

Therefore, the researcher believes that when working within this paradigm, attention is drawn
to people’s patterns of interaction and the interpretive processes by which they assign meanings
to events, situations, and so forth. If you are working within this paradigm, you prioritize
people’s subjective understandings and multiple meanings in the research process as it has been
stated above.

3.2. Research Approach

According to Anthon’s model, cited by RICHARDS (2001:21) approach is the level at which
assumptions and believes about language and language learning are specified. It refers to
theories about the nature of language and language learning that serve as the source of practice
and principles in language teaching. BURNS and GROVE (2009:86), have provided their
opinion that qualitative research is a systematic and subjective approach to highlight and
explain daily life experiences, and to further give them proper meaning.

Therefore, for this study the researcher employed qualitative research approach, because it is
generally characterized by inductive approaches to knowledge building aimed at generating

The researcher believes that this is the right approach for the study once it will be able to
robustly investigate and learn about social phenomenon and to unpack the meanings that people
ascribe to activities, situations, and build a depth of understanding about the problem being
studied in a real context.

3.3. Research Design

YIN (2003:19) states colloquially that a research design is an action plan for getting from here
to there, where ‘here’ may be defined as the initial set of questions to be answered and ‘there’
is some set of answers (conclusions). Therefore, research design can be thought of as the logic
or master plan of a research that throws light on how the study is to be conducted, showing how
the major parts of the research study work together in an attempt to address the research
questions. Thus, the researcher decided to use case study research design, simply because the
data were collected qualitatively in which observation and interview are most frequently used.

According to STURMAN (1997:81) a case study is a general term for the exploration of an
individual, group or phenomenon. CRESWELL (2009:35) assures that case study makes the
researcher explore in-depth a program, an event, an activity, a process, or one or more

3.4. Participants
The participants of this research consisted of two (02) grade 10 English language teachers and
ten (10) students from streams 5 and 7. See the table below:

Table 2: Distribution of participants

Participants Gender Age Total

English language teachers Male Female T1 – 31 02

2 - T2 – 37
Students 04 06 From 15 to 18 10
years old
Total 12
Source: the researcher 2022

3.5. Research instruments

In order to collect data for this research and based on the applied research approach, two (2)
instruments were used, such as: observation and interview.

3.5.1. Observation
Observation is a technique for obtaining information. According to LAKATOS and MARCONI
(2003:201) observation is a research instrument for collecting information and uses the senses
for obtaining certain aspects of the reality. In CRESWELL’s (2009:79) view, observation does
not consist only of seeing and hearing, but also of examining facts or phenomena to be studied.
Therefore, the researcher applied direct observation which happens when the researcher
watches interactions, processes or behaviours as they occur. And the researcher believes that
this type of observation helps to obtain the reality of the facts in the teaching and learning
process. For the present research, the researcher had six observations, three (03) per teacher.

3.5.2. Interview
According to BURNS (1997: 329) interview is a commonly used method of collecting
information from people, that is, an interview is a verbal interchange, often face-to-face, though
the telephone may be used, in which an interviewer tries to elicit or collect information, beliefs
or opinions from another person. Therefore, an interview is person-to-person interaction, either
face-to-face or otherwise, between two or more individuals with a specific purpose in mind.

So, the researcher to carry out the research, applied semi-structured interview, that according
to LEAVY (2017:140) is a qualitative research method that combines a pre-determined set of
open questions (questions that prompt discussion) with the opportunity for the interviewer to
explore particular themes or responses further.

Through semi-structured interview, the researcher understands that, it allows both the
interviewer and interviewee to be free in formulating new questions that adequate to the
atmosphere of the interview, and to answer and explain all the facts freely. In addition, it
provides an active interaction among interviewer and participant in the process of interview.
Therefore, the interview included 12 participants which 2 grade 10 teachers of English and their
respective 10 students of the same grade from 2 streams (5 and 7).

3.6. Procedures
Regarding to the procedures, after being allowed to conduct the research in that school board,
the researcher first conducted the semi-structured interview in which worked with twelve
participants, (ten grade ten students and their two teachers of English), during two weeks. The
participants were separately interviewed face-to-face and one by one both, students and
teachers, where the researcher recorded all the interview through mobile phone and took notes.

Afterwards, the researcher proceeded with direct observation which consisted in the
observation of six classes in two grade ten streams during three weeks, being three lessons per
teacher. Throughout the observation, the researcher had sat at the back of the classroom in order
to observe and take notes of all the class atmosphere, so that could collect the real data, that
later on could be analysed.

3.7. Data analysis technique

This part of the research explains the data analysis technique employed for the generation of
the findings of this research. For the generation of the findings, the researcher applied content
analysis technique.

According to COLE (1988:76) it is a method of analysing written, verbal or visual

communication messages. Content analysis is the study of recorded human communications
such as dairy entries, books, newspaper, videos, text messages, tweets, Facebook updates etc.
Being the scientific study of the content of communication, content analysis is actually the study
of contexts, meanings, subtexts, intentions contained in the messages. In addition, after data
recording and notes being transcribed, the data collected were narratively analysed based on
the information gathered from class observation and interview.

Therefore, the researcher believes that this content analysis technique, is the most appropriate
for the study once it deals with the analysis of what is being said, written or recorded. And also,
through systematic classification process of coding and identifying themes or patterns, content
analysis is a technique for the subjective interpretation of the content of text data.


This chapter deals with the data presentation and discussion of the data collected. The data
were collected through interview and observation. (seen appendix: 1). The findings were then
categorized and discussed.

4.1. Data presentation

4.1.1. Data from the teachers' interview

Aiming at collecting data from the teachers, an interview was conducted to 2 grade 10 teachers
of English Language.

