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MODULE 3 – World of Regions Asian regionalism - a product of societal integration

Lesson 1: Global Divides brought by the undirected process of social and economic
North - the countries belonging in the Northern hemisphere,
Silk Road - a trading route connecting East to West
which includes the Western countries America, Europe and
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) - Formed during
cold war when several Western European countries plus the
South - mostly to the Asian countries
United States agreed to protect Europe against the threat of
Global North - countries that are politically and economically
the Soviet Union
stable, also referred as “rich” and “develop countries”, more
WARSAW Pact- regional alliance created by Soviet Union
economically develop countries MEDC’s, this includes the
Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
members of Group of 8 or the “G8” (United States, France,
(OPEC)- established in 1960 by Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi
Russia, Germany, Italy, United Kingdom, Canada, and Japan).
Arabia and Venezuela to regulate the production and sale
But in 2014, Russia was indefinitely suspended from the group
NON-ALIGNED MOVEMENT - created by the Presidents of Egypt,
after annexing Crimea, an autonomous public of Ukraine, G8 is
Ghana, India, Indonesia and Yugoslavia in 1961. (120 members)
now referred as G7.
the prime goals to pursue world peace and international
Global South - the “underdevelop countries”, “developing” the
cooperation, human rights, national sovereignty, racial equality,
“poor side” and “Third World Countries
non- intervention and peaceful conflict resolution.
Treaty of Tordesillas - divide the exploration route to east and
MODULE 4– World of Ideas
The Cold War (1946-1991) - consider as global battle for
Lesson 1: Globalization of Religion
supremacy between United States of America and democratic
Globalization - the interconnectedness among people across
- a war fought by means of propaganda and secret
world time and space
tactics and not by direct war between the super powers
Religion - the set of belief of people in the divine creator which
- also a clash of ideas or political ideologies between
considers as holy and sacred
democracy and communism
Three ways of how social and individual of believers are
organized in spiritual sense
Why Southern part of the world becomes poor and less
 involves the idea of transcendence, referring to
developed? And why Northern, becomes richer and developed?
supernatural realities
1. Functionalist Perspective of Inequality
 It relates with sacredness or holiness and system of
“Inequality is not only inevitable but also necessary for the
practice and language
smooth functioning of society.”
 it concerns ultimacy, on how it relates to people to the
Economic inequality - unequal distribution of income and
ultimate conditions of existence
opportunity between different groups in society.
Judaism - abrahamic belief based on the teachings of Moses
Social inequality - issue pertaining to the lack of housing,
- the oldest religion of the group and starts around
health care, education, employment opportunities, and status
4,000 years
2. Modernization theory
- used to explain the process of modernization within societies.
Torah - The holy book of Judaism
- a model of a progressive transition from a 'pre-modern' or
Hinduism - started somewhere between
'traditional' to a 'modern' society.
2300 B.C. and 1500 B.C.
Poverty - fundamental human condition
- Hinduism has no one founder but is instead a fusion
3. Dependency Theory
of various beliefs
- defined as an explanation of the economic development of a
Confucianism - developed in China by Master Kong in 551-479
state in terms of external influences- political, economic, and
BC, who was given the name Confucius by Jesuit
cultural- on national development policies
missionaries who were visiting there
Colonial imperialism - Exploits other countries by excessive
- the fundamental principles of Confucianism began
exportation of resources, taking additional profits and
before his birth, during the Zhou Dynasty
controlling through neo-colonialism
Buddhism - a faith founded by Siddhartha Gautama (“the
Poverty - created as a result of capitalism, imperialism, and
Buddha”) more than 2,500 years ago in India
- one of the major world religions
4. Neoliberalism Theory
Christianity - a religion based on the teaching of Jesus Christ
policy model—bridging politics, social studies, and
Emperor Theodosius I - declared Catholicism the state religion
economics—that seeks to transfer control of economic factors
of the Roman Empire
to the private sector from the public sector.
Pope (Bishop of Rome) - operated as the head of the Roman
- tends towards free-market capitalism and away from
Catholic Church
government spending, regulation, and public ownership.
