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Submitted By:
Andal, Cris Paolo, L. (201914020)
Batario, Szalay Michael, E. (202014442)
Cortes, Patrick Alvin, A. (202015161)
Gahisan, Danielle, D. (202012613)
San Roque, Arnold, P. (202014207)

Submitted to:
Engr. Ian Charl Nico Tuban
TECHNOPRENEURSHIP 1st Sem. S.Y. 2023-2024
Tue 18:30 - 21:30/ 51115

Nov. 30, 2023

Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 5

DESIGN THINKING ...................................................................................................... 6

EMPATHY WORK (6%) ........................................................................................................ 6

PERSONA/CUSTOMER/BENEFICIARY: .....................................................................................................6
WICKED PROBLEM: ................................................................................................................................6
STAKEHOLDER MAP: ...............................................................................................................................7
EMPATHY MAP: ......................................................................................................................................9

DEFINE PHASE (6%) ........................................................................................................... 9

POINT OF VIEW STATEMENT: .................................................................................................................9

IDEATE PHASE (6%) ............................................................................................................ 9

INSIGHTS and USER OUTCOMES: .........................................................................................................10

PROTOTYPE PHASE (6%) ...................................................................................................12

LO-FIDELITY PROTOTYPE: .....................................................................................................................12

TEST PHASE (6%) ..............................................................................................................13

TARGET CUSTOMER/USER FEEDBACK: .................................................................................................13
STORYBOARD (w/ explanation incorporating PIVOT points): ...............................................................14
TECHNICAL VIABILITY ...........................................................................................................................15

MARKET STRATEGY ................................................................................................... 16

UNIQUE VALUE PROPOSITION (5%) ...................................................................................16

Value Proposition Canvas .....................................................................................................................16
Unique Selling Propositions .................................................................................................................16
Unique Value Proposition ....................................................................................................................16

PRODUCT/SERVICE NAME (2%) .........................................................................................17

PRODUCT/SERVICE TAGLINE: (2%) .....................................................................................17

MARKET LANDSCAPE:...............................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

TAMSAMSOM (3%)...........................................................................................................17

MARKET VALIDATION (7%)................................................................................................19

Market Validation Questionnaire .........................................................................................................27
Market Validation Results and Interpretation ......................................................................................29
Market Positioning ...............................................................................................................................30
Distribution Channel ............................................................................................................................32
Promotional Strategy – AIDAR Model ..................................................................................................33
Pricing Strategy ....................................................................................................................................36
Revenue Stream ...................................................................................................................................36

BUSINESS MODEL CANVAS (5%) ........................................................................................38

Financial Assumptions (6%) ..............................................................................................39

Financial Model – Annex B ...................................................................................................................39

ANNEXES .................................................................................................................. 40

Annex A: Market Validation Questionnaire and Results .....................................................40

Annex B: Financial Model .................................................................................................43

Annex C: Executive Summary (10%) ..................................................................................45

Annex D: Capsule Proposal (5%) .......................................................................................45

“Every five hours of no electricity, our country loses about 500 megawatts, which equates
to P556 million in economic losses. It is a hefty amount to lose for a developing country” said by
the president of the Philippines Independent Power Producers Association (PIPPA) - Ms. Anne
Estorco Montelibano. Energy Poverty is a primary issue in the Philippines, there has always been a
problem to provide reliable electricity over the Philippines. Most often, rural places are the ones
affected by this. Philippines in terms of energy security include the rapid increase in electricity
demand, frequent shortages in electricity supply compared to demand, and disparities in
electrification rates between urban and rural areas.

According to Statistica, rice consumption in the Philippines has continuously increasing

yearly. The Philippines is heavily reliant on agriculture, and a large percentage of Filipinos live in
rural areas, earning a living mostly through agricultural activities. Despite the high demand in rice,
it appears that Filipino farmers are the most disadvantaged. There are many aspects from which
this populace suffers, farmers cannot produce further because the cost of production is too high,
and it does not compensate for the possible harvest that is also selling low. However, while there
is promise for the future, many Filipino rice farmers will continue to endure similar challenges –
even as they feed a population that does not always recognize them.

EMPATHY WORK Commented [SB1]: (6%)


customer/persona/beneficiary including pertinent
demographics, characteristics, personality, nature of
work/occupation or activities etc. Why are they the
A 56-year-old rice farmer who has been farming most of his life as a form of work and is customer/beneficiary/persona

seeking ways for the possibility to have a better livelihood by having an extra income. But is too
busy tending to the rice farm to have an extra job that will provide his family and to sustain the
expenses in the workplace.


Ensuring that every part of the grain is used for sustenance.