Question 1: Have you ever given exercises for vocabulary practice to your students in
class? If yes, how often?

From this question, the researcher aimed to get information about how often teachers engage
students with exercises for vocabulary practicing.

Participant 1: “yes, some times. I select the vocabulary words to complete sentences or match
with the meaning of the word in Portuguese”.

Participant 2: “yes, whenever necessary. I have given them after reading activities”.

Question 2: How do you help your students discover the meaning of new vocabulary

Through this question, the researcher wants to know how the teachers explain or show the
meaning of new vocabulary to the students.

Participant 1: “I help them by actions or showing them the objects related to the vocabulary
item in study”.

Participant 2: “I often show them some objects or giving some examples by gesticulations”.

Question 3: What type of teaching Aids do you use to teach Vocabulary?

Based on the question above, the researcher aimed at getting information about kinds of
teaching materials the teacher uses when teaches English vocabulary in the classes.

Participant 1: “I often use realia, pictures from students' books and sometimes I draw some
pictures on blackboard to explain the meaning of vocabulary”.

Participant 2: “I use pictures, students, realia and students’ books. In addition, he pointed the
financial limitations that they are facing which should improve the use of other teaching aids
like Flashcards, for English Vocabulary teaching”.

Question 4: Do you use Flashcards to teach Vocabulary? Why?

Concerning to the question above, the researcher, aimed to collect information from the teacher
if he uses flashcards to teacher vocabulary and why.

Participant 1: “I seldom use Flashcard. Because it makes easier to students see the meaning of
the words written on the blackboard”.

Participant 2: “sometimes I do”.

Question 5: How often do you use them? Why?

With this question, the researcher wants to know how often the teacher use Flashcards in classes
when teaches vocabulary and why.

Participant 1: “sometimes, because they are expensive”.

Participant 2: “whenever necessary. Because is difficult to have Flashcards”.

Question 6: What type of activities do you give your students to practise vocabulary?

From this question, the researcher aimed at getting information about types of activities that
teacher gives students to practice vocabulary.

Participant 1: “match the words, complete the sentences, write the meaning of the words”.
Participant 2: “reading, watching movies and sometimes consulting the dictionary”.

Question 7: Are the activities based on Flashcards?

Concerning this question, the researcher, wants to know if the activities given in classes are
based on Flashcards.

Participant 1: “yes, but sometimes”.

Participant 2: “not at all, but, sometimes”.

Question 8: What teaching techniques and procedures do you use when teaching
Regarding this question, the researcher, aimed to know if the teacher, uses appropriate
techniques and procedures, for an effective teaching of vocabulary in classes.

Participant 1: “I sometimes use TPR (Total Physical Response) as procedures: I stick Flashcards
around the class; say one of them and students point it. I give students opportunity to some of
them say the Flashcard and others point it”.

Participant 2: “I always use memory test technique. As procedures: I stick some flash cards on
the blackboard; I give a minute/ two to students to memorize the cards; Last, on groups they
have two minutes to write as many of the names as they can remember”.

Question 9: What do you think should be done to improve the teaching and learning of
vocabulary to enhance the learning of the target Language?

Through this question, the researcher aimed at getting from the teacher, ideas, needs or
suggestions that would help him and his students, in teaching and learning vocabulary process,
to improve the learning of the target Language.

Participant 1: “referred to the availability of Flashcards in that school, for vocabulary teaching”.

The participant 2: “referred to the availability of students' books in order to improve reading
activities that will help students knowing many words”.

4.1.2. Data from students' interview

Apart from interviewing teachers of English Language, the researcher had also interviewed
grade ten students in a number of 10, at Nampaco Secondary School, day shift. The questions
for the students, who were randomly selected, were addressed in Portuguese Language in order
to facilitate their comprehension, (see appendix:3).

Question 1: Does your teacher bring exercises for you to practice English Vocabulary? If
yes, how often?

The aim of this question, is to hear from the students if they have been engaged in practicing
vocabulary and with which frequency.

Some of the interviewed students affirmed that their teachers sometimes bring exercises for
them to practise English Vocabulary. And others said that their teachers don't bring exercises.
They only bring notes for them to copy from the blackboard.

Question 2: What does your teacher do to help you discover the meaning of new English

Through this question, the researcher, expected to get information from the students about how
they are helped by their teachers to get the meaning of new vocabulary in classes.

Almost all interviewed students assumed that the teachers translate the words from English to
Portuguese. And very few students said that their teachers sometimes use realia or images from

Question 3: Does your teacher recommend you to use any dictionary in class? If yes, what
type? (bilingual or monolingual).

The objective of this question, is to know from the students, if are allowed or advised to use
dictionary in classes or out of the classes in order to get the meanings, mainly, monolingual

A range of interviewed students, answered that the teachers never recommend them to use any
dictionary, they added that, most of time, the teachers translate to Portuguese. The rest of
interviewed students said that their teachers sometimes recommend them to use bilingual

Question 4: What type of didactic materials does your teacher bring in class, to teach you
English Vocabulary?

The aim of this question is to find out if the teacher brings visual teaching Aids, like flashcards
in classes to illustrate the meaning of new words.

Most of the students said that teachers sometimes bring real materials (realia). And others
answered that, teachers use imagens/pictures from students’ books.

Question 5: Does your teacher use flashcards in class to teach vocabulary? (Showing them
some Flashcards).

From this question, the researcher exactly wants to know if the teacher uses flashcards to
illustrate or to give the meaning of new words in classes.

Many of the interviewed students said that their teachers don't use flashcards in class. And a
very few number of them, said that seldom their teachers show them pictures from books and
pronounce the names of those pictures.

Question 6. How often does he/she uses them?

