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The Habitat of Bamar

Bamars can be found in the whole country. Central Myanmar,
Ayeyarwady and Sittaung valleys and delta regions are the home
of Bamars. In every region such as Sagaing Region, Tanithayi
Region, Bago Region, Magway Region, Mandalay Region,
Yangon Region and Ayerwady Region. Bamars are the majority
of in habitatnts.

The Bamar are a Southeast Asian ethnic group native to Myanmar.

They are a Tibeto-Burman ethnic group of approximately 35 million
people who can constitute Myanmar’s largest ethnic group, accounting
for 68% of the country’s population. There are 9 Burmese ethnic
groups. They are

Dawei Fonn Myeik Taung Thar

Yaw Salon Kanan Kadu


The History of Burma

Historically, the Burmese people have been living within the borders of
present day Myanmar even before the destruction of the first Burmese
union in the 18th Century by Nang Kyak, which established the Naga,
Thet, Kanyan and Pyu. Mandalay, the second largest city in Myanmar is
known for its traditional crafts such as gold leaf, making marble, craving
and silk weaving. Burmese literature has a long history dating back to
ancient times with classic works like Jatakatales and contemporary writers
constributing to the country’s literary scene.

Photograph by Nay Lin Aung


Burmese Culture
Burmese culture is rich and diverse influenced by Buddhism, neighboring,
cultures and its own unique traditional arts like for its vibrant festivals,
traditional arts like lacquerware and puppetry and delicious cuisine
featuring dishes like Mohinga and Laphet Thoke (tea leaf salad). Buddhist
pagodas such as the Shwedagon Pagoda in Yangon are central to Burmese
life and are iconic symbols of the country’s heritage. Traditional clothing
like the longyi and htamein are still worn and music and dance play
important roles in celebrations and ceremonies.

Language : The official language is Burmes

Spoken by the majority of the population.
There are also numerous ethnic minority.
Languages spoken throughout the country.

Hospitality : Hospitality is deeply ingrainded in

Burmese culture and guests are often treated with
Warmth and generosity.

Dances : Burmese traditional dances often tell stories

From Buddhist mythology and performed in colorful
Costumes with intricate movements.

Tea : Tea is an integral part of Burmese culture with

tea shops serving as social hubs where people gather
to chat, play games and enjoy snacks.

Architecture : Burmese architecture is characterized

by ornate designs with pagodas, monasteries and palace
adorned with intricate carvings and gilded decorations.

Burmese sport : The traditional sport of “chinlone”,

a combination of dance and soccer is poupular in
Myanmar often played during festivals and special

Thanaka : a traditional cosmetics paste made from

ground bark, is commonly worn on the face by both
men and women in Myanmar for its cooling properties
and decorative purposes.

Burmese Puppet : Traditional Burmese puppetry

Known as “Yoke Thay” is a form of storytelling and
Entertainment that has been passed down through

Bamar traditional dresses

Each country, each nation owns a traditional outfit that expresses its own
culture, habits, and lifestyle. While the traditional clothing of Vietnam is
Ao Dai (long dress), of Thailand, is Phasin, of The Philippines, is
Baro'tSaya…., the traditional clothing of Myanmar is Longyi- taipon. The
traditional costumes of Myanmar show a lot of cultural and personal traits
of this country, which are unique, different, and sets a very strong
impression in the hearts of the tourists visiting Myanmar.

Myanmar's traditional costumes for women

Traditional costumes of Myanmar consist of two parts: Longyi (the

bottom) and taipon (the top). For Burmese males and females, there is a
twist in how this traditional set is worn. Burmese women’s traditional
longyi is called thummy. But unlike men's side, thummy has the right side
up and marked by a band in the waist area. The bottom of thummy is

tighter, which makes women move small but look more elegantly. The
pattern of thummy is varied in design but bright in color with flower
details, widely worn for women, especially at weddings. For both
Burmese women and men, they are usually free in mixing longyi with any
taipon (top) that they want. Footwear can be flip-flops or shoes depending
on the occasion.

Myanmar's traditional costumes for men

The longyi for men are different in size, suitable for any shape of
the body. There is one interesting thing is that men's dress was strapless
and tied with a simple knot; therefore, they often have to adjust the skirt
when they move frequently. Longyi has no pockets, so if they want to
carry cash, mobile phone, or other personal items, they have to put it
outside and around the skirt. Generally, men will wear dark-colored
checkerboard longyi. They just change the style by changing the
materials, textures, and colors of longyi. And it is associated with all kinds
of clothes, from T-shirts, shirts, jackets, to vests.

Occasions when the Burmese wear traditional clothes-

People from other countries, only wear traditional clothes on special
occasions and events of national festivals. However, Myanmar traditional
costumes are worn every day in daily life because they are a kind of
comfortable and brisk clothes, and very suitable for the hot weather of this
country. The manipulation of wearing traditional costumes of Myanmar
people is very simple; therefore, they are easy to take in and take off those
clothes when needed in everyday life. And the more interesting thing is
that when necessary, these traditional costumes can be pulled up and
become the “raincoat”, the sun shirt, or maybe enrolled to make a stable
substrate for Burmese women to carry commodities (fruits, rice bags,
foods). It is discernible that Myanmar people are not euphuistic in the way
of dressing as well as that of lifestyle. Myanmar or Burmese women rarely
do makeup even on special occasions. Therefore, when tourists come to
Myanmar, they will certainly have the feeling that this is a simple, closed
nation and the people are very sincere, and friendly. Going to Myanmar,
trying to wear their traditional costume, and talking to the people, I am
sure that you will love them as much as we do.

The pagoda festivals which are common in other parts of The country, are
also held in Magway Region. The festivals of Myathalun pagoda in
Magway and of Shwesattaw Pagoda in Minbu are very well known
Throughout the country. Festival such as Taungpyone Festival, Yadanagu
Festival and Kyaukse Elephant Dance Festival are famous.As the majority
inhabitants of all the Regions is Bamar nationals, Myanmar traditional
and cultural festivals and Pagoda Festival are usually held. More than 100
national races of different inhabitants, traditions, culture and religions of
the Republic of the Union of Myanmar are having common interests and
benefit by contributing their most efforts to build a new modern developed
nation under the effective and prudent guidance and leadership of the
Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar .

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