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Power resources are the assets of a country which it utilizes for various functions among which is the generation of


Power resources can be classified as:

1. Renewable energy resources

2. Non-renewable energy resources

There are even sub-topics when it comes to this chapter. Everything will be discussed therefore, let’s dive into the
topic straight away.

We'll take a look at:

 Non-renewable power resources:
o Coal:
o Transportation and uses of coal:
o Mineral Oil:
o Uses of Oil:
o Natural gas:
o Advantage and Disadvantage:
 Renewable energy resources
o Solar Power:
o Hydroelectric Power (HEP):
o Wind Power:
o Biomass and Biogas:
 Bonus Methods
o Geothermal and Nuclear energy:
 Conclusion:

Non-renewable power resources: Coal:

Coal is a non-renewable energy resource and there are different aspects of this topic. The most important one being
its location. Where is coal located in Pakistan?

Well, there are a lot of regions in Sindh and Balochistan that are rich in coal and other resources. For instance,
Tharparkar coal find located in the Thar desert (Sindh) has 16th-largest coal reserves in the world.

There are various methods to mine coal. The most important one’s are:

 Adit mining
 Shaft mining
 Open-pit mining
Let’s look at these mining methods in detail.

In adit mining, you need to remember the word, “horizontal”. This is because this type of mining is horizontal or
almost horizontal by definition.

This horizontal digging is to ensure proper movement and ventilation so that the coal can be mined. However, this is
not an easy task due to poor ventilation and other factors, several deaths have been reported over the past few years.

In shaft mining, the miners dig down vertically (straight down the mountains). This digging is continued until the
desired depth is reached from where coal can be extracted.

The miners move through the mine with the help of an elevator or a lift installed. Similarly, coal and other materials
are also transported out of the mine in the same way

The open-pit mining, also known as the open cast mining, can be a bit complicated. Let me make it very simple for

This is one of the most difficult forms of mining and this causes the death of several miners throughout the year.
When the reserves are found near the surface of this, this method (which involves cutting and blasting) is used.

The exact location of the coal is determined and then, it is extracted by digging and blasting.

Transportation and uses of coal:

In Pakistan, there are different ways of transporting coal. The coal is first moved out of the mine through donkey
carts mostly.

After that, it is loaded onto trucks and other vehicles from where it is sold to the middleman.

You should also know the uses of coal. Firstly, coal is used to produce electricity as it produces massive heat upon

This fossil fuel is very important is pharmaceutical industries as it is a raw material for many products. Coal has
many domestic uses as well as it is used for heating and cooking purposes.
The different qualities of coal have different uses. For example, anthracite is coal of very good quality. Therefore, it
is used in steel mills (such as Pakistan Steel Mill) because they require a massive amount of heat.

Anthracite, bituminous, sub-bituminous, lignite and peat are some types of coal. Anthracite is rarely found in
Pakistan because deep extraction is required to mine this type of coal.

Mineral Oil:

Oil is also a non-renewable energy resource, which means that its reserves will exhaust out one day.

The most important topic is the extraction of crude oil and its transportation. To extract the crude oil, it is located
first and when the geologists are sure about the presence of oil, the process starts.

The oil well is formed by digging a deep hole into the earth with the help of an oil rig. After that, a steel pipe
(casing) is arranged in the hole, to give structural integrity to the recently drilled wellbore.

Then, holes are then made in the bottom of the well to allow the oil to pass into the bore.

This takes us to a very important topic on how the oil is then transported. When the oil moves to the pipeline, it is
transported from that pipeline to the refinery where it is refined.

One oil refinery in Pakistan is Attock oil refinery which is located in at Morgah near Attock Punjab.

Another is located at Pipri near Karachi.

Moreover, other modes of transportation include containers (for locals) and ships (when oil is imported). All the
three modes have their advantages and disadvantages based upon their reliability, speed and threat.
pipeline is another method of transporting oil from port to mid country. White pipeline carries refined oil from
Karachi to Faisal abad and black pipelines are used to carry crude oil from port to Mehmood kot oil refinery.

Uses of Oil:
Mineral oil has many uses. Some of them are:

 It is used as a fuel in vehicles such as cars.

 It is used for lubricating purposes to lubricate the parts of a machine to reduce friction.
 It is used in many industries as a raw material such as pharmaceutical industries.
 It is burned to produce energy and is also used for heating and cooking purposes.

