Gordon, S. (1954) The Economic Theory of A Common-Property Resource - The Fishery

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The Economic Theory of a Common-Property Resource: The Fishery

Author(s): H. Scott Gordon

Source: The Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 62, No. 2 (Apr., 1954), pp. 124-142
Published by: The University of Chicago Press
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/1825571
Accessed: 22/02/2010 20:04

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Journal of Political Economy.

Carleton College, Ottawa, Ontario

I. INTRODUCTION lack of theoretical economic research,2

HE chief aim of this paper is to ex- biologists have been forced to extend the
amine the economic theory of nat- scope of their own thought into the eco-
I ural resource utilization as it per- nomic sphere and in some cases have
tains to the fishing industry. It will penetrated quite deeply, despite the lack
appear, I hope, that most of the prob- of the analytical tools of economic the-
lems associated with the words "con- ory.3 Many others, who have paid no
servation" or "depletion" or "overex- specific attention to the economic as-
ploitation" in the fishery are, in reality, pects of the problem have nevertheless
manifestations of the fact that the natu- recognized that the ultimate question is
ral resources of the sea yield no economic not the ecology of life in the sea as such,
rent. Fishery resources are unusual in the but man's use of these resources for his
fact of their common-property nature; own (economic) purposes. Dr. Martin D.
but they are not unique, and similar Burkenroad, for example, began a recent
problems are encountered in other cases article on fishery management with a
of common-property resource industries, section on "Fishery Management as Po-
such as petroleum production, hunting litical Economy," saying that "the Man-
and trapping, etc. Although the theory agement of fisheries is intended for the
presented in the following pages is worked benefit of man, not fish; therefore effect
out in terms of the fishing industry, it is, of management upon fishstocks cannot
I believe, applicable generally to all cases be regarded as beneficial per se."4 The
where natural resources are owned in 2 The single exception that I know is G. M.

common and exploited under conditions Revista de "Production Economics in1952.

Gerhardsen, Fisheries,"
economia (Lisbon), March,
of individualistic competition. 3 Especially remarkable efforts in this sense are
Robert A. Nesbit, "Fishery Management" ("U.S.
II. BIOLOGICAL FACTORS Fish and Wildlife Service, Special Scientific Re-
AND THEORIES ports," No. 18 [Chicago, 1943]) (mimeographed),
and Harden F. Taylor, Survey of Marine Fisheries of
The great bulk of the research that has North Carolina (Chapel Hill, 1951); also R. J. H.
been done on the primary production Beverton, "Some Observations on the Principles of
phase of the fishing industry has so far Fishery Regulation," Journal du conseil permanent
international pour l'exploration de la mer (Copen-
been in the field of biology. Owing to the hagen), Vol. XIX, No. 1 (May, 1953); and M. D.
'I want to express my indebtedness to the
Burkenroad, "Some Principles of Marine Fishery
Biology," Publications of the Institute of Marine Sci-
Canadian Department of Fisheries for assistance
and co-operation in making this study; also to Pro- ence (University of Texas), Vol. II, No. 1 (Septem-
ber, 1951).
fessor M. C. Urquhart, of Queen's University,
Kingston, Ontario, for mathematical assistance 4 "Theory and Practice of Marine Fishery Man-

with the last section of the paper and to the Econo- agement," Journal du conseil permanentinternational
mists' Summer Study Group at Queen's for afford- pour l'exploration de la mer, Vol. XVIII, No. 3
ing opportunity for research and discussion. (January, 1953).


great Russian marine biology theorist, of knowledge is that a great deal is known
T. I. Baranoff, referred to his work as about the biology of the various com-
"bionomics" or "bio-econornics," al- mercial species but little about the eco-
though he made little explicit reference nomic characteristics of the fishing in-
to economic factors.5 In the same way, dustry.
A. G. Huntsman, reporting in 1944 on The most vivid thread that runs
the work of the Fisheries Research through the biological literature is the
Board of Canada, defined the problem of effort to determine the effect of fishing on
fisheries depletion in economic terms: the stock of fish in the sea. This discus-
"Where the take in proportion to the sion has had a very distinct practical
effort fails to yield a satisfactory living to orientation, being part of the effort to
the fisherman";6 and a later paper by the design regulative policies of a "conserva-
same author contains, as an incidental tion" nature. To the layman the problem
statement, the essence of the economic appears to be dominated by a few facts
optimum solution without, apparently, of overriding importance. The first of
any recognition of its significance.7 Upon these is the prodigious reproductive po-
the occasion of its fiftieth anniversary in tential of most fish species. The adult
1952, the International Council for the female cod, for example, lays millions of
Exploration of the Sea published a Rap- eggs at each spawn. The egg that hatches
port Jubilaire, consisting of a series of and ultimately reaches maturity is the
papers summarizing progress in various great exception rather than the rule. The
fields of fisheries research. The paper by various herrings (Clupeidae) are the
Michael Graham on "Overfishing and most plentiful of the commercial species,
Optimum Fishing," by its emphatic accounting for close to half the world's
recognition of the economic criterion, total catch, as well as providing food for
would lead one to think that the eco- many other sea species. Yet herring are
nomic aspects of the question had been among the smallest spawners, laying a
extensively examined during the last mere hundred thousand eggs a season,
half-century. But such is not the case. which, themselves, are eaten in large
Virtually no specific research into the quantity by other species. Even in in-
economics of fishery resource utilization closed waters the survival and reproduc-
has been undertaken. The present state tive powers of fish appear to be very
great. In 1939 the Fisheries Research
5 Two of Baranoff's most important papers- Board of Canada deliberately tried to
"On the Question of the Biological Basis of Fisher-
ies" (1918) and "On the Question of the Dynamics kill all the fish in one small lake by poi-
of the Fishing Industry" (1925)-have been trans- soning the water. Two years later more
lated by W. E. Ricker, now of the Fisheries Re- than ninety thousand fish were found in
search Board of Canada (Nanaimo, B.C.), and issued
in mimeographed form. the lake, including only about six hun-
dred old enough to have escaped the
"Fishery Depletion," Science, XCIX (1944),
534. poisoning.
The picture one gets of life in the sea
7 "The highest take is not necessarily the best.