Looking into the struggles in the lack of support of the government to the rice farmers the
inconsistency of electricity in the Philippines. It is known in the Filipino Households to have to have
casual Emergency Power Interruptions. As mentioned in the introduction, the more power
interruptions the Philippines that damages the economy. Not only that, in rural areas where farmers
usually reside – its population, which accounts for over 90% of the total population, has relatively
little access to electricity. During the rice milling process, rice husks are usually left on the floor. The
continuous increase in the price, basic costs of living take up most of the income produced by rice
farming. Farming takes so much effort that much that having to look for a different job is not ideal.
All this results to, the rice farmers having to do so much only to be underpaid.
STAKEHOLDER MAP: Commented [SB3]: Explain the involvement of each
stakeholder in the context of the wicked problem

- Rice farmers are the main stakeholders in our wicked problem. They are the ones
who plant the crops which the rice husk will come from. They are also in need of a
cheap source of electricity for their equipment so that they will have a better profit.
- Rice mill owners play a significant role in processing the crops that the farmers will
provide to them. They will ensure that the husk is still in good condition for us to
use in our production.
- Rice traders may become a beneficiary of this product. They can provide or sell our
company a large amount of rice husk. They will ensure that our company won’t run
out of rice husk.
- Researchers can use this product as an academic background for their future
research. They can use this to study other waste materials, especially waste that
comes from other types of farmers who need an additional income.
- Like the researchers, this stakeholder can use the product for their exploration and
development of renewable energy resources here in the Philippines. They can
distribute this and utilize it for the farmers in our country.

DEFINE PHASE Commented [SB4]: (6%)


User: A 56-year-old rice farmer who seeks to have a better livelihood by having an extra
income but is too busy tending to the rice farm to have an additional job that will provide an
additional income.
Need: The old rice farmer seeks an additional income to become more productive.
Insight: Considering the current economy and lack of support from the government for our
local farmers, the old rice farmer looks for extra income despite the challenges he is currently

IDEATE PHASE Commented [SB5]: (6%)

INSIGHTS and USER OUTCOMES: Commented [SB6]: List down the INSIGHTS and USER
OUTCOMES you have identified during the process

Insight 1: Economic Struggles

The old rice farmer is facing economic challenges, and his motivation for seeking additional
income is rooted in the need for a better livelihood.
Insight 2: Time Constraints
The farmer is too busy tending to the rice farm, indicating that time is a significant constraint.
This suggests a need for a solution that complements the farmer's existing schedule and doesn't
require a significant time commitment.
Insight 3: Productivity Enhancement
The farmer is seeking additional income to become more productive, suggesting a desire
for financial growth and efficiency in his agricultural practices.
Insight 4: Lack of Government Support
The reference to the lack of support from the government for local farmers highlights the
challenges faced by the farmer in accessing resources or assistance, making his quest for additional
income more challenging.
User Outcomes:
Flexible Income Solutions: The farmer would benefit from income-generating
opportunities that are flexible and can be integrated into his busy schedule of tending to the rice
Time-Efficient Solutions: Solutions that do not require a significant time commitment would
be preferable, allowing the farmer to maintain focus on the rice farm while still earning an extra
Financial Growth: The desired outcome for the farmer is an improvement in his livelihood
through increased income. Any solution should contribute to his financial growth.
Productivity Tools or Strategies: Solutions that enhance the farmer's productivity, either in
the rice farm or in the pursuit of additional income, would align with his goals.
Community or Peer Support: Considering the lack of government support, the farmer might
benefit from initiatives that foster community or peer support, creating a network where local
farmers can share resources and advice.
Skill Enhancement Opportunities: If the farmer is open to acquiring new skills, solutions
that provide opportunities for skill development could be valuable, potentially opening new income
Advocacy for Government Support: Alongside seeking additional income, there might be
a potential user outcome in advocating for increased government support for local farmers. This
could involve community engagement or participation in advocacy initiatives.
Understanding these insights and user outcomes can guide the development of solutions
tailored to the specific needs and challenges of the 56-year-old rice farmer.
PROTOTYPE PHASE Commented [SB7]: (6%)