Natural gas:
Natural gas is extracted by drilling as well. There are massive reserves of natural gas in Pakistan. The provinces
such as Balochistan and Sindh have reserves of natural gas that can be very useful if utilized fully.

Sui and Pirkoh in Balochistan and Kandkot and Mari in Sindh are some of the regions.

The natural gas collected can be transported through pipelines and containers as LPG (Liquified Petroleum Gas) is

The uses of natural gas include thermal power production. Moreover, it is used in houses for heating and cooking
purposes. It is used as a raw material in many industries such as the cement industry and fertilizer industry.

Natural gas is environmental friendly, cheap and easy to use.

Advantage and Disadvantage:

The advantage of using natural gas is that it is cheap and easy to use as mentioned above. There are reserves in
Pakistan and its extraction can help solve the issue of power shortage (and import cost can go down).

The disadvantage is that it is a non-renewable energy resource and therefore, it will run out one day. It is also
dangerous as it can explode.

Renewable energy resources

Solar Power:
This renewable energy method uses sunlight (heat energy) to convert to produce electricity.

What happens is that the photovoltaic cells convert the sunlight into electrical energy. One more method is that the
sunlight is focused on one point upon the water which boils and then steam is released. This steam turns turbines and
therefore, electricity is produced

The advantage of this method is that it is very feasible for a country like Pakistan which has more than 300 sunny
days in a year in different parts. So, massive electricity can be produced. This method is also safe and
environmentally friendly.

The disadvantage is that it cannot operate during the night and rainy seasons. Moreover, regular maintenance of the
instalment has to be done.

Hydroelectric Power (HEP):

This method involves the movement of turbines by water to produce electricity. The water moves down the
mountainous slopes when glaciers melt and with the high pressure of the water, the turbine moves.

The turbine converts the kinetic energy into electrical energy.

The advantage of this method is that it is environmentally friendly and it does not cause pollution. Other advantages
and disadvantages are mentioned below:
 It is feasible for a country like Pakistan which has melting glaciers and extreme rainfall towards its north.
 It does not cause pollution.
 However, the method requires a massive initial investment and the maintenance cost is also high.
 Although the setup causes employment, the local tribes oppose these government measures due to various

Wind Power:

In this method, wind turbines use wind energy and produce electricity. What happens is that the pressure from winds
turns the turbine which converts the kinetic energy into electrical energy.

The method requires the setup of large number of wind turbines and it can only satisfy the needs of a particular area
where it is setup.

Another disadvantage includes that the wind turbines may produce little or no electricity without wind. Therefore,
this method is highly dependent and we have better alternatives to this method; such as solar power.

Wind turbines may hurt the ecosystem by killing the birds that may come in contact with the wings of the wind

However, it does not cause pollution and the setting of wind turbines can lead to job opportunities.

Biomass and Biogas:

Biomass refers to the organic material from animals and plants which can be heated to produce electricity. The
steam produced can be used to turn the turbine that converts kinetic energy into electrical energy.

Biomass can be converted to biogas that is burnt as fuel or utilised to create both heat and electricity. The
advantage is that it is a renewable form of energy and it can help to fulfill rural demands of electricity.

However, the burning may lead to the release of toxic gases and the method can lead to diseases as it is highly

Bonus Methods
Geothermal and Nuclear energy:
In geothermal, natural topography is used to generate electricity. What happens is that hot water springs are forced
out of the ground. The steam moves the turbine which produces electricity.

1. This method is rarely practised in Pakistan.

2. The method requires skilled labour and tools.
3. There are better alternatives than this method.

However, it is renewable and does not causes air pollution.

When it comes to nuclear energy, it is simply the energy produced by nuclear fission or fusion. This method
produces a great amount of energy which can satisfy the needs of the people.

However, its waste remains remains radioactive for many years.

Advantages of Nuclear Power

Overall low cost of operation
Nuclear power is relatively one of the most cost-effective and reliable energy compared to other sources. Other than
the initial cost of construction, the cost of generating electricity is cheaper and more sustainable than other forms of
energy such as oil, coal, and gas.

Consistent source of energy

Nuclear power has a consistent and predictable output. It is not affected by weather conditions compared to other
sources such as wind and solar power.

Generates low amounts of pollution

Nuclear power is the lowest carbon emission energy source and a lower carbon footprint compared to other sources
such as fossil fuels.

Disadvantages of Nuclear Power

Nuclear energy is a promising alternate and reliable energy resource for future electricity needs. However, there are
numerous drawbacks to nuclear energy to consider, particularly its environmental impact in the future.