The take should be increased only as long as the is one of constant predation of one spe-
extra cost is offset by the added revenue from sales" cies on another, each species living on a
(A. G. Huntsman, "Research on Use and Increase narrow margin of food supply. It re-
of Fish Stocks," Proceedings of the United Nations
Scientific Conferenceon the Conservationand Utiliza- minds the economist of the Malthusian
tion of Resources [Lake Success, 1949]). law of population; for, unlike man, the
fish has no power to alter the conditions fish populations. Fish-marking experi-
of his environment and consequently ments, of which there have been a great
cannot progress. In fact, Malthus and number, indicate that fishing is a major
his law are frequently mentioned in the cause of fish mortality in developed
biological literature. One's first reaction fisheries. The introduction of restrictive
is to declare that environmental factors laws has often been followed by an in-
are so much more important than com- crease in fish populations, although the
mercial fishing that man has no effect on evidence on this point is capable of
the population of the sea at all. One of other interpretationswhich will be noted
the continuing investigations made by later.
fisheries biologists is the determination Generalopinion among fisheriesbiolo-
of the age distribution of catches. This is gists appearsto have had something of a
possible because fish continue to grow in cyclical pattern. During the latter part
size with age, and seasonal changes are of the last century, the Scottish fisheries
reflected in certain hard parts of their biologist, W. C. MacIntosh,9 and the
bodies in much the same manner as one great Darwinian, T. H. Huxley, argued
finds growth-rings in a tree. The study of strongly against all restrictive measures
these age distributions shows that com- on the basis of the inexhaustiblenature
mercial catches are heavily affected by of the fishery resources of the sea. As
good and bad brood years. A good brood Huxley put it in 1883: "The cod fishery,
year, one favorable to the hatching of the herring fishery, the pilchard fishery,
eggs and the survival of fry, has its effect the mackerel fishery, and probably all
on future catches, and one can discern the great sea fisheries,are inexhaustible:
the dominating importance of that brood that is to say that nothing we do seri-
year in the commercial catches of suc- ously affects the numberof fish. And any
ceeding years.8 Large broods, however, attempt to regulate these fisheriesseems
do not appear to depend on large num- consequently, from the nature of the
bers of adult spawners, and this lends case, to be useless."10As a matter of fact,
support to the belief that the fish popu- there was at this time relatively little re-
lation is entirely unaffected by the ac- striction of fishing in European waters.
tivity of man. Following the Royal Commission of
There is, however, important evidence 1866, England had repealed a host of
to the contrary. World Wars I and II, restrictive laws. The development of
during which fishing was sharply cur- steam-powered trawling in the 1880's,
tailed in European waters, were followed which enormouslyincreasedman's pred-
by indications of a significant growth in atory capacity, and the markedimprove-
ment of the trawl method in 1923 turned
8One example of a very general phenomenon: the pendulum,and throughoutthe inter-
1904 was such a successful brood year for Norwegian
herrings that the 1904 year class continued to out- war years discussion centered on the
weigh all others in importance in the catch from 1907 problem of "overfishing" and "deple-
through to 1919. The 1904 class was some thirty tion." This was accompaniedby a con-
times as numerous as other year classes during the
period (Johan Hjort, "Fluctuations in the Great siderable growth of restrictive regula-
Fisheries of Northern Europe," Rapports et proces-
9 See his Resourcesof the Sea published in 1899.
verbaux, Conseil permanent international pour l'ex-
ploration de la mer, Vol. XX [1914]; see also E. S. 10Quoted in M. Graham, The Fish Gate (London,
Russell, The OverfishingProblem [Cambridge, 19421, 1943), p. 111; see also T. H. Huxley, "The Herring,"
p. 57). Nature (London), 1881.

tions."1Only recently has the pendulum the landings have been in any degree re-
begun to reverse again, and there has duced by the practice of taking very
lately been expressedin biological quar- large quantities of fish of prespawning
ters a high degree of skepticism concern- age year after year.
ing the efficacy of restrictive measures, The state of uncertainty in biological
and the Huxleyian faith in the inex- quarters around the turn of the century
haustibility of the sea has once again is perhaps indicated by the fact that
begun to find advocates. In 1951 Dr. Holt's propagation theory was advanced
Harden F. Taylor summarizedthe over- concurrently with its diametric opposite:
all position of world fisheries in the fol- "the thinning theory" of the Danish
lowing words: biologist, C. G. J. Petersen.'4 The latter
Such statistics of world fisheries as are avail- argued that the fish may be too plentiful
able suggest that while particular species have for the available food and that thinning
fluctuated in abundance, the yield of thesea fish- out the young by fishing would enable
eries as a whole or of any considerableregion has the remainder to grow more rapidly.
not only been sustained, but has generally in-
creasedwith increasing human populations, and Petersen supported his theory with the
there is as yet no sign that they will not con- results of transplanting experiments
tinue to do so. No single species so far as we which showed that the fish transplanted
know has ever become extinct, and no regional to a new habitat frequently grew much
fishery in the world has ever been exhausted.'2 more rapidly than before. But this is
In formulating governmental policy, equivalent to arguing that the reason
biologists appear to have had a hard why rabbits multiplied so rapidly when
struggle (not always successful) to avoid introduced to Australia is because there
oversimplificationof the problem.One of were no rabbits already there with which
the crudest argumentsto have had some they had to compete for food. Such an
support is known as the "propagation explanation would neglect all the other
theory," associatedwith the name of the elements of importance in a natural ecol-
English biologist, E. W. L. Holt." Holt ogy. In point of fact, in so far as food
advanced the proposition that legal size alone is concerned, thinning a cod popu-
limits should be established at a level lation, say by half, would not double the
that would permit every individual of food supply of the remaining individuals;
the species in question to spawn at least for there are other species, perhaps not
once. This suggestionwas effectively de- commercially valuable, that use the same
molished by the age-distributionstudies food as the cod.
whose results have been noted above. Dr. Burkenroad's comment, quoted
Moreover, some fisheries, such as the earlier, that the purpose of practical
"sardine" fishery of the Canadian At- policy is the benefit of man, not fish, was
lantic Coast, are specifically for imma- not gratuitous, for the argument has at
ture fish. The history of this particular times been advanced that commercial
fishery shows no evidence whatever that fishing should crop the resource in such a
11See H. Scott Gordon, "The Trawler Question way as to leave the stocks of fish in the
in the United Kingdom and Canada," Dalhousie sea completely unchanged. Baranoff was
Review, summer, 1951. largely responsible for destroying this
Taylor, op. cit., p. 314 (Dr. Taylor's italics).
13 See E. W. L. Holt, "An Examination of the 14 See C. G. J. Petersen, "What Is Overfish-