LO-FIDELITY PROTOTYPE: Commented [SB8]: With explanation of parts, features and

Framework on how it works

- In our designed reactor, the anode and cathode of the air-cathode MFC are
positioned on each side of a cylindrical acrylic chamber that is 4 cm in length and 3
cm in diameter (with a projected surface area of 12.57 cm2 and 28 mL for its empty
bed volume to both cathode and anode). Each side of the chamber has a cover
connected to it. In contrast, a sampling port for the input of MFC-useable components
is located at the top. The cathodes were made of 0.5 mg cm2 carbon cloth, while
the anode electrodes were made of Toray carbon cloth coated with 30% Teflon.
On the other hand, the cathodic chamber is covered with carbon fabric coated with
carbon dots. The anode, which employed titanium as a lead in the circuit, was
maintained in an anaerobic environment while the cathode was exposed to the air.
In addition to this, cathode chamber a proton exchange membrane is to be used.
TEST PHASE Commented [SB9]: (6%)
Commented [PC10R9]: Interview results with a user from
your customer pool regarding the lo-fi prototype and solution.
This should show feedback from your target audience about
TARGET CUSTOMER/USER FEEDBACK: your solution and how they see your product/service/solution
compared to how you want them to.
What are the core insights from their feedback?
What changes have you made in your prototype or your
Core Insights Approaches approach to the problem after the customer feedback?

Maintenance could be We might be able to

our dealing problem when it use other materials aside
comes to microbial fuel cells from rice husk

Mass of rice husks We may use another

needed to be traded to the type of mfc that is for
company wastewater treatment
How should they deal We are planning to
when there is a malfunction expand more of the product
in the reactor. since they are willing to
provide us the rice husk.

How is it good that We can provide them

the materials of the prototype stackable MFCs to enhance
are safe. the energy source in the area
STORYBOARD (w/ explanation incorporating PIVOT points):

The storyboard shows the struggles that are being faced by the rice farmers, the
exhaustions that they feel and also the fear that acquire due to the expenses that awaits to be to
be settled. Knowing that the technology is fairly new the team has approached farmers showcasing
the its potential to help them with the machines they use pre and post harvesting and also somehow
earn with the rice husks they produce during post-harvest.
TECHNICAL VIABILITY Commented [PC11]: •Consult with your technical
experts on the following:
Probably, barriers in this prototype is that it is only limited to certain types of reactors. •what could be the probable barriers to entry (also identify
ways to work around them)
Significant amounts of rice husks can be used to generate enough electricity for pilot testing. Based •what testings/studies must be conducted to ensure
technical viability of the solution
on our consultations, the company have decided to test and explain on a session towards our users •technical requirements, compliance requirements,
scalability issues, integration and compatibility issues,
for them to witness how the prototype works. Several tests must be done to make sure that certain costs, development timeline, intellectual property, skill
substances must be on that Microbial fuel cell to generate enough electricity.


Value Proposition Canvas Commented [SB13]: Show your value proposition canvas

Unique Selling Propositions Commented [SB14]: List down your unique selling points
(these are specific features, aspects, or characteristics of a
- Dagitab enables users to have access to portable waste-to-energy devices that could product/service that set it apart from the competitors in the
eyes of customers. Often associated with a key
light up several devices. benefit/advantage that the product offers. You can capture
this by identifying a feature and a property and explaining
how the feature is a one-of-a-kind pain reliever/gain creator
for the customer/user.
Unique Value Proposition Example:
- We enable our customers to have portable access to energy while also decreasing the for Shakey’s Pizza: the guarantee of delivering pizzas within
30 mins, or its free
amount of rice husks waste near them.
- This is due to the fact that our product would use rice husks as the main components from Commented [SB15]: State your unique value proposition
(A UVP is a broader concept that encompasses not only the
unique features or benefits of a product but also the overall
which energy will be derived from. In doing so, combined with the reactor that can be value and benefits that a customer gains from choosing a
particular product or service. It's a holistic statement that
easily brought anywhere, makes it possible for a portable source of energy to our communicates why a customer should choose a particular
offering over alternatives.)
customers. Add a short explanation why.
PRODUCT/SERVICE NAME Commented [SB16]: (2%) - Dagitab

- Dagitab is a Filipino term for electricity. The team has decided to choose this as our
product name since it allows several people from our home country to have access to a
portable source of energy down to the areas that are having trouble in having access
to electricity. Commented [SB17]: (2%)-“Lighting the world, one
husk at a time”
PRODUCT/SERVICE TAGLINE: Commented [SB18]: Explain how you came up with your
product/service tagline
- Lighting the world, one husk at a time
- Since our product mainly provides energy from rice husk wastes, we came up with our
product tagline of “Lighting the world, one husk at a time” since it encompasses the goal
of our product.