The objective of this question is to hear from the students how many times the teacher brings
flashcards in classes. For instance, per a week.

Nearly all interviewed students assumed that their teacher of English Language never use
flashcards in English lessons, and a very little number of interviewed said nearly never they
use, but they sometimes use imagens from books mainly from students’ books.

Question 7: What do you think should your teacher do to improve the effective teaching
and learning of English Vocabulary to intensify your learning English Language for
communicative competence?

With this question, the researcher wants to explore from the students, their ideas or suggestions,
wishes, and perspectives, related to the improvement of learning English vocabulary for
communicative competence.

Some of the interviewed suggested that their teachers should provide them with a list of
imagens/ flashcards with names of same imagens to read at home. Others said that their teachers
should always teach more vocabulary rather than grammar. And others said that their teachers
should give them different activities, games, dialogues and exercises related to the English
vocabulary practice during the lessons.

4.1.3. Data from classroom observation

A part from the interview that was conducted in order to gather data from the field, the
researcher was also engaged in the process of lesson observation. In total 6 lessons were
observed, three lessons for each teacher, two teachers were involved in the research. The
observations enabled the researcher to see how the learning and teaching process run more
specifically on the teaching of vocabulary through flashcards.

Related to the background of classroom observation, firstly, negative aspects were noticed
regarding the presentation stage of the lessons, as far as all the lessons were concerned. Neither
of the both teachers of English Language, provided at least a lesson plan to the researcher, and
they didn't explain reasons why they had not lesson plans. All of them, claimed that had
memorized the topics, objectives, aims, so that was no need of having a well-organized and
detailed lesson plan. As consequence, they most of time failed, three of major objectives in the
presentation stage, where new vocabulary is presented. They didn't present new words, neither

pronunciation nor the meaning. Other negative point observed is that, in all six observed
lessons, teachers didn’t put their students practising the language or vocabulary clearly in
classes. And there were no production stages, in which students have chance of use and revising
learned vocabulary in the lesson.

Item 1: Teacher brought exercises for vocabulary practise

In all 6 observed lessons was noticed that both teachers sometimes brought exercises to practise

Item 2: Teacher helped students discover meanings of new vocabulary. How?

In all 6 observed classes, the researcher observed that the teachers helped their students
discover the meanings of new words through actions, showing objects, and gesticulations.

Item 3: Teacher recommended students to use any dictionary in class. What type?

In all 6 observed lessons, it was noticed that both teachers recommended their students to use
bilingual dictionary in order to get the meaning of new words.

Item 4: Teacher brought visual material to use in class when teaching vocabulary.

It was noticed that both teachers sometimes brought visual materials, realia, pictures/images
and they seldom brought flashcards as visual materials.

Item 5: Teacher used flashcards in class to teach vocabulary.

In all 6 observed lessons, the researcher observed that both teachers didn't use flashcards when
taught English vocabulary in classes.

Item 6: Teacher always used flashcards to teach vocabulary.

In all 6 lessons, it was noticed that both teachers never used flashcards to teach vocabulary.
Item 7: Teacher assigned students activities to practise vocabulary.
In all 6 observed lessons, it was observed that teachers seldom assigned students activities.
Item 8: Activities were based on flashcards.
It was observed that activities were almost never based on flashcards.
Item 9: which teaching techniques and practical activities does the teacher bring to enrich
students' vocabulary through flashcards?
All along 6 observed classes, the researcher observed that teachers used some techniques
(memory tester and total physical response 'TPR') and, completion and matching activities.

Item 10: Teacher implemented different practical activities and teaching techniques to
engage the students in the learning of vocabulary.

The researcher in all 6 observed classes, observed, that teachers implemented very few practical
activities and teaching techniques in classes.

4.2. Data Discussion

This is the section that aims at discussing the research findings presented and analysed
previously. In this section, the view of research participants is discussed in relation to different
authors' viewpoints, and class observation findings. It is believed to be worth and it offers
readers with opportunities to look critically at some relationship between the findings of this
research and other researches about an effective teaching of English Vocabulary through
Flashcards. It is very important to make it clear that most of the ideas to be discussed in this
section, are perceptions and views of all participants involved in this study and also represents
perceptions and views of other experts in Mozambican education. The discussion is according
to the analysis made from the data collected at Nampaco Secondary School, grade 10, dayshift,
through interview with teachers and students, and the class observation, the researcher found
the following information.

Question categorization
Category 1: Exercises for vocabulary practice

Wanting to know whether the teachers have ever given exercises for vocabulary practice to the
students in classes, if yes, how often, all the teachers shared common answers that they
sometimes give exercises to the students practice vocabulary. In the same sense, the students'
interview, confirmed that teachers sometimes give them exercises in classes. So along with
students' answers, the observation revealed that in all the 6 observed classes, the researcher
observed that both teachers, didn't plan the lessons, as results they can't present new words,
neither the meaning, nor their use and they didn't bring exercises to put students practicing
vocabulary. In the researcher understanding, the teachers don't teach vocabulary correctly and
don't give exercises to the students practicing vocabulary, which are negative aspects in
Language teaching process.

According to HAMER (1991:145) the best teachers are those who think carefully about what
they are going to do in their classes and who plan how they are going to organize the teaching
and learning. And BAKER (2000:38) states that, when the teachers present new vocabulary,

they need to teach students, what the word means, its pronunciation and how to use the word.
For example, the teacher demonstrates the meaning of a word or phrase by showing a
picture/flashcard, or a real object or by doing an action.