Grimsby Trawl Fishery," Journal of the Marine ing?"Journal of the Marine Biological Association
Biological Association (Plymouth), 1895. (Plymouth), 1900-1903.
approach, showing most elegantly that a catch. This approach is often hailed in
commercial fishery cannot fail to dimin- the biological literature as the "new the-
ish the fish stock. His general conclusion ory" or the "modern formulation" of the
is worth quoting, for it states clearly not fisheries problem.16 Its limitations, how-
only his own position but the error of ever, are very serious, and, indeed, the
earlier thinking: new approach comes very little closer to
As we see, a picture is obtained which di- treating the fisheries problem as one of
verges radically from the hypothesis which has human utilization of natural resources
been favoured almost down to the present time, than did the older, more primitive, the-
namely that the natural reserve of fish is an ories. Focusing attention on the maximi-
inviolable capital, of which the fishing industry
zation of the catch neglects entirely the
must use only the interest, not touching the
capital at all. Our theory says, on the contrary, inputs of other factors of production
that a fishery and a natural reserve of fish which are used up in fishing and must be
are incompatible, and that the exploitable stock accounted for as costs. There are many
of fish is a changeable quantity, which depends references to such ultimate economic
on the intensity of the fishery. The more fish we
considerations in the biological literature
take from a body of water, the smaller is the
basic stock remaining in it; and the less fish we but no analytical integration of the eco-
take, the greater is the basic stock, approxi- nomic factors. In fact, the very concep-
mating to the natural stock when the fishery tion of a net economic yield has scarcely
approaches zero. Such is the nature of the made any appearance at all. On the
whole, biologists tend to treat the fisher-
The general conception of a fisheries man as an exogenous element in their
ecology would appear to make. such a analytical model, and the behavior of
conclusion inevitable. If a species were in fishermen is not made into an integrated
ecological equilibrium before the com- element of a general and systematic
mencement of commercial fishing, man's "bionomic" theory. In the case of the
intrusion would have the same effect as fishing industry the large numbers of
any other predator; and that can only fishermen permit valid behavioristic gen-
mean that the species population would eralization of their activities along the
reach a new equilibrium at a lower level lines of the standard economic theory of
of abundance, the divergence of the new production. The following section at-
equilibrium from the old depending on tempts to apply that theory to the fishing
the degree of man's predatory effort and industry and to demonstrate that the
effectiveness. "overfishing problem" has its roots in the
The term "fisheries management" has economic organization of the industry.
been much in vogue in recent years, be-
ing taken to express a more subtle ap-
proach to the fisheries problem than the
older terms "depletion" and "conserva- In the analysis which follows, the the-
tion." Briefly, it focuses attention on the ory of optimum utilization of fishery re-
quantity of fish caught, taking as the 16 See, e.g., R. E. Foerster, "Prospects for Man-
human objective of commercial fishing aging Our Fisheries," Bulletin of the Bingham Oceano-
the derivation of the largest sustainable graphic Collection (New Haven), May, 1948; E. S.
Russell, "Some Theoretical Considerations on the
16T. I. Baranoff, "On the Question of the Dy- Overfishing Problem," Journal du conseil permanent
namics of the Fishing Industry," p. 5 (mimeo- international pour exploration de la mer, 1931, and
graphed). The OverfishingProblem, Lecture IV.
sources and the reasons for its frustration can each be expressed as a function of
in practice are developed for a typical the degree of fishing intensity or, as the
demersal fish. Demersal, or bottom- biologists put it, "fishing effort," so that
dwelling fishes, such as cod, haddock, a simple maximization solution is pos-
and similar species and the various flat- sible. Total cost will be a linear function
fishes, are relatively nonmigratory in of fishing effort, if we assume no fishing-
character. They live and feed on shallow induced effects on factor prices, which is
continental shelves where the continual reasonable for any particular regional
mixing of cold water maintains the avail- fishery.
ability of those nutrient salts which form The production function-the rela-
the fundamental basis of marine-food tionship between fishing effort and total
chains. The various feeding grounds are value produced-requires some special
separated by deep-water channels which attention. If we were to follow the usual
constitute barriers to the movement of presentation of economic theory, we
these species; and in some cases the fish should argue that this function would be
of different banks can be differentiated positive but, after a point, would rise at
morphologically, having varying num- a diminishing rate because of the law of
bers of vertebrae or some such distin- diminishing returns. This would not
guishing characteristic. The significance mean that the fish population has been
of this fact is that each fishing ground reduced, for the law refers only to the
can be treated as unique, in the same proportions of factors to one another, and
sense as can a piece of land, possessing, a fixed fish population, together with an
at the very least, one characteristic not increasing intensity of effort, would be
shared by any other piece: that is, location. assumed to show the typical sigmoid
(Other species, such as herring, mack- pattern of yield. However, in what fol-
erel, and similar pelagic or surface dwell- lows it will be assumed that the law of
ers, migrate over very large distances, diminishing returns in this pure sense is
and it is necessary to treat the resource of inoperative in the fishing industry. (The
an entire geographic region as one. The reasons will be advanced at a later point
conclusions arrived at below are ap- in this paper.) We shall assume that, as
plicable to such fisheries, but the method fishing effort expands, the catch of fish
of analysis employed is not formally ap- increases at a diminishing rate but that
plicable. The same is true of species that it does so because of the effect of catch
migrate to and from fresh water and the upon the fish population.18 So far as the
lake fishes proper.) argument of the next few pages is con-
We can define the optimum degree of cerned, all that is formally necessary is to
utilization of any particular fishing assume that, as fishing intensity in-
ground as that which maximizes the net creases, catch will grow at a diminishing
economic yield, the difference between rate. Whether this reflects the pure law
total cost, on the one hand, and total re- of diminishing returns or the reduction
ceipts (or total value production), on the
18Throughout this paper the conception of fish
other.' Total cost and total production population that is employed is one of weight rather
than numbers. A good deal of the biological theory
17 Expressed in these terms, this appears to
be the has been an effort to combine growth factors and
monopoly maximum, but it coincides with the social numbers factors into weight sums. The following
optimum under the conditions employed in the analysis will neglect the fact that, for some species,
analysis, as will be indicated below. fish of different sizes bring different unit prices.