TAMSAMSOM Commented [SB19]: (3%)

Commented [SB20]: Show visual TAMSAMSOM with
numbers (# of people and market value in PhP)
Explain how each of the TAM, SAM, and SOM relate to your
market and why they are your TAM, SAM, and SOM
Explain and show the EVG (early evangelists), why they are
EVG, and how you will reach them.
Explain your plan on how long you would work your way
through the EVG, SOM, SAM, and eventually TAM.
MARKET VALIDATION Commented [SB21]: (7%)

Market Landscape Commented [PC22]: -Gather information from reputable

sources, industry reports, market research firms, government
data, etc.
-Show charts and figures (don’t forget to cite properly)

This figure shows that our market by application shows that the “power Generation” will be
its key feature as the purpose of utilizing Microbial Fuel cell. By 2031, it can be expected that
power generating microbial fuel cells will enlarge the market size and increase the usability of the
equipment. This data comes to show that our target market focuses entirely on the users to bring
about its application of the Microbial Fuel cell.
As a basis, we can further expand the Microbial cell industry by contributing to the Asia-
Pacific region based on its forecast period.
Distribution of Farmers per Formal Education Level by Survey Year (1996-2016)

To further support as part of the market validation, most of the farmers have basic knowledge
when it comes to proper education. This comes to show that Microbial fuel cells can be more
useful for them and to strategically expound more technological insights to those farmers.
Average Years of Farming Experience by Survey Year (1996-2016)

This figure shows that farmers have an average experience of 32 years in the
agricultural industry. This comes to show that with their knowledge and the capacity to farm,
our prototype is somehow feasible for them to use for their everyday lives.

According (RBFHS, PHILRICE-SED, 2019)

According (RBFHS, PHILRICE-SED, 2019), 83% of the farmers take rice as
their major source of income as of 2016. In this manner, most of the farmers, will
generate more rice husks and could be an opportunity for them to trade with our
company in exchange for our microbial fuel cell.

Based on the data from (RBFHS, PHILRICE-SED, 2019), 69% of the

farmers experience poverty. As our target market in the TAMSAMSOM, this will
provide statistics which will help us to strategically estimate the number of our
target market.
Business demand annual growth

The market for microbial fuel cells is divided into four segments: type (both mediator and
mediator-free), utilization (power generator, wastewater treatment, and biosensor), end user
(government and municipal, agriculture, food and beverage, and healthcare), and geography
(North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa, and Latin America). A wide variety
of fuels are used in the market to generate power, and it is possible that the process of producing
electricity has no negative effects. MFCs are used in a wide variety of applications. It is widely
used in the production of hydrogen, wastewater treatment facilities, home energy generation, and
power distribution to tiny appliances, among other applications. However, due to certain practical
issues with being economically and environmentally feasible, several microbial fuel cell
implementations have research and development roles. The two main factors driving the microbial
fuel cell market are the growing need for energy and awareness of habitat. Resources for fossil
fuels are limited. The use of fossil fuels contributes to both pollution and global warming.

To set our limitations, SWOT analysis was done to simplify and segment our target market.
Based on the analysis, strengths of a microbial fuel cell has its low-cost production and a part of
renewable energy. This means that easy access to the customers can be feasible at an economical
cost. However, we can also limit our scale since the amount of electricity generated would only be
limited to certain types of electricity. As for the Opportunities, the company would entirely focus
more on the rice husk first before we use other wastes as part of a growing demand for
sustainability. In terms of the threats, we are still not able to grasp the market trends since this is
still not that recognizable for many.

PESTEL Analysis for Microbial Fuel Cell Market Commented [PC23]: Make it an essay
Pestel Analysis provides factors that could affect the entire market of the Microbial Fuel
Cells whether negative or positive effect for the business model. By using this approach, we can
further segment our target users by considering some of the key factors:
Economic Factors
One of the most significant economic aspects influencing the market for microbial fuel cells
is the cost of production. The price of labor, raw materials, and energy needed to produce
microbial fuel cells can have a significant effect on the market. Moreover, investors' and
governments' financial availability can also have a significant effect on the market.
Social Factors
The market for microbial fuel cells can be significantly impacted by social variables like
customer awareness, attitudes, and preferences. For the industry to expand, consumers need to be
aware of the possible advantages of microbial fuel cells and be ready to use them. Additionally,
consumer perceptions of renewable energy sources may influence the market.
Technological Factors
Technological developments in the microbial fuel cell sector could significantly affect the
market. Improvements in efficiency and cost-effectiveness brought about by technological
developments may raise the market for microbial fuel cells. Moreover, new uses for microbial fuel
cells may arise as a result of technological developments.
Environmental Factors
One of the most significant variables that could impact the market is how microbial fuel
cells affect the environment. Since microbial fuel cells are a sustainable energy source, the market
analysis process needs to account for their environmental impact. Regulations pertaining to energy
efficiency and pollution may potentially affect the industry.
Legal Factors
The microbial fuel cell industry's legal environment may have a significant effect on the
market. When evaluating the market, regulations pertaining to energy efficiency, safety standards,
and emissions must be considered in account. Additionally, microbial fuel cell-related intellectual
property rights need to be taken into account.
Market Validation Questionnaire Commented [PC24]: Paraphrase