Islam - the second largest religion in the world after
LESSON 2 : Asian Regionalism
Sikhism - religion and philosophy founded in the Punjab region
Regionalization - societal integration
of the Indian subcontinent in the late 15th century
and the often undirected process of social and
- established by Guru Nanak
economic interaction
Sikhs - called to the Sikhism members
Regionalism - the formal process of
Gurmat (Punjabi: “the Way of the Guru”) - The Sikhs call their
intergovernmental collaboration between two or
faith as Gurmat
more states
Secularization - the process of rationalization
Rationalization - process that operates at the highest, most  Rising Unemployment - High number of workers exist for
general level of social development a limited number of vacancies and this seems destined to
Impacts of Globalization to Religious Practices and Beliefs lead to high rates of joblessness in the future
 Particularism Potential Solutions
 Universalism  Better Sex Education
 Marginalization  Access to Contraceptives
 Changes in Policy
LESSON 2 : Global Media Culture
Media - various means of communication. This is through print LESSON 3 : Global Migration
materials like newspaper, magazine, television, radio and social Migration - movement of people from one place to another;
media can be within a country or between countries; can be
Mass media - collection of the forms of media that use for permanent, temporary or seasonal.
communication Migrant - any person who is moving or has moved across an
- helps in communicating government’s program and international border or within a State away from his/her
policies, issues concerning poverty, security, etc habitual place of residence, regardless of (1) the person’s legal
Cultural imperialism - imposition by one usually politically, status; (2) whether the movement is voluntary or involuntary;
economically, culturally dominant community to non dominant (3) what the causes for the movement are; or (4) what the
Community length of the stay is
Two major types of migration
MODULE 5 – Global Population and Mobility  Internal migration - people moving from one area to
Lesson 1: Global City another within one country and international migration,
which denotes that these are the people who cross
Global city - production point of specialized financial and borders of one country to another
producer services that make the globalized economy run Five groups:
- an urban center that enjoys significant competitive 1. Immigrants- those who move permanently to another
advantages and that serves as a hub within a globalized country.
economic system 2. Economic Migrants - workers who stayin another country for
Fundamental Characteristics of a Global City a fixed period (at least 6 months in a year). But It can be in two
 Home to major stock exchanges and indexes types one granted with permission and
 Influential in international political affairs 3. Illegal migrant -comprised of those people into a country in
 Home to major stock exchanges and indexes violation of the immigration laws of that country, or the
 Service a major media hub and large mass transit continued residence of people without the legal right to live in
networks that country.
Example of Global Cities 4. Petitioned- migrants whose families have call upon them to
New York, Tokyo, London move to the destination country.
5. Refugees- also known as asylum-seekers
LESSON 2 : Global Demography - any person who owing to well-founded fear of being
Demography - the study of human populations according to persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality,
their size, composition and distribution across space and the membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is
process through which populations change outside the country of his nationality and is unable or, owing to
Births, deaths and migration - the ‘big three’ of demography such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that
Overpopulation - one of the main contributors to many other country
environmental issues - not having a nationality and being outside the
Causes of overpopulation country of his former habitual residence as a result of such
 Poverty - believed to be the leading cause of events, is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to return
overpopulation. A lack of educational resources, coupled to it
with high death rates leading to higher birth rates, result Other Factors that affects Migration
in impoverished areas seeing large booms in population.  Safety Factors
 Poor Contraceptive Use  Economic Factors
 Child Labor - children who begin work too young also lose  Environmental Factors
the educational opportunities they should be granted,  Social Factors
particularly when it comes to birth control
 Reduced Mortality Rates
 Fertility Treatment
 Migration and Immigration
Effects of overpopulation
 Lower Life Expectancy - This stretches the resources these
countries have thinner resulting in less access to medical
care, fresh water, food and jobs, all resulting in a fall in life
 Resource Consumption - Food, water and fossil fuels are
all being consumed at record rates, placing greater
demands on producers and the planet itself
 Faster Climate Change

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