Đề 10

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Đề 10

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined
part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. composer B. solo C. post D. love
2. A. solo B. music C. single D. song
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. loneliness B. management C. confident D. protective
4. A. difficulty B. community C. ability D. effectively
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
5. What happened in that city were a reaction from city workers, including firemen and
policemen who had been laid off from their jobs.
6. Nitrogen must be combine with another element such as hydrogen or oxygen to be useful in
agriculture or industry.
7. Benjamin Franklin was the editor of the largest newspaper in the colonies, a diplomatic
representative to France, and he invented many useful devices.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of
the following questions.
8. Without my parents’ support, I ________ my overseas study.
A. had not completed B. would not have completed
C. will not complete D. did not complete
9. The Prime Minister congratulated the team ________ winning the match.
A. for B. in C. on D. into
10. The more you talk about the matter,________.
A. the situation seems the worse B. the situation seems worse
C. the worse seems the situation D. the worse the situation seems
11. She listened so attentively that not a word________.
A. she had missed B. she missed
C. she didn’t miss D. did she miss
12. does not circle around the earth was proven by Galileo.
A. That the rest of the universe B. Since the rest of the universe
C. As the rest of the universe D. The rest of the universe
13. ________ that Mary was able to retire at the age of 50.
A. So successful was her business B. So was her successful business
C. Her business was too successful D. So successful her business was
14. Both liquids and gases flow freely from a container because they have
A. not definite shape B. none definite shape
C. no definite shape D. nothing definite shape
15. When a fire broke out in the Louvre, at least twenty ________ paintings were destroyed,
including two by Picasso.
A. worthless B. priceless C. valueless D. worthy
16. I phoned the company, who ________ me that my goods had been delivered.
A. guaranteed B. assured C. reassured D. confirmed
17. It is very important to make a good impression ________ your interviewer.
A. on B. for C. of D. to
18. She kept her son ________ because he had a high temperature.
A. on B. in C. off D. out
19. Learning English isn’t so difficult once you________.
A. get on it B. get off it C. get down to it D. get down with it
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
20. “You haven’t been to the bank today, have you?” “________”
A. Yes, 1 haven’t. I am busy. B. No, I haven’t any money.
C. No, I have. I got some money. D. No, I haven’t. I’m about to.
21. Lisa: “Have you been able to reach Peter?” Gina: “________”
A. That’s no approval. B. Yes, I’ve known him for years.
C. No, the line is busy. D. It’s much too high.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
22. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) was
established in 1946.
A. set up B. found out C. run through D. put away
23. People in Korea gave books to schools in Indonesia, and Indonesians taught Koreans a
traditional dance. This exchange helped them learn about each other’s cultures.
A. giving and receiving things at the same time
B. trying many different things at the same time
C. the process of changing an amount of one currency
D. an arrangement for two parties
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
24. Strongly advocating health foods, Jane doesn’t eat any chocolate.
A. denying B. doubting C. supporting D. advising
25. Unless the two signatures are identical, the bank won’t honor the check.
A. different B. genuine C. fake D. similar
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
26. Tom writes French as well as he speaks it.
A. Tom is bad at writing French.
B. Tom does not speak French so well as he writes it.
C. Tom writes and speaks French equally well.
D. Even though Tom writes French well, he speaks it better.
27. You can try as hard as you like but you won’t succeed.
A. However hard you try, you won’t succeed.
B. You can hardly try as you like, but you won’t succeed.
C. You won’t succeed because you can’t try as hard.
D. Although you won’t succeed, you can try as hard as you like.
28. Refusal to give a breath sample to the police could lead to your arrest.
A. You could be arrested for not giving a breath sample to the police.
B. If you refuse to be arrested, you have to give a breath sample.
C. If a breath sample is not given, the police will refuse to arrest you.
D. The police could cause you to give a breath sample to decide whether to arrest you or not.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines
each pair of sentences in the following questions.