Gender: (Woman, Man, Prefer not to say, Non- Binary: Other)
Location (Barangay, City):

- Were you aware of electricity generation using rice husk before taking this survey? (Very
Familiar, Somewhat familiar, Not Familiar at all)
- How would you rate your knowledge about sustainable energy sources? (1 being not at all,
5 being extremely) (Rate: 1-5)
- Have you heard about any initiatives or projects that use rice husk for electricity
generation? (Yes, No, Not sure)

- How interested are you in eco-friendly energy solution? (1 being not at all, 5 being extremely)
(Rate: 1-5)
- Would you consider using a product that generates electricity from rice husk? (Yes or No)

- What are your initial thoughts about a product utilizing rice husk for electricity

- Do you believe it could be a viable and sustainable energy source? (Yes or No)

- On a scale of 1 to 5, how environmentally friendly do you think using rice husk for
electricity generation is? (1 being not at all, 5 being extremely)
- What potential benefits do you see in using rice husk for electricity generation? (Select all
that apply – Renewable energy source, waste reduction, economic benefits for farmers,
carbon footprint reduction, other (please specify)


- What concerns, if any do you have regarding using rice husk for electricity production?
- Do you think utilizing rice husk to generate electricity is a more environmentally friendly
option compared to conventional methods? (Yes, No, Not sure)

Usage Potential

- In which areas do you think a rice husk electricity generation product could be most
beneficial? ( rural areas, urban settings, commercialized areas, institutions, households)
- Can you envision using such a product in your daily life? (Yes or No)
- Would you be willing to pay a slightly higher electricity bill to support the use of rice husk
for electricity generation? (Yes, No, Maybe)
- How likely are you to support or encourage the use of rice husk for electricity generation
in your community? (Very Likely, somewhat likely, Neither likely nor unlikely)

Feedback on Design

- What features would you like to see in a product that generates electricity from rice husk?
- How important is the aesthetic appeal of the product to you? (1 being not at all, 5 being

Price Sensitivity

- Would you be willing to pay a premium for a product that promotes eco-friendly
electricity generation? (Yes or No)
- What price range would you consider reasonable for such a product? (700-1000, 1000-
1300, 1300- 1600, 1600-2000)

Environmental Impact

- Would you be more likely to adopt a rice husk electricity generation product if it
significantly reduced carbon emissions?

Comments or Suggestions regarding the product:

Market Validation Results and Interpretation Commented [PC25]: -Also identify changes to the target
market and landscape before you continue.
Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) could have various target markets due to their potential -Generate proper customer segmentation that is most
applications. Based on our market validation results it can be seen that Microbial fuel cells are -Identify best demographics, psychographics etc. (if needed,
-update your persona, market landscape and tamsamsom)
much more applied in alternative power generations rather than for biosensors or wastewater
treatment facilities. Also, based on the statistics we will go through a more specific personas that
are most hit with poverty. The following will be our target market:

Remote or Off-Grid Communities: Places without consistent access to traditional power

sources might find MFCs appealing for their ability to generate electricity using organic matter,
potentially offering a sustainable energy source.
Agriculture and Farming Industry: MFCs could find applications in agricultural settings for
waste management, converting organic waste into usable electricity, or powering sensors in remote
agricultural locations.
The target market depends on the specific applications, efficiency, scalability, and cost-
effectiveness of the MFC technology. Factors like the ability to scale up production, reduce costs,
and demonstrate reliability will influence which markets MFC developers and provider's target.
Market Positioning-Low quality, low price

Market Positioning-Low quality, low price

High Price, high quality

Cambrian Innovation: They've gained recognition for their EcoVolt product line, offering
innovative solutions for industrial wastewater treatment. Their technology has been applied in
various industries and has received positive reviews for its effectiveness.
Fluence Corporation (formerly Emefcy): After the merger with RWL Water, Fluence
Corporation has continued to focus on water and wastewater treatment technologies. Their
expertise and experience in this sector might reflect in the quality of their offerings.
Prongineer: They have been active in the development of MFC-based systems for multiple
applications, including wastewater treatment and remote power generation, showcasing versatility
in their technology.
These companies have shown dedication and innovation in leveraging MFC technology for
wastewater treatment and energy production. However, evaluating their specific product quality
and pricing details would require direct engagement or accessing their product specifications and
customer feedback, as these aspects might vary based on project scope, client requirements, and
ongoing advancements in technology.

Low price, Low quality

Waste2Watergy: This company focused on developing MFC-based technologies,

particularly in India, with a focus on cost-effective solutions for wastewater treatment and
renewable energy production.
MFC Solutions: Based in the Netherlands, they emphasized microbial fuel cell technology
for wastewater treatment, bioenergy production, and environmental monitoring. They might
position themselves with competitive pricing strategies.