of population by fishing, or both, is of no constant, as shown by the curve MC,

particular importance. The point at issue AC."9These costs are assumed to include
will, however, take on more significance an opportunity income for the fisher-
in Section IV and will be examined there. men, the income that could be earned in
Our analysis can be simplified if we other comparable employments. Then Ox
retain the ordinary production function is the optimum intensity of effort on this
instead of converting it to cost curves, as fishing ground, and the resource will, at
is usually done in the theory of the firm. this level of exploitation, provide the
Let us further assume that the functional maximum net economic yield indicated
relationship between average production by the shaded area acpqc. The maximum
(production -per- unit - of -fishing - effort)sustained physical yield that the biolo-
and the quantity of fishing effort is uni- gists speak of will be attained when
formly linear. This does not distort the marginal productivity of fishing effort
is zero, at Oz of fishing intensity in the
chart shown. Thus, as one might expect,
the optimum economic fishing intensity
is less than that which would produce the
maximum sustained physical yield.
The area apqc in Figure 1 can be re-
garded as the rent yielded by the fishery
resource. Under the given conditions, Ox
is the best rate of exploitation for the
fishing ground in question, and the rent
MP AP reflects the productivity of that ground,
0 X Z Fishing not any artificial market limitation. The
Effort rent here corresponds to the extra pro-
FIG. 1 ductivity yielded in agriculture by soils
of better quality or location than those
results unduly, and it permits the analy- on the margin of cultivation, which may
sis to be presented more simply and in produce an opportunity income but no
graphic terms that are already quite more. In short, Figure 1 shows the de-
familiar. termination of the intensive margin of
In Figure 1 the optimum intensity of utilization on an intramarginal fishing
utilization of a particular fishing ground ground.
is shown. The curves AP and MP repre- We now come to the point that is of
sent, respectively, the average produc- greatest theoretical importance in under-
tivity and marginal productivity of fish- standing the primary production phase
ing effort. The relationship between them of the fishing industry and in distinguish-
is the same as that between average ing it from agriculture. In the sea fish-
revenue and marginal revenue in im-
19Throughout this analysis, fixed costs are neg-
perfect competition theory, and MP bi-
lected. The general conclusions reached would not
sects any horizontal between the ordinate be appreciably altered, I think, by their inclusion,
and A P. Since the costs of fishing sup- though the presentation would be greatly compli-
plies, etc., are assumed to be unaffected cated. Moreover, in the fishing industry the most
substantial portion of fixed cost-wharves, harbors,
by the amount of fishing effort, marginal etc.-is borne by government and does not enter
cost and average cost are identical and into the cost calculations of the operators.

eries the natural resource is not private fishermen are free to fish on whichever
property; hence the rent it may yield is ground they please, it is clear that this is
not capable of being appropriated by not an equilibrium allocation of fishing
anyone. The individual fisherman has no effort in the sense of connoting stability.
legal title to a section of ocean bottom. A fisherman starting from port and de-
Each fisherman is more or less free to ciding whether to go to ground 1 or 2
fish wherever he pleases. The result is a does not care for marginal productivity
pattern of competition among fishermen but for average productivity, for it is the
which culminates in the dissipation of the latter that indicates where the greater
rent of the intramarginal grounds. This total yield may be obtained. If fishing
can be most clearly seen through an effort were allocated in the optimum
analysis of the relationship between the fashion, as shown in Figure 2, with Ox on



C ____\I I

0 x Fishing 0 y Fishing
Effort Effort
1F1. 2

intensive margin and the extensive mar- 1, anldOy on 2, this would be a disequilib-
gin of resource exploitation in fisheries. rium situation. Each fisherman could
In Figure 2, two fishing grounds of expect to get an average catch of Oa on 1
different fertility (or location) are shown. but only Ob on 2. Therefore, fishermen
Any given amount of fishing effort de- would shift from 2 to 1. Stable equilib-
voted to ground 2 will yield a smaller rium would not be reached until the
total (and therefore average) product average productivity of both grounds
than if devoted to 1. The maximization was equal. If we now imagine a continu-
problem is now a question of the alloca- ous gradation of fishing grounds, the ex-
tion of fishing effort between grounds 1 tensive margin would be on that ground
and 2. The optimum is, of course, where which yielded nothing more than outlaid
the marginal productivities are equal on costs plus opportunity income-in short,
both grounds. In Figure 2, fishing effort the one on which average productivity
of Ox on 1 and Oy on 2 would maximize and average cost were equal. But, since
the total net yield of Ox + Oy effort if average cost is the same for all grounds
marginal cost were equal to Oc. But if and the average productivity of all
under such circumstances the individual grounds is also brought to equality by
the free and competitive nature of fish- are gamblers and incurably optimistic.
ing, this means that the intramarginal As a consequence, they will work for less
grounds also yield no rent. It is entirely than the going wage.20
possible that some grounds would be ex- The theory advanced above is sub-
ploited at a level of negative marginal stantiated by important developments
productivity. What happens is that the in the fishing industry. For example,
rent which the intramarginal grounds are practically all control measures have, in
capable of yielding is dissipated through the past, been designed by biologists,
misallocation of fishing effort. with sole attention paid to the produc-
This is why fishermen are not wealthy, tion side of the problem and none to the
despite the fact that the fishery resources cost side. The result has been a wide-open
of the sea are the richest and most in- door for the frustration of the purposes
destructible available to man. By and of such measures. The Pacific halibut
large, the only fisherman who becomes fishery, for example, is often hailed as a
rich is one who makes a lucky catch or great achievement in modern fisheries
one who participates in a fishery that is management. Under international agree-
put under a form of social control that ment between the United States and
turns the open resource into property Canada, a fixed-catch limit was estab-
rights. lished during the early thirties. Since
Up to this point, the remuneration of then, catch-per-unit-effort indexes, as
fishermen has been accounted for as an usually interpreted, show a significant
opportunity-cost income comparable to rise in the fish population. W. F. Thomp-
earnings attainable in other industries. son, the pioneer of the Pacific halibut
In point of fact, fishermen typically earn management program, noted recently
less than most others, even in much less that "it has often been said that the
hazardous occupations or in those re- halibut regulation presents the only def-
quiring less skill. There is no effective inite case of sustained improvement of an
reason why the competition among fish- overfished deep-sea fishery. This, I be-
ermen described above must stop at the lieve, is true and the fact should lend
point where opportunity incomes are special importance to the principles
yielded. It may be and is in many cases which have been deliberately used to ob-
carried much further. Two factors pre- tain this improvement."" Actually, care-
vent an equilibration of fishermen's in- ful study of the statistics indicates that
comes with those of other members of the estimated recovery of halibut stocks
society. The first is the great immobility could not have been due principally to
of fishermen. Living often in isolated the control measures, for the average
communities, with little knowledge of catch was, in fact, greater during the re-
conditions or opportunities elsewhere; covery years than during the years of
educationally and often romantically 20 "The gambling instinct of the men makes
tied to the sea; and lacking the savings many of them work for less remuneration than they
necessary to provide a "stake," the fish- would accept as a weekly wage, because there is
erman is one of the least mobile of occu- always the possibility of a good catch and a financial
windfall" (Graham, op. cit., p. 86).
pational groups. But, second, there is in
21 W. F. Thompson, "Condition of Stocks of
the spirit of every fisherman the hope of
Halibut in the Pacific," Journal du conseil permanent
the "lucky catch." As those who know international pour exploration de la mer, Vol.
fishermen well have often testified, they XVIII, No. 2 (August, 1952).

