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Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary:............................................................................................................................2
2. Project Objectives:...............................................................................................................................2
3. Project Description:.............................................................................................................................2
4. Project Components:...........................................................................................................................2
5. Project Timeline:..................................................................................................................................3
6. Budget:................................................................................................................................................3
7. Monitoring and Evaluation:.................................................................................................................4
8. Conclusion:..........................................................................................................................................4

1. Executive Summary:
We propose the establishment of a small-scale broiler farming venture aimed at producing high-quality
broiler chickens for meat consumption. The project will be located at Twanglends Farm Plot Number 40
Beatrice, and our objective is to contribute to the local poultry industry while creating a sustainable and
profitable business.

2. Project Objectives:
 Produce and market premium-quality broiler chickens for meat.

 Implement sustainable and ethical farming practices.

 Contribute to the local economy by providing employment opportunities.

 Promote community awareness and education about broiler farming.

3. Project Description:
The project will involve setting up 200 broiler house equipped with proper infrastructure for ventilation,
lighting, and temperature control. We will focus on selecting top-quality broiler breeds, implementing a
balanced feeding program, and maintaining strict health and hygiene standards.

4. Project Components:
 Location and Infrastructure: Identify and secure a suitable location with access to utilities and
transportation. Construct broiler houses with necessary amenities.

 Breeds and Stocking: Research and choose broiler breeds based on local market demand.
Determine optimal stocking density for the broiler houses.

 Feeding and Nutrition: Develop a nutritionally balanced feeding program to ensure optimal
growth and meat quality. Establish reliable sources for high-quality broiler feed.

 Health Management: Implement a robust health management plan, including biosecurity

measures, vaccinations, and routine health check-ups.

 Marketing and Sales: Create a marketing strategy to promote broiler products. Establish
partnerships with local markets, grocery stores, and restaurants. Develop branding and

 Financial Planning: Develop a comprehensive budget covering initial investments, operational

costs, and revenue projections. Monitor financial performance regularly.

 Risk Management: Identify potential risks such as disease outbreaks and market fluctuations.
Develop contingency plans to mitigate risks and ensure business continuity.
5. Project Timeline:
 Phase 1 (Month 1-2): Secure location, construct broiler houses, and finalize breed selection.

 Phase 2 (Month 3-4): Implement feeding and health management programs. Initiate marketing

 Phase 3 (Month 5-6): Begin broiler stocking. Monitor growth and health. Evaluate market

6. Budget: for 200 chicks $

Infrastructure and Equipment:

Broiler house (basic setup) 500
Heating and ventilation system 150
Feeding and watering equipment 100
Lighting system 75
Bedding material 25
Total Infrastructure & Equipment Cost 850

Chicks: 200 day-old chicks @ $1 (estimated) 200

Starter feed (1-4 weeks) 60
Grower feed (5-7 weeks) 90
Finisher feed ( 8-9 weeks) 75
Total Feed Cost 225

Labor: 9weeks $100 (assuming $10 per hour) 100

Veterinary Care and Medications 50

Miscellaneous Expenses:
Utilities (electricity, water) 30
Transportation 30
Contingency 45
Total Miscellaneous Expenses 105

Marketing and promotional materials 25

Total Estimated Cost 1,555

NB: Actual results can vary based on market conditions, feed prices, and other factors. Regularly
monitor expenses and manage the flock efficiently to maximize profitability.
7. Monitoring and Evaluation:
 Implement a monitoring system to track key performance indicators, assess the project's
success, and make necessary adjustments.

8. Conclusion:
This small-scale broiler farming venture aims to contribute positively to the local economy while
meeting the demand for high-quality broiler meat. We seek support and collaboration to bring this
project to fruition.

Fungai Style Mangana

[+263 784 023 466]

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