Low Price, High Quality

Voltalis: Although their primary focus might not be exclusively on microbial fuel cells,
Voltalis, based in France, has been known for energy optimization solutions and has explored using
microbial fuel cells for generating electricity from wastewater. They might aim to offer innovative
yet cost-effective solutions.
BioGill: BioGill offers advanced bioreactors for wastewater treatment, utilizing MFC
technology to enhance biodegradation. While their emphasis might be on efficiency and
sustainability, their pricing might aim to be competitive in the market.
Distribution Channel Commented [PC26]: -Explain why you chose the kind of
distribution channel so target customers can access your
product and transact with you?
-How it is relevant to the target market?
We can Collaborate with farmers and gain partnership with them. These farmers can -Why and how would it be effective?
Use diagrams
provide us the necessary materials needed for our MFC. By focusing on the farmers as our target
customers, we can also obtain their rice husk as an exchange in selling them microbial fuel cells with
discounted prices and bundles. In this manner, our company would be able to provide them and
sell them with discounts who are willing to try our product, especially they are experienced enough
to entertain customers such that they are also being informed of what type of alternative energy
source it can do. Via Direct Selling and Partnerships, they would be able to use our product by
means of productivity, convenience, as well as cost savings. In fact, the ability to gain more
customers by means of telling their shared experiences.
Promotional Strategy – AIDAR Model Commented [PC27]: What are the
infrastructures/strategies you will put in place to attract,
retain and grow your customer base?

Attention - Our company can entice the

customers by simply Catching our
target audience's attention should
be your first move. We can create
a statement about our microbial
fuel cell's special qualities and
advantages. Make use of
captivating content, such films that
show off how well it works to treat
wastewater or generate
renewable energy. To raise
awareness, use content marketing,
and deal with such feasible pricing
can lead attraction for the

Interest - Once we grasp their interest, pique

their curiosity by imparting
knowledge to your audience.
Describe the operation of the MFC,
its benefits over conventional
techniques, and its possible uses in
a range of sectors. Provide case
studies, success stories, or client
endorsements to highlight practical
uses and advantages.

Desire - By this, we can create desire by

highlighting the benefits and
opportunities that your MFC
provides. Draw attention to how
cost-effective, energy-efficient, or
environmentally sustainable it is in
comparison to traditional
techniques. To draw in new clients
and show them the worth of your
product, provide discounts or free

Action - Urge the people in our

audience to act. Provide
customers easy ways to interact
with your product or learn more
about it, such as visiting our
website, requesting a demo,
attending webinars, or getting
in touch with our sales team.
Retention - Concentrate on retention tactics
once clients have interacted.
Exceptional customer service,
continual technical education, and
keeping them informed about new
developments, applications, and
enhancements for your MFC are all

Educational Content and Resources: Provide educational materials that outline the
advantages, uses, and processes of your MFC, such as publications, case studies, films, and blog
entries. This material aids prospective buyers in appreciating the worth of your offering.

Targeted Marketing Campaigns: Create focused marketing efforts for businesses or areas
where MFCs can have a big influence, like research facilities, renewable energy initiatives, and
wastewater treatment facilities. To reach potential clients, make use of trade exhibitions, industry
journals, and digital marketing.
Customer Demonstrations and Trials: Give prospective clients access to your MFC through
samples or demonstrations so they may experience the technology for themselves. Their ability to
make decisions can be greatly impacted by this practical experience.
Partnerships and Collaborations: Demonstrate the capabilities of your MFC by working with
relevant organizations, academic institutes, and industrial partners. Forming partnerships might aid
in broadening your industry influence and credibility.
Exceptional Customer Support: Provide specific channels for client service in case of
questions, technical help, or difficulties. Make sure your staff is properly trained to offer timely
and informed support to both new and current clients.
Feedback and Improvement Loop: Create a feedback system to collect opinions from clients
who have used or engaged with your MFC. Make changes or adjustments based on this input to
meet the requirements or concerns of your customers.
Customer Success Stories: Emphasize case studies and success stories from happy clients who
have effectively used your MFC. Real-world examples have a big impact on prospective customers.
Value-Added Services: To improve the value of your MFC offering and the client
experience, include extra services like installation assistance, maintenance plans, or training
Industry Certifications and Standards Compliance: Acquire pertinent industry certifications
or adhere to standards to demonstrate your MFC's dependability and quality and to build
credibility and trust with prospective clients.
Continuous Innovation and Research: To advance your MFC technology, make continuous
research and development investments. Keep abreast of developments in the business and modify
your product line appropriately.
Networking and Thought Leadership: Engage in industry gatherings, forums, or conferences
as a thought leader on MFC technology. By establishing your expertise and growing your customer
base, you can network with specialists in the sector.

