2020 SM SAC 1a

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Scotch College

U3-SAC 1a – Application Task: Project
Date of distribution: Tuesday 14th July 2020
Due date: Tuesday 21st July 2020
Task Sections Marks Your Marks
Extended Response Questions 80
Total Marks 80

Remote Declaration
I declare that any work I have submitted for this Unit 1 or 3 assessment is wholly my own, unless properly
referenced or authorised for use by my teacher. I have had no assistance from any person in my home
nor have I been assisted by, or given assistance to, a boy in my class or cohort unless specifically
permitted to do so by my teacher. I have not used the internet or other sources to assist me in my
responses unless specifically permitted by my teacher. I acknowledge my work may be reproduced,
communicated, compared and archived for the purposes of detecting plagiarism and collusion.

General Instructions
• Although this project is not required to be submitted until Tuesday 21st July, you should aim to
complete it prior to SAC 1b (Monday 20th July) so that you can consult it during both test
components (SAC 1b and 1c).
• Answer all questions in the spaces provided.
• In all questions where a numerical answer is required, an exact value must be given unless
otherwise specified.
• In questions where more than one mark is available, appropriate working must be shown.
• Unless otherwise indicated, the diagrams in this task are not drawn to scale.

Allowed Materials
• A scientific calculator and a CAS calculator.
• Any notes or references.
At the end of the task
• Submit the task to your teacher by the due date.
Question 1 (12 marks)
Lines y = 4 x and =
y 12 − 4 x are the asymptotes of a hyperbola of the form

( x − h) (y −k)
2 2

− =
a2 b2
a. Use the equation of asymptotes to
i. establish a relation between a and b 1 mark

ii. find the values of h and k. 2 marks

Given a, b, h, k ∈  + , an x-intercept of the hyperbola is ( − 2, 0 ) .

b. i. State the other x-intercept. 1 mark

ii. Solve to find the values of a and b. 3 marks

c. i. Verify that the hyperbola can also be represented by the parametric equations
 π 3
=x 10 sec  t −  +
 3 2
 π
=y 4 10 tan  t −  + 6 1 mark
 3

ii. Determine a range of values of t which will represent the hyperbola without duplication. 1 mark

d. Sketch the hyperbola showing all intercepts, vertices and asymptotes. 3 marks

Question 2 (12 marks)


In triangle AOC the medians CF and OE intersect at X.
 
Let OA = a and OC = c.
  
a. Find CF and OE in terms of a and c. 2 marks
 

 
b. i. If OE is perpendicular to AC prove that ∆AOC is isosceles. 2 marks

 
ii. If, in addition, CF is perpendicular to OA, prove that ∆AOC is equilateral. 3 marks



H and K are the midpoints of OE and CF respectively.

 
i. Show that HK = λ c for some λ ∈  \ {0} and FE = µ c for some µ ∈  \ {0} . 3 marks
 

ii. Prove that ∆HXK  ∆EXF . 1 mark

iii. Hence find the ratio OX : XE. 1 mark

Question 3 (10 marks)
Let w2 = − 2i.
a. i. Find w in polar form if − π < Arg ( w ) ≤ 0. 2 marks

ii. Hence find w11 in simplest Cartesian form. 3 marks

b. i. Determine ww and hence find a rule for w in terms of w. 2 marks

ii. Find an algebraic relationship between w11 and w11 , and explain this geometrically. 3 marks
Question 4 (14 marks)
f ( x ) 3cos −1 ( 2 x + 4 ) − 1.
a. Find the domain and range of f. 2 marks

b. Are there any stationary points on the graph of f ? Justify your answer. 2 marks

c. Find the coordinates of any points of inflexion on the graph of f, justifying your answer and
showing full working. 3 marks
d. Find the x-intercept of the graph of f, giving your answer as an exact value, and then correct
to two decimal places, and sketch the graph of f. 2 marks


e. f ( x ) 3cos −1 ( 2 x + 4 ) − 1 around the y axis

A small glass is designed by rotating the curve=

between y = −1 and =
y −1. Assume the glass has negligible thickness. Showing full
working, find the volume of water it could hold. (Take one unit in the x or y direction to
represent 1 cm). 5 marks
Question 5 (11 marks)
Water is poured into a hemispherical bowl of radius r cm.
a. If h cm is the depth of the water, show that the volume, V, in cm3 can be given by
1 2
= V π h ( 3r − h ) 3 marks

If h cm is the depth of water at time t seconds, and water is poured in at the rate of 0.025 litres
per second and the radius of the bowl is 15 cm,
b. express in terms of h. 2 marks

c. find the exact rate at which the water is rising when the height is 10 cm. 2 marks
dh 30π h − π h 2
d. A student found = . Solve this differential equation to find a general
dt 25
solution for t in terms of h. 2 marks

e. The student then checked his answer by considering the time taken to fill the hemispherical
bowl at a rate of 0.025 litres per second. Show that the student’s differential equation was
incorrect and explain what he did wrong. 2 marks
Question 6 (8 marks)
a. Find if sin ( x + y ) =
k , where k ∈ . 2 marks

b. Describe the graph of sin ( x + y ) = . 2 marks

c. If − 2π ≤ x + y ≤ 2π , graph the solution to sin ( x + y ) = . 2 marks

d. For n ∈  + , n > 1, explain the effect of n on the solution to sin ( nx + ny ) =. 2 marks
Question 7 (13 marks)
Consider f ( x ) e kx sin ( kx ) , k ∈  + .
For k 1,=f ( x ) e x sin x.
i. Solve f ( x ) =
= 0 for k 1, x ∈ [ 0,3π ] . 2 marks

ii. Find f ′ ( x ) =
= 0 for k 1, x ∈ [ 0,3π ] , showing all working. 3 marks

iii. Hence sketch the graph of f where k = 1 and x ∈ [ 0,3π ] . 2 marks


iv. Find the coordinates of the points of intersection between f ( x ) = e x sin x and
g ( x ) e x , x ∈ [ 0,3π ] .
= 2 marks

v. On your graph above, sketch y = g ( x ) . 1 mark

b. Explain what happens to the graph of f as k increases, commenting on the shape of the
graph, x-intercepts, turning points and intersection with y = e kx . 3 marks

End of SAC 1a

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