Category 2: discovering the meaning of new Vocabulary

Wanting to know how do the teachers help their students discover the meaning of new
vocabulary items, all of them answered that they do by actions or showing them objects related
to the vocabulary, or by gesticulations. In contrast, the students said they translate the words
from English to Portuguese, and sometimes use realia or images from students’ books.
Similarly, the observation revealed that in all 6 observed lessons, teachers translate the English
words into mother tongue (Portuguese), sometimes they use real objects and images from
students' books. Naturally, translating seems like a best and easier way of giving the new
vocabulary meaning, but it's not a good technique, as HAMER (1991:91) argues that,
translation may make a bit easy for students but discourage them from interest with the words.

In the researcher's humble opinion, realia and students' books, are some important tools for
English Vocabulary teaching, but they are not useful for other types of vocabulary that we teach
in class. For instance, we can't bring a car, a bull/cow as realia in classrooms, and also possibly
we can't find pictures in the students' books related to the vocabulary in the study. So, teachers
need to be creative in order to produce or draw teaching visual aids, as cards or flashcards for
teaching of Vocabulary in classrooms. A part from visual aids used to illustrate the meaning of
vocabulary, teachers can recommend their students to use monolingual dictionaries, simply
because the researcher believes that, it's always better to teach English through English. So, the
use of monolingual dictionary, helps students to learn English words with different meanings
and uses, among others. HAMER (1991:97) says that, perhaps the greatest resources we can
give our students is a good monolingual dictionary. Went on saying, in it there is information
about pronunciation, spelling, word formation, metaphysical and idiomatic use, a whole profile
of a particular word.

Category 3: Teaching aids used to teach vocabulary

For the question, what type of teaching Aids do you use to teach Vocabulary? Both teachers
assumed that they use realia, pictures from students' books, proper students and blackboard
drawings. In addition, one of them pointed financial limitations that are facing which should
improve the use of other teaching aids like Flashcards, for English Vocabulary teaching. Even
students shared that teachers sometimes bring real materials (realia), and others said that

teachers use images/pictures from students' books. So, along with the students' answers, the
observation revealed that all the 6 observed classes, teachers sometimes brought visual
materials, realia, pictures/images and they never brought Flashcards as Visual aids. The
researcher, agrees with the use of realia, but he believes that sometimes is impossible to use this
aid in classrooms, as HAMER (1991:90) claimed that bringing a pen into the classroom is not
a problem. Bringing in a car, however, is. One solution is the use of flashcards. Related to the
financial limitations and the use of pictures/images from students' books, DOFF (2004:137)
suggests to the teachers producing their own materials and not reduce relying only on the
students' books and their visual aids. There are some visual aids like flashcards, wall charts and
others that may help teachers to make their lessons more interesting. Then, SCRIVENER
(2005:85) argues that, Language teachers need to be very creative in planning and on producing
materials for Language teaching.

In the humble opinion, based on Mozambican reality, the researcher, suggests that teachers
should make effort in order to create or produce their own vocabulary teaching materials, like
cards or flashcards, because, sometimes it's difficult to find and bring realia, books, pictures, in
the classrooms, it's also time westing to draw pictures on the blackboard, and it's not correct
way using student as teaching aid in classrooms.

Category 4: The use of Flashcards. why?

Giving the answer for this question, both teachers assumed that they sometimes use flashcards
because they make easier to students see the meaning of new words written on the blackboard.
During the students' interview, the most of them shared that, teachers don't use Flashcards in
classes, and a few numbers of them said that seldom teachers show them pictures from books.
The same reality, was seen during the observation, in which the researcher observed that both
teachers didn't use Flashcards when teaching English Vocabulary in the classes. So, through
these aspects, the researcher understands that those teachers don't use flashcards to teach
English Vocabulary. This can be one of the causes that contributes for Nampaco Secondary
School student’s dayshift to have a very low level of English Vocabulary mastery. Because, in
researcher's point of view, in our Mozambican reality, where English is as a foreign Language,
Vocabulary mastering would be the first item in teaching and learning process, for that
Flashcard is the best and effective aid. As UR (1991:57) stated that Vocabulary are the words
we teach in the foreign Language.

Category 5: How often flashcards are used and why?

Answering this question, how often flashcards are used and why, those two teachers affirmed
that sometimes or whenever necessary because are expensive and difficult to have. In contrast,
the students said that teachers never use flashcards, in addition they affirmed that teachers
sometimes use images/pictures from students' books. Then, the observation revealed that both
teachers never used flashcards to teach vocabulary. Through these data, the researcher infers
that possibly, the less or not use of this teaching aid, for English vocabulary teaching,
contributes for a very low level of English Vocabulary mastery to the most grade 10 students
in that specific School. So, SUHAIMI (2014:11) argues that Flashcard is considered as
effective aid to improve students' vocabulary and makes teaching and learning process fun and
enjoyable. Regarding their justifications, the teachers bring lemon excuses because what they
said was that flashcards were expensive and difficult to get, have lack of truth, so, according to
CROSS (1991:120) Flashcards are effective, inexpensive, and the teachers can draw/produce
them by themselves at home for classroom use.

Category 6: type of activities for vocabulary practice

Wanting to know the type of activities that teacher gives his/her students to practice vocabulary,
both teachers mentioned activities like: matching the words, completing the sentences, writing
the meaning of the words and other teacher referred as activities, reading, watching movies and
sometimes consulting the dictionary. As the researcher heard from students, during the
classroom observation, he confirmed the students' information that, teachers never assigned
students' activities to practice vocabulary. In this point, the researcher understands that, both
teachers don't provide activities for students to practice vocabulary. The researcher believes
that this attitude is not acceptable in teaching process because, activities help students to learn,
memorize, and to know how to use new vocabulary in different contexts. As BAKER (2000:38),
argues that, students need lots of practice with new vocabulary in order to remember and use
the new words. Furthermore, if you use different kinds of practical activities, then, your students
can benefit from the variety.