Pricing Strategy Commented [PC28]: -State and explain your pricing

strategies and why they will be effective.
Based on our market validation, surveys could help by setting a price that is convenient -Base your projections from the Market Validation Results

enough for them that could potentially be in our advatntage. Cost-plus pricing will be our pricing
strategy since we can calculate the production costs, including manufacturing, materials, labor,
distribution, and overheads. Add a reasonable profit margin to determine the selling price, we
would be able to focus on this straightforward approach, ensuring costs are covered while
optimzing profitability. Also, we can consider Bundling or Tiered Pricing, we will provide a range
of price points or packaged deals with various MFC-related features and services. By giving clients
the option to select according to their demands and budget, it will be a win-win condition for both

Revenue Stream Commented [PC29]: Identify the proper revenue stream

model and why it will be effective considering the kind of
Product Sales & Partnerships: By means of direct sales. With the help of our Distribution channel, customer you have

we can focus more on the off-grid communities where we can sale and attract customers, especially
by our testimonials by sharing stories about the importance of electricity and that they are in need
of it. In fact, by direct sale, it will be more convenient for us since it is less expensive considering
that we are a startup without any third parties involved, this would also serve as our opportunities
to provide an in-depth advertisement and showcase our product. Also, building partnerships can
make our design for the MFC much faster and beneficial for the company as well. In this manner,
our company would be able to save some of unnecessary costs, making us more productive by
creating such an advantage to advertise and educate some of the users, especially in farms.
Certainly, it will be effective enough for both the user and the company, since we would also gain
some partnership along the way based on our market validation

Independence from Grid: With their help, we can Illustrate the advantage of having an
independent energy source through MFCs. We can explain how these cells can provide off-grid
power, ensuring farmers have consistent access to electricity even in remote areas without relying
solely on traditional power sources. Offer educational resources and support to assist farmers in
understanding the technology. Provide guidance on installation, usage, and maintenance, fostering
trust and ensuring successful adoption. Demonstrate how MFCs can be tailored to suit the specific
needs and scale of the farm operation. Offer scalable solutions that can adapt to varying farm
sizes and requirements.

Indirect sales could possibly be our plan B as a revenue stream by means of advertising it to our
actual customers by snowball effect (passing information of some people who actually bought the
product). By this we can somehow expand our sales if they are able to grasp some information
about our product. We can collaborate with agricultural suppliers, equipment dealers, or
distributors who already have established relationships with farmers. They can introduce MFCs as
a complementary or innovative solution to their existing product offerings. Organize workshops or
demonstrations in collaboration with agricultural institutions, extension services, or industry groups.
Educate farmers on the benefits and applications of MFCs, allowing them to experience the
technology firsthand.
BUSINESS MODEL CANVAS Commented [SB30]: (5%)

- In the product we aim to sell to our customers, for our value proposition it would use rice
husks waste as the key components which will be the main source of energy and as well
become a portable source of energy that anybody could easily use.
- For our customer segments, it is primarily aimed at people who want a more economical
source of energy since it uses rice husks waste. And anybody interested in having easy
access to energy everywhere will be one of the people who will serve as our customer.
- As such, our channels will be in forms easily accessible for them such as through the use
of several social media platforms, local news, local government, and stores near them.
- As for our customer relationship, since the operation of our product is not complex, it is
expected that many people would be able to easily use it. Furthermore, it allows rice
husks waste to be used efficiently and at the same time decreases the energy costs for
our customers.
- For our revenue stream, we are aiming to revenue through our direct sales in our
customers. And as well by having partnerships that will allow us to save more money
and increase our efficiency in creating and selling our products.
- In terms of our key resources, it requires skilled workers that are capable of assembling
and fixing our products such that it will work with ease.
- At the aspect of our key activities, we are mostly inclined to increase the production of
our products such that it could cater the increasing demand. And we aim to do research
primarily on two features such as increasing the efficiency of our product and as well
as allowing it to not just use rice husks but also other agricultural wastes.
- In order for our business to keep on going and growing, as the key partners, we will
need to have partnerships with the suppliers of the raw materials of our products, local
government offices, and energy providing companies.
- For our cost structures, it is planned to further design the reactor that increases its
efficiency more. And make it even easier for our customers to easily have access to it.
In addition to this, we are also looking for the possibility of having energy power plants
that may potentially convert not only rice husk wastes but also other forms of agricultural
wastes as a source of energy from waste.

Financial Assumptions Commented [SB31]: (6%)

Financial Model – Annex B

- You may show ROI
- You may show EBITDA
- Projected revenues
- Etc.