29. I ’ve been too busy to answer my email. However, I’ll do it soon.
A. I haven’t got round to answering my email but I’ll do it soon.
B. I haven’t got times to answer my email but I’ll do it soon.
C. If I had been too busy to answer my email, I would do it soon.
D. I haven’t taken up answering my email but I’ll do it soon.
30. The electricity has been cut off for two days now. All the food in the freezer has been
A. The electricity has been cut off for two days now; however, all the food in the freezer
has been defrosted.
B. The electricity has been cut off for two days now; as a result, all the food in the freezer
has been defrosted.
C. The electricity has been cut off for two days now; consequences, all the food in the
freezer has been defrosted.
D. The electricity has been cut off for two days now so that all the food in the freezer has
been defrosted.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.
Let The Car Drive
Human beings are notorious for making mistakes. If you look at the police log in any given city on any
given day, you will definitely (31) _________ that one of the biggest problems all cities face is car
accidents. People do all sorts of things that (32) _________ them into trouble on the roadways.
Sometimes, they feel sleepy or they talk on cell phones while they are driving.
Whatever the case may be, the accidents that are caused are almost always due to human error. The car
accident as a human error might be in for a big shake-up that will make the roadways much safer. We
may soon be (33) _________ into an area of self-driving cars that communicate with other cars on the
road while (34) _________ the areas around them to avoid obstacles and keep the passengers safe. The
technology is already here, and it is proving to be successful.
One company that has fully (35) _________ the idea of driverless car is Google. The company’s
driverless car programme is run by Sebastian Thun, who gained fame in 2005 when his team from
Stanford won the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) Grand Challenge.
31. A. experience B. find C. find out D. realize
32. A. put B. push C. save D. get
33. A. moving B. transferring C. transmitting D. signalling
34. A. discovering B. aiming C. searching D. monitoring
35. A. holding B. including C. embracing D. accepting
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.
Twitter: 140 Characters to Express Yourself
At the start of the social media revolution, Facebook quickly became the most popular site for sharing
information with others. However, it is not the only service that people can use to express themselves.
Those who believe in the old saying that “more is less” may want to check out Twitter. Part of Twitter’s
appeal is that it limits users to 140 characters whenever they update their status. This forces people to
quickly “get to the point” when they are communicating.
Twitter is a microblogging service that was created by four American programmers in 2006. The
founders chose the name Twitter because the word has two definitions: “a short burst of information”
and “the sound that little birds make”, both of which fit the description of what their service provides.
In fact, some people have even labeled Twitter the “SMS of the Internet”. Twitter is not just about
words though. Users can also share videos and pictures. Another thing which truly sets Twitter apart
from its competition is the hashtag. Hashtags are a special way of labeling and classifying information.
They help people interested in a subject to find related posts and content. For example, some interested
in sports could simply search for hashtag sports and they would find all messages tagged in this
Twitter has also allowed people to easily connect with others who they would have never had access to
in the past. This has enabled fans to interact with their favourite celebrities by following their Twitter
updates and sending them direct messages. Of course, there is no guarantee that the famous person will
respond, as the celebrities may receive thousands of messages each day. However, there have been
some pretty stunning interactions. In 2011, singer Justin Timberlake made headlines when he accepted
an invitation from a female soldier to attend a Marine Corps ball. In return, many celebrities find it
gratifying to know some of their supporters more closely. However, there is a dark side to Twitter
conversations: Some people who don’t think before sending out tweets that can cause outrage by
milking inappropriate or insensitive remarks.
In November 2013, Twitter went public on the New York Stock Exchange. The added investments
should allow the company to do some incredible things in the near future.
