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Dr. Dwi Soetjipto (CEO of PT Pertamina (2014-2017)), Ir. To be competitive in today’s stiff
competition, a company has to be led by a visionary leader with strong managerial skills who is able
to make decisions based data analysis. Dr. Ir. Udisubakti Ciptomulyono, M.Eng.Sc. Dalam
sambutannya, beliau mengatakan bahwa untuk menghasilkan mahasiswa yang berkualitas tinggi,
maka pengajar harus memiliki pengalaman dan kualitas mengajar yang baik. Joni berharap bahwa
kurikulum yang disusun pada bidang keahlian SCM bisa lebih adaptif sesuai dengan perkembangan
jaman saat ini. Although no student participated because of the semester break period, lecturers and
staffs are eager to take part in the competition. Participants were reminded about work motivation
and tips on how to become a personal impact needed at work. While from the private sector and
entrepreneurs, i.e Ir. Made Dana Tangkas (Independent Director of PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing
Indonesia) and Kyatmaja Lookman, MBA (CEO of PT Lookman Djaja). Whereas, the MMT study
program organized by ITS is the only MMT study program in Indonesia. The delegates discussed
academic management, management of education staff, student prospects to the process of
submitting the study program. Mokh. Suef, assisted by the Head of Subdivision and lectures,
explained clearly the questions that were conveyed by the guests. This time the seminar participants
were not only staff from MMT, FBMT, and MB ITS, but also lecturers who taught at MMT, both
ITS home base lecturers and ITS home base lecturers and practitioners’ lecturers. Pembukaan Bidang
keahlian SCM ini diresmikan pada hari Kamis, 5 Juli 2018 oleh Rektor ITS Prof. Ir. Joni Hermana
M.Sc.Es, Ph.D. bersamaan dengan workshop bertajuk “Emerging Technologies in Supply Chain and
Their Socio-economics Impacts ” di Auditorium Sinarmas, Departemen Teknik Industri ITS. The
delegation from the Unissula Postgraduate Program consisted of three delegates namely Prof. Oleh
sebab itu, pembenahan sistem logistic sangat diperlukan. Entitled “Professionalism in the
Workplace”, this training took place differently from previous activities. While from the head of
state-owned enterprise, i.e. Participants were reminded about work motivation and tips on how to
become a personal impact needed at work. With more than 80 lecturers, 1700 alumni, and 600 active
students, MMT-ITS is an A-accredited study program by the National Accreditation Board for
Higher Education. Sementara itu Prof. Caroline Chan menjelaskan tentang sistem Pendidikan dan
pengajaran di RMIT. Booi Kam memberikan pemaparan mengenai cara pengajaran ilmu manajemen
kepada mahasiswa. Joni berharap bahwa bidang keahlian SCM akan membantu Indonesia dalam
menyelesaikan permasalahan logistik. I Nyoman Pujawan), and Secretary of the Department (Dr.
Mokh. Suef). The Board Meeting discussed various matters related to the development and strategic
planning of the department. This time the seminar participants were not only staff from MMT,
FBMT, and MB ITS, but also lecturers who taught at MMT, both ITS home base lecturers and ITS
home base lecturers and practitioners’ lecturers. Semester ini, MMT menghadirkan dua professor dari
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) University, Australia, yaitu Prof Caroline Chan
(Head of School of Business IT and Logistics), dan Prof Booi Kam. Udisubakti Ciptomulyono),
Head of Department (Prof. Kepala Departemen Manajemen Teknologi, Prof. Ir. I Nyoman Pujawan,
M.Eng., Ph.D, menjelaskan bahwa bidang keahlian baru ini dibuka untuk mengisi kekurangan tenaga
profesional pada bidang logistik dan supply chain. The Board of Advisors member is determined by
the Decree of the Dean of the Faculty of Business and Technology Management on September 3,
2018. Facilities and infrastructure visited include classrooms, libraries, auditorium, computer room,
and staff room. In the wrap-up discussion, Ibnu Khajar felt very happy because he got a lot of
knowledge and excellent service from MMT-ITS. I Nyoman Pujawan also participated in one of the
competitions. MMT alumni are different from others in the sense that they have strong analytical
skills so that they can make appropriate decisions.