Category 7: Activities based on flashcards

For the question, are the activities based on flashcards, both teachers affirmed that yes, but,
sometimes. From students' interview, the information is that both teachers never used flashcards

in exercises. And this was confirmed during the classroom observation, the researcher found
out that both teachers, don't use flashcards in classroom activities. So, the researcher, believes
that if the teachers often brought activities or exercises based on flashcards, it would improve
the students, vocabulary mastering, once flashcards help student to remember and memorize
the learnt vocabulary. As HARMER (1991:90) argues that, one solution for English Vocabulary
teaching in the classroom is the use of flashcards. And BAKER (2000:38), states that, if you
use different kinds of practical activities in English Vocabulary teaching, then, you and your
students can benefit from the variety.

Category 8: teaching techniques and procedures

Wanting to know what techniques and procedures that teachers use when teach Vocabulary,
each of them, answered: One, sometimes uses Total Physical Response (TPR), as procedures:
he sticks flashcards around the class, say/pronounce one of them and students point it. In
addition, he gives students opportunity to some of them say the flashcard and others point it.
And another teacher, assumed that, he always uses memory tester technique, in which he sticks
some flashcards on black board, he gives a minute/two, for students to memorize the cards;
finally, in groups students have two minutes to write as many of names as they can remember.

During the students' interview, they showed that they have never seen something that looks like
flashcards in classroom, the teachers sometimes only show them real materials, or
pictures/images from students' books, they added. This was confirmed by the researcher, during
the classroom observation, both teachers didn't bring flashcards, but they use these techniques,
with classroom materials or objects, as realia, to teach and give the meaning of new words. And
they didn't follow all these procedures above. Means that, the techniques and procedures are
used wrongly by those teachers. The researcher, agrees with two techniques and procedures
mentioned above, that are good, but the researcher suggests that these teachers should be more
dynamic and creative in using many other techniques and procedures in the correct way. This
could help students to learn vocabulary easily. According to ANGGRAINI (2009:120)
techniques are divided into four categories: Memory tester, invisible flashcards (drilling),
Reveal the word (identification), and TPR, or, point to the flashcard. So, their procedures, must
be changed, according to the reality of each country, as the researcher suggested in Chapter II.
Furthermore, the researcher suggests that, based on our Mozambican reality, it is a good
technique to teach vocabulary, in PPP lesson plan form, mainly, in presentation stage, where
the teacher first off all, presents the topic and new vocabulary, secondly, its pronunciation, then,

its meaning through Flashcard/picture, realia among others, and finally, how to use it in
different contexts by giving examples. As BAKER (2000:38), states that, the teacher first
presents the word, secondly its pronunciation, then demonstrates the meaning of the word by
showing a flashcard/ picture or real object, or by doing an action.

Category 9: Ideas to improve teaching and learning of vocabulary

Answering to the question what do you think should be done to improve the teaching and
learning of vocabulary to enhance the learning of the target Language, both teachers shared the
ideas, referring to the availability of Flashcards in the school and of the students' books, to show
the meaning of new words and improving reading activities that will help students to know
many words. In contrast, the students' interview, brought ideas that, teachers should provide
them, list of image/ Flashcards with names of same images to read at home. Teachers should
always teach more Vocabulary rather than grammar, and that teachers should give them
different activities, games, dialogues and exercises related to the practice of English Vocabulary
during the lessons. So, in the researcher's point of view, the answers above, contain good ideas,
however, it's important to remember the teachers that in the process of Language teaching, a
part from availability of teaching materials, teachers have to be creative and vigorous in
selecting or producing and planning teaching materials. In the case of vocabulary teaching
materials, teachers should draw Flashcards or other Visual aids on A4 papers or cards;
sometimes they should collaborate with the school board staff for help in A4 papers or cartons.
The researcher believes that teachers cannot produce a book to teach a lesson, but they can
produce or draw a Flashcard to teach vocabulary in a Lasson.

As HARMER (1991:90) argues that, one solution for English Vocabulary teaching in the
classrooms is the use of Flashcards. Looking at the answers of students' interview, the
researcher agrees with all students' opinions, so, he believes that these opinions in practice,
should help them to learn English Vocabulary easily, simply because, the researcher
understands that through the frequent use of flashcards including variety of practical activities
in English Vocabulary teaching and learning process, students can easily develop their level of
vocabulary understanding. As BAKER (2000:38) said that, students need lots of practice with
new vocabulary in order to remember and use the new words. He went on saying, if you use
different kinds of practical activities, then, you and your students can benefit from the variety.



In this chapter, the researcher proposes some teaching techniques and practical activities based
on the use of flashcards and vocabulary review, to grade 10 students, day shift, at Nampaco
Secondary School for communicative competence. In addition, it is also a concern of this
chapter to present the implementation of this findings to the Ministry of Education and Human
Development, the school staff, the teachers and students. And finally, the conclusions drawn
by the researcher after having carried out the research are presented.

5.1. Proposals

After having presented, analysed and discussed the data as a result of the execution of this
research, the researcher has so far noticed that the teaching techniques and activities used by
the teachers are not effective enough to aid students’ mastery the English Vocabulary for
Communicative Competence. Therefore, different teaching techniques and practical activities
are presented below, as a way of helping the teachers of English Language to mitigate the

5.1.1. Teaching techniques

Flashing (describing and vocabulary review)

Objective: To put students revising the learnt vocabulary in classroom, through flashcards.
This technique can be implemented from grade 10 to grade 12.

Time: 5 or 10 minutes.