Annex A: Market Validation Questionnaire and

Gender: (Woman, Man, Prefer not to say, Non- Binary: Other)
Location (Barangay, City):

- Were you aware of electricity generation using rice husk before taking this survey? (Very
Familiar, somewhat familiar, Not Familiar at all)
- How would you rate your knowledge about sustainable energy sources? (1 being not at all,
5 being extremely) (Rate: 1-5)
- Have you heard about any initiatives or projects that use rice husk for electricity
generation? (Yes, No, Not sure)

- How interested are you in eco-friendly energy solution? (1 being not at all, 5 being extremely)
(Rate: 1-5)
- Would you consider using a product that generates electricity from rice husk? (Yes or No)

- What are your initial thoughts about a product utilizing rice husk for electricity

- Do you believe it could be a viable and sustainable energy source? (Yes or No)

- On a scale of 1 to 5, how environmentally friendly do you think using rice husk for
electricity generation is? (1 being not at all, 5 being extremely)

- What potential benefits do you see in using rice husk for electricity generation? (Select all
that apply – Renewable energy source, waste reduction, economic benefits for farmers,
carbon footprint reduction, other (please specify)

- What concerns, if any do you have regarding using rice husk for electricity production?
- Do you think utilizing rice husk to generate electricity is a more environmentally friendly
option compared to conventional methods? (Yes, No, Not sure)

Usage Potential

- In which areas do you think a rice husk electricity generation product could be most
beneficial? ( rural areas, urban settings, commercialized areas, institutions, households)
- Can you envision using such a product in your daily life? (Yes or No)
- Would you be willing to pay a slightly higher electricity bill to support the use of rice husk
for electricity generation? (Yes, No, Maybe)
- How likely are you to support or encourage the use of rice husk for electricity generation
in your community? (Very Likely, somewhat likely, Neither likely nor unlikely)

Feedback on Design

- What features would you like to see in a product that generates electricity from rice husk?
- How important is the aesthetic appeal of the product to you? (1 being not at all, 5 being

Price Sensitivity

- Would you be willing to pay a premium for a product that promotes eco-friendly
electricity generation? (Yes or No)
- What price range would you consider reasonable for such a product? (700-1000, 1000-
1300, 1300- 1600, 1600-2000)

Environmental Impact

- Would you be more likely to adopt a rice husk electricity generation product if it
significantly reduced carbon emissions?

Comments or Suggestions regarding the product:


The 50% respondents were mostly in their 20’s, the oldest respondent that was
recorded is an 83 year old Man. The other respondents were in their late 30’s to 40’s and
60’s to 70’s. Most of the respondents were Male at 60%. Location of the respondents were
mostly from central Luzon some are from the southern part of Luzon. Looking into the
awareness of the respondents mostly of them were not familiar of the topic and if not they
were somewhat familiar which indicates that the idea of Dagitab is contemporary. The
respondents were able to establish that they were somewhat familiar with sustainable
energy sources considering the existence of solar thermal energy and wind power. The
survey results shows high interest on eco-friendly energy solutions, that establishes that
respondents would consider using Dagitab. Initial thoughts presented that it would help those
affected by those who have unreliable energy source and a for the farmers.
“I thought rice husks have no use” is one of the initial thought that we received given that it
is not established yet another respondent says that he thought it was impossible. On the
other hand, one responded with “Im familiar with rice husk burner, so rice husk for electricity
generation is somehow doable”. The potential benefits that were provided, mostly
respondents agree with having renewable energy source, waste, reduction and economic
benefits for farmers. Concerns presented by the respondents was if people of age could
operate it, its price, the environmental effects if it produces smoke, and its availability. The
survey indicates that Dagitab will momost likely be used in rural areas. Respondents can
envision themselves of using it on the other hand, the idea of having to pay a higher
electricity bill is not favorable to the potential users as expected. In terms of design, most
of the responses points out environmental concerns – if it produces emissions. Other
feedbacks are is that it should withstand different weather conditions, it should be small and
efficient, and it should have an indicator to when if it needs more rice husk. When it comes
to its aesthetic appeal, it isn’t important to the respondents. The respondents are willing to
price for the product as long as the range is in 1000 -1300 Pesos coming from the majority
of the options presented. The respondents were very likely to adapt the use of Dagitab in
terms of the possibility that it would reduce carbon emissions, given that recently the country
experienced its effects through the apparency of smog.
Annex B: Financial Model
Annex C: Executive Summary Commented [SB32]: (10%)

Link of the Executive Summary: Executive Summary

Annex D: Capsule Proposal Commented [SB33]: (5%)

Link of the Capsule Proposal: Capsule Proposal.docx

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