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[00:00:00.34 --> 00:00:03.

54] [Music]
[00:00:01.22 --> 00:00:05.64] have you ever wondered how cement is
[00:00:03.54 --> 00:00:08.94] made let's find out in this video
[00:00:05.64 --> 00:00:10.92] [Music]
[00:00:08.94 --> 00:00:12.60] it all starts at the Quarry where most
[00:00:10.92 --> 00:00:16.16] of the important raw materials for the
[00:00:12.60 --> 00:00:16.16] production of cement are extracted
[00:00:22.26 --> 00:00:25.88] and it all starts with a bang
[00:00:35.94 --> 00:00:38.42] thank you
[00:00:39.60 --> 00:00:44.04] raw materials for the production of
[00:00:41.34 --> 00:00:45.72] cement consists of limestone Shale and
[00:00:44.04 --> 00:00:47.64] Marl which are available in large
[00:00:45.72 --> 00:00:49.92] quantities in the quarries and other
[00:00:47.64 --> 00:00:52.02] ingredients such as iron ore and gypsum
[00:00:49.92 --> 00:00:53.76] are obtained from mines the raw
[00:00:52.02 --> 00:00:55.80] materials are loaded onto Haul trucks
[00:00:53.76 --> 00:00:57.90] with a loading capacity of 60 tons each
[00:00:55.80 --> 00:01:00.12] these raw ingredients are transported in
[00:00:57.90 --> 00:01:01.86] specified ratios to the crusher but in
[00:01:00.12 --> 00:01:04.26] grinding to the consistency of rough
[00:01:01.86 --> 00:01:06.50] graveling
[00:01:04.26 --> 00:01:06.50] foreign
[00:01:07.14 --> 00:01:11.76] the pressure can handle 600 tons of raw
[00:01:09.60 --> 00:01:14.40] materials per hour the crushed Limestone
[00:01:11.76 --> 00:01:15.84] Shale and Maro are conveyed to the
[00:01:14.40 --> 00:01:18.80] mixing Bay where it's mixed to a
[00:01:15.84 --> 00:01:18.80] homogeneous material
[00:01:21.84 --> 00:01:26.22] the homogeneous star has a radius of 81
[00:01:24.06 --> 00:01:28.92] meters and a height of 28 meters and has
[00:01:26.22 --> 00:01:31.26] a blending Bay which can handle 25
[00:01:28.92 --> 00:01:33.12] 000 tons of mixed materials the chemical
[00:01:31.26 --> 00:01:34.92] composition of the material is carefully
[00:01:33.12 --> 00:01:37.08] monitored to ensure that it contains the
[00:01:34.92 --> 00:01:38.11] correct proportions of raw materials
[00:01:37.08 --> 00:01:43.39] thank you
[00:01:38.11 --> 00:01:43.39] [Music]
[00:01:45.18 --> 00:01:48.66] a small proportion of corrective
[00:01:46.80 --> 00:01:50.16] materials are added to the mixture if
[00:01:48.66 --> 00:01:53.66] the proportions differ from those
[00:01:50.16 --> 00:01:53.66] specified by the quality Department
[00:01:55.80 --> 00:02:00.42] essential additives such as iron ore are
[00:01:58.14 --> 00:02:02.40] added to the homogenized Limestone Shale
[00:02:00.42 --> 00:02:04.08] and moral material and this mixture is
[00:02:02.40 --> 00:02:06.06] then conveyed to the raw Mill where it's
[00:02:04.08 --> 00:02:08.90] grinded to a fine powder which is known
[00:02:06.06 --> 00:02:08.90] as raw mix
[00:02:11.78 --> 00:02:16.14] the mixture is dried by means of the
[00:02:14.40 --> 00:02:18.62] excessive heat generated from the Pyro
[00:02:16.14 --> 00:02:18.62] process
[00:02:20.82 --> 00:02:24.90] the materials for clinker production are
[00:02:23.04 --> 00:02:27.12] milled using roller mills instead of the
[00:02:24.90 --> 00:02:28.68] traditional bore Mills the roller mills
[00:02:27.12 --> 00:02:30.66] save about 30 percent on the total