Procedures: you can flash any of the following for a brief moment: a picture mounted on card
or in a book; a text on a strip of card; a book cover; a newspaper headline; an object. The
students then identify and/or describe what they saw. Flash it repeatedly to promote attempts
as identification and discussion. In the end, show the text, picture or object, in order to the
students confirm if they were wrong or right and to correct their mistakes.


The benefits of this technique are that students will feel engaged and motivated to revise
vocabulary by saying something that they saw. Teacher will involve and help students revising
the learnt vocabulary easily and in a short time.

5.1.2. Imaginary classroom (describing a room; use of prepositions)

Objectives: to motivate students to make description of a room and to use prepositions as part
of vocabulary.

Level: grade10.

Time: 10 to 15 minutes

Procedures: tell the students to imagine that the room is absolutely empty; no furniture, no
people, nothing. They have to create their ideal classroom by suggesting how to refurnish it, for

There is a thick soft wall-to-wall carpet on the floor. There is a television in that corner, with a
video. After all description, teacher asks students to write down the list of imagined furnish, it
can be in small groups. Then, the teacher asks a member from each group to read aloud the list
of imagined furnish, one by one. After that, he corrects their mistakes and praises the groups.


The benefits of this technique are that it will make a lesson to be enjoyable by the students,
means that, they will learn the description of a room and the use of prepositions of place in a
very practical way of learning. And teacher will take advantages of involving students in the
practical activity to teach and learn vocabulary.

5.1.3. Dominoes (practising new vocabulary).

Objective: to put students practising new vocabulary and memorize it.
Level: Grade 10.
Time: 10 or 15 minutes.
Procedure: students can play different matching games with domino -like cards; for example,
they can match words and pictures, or match the word in their first language to the word in
English, or match words to their definitions. The class can help make the domino cards as a
learning activity in itself. The class, however large, is divided into groups and each group makes
a set of cards.


The advantages of this technique are that students will practice and memorize new words or
pictures that they matched or that they made individually or in groups. Teacher will take

advantages of illustrating new vocabulary or pictures to students on small cards, like matching
games, that makes the vocabulary practice, enjoyable.

5.1.3. Bingo

Objectives: To revise and practice how to pronounce some learnt words through listening.

Level: 10
Time: 5 or 10 minutes
Procedure: give each student or group a card. Then you or a student reads out the complete list
of words, one by one. If a student or group thinks that they have that word on their card, they
cross it off (if the cards will be used again, students can also write the word down on a separate
piece of paper or place or a stone on the word). The winner is the first person or group who
crossed off all their words. In order to motivate students doing this practice actively, the teacher
if possible, can make it as a mini test.

cat moon like

blue carrot live
chair my table
happy our sun
Source: Baker & Westrup, (2000:39).


The benefits of this technique are that students, will revise and practise the pronunciation of
learnt words. Teachers will take advantages of engaging their students to revise the word
pronunciation and writing.

5.2. Implementation

The implementation of the teaching techniques and practical activities proposed in this study,
will be materialized placing copies of this research paper in the School library where the study
was conducted, in the public libraries including the library of Universidade Rovuma. The
researcher believes that through this strategy will not only benefit the teachers and grade 10
students of Nampaco Secondary School but also English Language Teaching trainees, and
experts in education.

5.3. Recommendations

Truthfully speaking, it is global conception that English Language is an international Language,

that is being used in a wide range of social and economic areas. Hence, the teaching of English
Language in Mozambique, either as a foreign Language (EFL) or as a Second Language (ESL)
also holds a paramount of importance. Thus, the fruitful importance of these recommendations,
are not only directed to the teachers of English Language, but also, to the School authorities
and administrative Staff involved in Educational Sector, and other decision makers, including
the course designers.

5.3.1. To the Ministry of Education and Human Development

The MEHD should:

• Promote seminaries for English Language teachers, to be trained, in the materials of

teaching English Language through the use of visual aids, mainly, flashcards.
• Reactivate the process of supervision in public Schools in order to force teachers for
the use of wright teaching techniques through visual Aids(flashcards), in English
Language Teaching process as a foreign Language.

5.3.2. To the course designers

The course designers should:

• Design teaching materials (Syllabus, Course books, Text books, Teachers’ guides,
Students’ books, Teaching Aids and others), which will arise curiosity to the
vocabulary, as it is a very important element for Second or Foreign Language Learning.
• They should design relevant visual aids and variety of practical activities as techniques
for Mozambican context, to teach English vocabulary.

5.3.3. To the School Staffs

The School Staff should:

• Make sure that the School at least have materials for the teachers to produce or to make
their teaching aids, (flashcards).
• Ensure that the local Supervising process takes place in order to make all teachers,
particularly grade 10 teachers of English Language ones, be aware of their responsibility
in Second or Foreign Language Learning process.

5.3.4. To the teachers

The teachers should:

• Foster creative lessons, using Flashcards in presenting and giving meaning of new
vocabulary stage. Because, help students to get the meaning of new words easily and help
teachers to avoid translating new words to students' mother tongue, in order to give the
meaning, and, make the lesson enjoyable and students involved in the lesson.
• Be creative and dynamics in producing their own teaching materials and not relying only
on the students' books and their pictures. Because, it isn't always possible to find the words
or pictures that they want to teach in a lesson. They have to produce flashcards, collect realia
to use in a lesson for vocabulary teaching.
• Always provide different practical activities for vocabulary practice, from that students
learn more.
• Be resources: the teacher may be working as resources by the time students ask how to say
or write or use something or what a word or phrase means or just when they feel necessary.
• Create a stimulating environment through flashcards, so that they enhance interesting into
the students to learn the new words.
• Avoid the TTT (teaching talking time) technique because it does not involve students to
practise the vocabulary.
• Use STT (students talking time) technique because it gives opportunity for students to speak
and with that feel motivated to learn the Language.