Kepala Departemen Manajemen Teknologi, Prof. Ir. I Nyoman Pujawan, M.Eng., Ph.D, menjelaskan
bahwa bidang keahlian baru ini dibuka untuk mengisi kekurangan tenaga profesional pada bidang
logistik dan supply chain. MMT alumni are different from others in the sense that they have strong
analytical skills so that they can make appropriate decisions. Dr. Ir. Udisubakti Ciptomulyono,
M.Eng.Sc. Dalam sambutannya, beliau mengatakan bahwa untuk menghasilkan mahasiswa yang
berkualitas tinggi, maka pengajar harus memiliki pengalaman dan kualitas mengajar yang baik.
Participants were reminded about work motivation and tips on how to become a personal impact
needed at work. The delegation from the Unissula Postgraduate Program consisted of three delegates
namely Prof. With more than 80 lecturers, 1700 alumni, and 600 active students, MMT-ITS is an A-
accredited study program by the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education. Ia juga
mengupas tentang bagaimana cara mengajarkan hard science dan soft science kepada mahasiswa. The
Board of Advisors member is determined by the Decree of the Dean of the Faculty of Business and
Technology Management on September 3, 2018. Udisubakti Ciptomulyono), Head of Department
(Prof. Dr. Udisubakti Ciptomulyono, MSc (Dean of FBMT ITS) and Professor Caroline Chan
(RMIT, Australia). Hal-hal seperti transaksi digital, penggunaan robot cerdas, aplikasi cloud, printer
tiga dimensi, dan berbagai perangkat yang berbasis kecerdasan tentu menyebabkan berubahnya
keahlian manusia yang dibutuhkan. “Oleh karena itu kurikulum pendidikan harus disesuaikan dengan
tuntutan kerja saat ini dan masa mendatang,” terang guru besar bidang Supply Chain ITS tersebut.
Joni berharap bahwa kurikulum yang disusun pada bidang keahlian SCM bisa lebih adaptif sesuai
dengan perkembangan jaman saat ini. Bidang keahlian SCM ini akan memberikan mahasiswa
pengetahuan dan kemampuan untuk mengelola aliran informasi dan barang. “Model konvensional
dengan perkembangan teknologi saat ini sudah tidak relevan lagi,” tambahnya. Terlebih lagi pada
bidang manajemen, pendidik harus bisa menguasai cara mengajar berbasis studi kasus manajemen.
Oleh sebab itu, pembenahan sistem logistic sangat diperlukan. The delegates discussed academic
management, management of education staff, student prospects to the process of submitting the
study program. Mokh. Suef, assisted by the Head of Subdivision and lectures, explained clearly the
questions that were conveyed by the guests. This time the seminar participants were not only staff
from MMT, FBMT, and MB ITS, but also lecturers who taught at MMT, both ITS home base
lecturers and ITS home base lecturers and practitioners’ lecturers. While from the head of state-
owned enterprise, i.e. Bidang Keahlian baru tersebut adalah Manajemen Rantai Pasok atau yang
lebih dikenal sebagai Supply Chain Management (SCM). Joni berharap bahwa bidang keahlian SCM
akan membantu Indonesia dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan logistik. Dr. Dwi Soetjipto (CEO of
PT Pertamina (2014-2017)), Ir. Booi Kam memberikan pemaparan mengenai cara pengajaran ilmu
manajemen kepada mahasiswa. Dr. Ibnu Khajar, S.E., M.Sc. (Faculty of Economics), Dr. Aryani
Witasari, S.H., M.Hum. (Faculty of Law), and Budiyono. Participants were reminded about work
motivation and tips on how to become a personal impact needed at work. Semester ini, MMT
menghadirkan dua professor dari Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) University,
Australia, yaitu Prof Caroline Chan (Head of School of Business IT and Logistics), dan Prof Booi
Kam. In the wrap-up discussion, Ibnu Khajar felt very happy because he got a lot of knowledge and
excellent service from MMT-ITS. I Nyoman Pujawan also participated in one of the competitions.
Sementara itu Prof. Caroline Chan menjelaskan tentang sistem Pendidikan dan pengajaran di RMIT.
Hence, Unissula delegations are excited to learn from MMT-ITS. I Nyoman Pujawan), and Secretary
of the Department (Dr. Mokh. Suef). The Board Meeting discussed various matters related to the
development and strategic planning of the department.