decline. The total amount of fish taken great incentive on the part of each fisher-
was only a small fraction of the estimated man to get the fish before his competi-
population reduction for the years prior tors. During the last twenty years, fisher-
to regulation.22 Natural factors seem to men have invested in more, larger, and
be mainly responsible for the observed faster boats in a competitive race for fish.
change in population, and the institution In 1933 the fishing season was more than
of control regulations almost a coinci- six months long. In 1952 it took just
dence. Such coincidences are not uncom- twenty-six days to catch the legal limit
mon in the history of fisheries policy, but in the area from Willapa Harbor to Cape
they may be easily explained. If a long- Spencer, and sixty days in the Alaska
term cyclical fluctuation is taking place region. What has been happening is a
in a commercially valuable species, con- rise in the average cost of fishing effort,
trols will likely be instituted when fishing allowing no gap between average produc-
yields have fallen very low and the clam- tion and average cost to appear, and
or of fishermen is great; but it is then, of hence no rent.23
course, that stocks are about due to re- Essentially the same phenomenon is
cover in any case. The "success" of con- observable in the Canadian Atlantic
servation measures may be due fully as Coast lobster-conservation program. The
much to the sociological foundations of method of control here is by seasonal
public policy as to the policy's effect on closure. The result has been a steady
the fish. Indeed, Burkenroad argues that growth in the number of lobster traps set
biological statistics in general may be
23 The economic significance of the reduction in
called into question on these grounds.
season length which followed upon the catch limita-
Governments sponsor biological research tion imposed in the Pacific halibut fishery has not
when the catches are disappointing. If been fully appreciated. E.g., Michael Graham said
there are long-term cyclical fluctuations in summary of the program in 1943: "The result
has been that it now takes only five months to
in fish populations, as some think, it is catch the quantity of halibut that formerly needed
hardly to be wondered why biologists fre- nine. This, of course, has meant profit, where there
quently discover that the sea is being de- was none before" (op. cit., p. 156; my italics). Yet,
even when biologists have grasped the economic
pleted, only to change their collective import of the halibut program and its results, they
opinion a decade or so later. appear reluctant to declare against it. E.g., W. E.
Quite aside from the biological argu- Ricker: "This method of regulation does not neces-
sarily make for more profitable fishing and certainly
ment on the Pacific halibut case, there puts no effective brake on waste of effort, since an
is no clear-cut evidence that halibut fish- unlimited number of boats is free to join the fleet
ermen were made relatively more pros- and compete during the short period that fishing is
open. However, the stock is protected, and yield
perous by the control measures. Whether approximates to a maximum if quotas are wisely
or not the recovery of the halibut stocks set; as biologists, perhaps we are not required to
was due to natural factors or to the catch think any further. Some claim that any mixing into
the economics of the matter might prejudice the de-
limit, the potential net yield this could sirable biological consequences of regulation by quo-
have meant has been dissipated through tas" ("Production and Utilization of Fish Popula-
a rise in fishing costs. Since the method tion," in a Symposium on Dynamics of Production
in Aquatic Populations, Ecological Society of Amer-
of control was to halt fishing when the ica, Ecological Monographs, XVI [October, 1946],
limit had been reached, this created a 385). What such "desirable biological consequences"
might be, is hard to conceive. Since the regulatory
22 See M. D. Burkenroad, "Fluctuations in policies are made by man, surely it is necessary
Abundance of Pacific Halibut," Bulletin of the they be evaluated in terms of human, not pisca-
Bingham OceanographicCollection, May, 1948. torial, objectives.

by each fisherman. Virtually all available property rights. However, more com-
lobsters are now caught each year within plete annals of primitive cultures reveal
the season, but at much greater cost in common tenure to be quite rare, even in
gear and supplies. At a fairly conserva- hunting and gathering societies. Prop-
tive estimate, the same quantity of lob- erty rights in some form predominate by
sters could be caught with half the pres- far, and, most important, their existence
ent number of traps. In a few places the may be easily explained in terms of the
fishermen have banded together into a necessity for orderly exploitation and
local monopoly, preventing entry and conservation of the resource. Environ-
controlling their own operations. By this mental conditions make necessary some
means, the amount of fishing gear has vehicle which will prevent the resources
been greatly reduced and incomes con- of the community at large from being
siderably improved. destroyed by excessive exploitation. Pri-
That the plight of fishermen and the vate or group land tenure accomplishes
inefficiency of fisheries production stems this end in an easily understandable
from the common-property nature of the fashion.24 Significantly, land tenure is
resources of the sea is further corrobo- found to be "common" only in those
rated by the fact that one finds similar cases where the hunting resource is mi-
patterns of exploitation and similar prob- gratory over such large areas that it can-
lems in other cases of open resources. not be regarded as husbandable by the
Perhaps the most obvious is hunting and society. In cases of group tenure where
trapping. Unlike fishes, the biotic poten- the numbers of the group are large, there
tial of land animals is low enough for the is still the necessity of co-ordinating the
species to be destroyed. Uncontrolled practices of exploitation, in agricultural,
hunting means that animals will be as well as in hunting or gathering, econo-
killed for any short-range human reason, mies. Thus, for example, Malinowski re-
great or small: for food or simply for fun. ported that among the Trobriand Island-
Thus the buffalo of the western plains ers one of the fundamental principles of
was destroyed to satisfy the most trivial land tenure is the co-ordination of the
desires of the white man, against which productive activities of the gardeners by
the long-term food needs of the aborigi- the person possessing magical leadership
nal population counted as nothing. Even in the group.25 Speaking generally, we
in the most civilized communities, con- may say that stable primitive cultures
servation authorities have discovered appear to have discovered the dangers of
that a bag-limit per man is necessary if common-property tenure and to have de-
complete destruction is to be avoided.
24 See Frank G. Speck, "Land Ownership among
The results of anthropological investi-
Hunting Peoples in Primitive America and the
gation of modes of land tenure among World's Marginal Areas," Proceedings of the 22nd
primitive peoples render some further International Congress of Americanists (Rome,
support to this thesis. In accordance 1926), II, 323-32.
25 B. Malinowski, Coral Gardensand Their AMagic,
with an evolutionary concept of cultural
Vol. I, chaps. xi and xii. Malinowski sees this
comparison, the older anthropological as further evidence of the importance of magic in
study was prone to regard resource ten- the culture rather than as a means of coordinating
ure in common, with unrestricted exploi- productive activity; but his discussion of the prac-
tice makes it clear that the latter is, to use Malinow-
tation, as a "lower" stage of development ski's own concept, the "function" of the institution
comparative with private and group of magical leadership, at least in this connection.