5.3.5. To the students

The students should:

• Feel free, to ask for meaning of the words, and to use them in different contexts.
Be attentive, active and dynamic whenever asked in class.
• Create groups of independent study for vocabulary practice in order to improve their
knowledge in vocabulary mastery.
• Have curiosity of knowing how things are called in English, in order to communicate
with others.
• Make and use of personal pocket word cards in order to store and record new words.

5.4. Conclusion

The major goal of this research proposal is to investigate the reasons why most grade 10
students of Nampaco Secondary School, day shift, have a very low level of English Vocabulary
mastery. Therefore, the conducted research through interview and classroom direct observation,
as instruments used in this study, demonstrated that teachers don't use visual aids for vocabulary
teaching, they seldom use realia and pictures from students' books to present and teach
vocabulary meaning to the students. Apart from that, they also often resort to translate new
words into the students' mother tongue to give the meaning, which is not always better technique
for that. Moreover, the low level of English vocabulary mastery, that most grade 10 students of
that specific School present, is caused by the weak use of teaching visual aids for vocabulary
teaching, in case of flashcards. Also, it was noticed that the teachers lack of using appropriate
vocabulary teaching techniques and appropriate procedures to teach English vocabulary.

Furthermore, teachers don't put students practicing new vocabulary in classrooms and they don't
bring practical activities for students to review the vocabulary in the different contexts. The
teaching visual aids(flashcards) suggested in this study as an alternative mean for an effective
teaching of English Vocabulary, will produce the desirable results. It is important to underline
that although many teachers of English are aware of the utmost importance of vocabulary
mastery in Second or Foreign Language Learning for communicative competence, they do not
make effort to help students overcoming this weakness.

The theoretical part of this study, that is chapter two, has explored a range number of authors’
ideas regarding vocabulary mastery. It attempted to establish how important vocabulary
mastering is in a Second or a Foreign Language Learning, and argued the different reasons for
the weak vocabulary mastering in many Second or Foreign Language classrooms. Then, the
study suggested an important and unexpensive tool for vocabulary teaching (flashcard) as stated
by many authors, that teachers of English Language as a foreign Language, can use with a
variety of practical activities for English vocabulary mastering. Finally, the researcher explored
some techniques and activities to teach and reviewing vocabulary which are indispensable for
an effective teaching of English vocabulary for communicative competence.


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Appendix 1: Classroom Observation Form

Classroom Observation Form

This observation intends to observe an English language lesson as to collect data. The data to be
collected are about the use of flashcards to teach English vocabulary effectively, in grade 10, day
shift, at Nampaco secondary school.

School ___________________________ Date: __/___/2024 Number of the students _____

Teacher’s name: ______________________________ Observer _______________________
Subject: _________________________________ Grade: ______ stream: ______ Time____

Specific objectives Check list items Yes No Comments

To identify what stands behind the 1. Teacher brought exercises for
poor knowledge of English vocabulary practise.
vocabulary for communicative 2. Teacher helped students
competence of most grade 10 discover meanings of new
students, day shift at Nampaco vocabulary. How?
secondary school. 3. Teacher recommended students
to use any dictionary in class.
What type?
To find out if the teachers of 4. Teacher brought visual material
English language use flashcards to to use in class when teaching
effectively teach English vocabulary.
vocabulary to grade 10 students, 5. Teacher used flashcards in class
day shift at Nampaco Secondary to teach vocabulary.
School. 6. Teacher always used flashcards
to teach vocabulary.
7. Teacher assigned students
activities to practise

8. Activities were based on

To propose teaching techniques
9. Which teaching techniques and
and practical activities based on
practical activities does the
the use of flashcards to teach
teacher bring to enrich students’
vocabulary to grade 10 students,
vocabulary through flashcards?
day shift, at Nampaco secondary
10. Teacher implemented different
school for communicative
teaching techniques to engage
the students in the learning of

Appendix 2: Interview form for teachers

Nampaco Secondary School
Interviewer: ______________________________ date__/__/2024 Duration: ___
Interviewee: _________________________________ position: ______ grade: ___

This interview form presents a list of questions to be discussed between interviewer and interviewee.
The questions are for teacher of English language.

Specific objective Questions Comments

To identify what stands behind the 1. Have you ever given exercises for vocabulary
poor knowledge of English practice to your students in class? If yes, how
vocabulary for communicative often?
competence of most grade 10 2. How do you help your students discover the
students, day shift at Nampaco meaning of new vocabulary items?
secondary school.
To find out if the teachers of 3. What type of teaching aids do you use to teach
English language use flashcards to vocabulary?
effectively teach English 4. Do you use flashcards to teach vocabulary?
vocabulary to grade 10 students, Why?
day shift at Nampaco Secondary 5. How often do you use them? Why?
To propose teaching techniques 6. What type of activities do you give your
and practical activities based on students to practise vocabulary?
the use of flashcards to teach 7. Are the activities based on flashcards?
vocabulary to grade 10 students, 8. What teaching techniques and procedures do
day shift, at Nampaco secondary you use when teaching vocabulary?
school for communicative 9. What do you think should be done to improve
competence. the teaching and learning of vocabulary to
enhance the learning of the target language?

Appendix 3: Interview form for students (English version)

Nampaco Secondary School
Interviewer: ______________________________ Date__/__/2024 Duration: ____
Interviewee: _________________________________ Position: ______ grade: ____

This interview form presents a list of questions to be discussed between interviewer and interviewee.
The questions are for students.