[00:02:28.68 --> 00:02:33.74] electrical power consumption compared to
[00:02:30.66 --> 00:02:33.74] traditional hormels
[00:02:36.66 --> 00:02:40.56] the raw mix is tested once again to
[00:02:38.82 --> 00:02:41.94] ensure that the chemical composition is
[00:02:40.56 --> 00:02:44.10] correct in terms of the quality
[00:02:41.94 --> 00:02:47.18] directives once the raw mix has passed
[00:02:44.10 --> 00:02:47.18] the test in the laboratory
[00:02:54.06 --> 00:02:57.86] it is conveyed to the pre-heater
[00:03:00.06 --> 00:03:06.84] the raw Mill Silo has a capacity to
[00:03:02.46 --> 00:03:08.88] store 7 000 tons of raw mixture powder
[00:03:06.84 --> 00:03:11.28] once the raw material has been processed
[00:03:08.88 --> 00:03:13.38] in the preheater it enters the 54 meters
[00:03:11.28 --> 00:03:15.30] long rotary Kiln where the material is
[00:03:13.38 --> 00:03:20.30] burned to clinker at temperatures in
[00:03:15.30 --> 00:03:20.30] excess of 1450 degrees Celsius
[00:03:26.22 --> 00:03:31.56] the rotary Kiln can produce 2 100 tons
[00:03:29.28 --> 00:03:33.18] of clinker per day the clinker is now
[00:03:31.56 --> 00:03:35.52] cooled down by using a method of air
[00:03:33.18 --> 00:03:37.44] quenching in a great cooler after the
[00:03:35.52 --> 00:03:40.38] cooling process the cleaner is stored in
[00:03:37.44 --> 00:03:42.72] a clinker Silo with a capacity of 55 000
[00:03:40.38 --> 00:03:44.46] tons the clinker is dosed with an
[00:03:42.72 --> 00:03:45.96] appropriate quantity of gypsum and
[00:03:44.46 --> 00:03:48.18] extended with high grade Limestone
[00:03:45.96 --> 00:03:49.98] Limestone extension significantly
[00:03:48.18 --> 00:03:52.76] reduces the carbon footprint of the
[00:03:49.98 --> 00:03:52.76] Cement Products
[00:03:54.30 --> 00:03:59.28] finally the mixture is milled to cement
[00:03:56.64 --> 00:04:03.86] by using two cement Mills each cement
[00:03:59.28 --> 00:04:03.86] Mill can produce up to 65 tons per hour
[00:04:05.40 --> 00:04:09.60] Cement Products are then stored in
[00:04:07.32 --> 00:04:13.26] different cement silos each Silo has a
[00:04:09.60 --> 00:04:14.94] capacity of 7500 tons this ensures The
[00:04:13.26 --> 00:04:15.60] Continuous availability of all Cement
[00:04:14.94 --> 00:04:18.68] Products
[00:04:15.60 --> 00:04:18.68] [Music]
[00:04:19.62 --> 00:04:23.70] a fully equipped chemical and physical
[00:04:21.54 --> 00:04:25.32] laboratory takes samples of intermediate
[00:04:23.70 --> 00:04:27.42] and final products at different stages
[00:04:25.32 --> 00:04:31.16] of the cement manufacturing process to
[00:04:27.42 --> 00:04:31.16] ensure maximum product quality
[00:04:37.44 --> 00:04:42.78] the laboratory consists of 11 sampling
[00:04:39.90 --> 00:04:45.48] stations which handles more than 140
[00:04:42.78 --> 00:04:47.46] samples per day seven days a week each
[00:04:45.48 --> 00:04:49.08] cement Type produced is subjected to an
[00:04:47.46 --> 00:04:52.22] array of tests to ensure a consistent
[00:04:49.08 --> 00:04:52.22] world-class performance
[00:04:56.46 --> 00:05:01.20] sure the next process is to pack the
[00:04:58.50 --> 00:05:02.88] cements in 50 kilogram bags the bags are
[00:05:01.20 --> 00:05:05.22] then arranged on a pallet in batches of
[00:05:02.88 --> 00:05:06.72] 40 bags per pallet thereafter it's