veloped measures to protect their re- There appears, then, to be some truth
sources. Or, if a more Darwinian explana- in the conservative dictum that every-
tion be preferred, we may say that only body's property is nobody's property.
those primitive cultures have survived Wealth that is free for all is valued by
which succeeded in developing such in- none because he who is foolhardy enough
stitutions. to wait for its proper time of use will only
Another case, from a very different find that it has been taken by another.
industry, is that of petroleum produc- The blade of grass that the manorial
tion. Although the individual petroleum cowherd leaves behind is valueless to
producer may acquire undisputed lease him, for tomorrow it may be eaten by
or ownership of the particular plot of another's animal; the oil left under the
land upon which his well is drilled, he earth is valueless to the driller, for an-
shares, in most cases, a common pool of other may legally take it; the fish in the
oil with other drillers. There is, conse- sea are valueless to the fisherman, be-
quently, set up the same kind of com- cause there is no assurance that they
petitive race as is found in the fishing will be there for him tomorrow if they
industry, with attending overexpansion are left behind today. A factor of produc-
of productive facilities and gross wastage tion that is valued at nothing in the busi-
of the resource. In the United States, ness calculations of its users will yield
efforts to regulate a chaotic situation in nothing in income. Common-property
oil production began as early as 1915. natural resources are free goods for the
Production practices, number of wells, individual and scarce goods for society.
and even output quotas were set by gov- Under unregulated private exploitation,
ernmental authority; but it was not until they can yield no rent; that can be ac-
the federal "Hot Oil" Act of 1935 and complished only by methods which make
the development of interstate agreements them private property or public (govern-
that the final loophole (bootlegging) was ment) property, in either case subject to
closed through regulation of interstate a unified directing power.
commerce in oil.
Perhaps the most interesting similar
case is the use of common pasture in the
medieval manorial economy. Where the The work of biological theory in the
ownership of animals was private but the fishing industry is, basically, an effort to
resource on which they fed was common delineate the ecological system in which
(and limited), it was necessary to regu- a particular fish population is found. In
late the use of common pasture in order the main, the species that have been ex-
to prevent each man from competing and tensively studied are those which are
conflicting with his neighbors in an effort subject to commercial exploitation. This
to utilize more of the pasture for his own is due not only to the fact that funds are
animals. Thus the manor developed its forthcoming for such research but also
elaborate rules regulating the use of the because the activity of commercial fish-
common pasture, or "stinting" the com- ing vessels provides the largest body of
mon: limitations on the number of ani- data upon which the biologist may work.
mals, hours of pasturing, etc., designed
26 See P. Vinogradoff, The Growth of the Manor
to prevent the abuses of excessive indi- [London, 1905], chap. iv; E. Lipson, The Economic
vidualistic competition.26 History of England [London, 1949], I, 72.

Despite this, however, the ecosystem of resent the population of the particular
the fisheries biologist is typically one fish species on the particular fishing bank
that excludes man. Or, rather, man is re- in question; L the total quantity taken
garded as an exogenous factor, having or "landed" by man, measured in value
influence on the biological ecosystem terms; E the intensity of fishing or the
through his removal of fish from the sea, quantity of "fishing effort" expended;
but the activities of man are themselves and C the total cost of making such
not regarded as behaviorized or deter- effort. The system, then, is as follows-
mined by the other elements of a system P-P (1)
of mutual interdependence. The large
number of independent fishermen who L=L(P,E), (2)
exploit fish populations of commercial C=C(E), (3)
importance makes it possible to treat C=L. (4)
man as a behavior element in a larger,
"bionomic," ecology, if we can find the Equation (4) is the equilibrium condition
rules which relate his behavior to the of an uncontrolled fishery.
other elements of the system. Similarly, The functional relations stated in
in their treatment of the principles of equations (1), (2), and (3) may be graph-
fisheries management, biologists have ically presented as shown in Figure 3.
overlooked essential elements of the Segment 1 shows the fish population as a
problem by setting maximum physical simple negative function of landings. In
landings as the objective of management, segment 2 a map of landings functions is
thereby neglecting the economic factor drawn. Thus, for example, if population
of input cost. were P3, effort of Oe would produce 01 of
An analysis of the bionomic equilib- fish. For each given level of population, a
rium of the fishing industry may, then, larger fishing effort will result in larger
be approached in terms of two problems. landings. Each population contour is,
The first is to explain the nature of the then, a production function for a given
equilibrium of the industry as it occurs population level. The linearity of these
in the state of uncontrolled or unman- contours indicates that the law of dimin-
aged exploitation of a common-property ishing returns is not operative, nor are
resource. The second is to indicate the any landings-induced price effects as-
nature of a socially optimum manner of sumed to affect the value landings
exploitation, which is, presumably, what graphed on the vertical axis. These as-
governmental management policy aims to sumptions are made in order to produce
achieve or promote. These two problems the simplest determinate solution; yet
will be discussed in the remaining pages. each is reasonable in itself. The assump-
In the preceding section it was shown tion of a fixed product price is reasonable,
that the equilibrium condition of uncon- since our analysis deals with one fishing
trolled exploitation is such that the net ground, not the fishery as a whole. The
yield (total value landings minus total cost function represented in equation (3)
cost) is zero. The "bionomic ecosystem" and graphed in segment 3 of Figure 3 is
of the fishing industry, as we might call not really necessary to the determina-
it, can then be expressed in terms of four tion, but its inclusion makes the matter
variables and four equations. Let P rep- somewhat clearer. Fixed prices of input