Specific objectives Questions Comments

To identify what stands 1. Does your teacher bring exercises for
behind the poor knowledge of you to practise English vocabulary? If
yes, how often?
English vocabulary for
2. What does your teacher do to help
communicative competence you discover the meaning of new
of most grade 10 students, day English vocabulary?
3. Does your teacher recommend you to
shift at Nampaco secondary
use any dictionary in class? If yes,
school. what type? (bilingual or monolingual)
To find out if the teachers of 4. What type of didactive material does
English language use your teacher bring in class to teach
you English vocabulary?
flashcards to effectively teach
5. Does your teacher use flashcards in
English vocabulary to grade class to teach vocabulary?
10 students, day shift at 6. How often does he use them?

Nampaco Secondary School.

To propose teaching 7. What do you think should your
techniques and practical teacher do to improve the effective
activities based on the use of teaching and learning of English
flashcards to teach vocabulary vocabulary to intensify your learning
to grade 10 students, day shift, of English language for
at Nampaco secondary school communicative competence?
for communicative

Appendix 4: Entrevista para alunos (Versão portuguesa)

Escola Secundária de Nampaco
Entrevistador: ______________________________ Data__/__/2024 Duração: ____
Entrevistado: _________________________________ Posição: ______ grade: ____

Esta entrevista apresenta uma lista de questões a serem discutidas entre o entrevistador e o
entrevistado. As perguntas são para alunos

1. O seu professor de Inglês trás exercícios para você praticar o vocabulário de Inglês? Se
é sim, com quanta frequência?
2. O que o seu professor faz para ajudar-lhe a descobrir o significado de um novo
vocabulário de Inglês?
3. O seu professor de Inglês recomenda-lhe a usar qualquer dicionário na aula? Se é sim,
que tipo? (Bilingue ou Monolingue).
4. Que tipo de material didático que o seu professor trás na sala de aulas para ensinar o
vocabulário de Inglês?
5. O seu professor usa flashcards na aula a ensinar vocabulário?


6. Com quanta frequência ele usa flashcards?


7. O que você acha que o seu professor faria para impulsionar o ensino e aprendizagem
efetivo de Inglês, para intensificar a sua aprendizagem da Língua Inglesa para
competência comunicativa?


Appendix 5: Picture and word-flashcards

Picture flashcard word flashcard


Appendix 6: Suggested activities to foster students’ vocabulary

1. Kim's Game
Objectives: to entertain the students in English vocabulary learning and seeing how observant
they are in this process

Level: from grade 10 to grade 12.

Time: 10 to 15 minutes


Say that you are interested in seeing how observant the students are and what sort of memories
they have. Collect about seven or eight objects belonging to the students (with their agreement).
Let the class see each object before you put it into a bag. If there is a sufficient time, ask the
students to write down from memory the names of all the objects, what they look like and who
they belonging to. If time is short, ask the students to call out the names of the objects, their
appearance and who they belonging to. (You can check these by looking in the bag). Then, the
teacher can consolidate the correct answers from the students, through showing them the object
by object, call out their names, describe their appearances, who they belonging to then writes
on board the called-out names of objects. Finally return the objects to their owners.

NOTE: the teacher does not immediately confirm or reject descriptions. Encourage different
ideas (names and descriptions) and arguments from students!


Students will learn new words in the entertained environment, through observation and
description of objects belonging to some of them in classroom and they will test the capacity of
memorising they have. Teacher will involve and entertain all the students in classroom to learn
and memorize new words, through very practical activity.

2. Making groups

Objective: to develop into the students, the knowledge of specifying different groups of
vocabulary they know.
Level: Grade 10
Time: 10 or 15 minutes

Decide what lexical area you wish to review. Ask the students to call out all the words they
know related to that area. Two students' secretaries, should write the words on the board as the
class call them out. Ask the students to think of as many different ways of grouping the words
as possible. If you have coloured chalks (or pens if you have a whiteboard), ask the secretaries
to encircle the various words they feel belonging to one kind of grouping.

(Car lorry/truck wheel engine accident seat fast traffic lights driver petrol/gas speed sign road
motor way /highway police bus garage taxi bicycle key oil). Then, the teacher corrects their
mistakes by show them various words from the board that belonging to one kind of grouping.


Students will be directly involved in activities and they will know different kinds of grouping
words. Teacher will involve students in activities to develop their capacities of specifying or
grouping the kinds of words.

3. Favourite words
Objectives: to motivate students revising their favourite and unfavourite words.
Level: from grade 10 to grade 12.
Time: 10 or 15 minutes

Write on the board one of your favourite words. Tell the class it is one of your favourite words
and explain why. It can be a favourite for any reason you like. It sounds nice to you, it looks
nice, it's so useful, it reminds you of good friends, occasions, places, etc. Ife you feel the
students need more examples of words and reasons for liking them, write one or two more on
the board. The students should now write down some of their favourite words in exercise books
and then give their reasons for choosing them to their neighbour. Some students might volunteer
to write their favourite words on the board and give their reasons for liking them to the class.

After that you talk about words you don't like and the reasons. Then you can give the students
a homework, to write words that they don't like and reasons.


Students will revise vocabulary and will take advantages of hearing the favourite words of their
classmates and talking about their favourite words to the colleagues in the classroom. Teacher
will motivate and will actively involve the students in their favourite and also unfavourite
vocabulary revision, in the classroom.

Appendix 7: Activities with flashcards

Objectives: motivate and engage students practising vocabulary in the context.
Level: from grade 8 to grade 10.
Time: 15 or 20 minutes.
Answer the following questions by crossing a, b, c or d.

Math the profession and the place of work.



Will Help students to remind about learnt vocabulary and its meaning through flashcards in the
sentences. Teacher will entertain and will engage students to do the activities, because of
flashcards in them.

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