Joni berharap bahwa bidang keahlian SCM akan membantu Indonesia dalam menyelesaikan
permasalahan logistik. Semester ini, MMT menghadirkan dua professor dari Royal Melbourne
Institute of Technology (RMIT) University, Australia, yaitu Prof Caroline Chan (Head of School of
Business IT and Logistics), dan Prof Booi Kam. The manager also gets various suggestions from the
Board of Advisors for the department’s development strategic plan. (gwb). The delegates discussed
academic management, management of education staff, student prospects to the process of
submitting the study program. Mokh. Suef, assisted by the Head of Subdivision and lectures,
explained clearly the questions that were conveyed by the guests. I Nyoman Pujawan), and Secretary
of the Department (Dr. Mokh. Suef). The Board Meeting discussed various matters related to the
development and strategic planning of the department. Terlebih lagi pada bidang manajemen,
pendidik harus bisa menguasai cara mengajar berbasis studi kasus manajemen. Participants were
reminded about work motivation and tips on how to become a personal impact needed at work.
Bidang Keahlian baru tersebut adalah Manajemen Rantai Pasok atau yang lebih dikenal sebagai
Supply Chain Management (SCM). This competition entertained participants and spectators, because
participants accidentally did funny things, such as misdirected, colliding with others, etc. Dr. Dwi
Soetjipto (CEO of PT Pertamina (2014-2017)), Ir. Kepala Departemen Manajemen Teknologi, Prof.
Ir. I Nyoman Pujawan, M.Eng., Ph.D, menjelaskan bahwa bidang keahlian baru ini dibuka untuk
mengisi kekurangan tenaga profesional pada bidang logistik dan supply chain. Participants were
reminded about work motivation and tips on how to become a personal impact needed at work. Hal-
hal seperti transaksi digital, penggunaan robot cerdas, aplikasi cloud, printer tiga dimensi, dan
berbagai perangkat yang berbasis kecerdasan tentu menyebabkan berubahnya keahlian manusia yang
dibutuhkan. “Oleh karena itu kurikulum pendidikan harus disesuaikan dengan tuntutan kerja saat ini
dan masa mendatang,” terang guru besar bidang Supply Chain ITS tersebut. Entitled
“Professionalism in the Workplace”, this training took place differently from previous activities.
Oleh sebab itu, pembenahan sistem logistic sangat diperlukan. Members of the Board of Advisors
consisting of leaders or former leaders of companies, entrepreneurs, government, and leading
academics. The delegation from the Unissula Postgraduate Program consisted of three delegates
namely Prof. While from the private sector and entrepreneurs, i.e Ir. Made Dana Tangkas
(Independent Director of PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia) and Kyatmaja Lookman,
MBA (CEO of PT Lookman Djaja). In the wrap-up discussion, Ibnu Khajar felt very happy because
he got a lot of knowledge and excellent service from MMT-ITS. Entitled “Professionalism in the
Workplace”, this training took place differently from previous activities. Facilities and infrastructure
visited include classrooms, libraries, auditorium, computer room, and staff room. Whereas, the MMT
study program organized by ITS is the only MMT study program in Indonesia. The Board of
Advisors member is determined by the Decree of the Dean of the Faculty of Business and
Technology Management on September 3, 2018. Dr. Ir. Udisubakti Ciptomulyono, M.Eng.Sc. Dalam
sambutannya, beliau mengatakan bahwa untuk menghasilkan mahasiswa yang berkualitas tinggi,
maka pengajar harus memiliki pengalaman dan kualitas mengajar yang baik. Ia juga mengupas
tentang bagaimana cara mengajarkan hard science dan soft science kepada mahasiswa. This time the
seminar participants were not only staff from MMT, FBMT, and MB ITS, but also lecturers who
taught at MMT, both ITS home base lecturers and ITS home base lecturers and practitioners’
lecturers. Joni berharap bahwa kurikulum yang disusun pada bidang keahlian SCM bisa lebih adaptif
sesuai dengan perkembangan jaman saat ini. Udisubakti Ciptomulyono), Head of Department (Prof.
Dr. Udisubakti Ciptomulyono, MSc (Dean of FBMT ITS) and Professor Caroline Chan (RMIT,

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