factors-"fishing effort"-is assumed, found. If the case were represented by

which is reasonable again on the assump- C and L1, the fishery would contract to
tion that a small part of the total fishery zero; if by C and L2, it would undergo an
is being analyzed. infinite expansion. Stable equilibrium re-
Starting with the first segment, we see quires that either the cost or the landings
that a postulated catch of 01 connotes an function be nonlinear. This condition is
equilibrium population in the biological fulfilled by the assumption that popula-
ecosystem of Op. Suppose this population tion is reduced by fishing (eq. [1] above).
to be represented by the contour P3 of The equilibrium is therefore as shown in
segment 2. Then, given P3, Oe is the ef- Figure 5. Now Oe represents a fully
fort required to catch the postulated stable equilibrium intensity of fishing.
landings 01. This quantity of effort in- The analysis of the conditions of stable
volves a total cost of Oc, as shown in equilibrium raises some points of general
segment 3 of the graph. In full bionomic theoretical interest. In the foregoing we

(I) (2) (3)



p 1 pC

0 1 L 0 e E 0 e E
FIG. 3

equilibrium, C = L, and if the particular have assumed that stability results from
values Oc and 01 shown are not equal, the effect of fishing on the fish popula-
other quantities of all four variables, L, tion. In the standard analysis of eco-
P. E, and C, are required, involving nomic theory, we should have employed
movements of these variables through the law of diminishing returns to produce
the functional system shown. The opera- a landings function of the necessary
tive movement is, of course, in fishing shape. Market factors might also have
effort, E. It is the equilibrating variable been so employed; a larger supply of fish,
in the system. forthcoming from greater fishing effort,
The equilibrium equality of landings would reduce unit price and thereby
(L) and cost (C), however, must be a produce a landings function with the
position of stability, and L = C is a necessary negative second derivative.
necessary, though not in itself sufficient, Similarly, greater fishing intensity might
condition for stability in the ecosystem. raise the unit costs of factors, producing
This is shown by Figure 4. If effort-cost a cost function with a positive second
and effort-landings functions were both derivative. Any one of these three-
linear, no stable equilibrium could be population effects, law of diminishing re-

turns, or market effects-is alone suf- estingly enough, his various criticisms of
ficient to produce stable equilibrium in the indexes were generally accepted,
the ecosystem. with the significant exception of this one
As to the law of diminishing returns, point. More recently, A. G. Huntsman
it has not been accepted per se by fish- warned his colleagues in fisheries biology
eries biologists. It is, in fact, a principle that "[there] may be a decrease in the
that becomes quite slippery when one take-per-unit-of-effort without any de-
applies it to the case of fisheries. Indica- crease in the total take or in the fish
tive of this is the fact that Alfred Mar- population.... This may mean that
shall, in whose Principles one can find there has been an increase in fishermen
extremely little formal error, misinter- rather than a decrease in fish."29 While
prets the application of the law of dimin- these statements run in terms of average

0 E 0 e E
FIG. 4 FIc. 5

ishing returns to the fishing industry, rather than marginal yield, their under-
arguing, in effect, that the law exerts its lying reasoning clearly appears to be
influence through the reducing effect of that of the law of diminishing returns.
fishing on the fish population.27 There The point has had little influence in bio-
have been some interesting expressions logical circles, however, and when, two
of the law or, rather, its essential vary- years ago, I advanced it, as Kyle and
ing-proportions-of-factors aspect, in the Huntsman had done, in criticism of the
biological literature. H. M. Kyle, a Ger- standard biological method of estimating
man biologist, included it in 1928 among population change, it received pretty
a number of reasons why catch-per-unit- short shrift.
of-fishing-effort indexes are not adequate
measures of population change.28 Inter- 28
"Die Statistik der Seefischerei Nordeuropas,"
Ilandbuclh der Seefischerei Aordenropas (Stuttgart,
27 See H. Scott Gordon, "On a Misinterpretation

of the Law of Diminishing Returns in Alfred Mar- 29 A. G. JIuntsman, "Fishing and Assessing
shall's Principles," Canadian Journal of Economtics Populations,'' Bulletin of the Bin gham Oceano-
and Political Science, February, 1952. graphic Collection (New Haven), Mlay, 194S.
In point of fact, the law of diminishing such a zero limit is gradually approached,
returns is much more difficult to sustain all of which appears to be quite accept-
in the case of fisheriesthan in agriculture able on prima facie grounds. There is
or industry. The "proof" one finds in nothing comparable to this in fisheries at
standard theory is not empirical, al- all, for there is no "cultivation" in the
though the results of empirical experi- same sense of the term, except, of course,
ments in agriculture are frequently ad- in such cases as oyster culture or pond
duced as subsidiary corroboration.The rearing of fish, which are much more akin
main weight of the law, however,rests on to farming than to typical sea fisheries.
a reductioad acbsurdum. One can easily In the biological literature the point
demonstratethat, were it not for the law has, I think, been well thought through,
of diminishing returns, all the world's though the discussion does not revolve
food could be grown on one acre of land. around the "law of diminishing returns"
Reality is markedly different, and it is by that name. It is related rather to the
because the law serves to render this fisheries biologist's problem of the inter-
reality intelligibleto the logical mind, or, pretation of catch-per-unit-of-fishing-ef-
as we might say, "explains" it, that it fort statistics. The essence of the law is
occupiessuch a firm place in the body of usually eliminated by the assumption
economic theory. In fisheries, however, that there is no "competition" among
the pattern of reality can easily be ex- units of fishing gear--that is, that the
plained on other grounds. In the case at ratio of gear to fishing area and/or fish
least of developed demersal fisheries, it population is small. In some cases, cor-
cannot be denied that the fish population rections have been made by the use of
is reduced by fishing, and this relation- the compound-interest formula where
ship serves perfectly well to explain why some competition among gear units is
an infinitelyexpansibleproductionis not considered to exist.80 Such corrections,
possible from a fixed fishing area. The however, appear to be based on the idea
other basis on which the law of diminish- of an increasing catch-population ratio
ing returns is usually advanced in eco- rather than an increasing effort-popula-
nomic theory is the prima facie plausi- tion ratio. The latter would be as the
bility of the principle as such; but here, law of diminishing returns would have it;
again, it is hard to grasp any similarrea- the idea lying behind the former is that
soning in fisheries. In the typical agri- the total population in existence repre-
culturalillustration,for example,we may sents the maximum that can be caught,
argue that the fourth harrowing or the and, since this maximum would be
fourth weeding, say, has a lower mar- gradually approached, the ratio of catch
ginal productivity than the third. Such to population has some bearing on the
an assertionbrings ready acceptance be- efficiency of fishing gear. It is, then, just
cause it concerns a process with a zero an aspect of the population-reduction
productive limit. It is apparent that, effect. Similarly, it has been pointed out
ultimately, the land would be completely that, since fish are recruited into the
brokenup or the weeds completely elimi- 30See, e.g., W. F. Thompson and F. H. Bell,
nated if harrowingor weeding were done Biological Statistics of the Pacific Halibut Fishery,
No. 2: Effect of Changes in Intensity upon Total
in ever larger amounts. The law of di- Yield and Yield per Unit of Gear: Report of the Inter-
minishing returns signifies simply that national Fisheries Commission (Seattle, 1934).
watchable stock in a seasonal fashion, one the fishery, nor is there any prima facie
can expect the catch-per-unit-effort to ground for its acceptance.
fall as the fishing season progresses, at Let us now consider the exploitation
least in those fisheries where a substan- of a fishing ground under unified control,
tial proportion of the stock is taken an- in which case the equilibrium condition
nually. Seasonal averaging is therefore is the maximization of net financial yield,
necessary in using the catch-effort sta- L - C.