Expensive to Construct

Nuclear power plants are affordable to operate but are relatively expensive to construct.

Generation of radioactive waste

While no emissions are produced in nuclear energy generation, a bi-product of radioactive waste is developed. The
waste must be stored in secure facilities to avoid polluting the environment. Storage of radioactive waste is a
significant concern and cost for nuclear power plants. There is no way to destroy nuclear waste; the only current
solution is to seal and store it in deep underground facilities

Restricted fuel supply

Nuclear power plants are heavily dependent on thorium and uranium to generate electricity. Before the supply of
thorium and uranium is depleted, a nuclear fusion or breeder reactor will have to be created, otherwise, power
generation will not be possible. Currently, nuclear power is only an expensive short-term option for power
generation due to diminishing resources.
Impact on the environment

The most significant impact on the environment stems from the destructive process of uranium mining. Both open-
pit and underground mining can mine uranium.
Open-pit mining is generally a safe process for miners but generates radioactive waste while causing erosion and, on
some occasions, polluting water supplies. Underground mining exposes miners to a far greater risk of radiation
poisoning than open-pit mining. While also producing large amounts of the radioactive waste rock during both
processing and extraction.

Is Nuclear Power the Future?

Nuclear power has numerous advantages and disadvantages, causing the contentious argument about whether to find
alternatives or preserve the technology for future uses. Nuclear power energy has the potential to be particularly
dangerous, however, the risk of disaster is relatively low.

While there is continued debate, enthusiasts of nuclear power have said that being more dependent on nuclear
energy will reduce third-country energy reliance. However, reliance would still be necessary as nuclear power
facilities still require raw materials such as uranium imported from Kazakhstan, Australia, or Canada.

Adding further contention is the negative connotation surrounding nuclear energy. Largely, individuals are only
aware of nuclear disasters and not the potential low-carbon positives. This is where the concept of renewable energy
is greatly favored. However, ideally combining the two procedures is expected to be a more feasible approach for
future sustainability.

Power resources (Unit 8)