[00:05:05.22 --> 00:05:10.10] shrink wrapped for additional protection
[00:05:06.72 --> 00:05:10.10] against weather conditions
[00:05:21.30 --> 00:05:24.54] the pallets are now ready to be
[00:05:22.98 --> 00:05:26.90] dispatched and are loaded onto the
[00:05:24.54 --> 00:05:26.90] trucks
[00:05:27.36 --> 00:05:30.57] [Music]
[00:05:30.78 --> 00:05:36.66] bulk cement is available in loose form
[00:05:32.82 --> 00:05:38.40] and is transported by Road Rail and sea
[00:05:36.66 --> 00:05:40.14] every step of the entire production
[00:05:38.40 --> 00:05:42.00] process of the cement plant from the
[00:05:40.14 --> 00:05:43.98] Quarry to dispatch is continuously
[00:05:42.00 --> 00:05:45.78] monitored and controlled by highly
[00:05:43.98 --> 00:05:48.18] qualified Personnel in the control room
[00:05:45.78 --> 00:05:49.86] when required any part of the cement
[00:05:48.18 --> 00:05:51.90] making process can be adjusted
[00:05:49.86 --> 00:05:55.04] immediately to ensure that the highest
[00:05:51.90 --> 00:05:55.04] quality standards are met
[00:06:04.98 --> 00:06:09.42] now let's summarize the entire cement
[00:06:07.08 --> 00:06:10.74] production process this is a schematic
[00:06:09.42 --> 00:06:13.02] presentation of the whole cement
[00:06:10.74 --> 00:06:15.36] manufacturing process raw materials such
[00:06:13.02 --> 00:06:16.86] as Limestone Shale and Marl are
[00:06:15.36 --> 00:06:19.52] collected at the Quarry and transported
[00:06:16.86 --> 00:06:19.52] to the crusher
[00:06:20.64 --> 00:06:23.94] from here it's conveyed to the mixing
[00:06:22.32 --> 00:06:25.92] Bay where it's mixed to homogeneous
[00:06:23.94 --> 00:06:28.86] material additives such as high grade
[00:06:25.92 --> 00:06:30.72] Limestone sand and iron ore are added
[00:06:28.86 --> 00:06:34.88] and then conveyed to the raw Mill where
[00:06:30.72 --> 00:06:34.88] it's dried and ground to a fine powder
[00:06:36.36 --> 00:06:38.66] foreign
[00:06:40.28 --> 00:06:45.18] mix is transferred to the preheater here
[00:06:43.14 --> 00:06:47.22] the material is preheated after which it
[00:06:45.18 --> 00:06:49.50] enters the rotary Kiln where it's burned
[00:06:47.22 --> 00:06:51.30] to produce clinker the clinker is cooled
[00:06:49.50 --> 00:06:54.74] down with air in a great cooler and then
[00:06:51.30 --> 00:06:54.74] stored in the clinker silo
[00:07:00.18 --> 00:07:03.96] additives such as gypsum and Limestone
[00:07:02.40 --> 00:07:05.64] are added to the clinker before being
[00:07:03.96 --> 00:07:07.50] milled in the cement Mills to the final
[00:07:05.64 --> 00:07:09.18] Cement Products
[00:07:07.50 --> 00:07:11.34] the cement powder is stored in the
[00:07:09.18 --> 00:07:13.32] cement silos from here the final stage
[00:07:11.34 --> 00:07:15.56] is the bagging or bulk dispatch of the
[00:07:13.32 --> 00:07:15.56] cement
[00:07:19.98 --> 00:07:24.66] so this was the whole production journey
[00:07:22.26 --> 00:07:26.88] of cement from raw materials all the way
[00:07:24.66 --> 00:07:28.92] up to the finished product let us know
[00:07:26.88 --> 00:07:30.78] which manufacturing process you like the
[00:07:28.92 --> 00:07:34.16] most in the comments below and don't
[00:07:30.78 --> 00:07:34.16] forget to watch our other videos
[00:07:37.67 --> 00:07:41.53] [Music]

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