0 eP
FIG. 6

tistics as population indexes from year to The map of population contours

year. This again is a population-reduc- graphed in segment 2 of Figure 3 may be
tion effect, not the law of diminishing re- superimposed upon the total-landings
turns. In general, there seems to be no and total-cost functions graphed in Fig-
reason for departing from the approach ure 5. The result is as shown in Figure 6.
of the fisheries biologist on this point. In the system of interrelationships we
The law of diminishing returns is not have to consider, population changes af-
necessary to explain the conditions of fect, and are in turn affected by, the
stable equilibrium in a static model of amount of fish landed. The map of popu-

lation contours does not include this be the position where the slope of the
roundabout effect that a population landings function equals the slope of the
change has upon itself. The curve labeled cost function in Figure 6. Thus the opti-
L, however, is a landings function which mum fishing intensity is Oe' of fishing
accounts for the fact that larger landings effort. This will yield 01' of landings, and
reduce the population, and this is why it the species population will be in continu-
is shown to have a steadily diminishing ing stable equilibrium at a level indi-
slope. We may regard the landings func- cated by P5.
tion as moving progressively to lower The equilibrium resulting from un-
population contours P7, P6, P5, etc., as controlled competitive fishing, where the
total landings increase in magnitude. As rent is dissipated, can also be seen in
a consequence, while each population Figure 6. This, being where C = L, is at
contour represents many hypothetical Oe of effort and 01 of landings, and at a
combinations of E, L, and P, only one stable population level of P2. As can be
such combination on each is actually clearly seen, the uncontrolled equilib-
compatible in this system of interrela- rium means a higher expenditure of ef-
tionships. This combination is the point fort, higher fish landings, and a lower
on any contour where that contour is continuing fish population than the opti-
met by the landings function L. Thus the mum equilibrium.
curve labeled L may be regarded as trac- Algebraically, the bionomic ecosystem
ing out a series of combinations of E, L, may be set out in terms of the optimum
and P which are compatible with one solution as follows. The species popula-
another in the system. tion in equilibrium is a linear function of
The total-cost function may be drawn the amount of fish taken from the sea:
as shown, with total cost, C, measured in
P= a-bL . (1)
terms of landings, which the vertical axis
represents.81 This is a linear function of In this function, a may be described as
effort as shown. The optimum intensity the "natural population" of the species-
of fishing effort is that which maximizes the equilibrium level it would attain if
L - C. This is the monopoly solution; not commercially fished. All natural fac-
but, since we are considering only a tors, such as water temperatures, food
single fishing ground, no price effects are supplies, natural predators, etc., which
introduced, and the social optimum coin- affect the population are, for the pur-
cides with maximum monopoly revenue. poses of the system analyzed, locked up
In this case we are maximizing the yield in a. The magnitude of a is the vertical
of a natural resource, riot a privileged intercept of the population function
position, as in standard monopoly the- graphed in segment 1 of Figure 3. The
ory. The rent here is a social surplus slope of this function is b, which may be
yielded by the resource, not in any part described as the "depletion coefficient,"
due to artificial scarcity, as is monopoly since it indicates the effect of catch on
profit or rent. population. The landings function is such
If the optimum fishing intensity is that that no landings are forthcoming with
which maximizes L - C, this is seen to either zero effort or zero population;
31 More correctly, perhaps,C and L are both therefore,
measuredin money terms. L=cJEP. (2)
The parameter c in this equation is the To find the optimum intensity of effort,
technical coefficient of production or, as we have, from equation (3):
we may call it simply, the "production dR dL dE
coefficient." Total cost is a function of dE dE dE
the amount of fishing effort.
_ (1 + cbE) (ca)-caE (cb)
C= qE.
(1+ cbE)2
The optimum condition is that the total ca
net receipts must be maximized, that is, (1 + cbE) 2
L - C to be maximized . for a maximum, this must be set equal
to zero; hence,
Since q has been assumed constant and
equal to unity (i.e., effort is counted in ca = (1+ cbE) 2
"dollars-worth" units), we may write 1+cbE= + V ca,
L - E to be maximized. Let this be rep-
resented by R: -1+ ? ca
R=L-E, (3)
For positive E,
=. (4) /ca- 1
dE0 4 E
The four numbered equations constitute
the system when in optimality equilib- This result indicates that the effect on
rium. In order to find this optimum, the optimum effort of a change in the pro-
landings junction (2) may be rewritten, duction coefficient is uncertain, a rise in
with the aid of equation (1), as: c calling for a rise in E in some cases and
a fall in E in others, depending on the
L= cE(a-bL). magnitude of the change in c. The effects
From this we have at once of changes in the natural population and
depletion coefficient are, however, clear,
L (1 + cEb) = cEa , a rise (fall) in a calling for a rise (fall) in
caE E, while a rise (fall) in b means a fall
L_ (rise) in E.
1+ cbE

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