Topic: Coal.
Q Name the places from where coal is mined in Pakistan. N 95
Ans: Larkana, Jimpir, and Sonda in lower Sindh. Sor, Degari, Khost, Mach and Harnai are in Balochistan.
Makarwal, Dandot and Pidh from salt range Punjab.
Q What are uses of coal? J 2002
Ans: Coal is used for heating and cooking. Coal is used as fuel in thermal power, brick Kiln, ceramics, cement
factories. Coal is used in coke making and briquetting making and steel making.
Q Describe the factors which influence the coal mining.
Ans: Coal found in Pakistan is of poor quality. It is lignite coal which is low grade coal. Deposit of coal are small,
seam of coal are thin, so machinery cannot be used and only hand digging method is uses.
Q Describe the methods of coal mining.
Ans: Adit mining is used when seam (layer) of coal is close to slopes of hill. Shaft mining is used when seam of coal
is deep under surface. Open-cast method is used when seam of coal is close to surface.
Q Explain why the extraction of coal is limited in Pakistan.
Ans: Coal found in Pakistan is mostly lignite. It is of poor quality, highly volatile anddeteriorates badly during
storage. Lignite has high sulphur contents, produce less heat and lot of ash on burning. Seam (layer) of coal is thin
where machinery cannot be used. Many reserves (deposit) are in far away areas.
Q Name the organization responsible for coal mining in Pakistan.
Ans: The Pakistan mineral development corporation runs mines in Balochistan and lower Sindh. The Punjab mineral
development corporation is busy in mining in Punjab.
Q How coal is transported?
Ans: (1) Coal is taken out of mine by donkeys. (2) or sacks of coal are taken by workers on back. (3) Trolley is used
in mechanized mines. Coal is loaded on trucks or railway after taking out of mine.
Q What is coal gas or gasification?
Ans: Through gasification of coal is changed into coal gas. The coal is heated in the presence of steam and oxygen
to produce coal gas which is mixture of methane, hydrogen and carbon-monoxide. Transport of coal gas is easy.
Q State the meaning of the term fossil fuel?
Ans: Fossil fuel is the material which is formed by decomposition (decay) of vegetable matter and animal matter
buried deep in earth. For example Coal, oil and gas.
Q What is coke and its uses?
Ans: Coke is a hard substance consisting of nearby pure carbon, formed by heating coking coal in the absence of air.
Uses of coke: Coke is used in making fertilizer, pesticides, pharmaceuticals and solvents.
Q How coke is used in steel making industry?
Ans: Coke is mixed with lime stone and iron ore then heated to extract the Iron.
Topic: Mineral oil.
Q Name the places where oilfields are located in Pakistan. (J 2004)
Ans: Khaur, Dhulian, Balksar, Tut, Mayal, Adhi and Dhurnal in Potwar plateau. Khaskhali, Leghari and Tando
Alam in lower Sindh.
Q What is crude oil? N 2009
Ans: Crude oil is unrefined (impure) and raw oil comes out of ground by drilling.
Q What is meant by porous rock?
Ans: Porous rock allow liquid to pass through.
Q What is oil trap?
Ans: It is dome shaped structure of rock found deep in ground also known as anticline. In oil trap a layer of porous
rock is between two layers of non porous rocks. The oil is trapped in the anticline with gas above and water below
Q How is oil extracted from oil trap?
Ans: In first step survey is done to locate dome shaped layer of rock called oil trap then a derrick is erected (placed).
It is a steel structure to hold drilling machinery. Drilling is made to depth of 10 to 20 thousand feet. In case of oil, it
comes out with force. The oil well is set up to control the flow of oil then crude oil is send (moved) to oil refinery.
Q What are used of Oil? N 2006
Ans: Oil is used as fuel for motor vehicles, ship, aircraft, railway and thermal power. Oil is used as lubricant for
machines. Oil is used in oil stoves, furnace and for heating. By-products of oil are used in pesticides, bitumen for
roads, paraffin and wax for making candles.
Q Why Pakistan import oil?
Ans: Oil production in Pakistan is not enough; oil deposits are running out. Pakistan has lack of investment,
machinery and skilled labor to develop oil fields.
Q Name the countries from which Pakistan import oil.
Ans: U.A.E and Saud-i-Arabia.
Q How oil is important for farming and agriculture and industry?
Ans: In farming oil is used for tractor, farm machinery and tube well. Pesticides are also made (made) from oil. In
industry by-products of mineral oil are used in making rubber, plastics, detergents, pharmaceutical, wax for candle
and furnace oil for heating.
Q What problems are caused for Pakistan because so much is spent on import of petroleum?
Ans: Large foreign exchange is spent on oil import. Oil prices in international markets are increasing. Lack of funds
for education, health and infrastructure development is caused. Oil import cause negative balance of trade. Loans are
needed from World Bank.
Q State the two ways in which refined oil can be transported and give advantages and disadvantages.
Ans: Refined oil is transported by oil pipe lines, oil tankers and rail tankers.
Pipe lines (advantages) Pipe lines are safer, cheaper in long run, provide large continuous supply, traffic problem is
not created, and it is environmental friendly.
Pipe lines (disadvantages): There is danger of leakage and terrorism in pipelines. It is costly project.
Road/Railway: (disadvantages) Transportation by oil tanker is costly, time consuming, roads are damaged due to
heavy oil tankers and oil tankers also cause traffic problems.
Road/Railway: (Advantage) Oil tankers can transport oil to far-away areas.