36. What is an effect of Twitter’s word limit mentioned in the article?
A. It helps people focus on what they want to say.
B. It caused many users to quit Twitter and use other sites.
C. It is something that most users hope will change very soon.
D. It is the same word limit that other social media sites use.
37. What is the benefit of hashtags?
A. They help users maintain privacy.
B. They help celebrities earn more money.
C. They help people find relevant content more easily.
D. They help sports fans improve their skills.
38. What does the passage suggest about celebrities?
A. They shouldn’t be allowed to use Twitter.
B. Many of them enjoy connecting with their fans.
C. They usually reply to every message they get.
D. Most celebrities don’t have Twitter accounts.
39. The word “appeal” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to________.
A. influence B. statement C. request D. attraction
40. The word “them” in paragraph 3 refers to________.
A. fans B. websites C. celebrities D. requests
41. Which of the following is an example of the “darker side” of Twitter?
A. A fan asks a celebrity to do a favour.
B. A celebrity takes a fan to a dance.
C. Someone posts rude insults about another person.
D. Someone closes their account due to a lack of time.
42. Who would be most interested in the passage?
A. A person who wants to meet others online
B. A person who likes to write long posts on social media
C. A person who is looking to protect their identity on the Internet
D. A person who is dreaming of becoming famous in the future
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.
Raising a Child Athlete
In many countries, children with sporting potential are identified early and encouraged to achieve
athletic greatness by training for hours every day. While some people see this as a great opportunity for
kids to be healthy, others argue that too much focus on training can hurt young people. How parents
should raise child athletes has become a big topic of their debate.
People who are against such serious commitment to sport say that there are many negatives to training
so intensively. Here are some of their arguments:
• The long hours spent training can distant the child from his or her family.
• Athletes who spend too much time training miss out on education. The child may not be prepared for
other real world activities, such as going to college and having a non-athletic job.
• Pressure from parents and coaches to win can be psychologically damaging for the child. Parents may
also become too pushy and end up caring more about athletic achievements than the child.
Dr. Christine Carr, a psychologist, suggests that parents take some important steps to make sure that
their kids are getting the most out of sports. Carr says that the focus should be on the child’s happiness
and about learning life lessons. Self- discipline, determination, and learning to deal with failure are
some of the important life skills and lessons kids can learn from sports.
Other experts point to the importance of letting children make their own decisions. Top athletes Tiger
Woods and Michael Phelps have said that they appreciated their parents letting them decide how much
or how little they wanted to train. In fact, according to Phelps’ mother, he had trouble focusing in the
classroom until he found a sport that he was passionate about. By allowing Michael to focus on his
sport, his mother also saw him improve as a student.
Another thing that many parents and doctors agree on is the importance of developing a close
relationship with the family. Dr. Carr suggests eating dinner together and says it is a simple way to
remind children that family is important, and that support can always be found at home. Woods and
Phelps both had supportive families and made it public, with parents attending their many
Raising an athlete is not easy. By balancing life and training, parents can set their children up for
success and help them become winners in sports and in life.
43. What is this passage mainly about?
A. why training child athletes is wrong
B. when child athletes should begin training
C. how parents can decide if their child would make a good athlete
D. how parents can raise child athletes the right way
44. The purpose of the second paragraph is to________.
A. examine what child psychologists say
B. list arguments against training young athletes
C. compare arguments for and against training young athletes
D. list bad ways to train children
45. What best describes Dr. Carr’s opinion of children in sports?
A. She thinks sports have the potential to benefit children.
B. She is against children playing sports.
C. She thinks only teenagers should play sports.
D. She thinks sports are good but meaningless for children.
46. What is said about failure in the third paragraph?
A. It should be avoided.
B. It happens when athletes don’t train hard enough.
C. It is something child athletes should not think about.
D. It is something children should learn to deal with.
47. The phrase “the most” in paragraph 3 refers to________.
A. the highest medals B. the world’s records
C. the most benefits D. the most serious trainings
48. Why does the writer use Tiger Woods and Michael Phelps as examples?
A. They are very rich and successful athletes.
B. They had supportive families as child athletes.
C. They have spoken about the dangers of training too hard.
D. They are now raising their children as child athletes.
49. Why does Dr. Carr say families should eat dinner together at home?
A. because it is an important meal for child athletes
B. because otherwise the children might eat fast food
C. because children should spend their evenings at home
D. because it teaches children the importance of family
50. Who would find this passage the most useful?
A. child psychologists B. coaches of child athletes
C. parents of child athletes D. adult athletes

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