Q State the location of oil refineries and reason of their location?
Ans: Attock oil refinery at Morga purifies (refine) oil from oil fields in Potwar. Pakistan oil refinery and National oil
refinery in Karachi purify imported oil and oil from lower Sindh fields. Mid country oil refinery at Mahmood Kot
purify oil from Parco oil pipe line.
Q What is oil pier?
Ans: Oil tanker ships are berthed (tie up) at oil pier. Oil pier are platform with an oil handling system which pumps
oil from oil tanker to storage tanks of oil companies.
Q Name an organization responsible for oil and gas exploration and extraction in Pakistan.
Ans: Oil and Gas Development Corporation (OGDC)
Topic: Natural gas.
Q Why natural gas is non-renewable?
Ans: Gas once used up cannot be regenerated (re-new) or recycled.
Q What are uses of natural gas?
Ans: Natural gas is used for cooking, heating, thermal power generation (making). Natural gas is raw material for
fertilizer, fuel in cement and glass factories, fuel for transport, and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) is easy to move in
Q Name the gas fields in Pakistan.
Ans: Sui, Uch, Zin, Pirkoh in Balochistan. Marri, Khaskheli, Lagari, Khairpur in Sindh. Gas fields are located at
Dhodhak, Adhi and Meyal in northern Punjab.
Q Describe the distribution of gas Pipelines.
Ans: Two gas pipelines are setup from Sui to Karachi on both sides of river Indus. One pipe line is from Sui to
Quetta, One is from Faisalabad to Lahore, Sialkot and other to Rawalpindi and Peshawar.
Q How natural gas is transported to areas not served by pipeline? What are its problems?
Ans: Advantages: By gas cylinder gas is transported where pipelines are not setup. They are portable.
Disadvantages: Cylinders carry only small quantity of gas, there is danger of leakage, refilling and transportation
charges made gas cylinder costly.
Q What are uses of natural gas in homes and why is this fuel chosen?
Ans: In homes and houses natural gas is mainly used for cooking and for heating in winter. Gas is much cheaper
than firewood or oil and in very easy to use. It is easier to transport and is cleaner than wood, coal and oil. Gas
cylinders are portable, light weight than wood, gas can be supplied by pipelines and large reserves of gas are
available. Gas is cheap and not imported from other countries. Gas is easy to extract.
Q Why natural gas is an easy fuel to extract?
Ans: Deposits (reserves) of natural gas are located underground. Gas fields are spread over small size of land,
simple machinery is needed to extract gas and develop gas field. Pipes are put in underground after drilling. Gas
field works automatically. Little man power is needed to control pressure valves. Gas extraction has little effect on
Topic: Nuclear power.
Q Name two locations of nuclear power plants.
Ans: Chashma and Karachi.
Q Explain the advantages and disadvantages of developing Nuclear power. (6) N 2009
Ans: Advantages: Nuclear power supply is reliable and produce large amount of electricity. Only small amount of
raw material is needed as fuel. Nuclear fuel is long lasting and reduce burden on fossil fuel. Nuclear plant cause less
pollution and reduce load shedding.
Disadvantages: Nuclear plant is expensive to set up, there is lack of technology, skills in Pakistan. It is difficult to
maintain. There is danger of radioactivity leakage from plant; disposal of waste is difficult, danger of terrorism and
bomb making.
Topic: Electricity.
Q Name body established in 1959 to promote and increase electricity production. (1)
Ans: Water and power development authority (WAPDA).
Q What is meant by National Grid?
Ans: All power producer and consumers are connected with the help of transmission lines and Grid stations in
Pakistan; this is known as national grid.
Q What are factors considered in rural electrification.
Ans: If any rural area is one Km away from power line is provided by electricity. If population of village is 300 to
500 in Balochistan and K.P.K electricity is provided. If population of village in Punjab and Sindh is 1000 electricity
is provided.
Q Describe social and economic advantages of rural electrification. N 94
Ans: Due to supply of electricity in rural areas tube well can be run, small scale industry can be set up, standard of
living can increase, awareness increases due to TV and radio.
Q What is load shedding?
Ans: A town is divided in different sectors and electricity is provided turn wise to each sector due to shortage of
Q What problems are caused when electricity to factory break down? (4) J 2009
Ans: Break down of electricity stop production in factory, output reduces, damage machinery, can cause short
circuit, delay orders, loss of profit is caused, workers sit idle, affect quality of goods.
Q What are the cause of load shedding (Power shortage)?
(Similar) Explain why the supply of electricity is not reliable in many parts of Pakistan.
Ans: Shortage of water in rivers has reduce hydro-electric power production, siltation of dams has reduced capacity
of dams, long transmission lines cause power losses of electricity poor maintenance and old machinery. High prices
of fossil fuel have reduced thermal power production. Industrialization and urbanization has increased demand of
electricity. There is lack of Investment in new power stations and alternative energy.
Q Which sector uses the largest percentage of electricity?
Ans: Domestic.
Q How may factories try to overcome the problems of unreliable electricity supply from grid? (4)
Ans: Government encourages establishment of private power stations. Some factories keep stand by generators.
Alternative source like thermal power from burning bagasses and solar energy can be used to overcome shortage of
Why is it important for factories to overcome shortage of electricity?
Ans: It is important for factories to overcome shortage of electricity because power break reduce production,
damage machinery, reduce profits, products being made can be spoiled.
Topic: Thermal power.
Q Name the places where thermal power stations are located in Pakistan.
Ans: Karachi, Faisalabad, Multan, Kotri and Sukkur.
Q Names the fuels used for thermal power production.
Ans: Furnace oil, coal, oil, natural gas, bagasses and diesel.
Q What are advantages and disadvantages of thermal power stations?
Ans Advantages) Thermal power is produced by using many types of fuels i.e. oil, natural gas, bagasses and coal.
Less capital is needed to set up thermal power station. Thermal power station completes in less time as compare to
dams. Thermal power station can be set up anywhere. Thermal power station produces large quantity (amount) of
(Disadvantages) Smoke produced due to burning of fossil fuel creates pollution. Dangerous gases like sulphur-di-
Oxide and nitrogen oxide are also added. Noise pollution is also caused. Transportation of fuel by trucks and tankers
causes traffic problems. Disposal of ash is also a problem. High cost of production and repair is also a problem.
Deforestation is done to set up thermal power and for its fuel.
Q Why so much thermal power is generated in Karachi? N 95
Ans: Karachi is largest city of Pakistan. Thermal power stations are established to supply electricity to fulfill needs
of local population. Karachi is seaport, large industry and commercial center. There is no source of hydro-electric
production in Karachi, so thermal power station is established.
Topic: Hydro-electricity.
Q Why hydro-electricity is cheap source of electricity? (2) J2009
Ans: Water is free source to produce hydro electricity. It is renewable resource. Hydro electricity has large output.
Q Why Hydro electricity (H.E.P) an important source of electricity in northern areas? (3)
Ans: There are number of rivers located in northern areas. Water is available in rivers due to snow fall; high rain and
melting of glaciers so hydro power stations are set up to produce electricity. Sites for dams are available due to
number of deep, steep and narrow valleys. Fossil fuels are not available in northern areas to produce thermal power.
Hydro electricity causes no pollution.
Q What problems occur when supplying electricity from reservoirs (dams) to area of high population?
Ans: Most of the dams are located in remote (far) areas in difficult hilly terrain (land form) so long transmission
lines and poles needs lot of funds; power losses are high due to long transmission lines.
Q How electricity is produced in dams?
Ans: Water from reservoir (lake) of dam is brought from tunnels which rotates turbine and a shaft attached to it
moves in generator produce electricity.
Q How electricity is transmitted from a dam to consumer?
Ans: Electricity is produced in generators of dam is transmitted by transmission lines, transformers are attached at
suitable distance, and then distributed to consumers through grid stations.
Topic: Alternative power resources.
Q Name environmental friendly ways of making electricity.
Ans: Solar power, Wind power, Tidal power, Biogas, Bagasses, and Geothermal.
Q Explain types of alternative energy can be used in Pakistan.
Ans. Solar: It is suitable for Pakistan due to long hours and number of sunny days.
Wind energy: It can be produced in coastal areas due to suitable wind speed.
Bio gas: It is cheap, small scale, disposes waste product, produce natural gas.
Bagasses: Can be used as fuel for thermal power, it is cheap, disposes waste product.
Geo thermal: Not used in Pakistan.
Q Explain the advantages and disadvantages of alternative power resources. N 2010
Ans: (Advantages) Cheap power, renewable resource, reduce carbon-di-oxide emission, less danger of air pollution,
free resource, increase power supply, can be used in remote areas, reduce use of fossil fuels so save foreign
(Disadvantages) Expensive to build, expensive technology, unreliable, lack of skills and lack of experts in Pakistan,
low output, may not produce in areas where needed like wind power.
Q Name the different type of electrical power station in Pakistan. N 99
Ans: Hydro-electric power, thermal power and nuclear power.
Q How bio gas is generated?
Ans: Cow dung is filled in a well covered and attached with pipes. Methane gas is produced due to decaly of cow
dung. Methane gas can be used as fuel for cooking and heating. It can create shortage of cow dung for agriculture
which is used as fertilizer.
Q What is a wind farm?
Ans: A wind farm is an area where there are several wind turbines that generate electricity.
Q How wind power is produced?
Ans: In a wind turbine a generator is fixed at the top of a tower. Rotor blades are attached with the shaft of
generator. Blades rotate when wind speed exceeds 7 miles per hour so electricity is produced by generator.
Electricity cables are attached with generator. The tower has a ladder inside for maintenance staff.
Q How solar power is produced?
Ans: The term solar energy usually means solar heating. The sun's infra red rays pass through glass panel of solar
panel where trapped heat is extracted by special fluid which transfers it to the hot water tank used for washing and
cleaning in house and for thermal power production on large scale.
Photo voltaic cells are used to power radio, small cars and pumps.

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