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GAI interview notes

By Bukunmi Ajiboye

Candidate 1:

Overall Assessment: The candidate demonstrates a solid understanding of building consumer and
supply chain products from scratch, showcasing competency in foundational product management
skills. However, there are areas of improvement, particularly regarding adaptability, enthusiasm for
the role, and alignment with the team's expectations and budget constraints.


1. Technical Competence: The candidate exhibits a strong grasp of product management

principles, particularly in developing consumer and supply chain products from inception.

2. Adaptability to Economic Trends: The candidate shows a keen awareness of economic

trends and their impact on the tech ecosystem, indicating an ability to adapt strategies based
on external factors.

3. Basic Understanding of Product Development: The candidate's knowledge of product

development processes is evident, suggesting the ability to navigate project timelines and
requirements effectively.

Areas for Improvement:

1. Limited Experience: The candidate lacks significant experience, which may hinder their
ability to handle complex scenarios and challenges.

2. One-Track Knowledge: While proficient in their field, the candidate's expertise appears
somewhat narrow, potentially limiting their ability to address diverse challenges.

3. Lack of Enthusiasm and Interest: The candidate did not display a strong interest in the role
or enthusiasm for working closely with the team in person, which could impact team
dynamics and collaboration.

4. Failure to Address Scenario-Based Questions: The candidate did not take the opportunity to
understand and address scenario-based questions, indicating potential gaps in critical
thinking and problem-solving abilities.

5. Salary Expectations: The candidate's salary expectations exceed the anticipated budget for
the role, raising concerns about financial alignment and resource allocation.

Candidate 2:

Overall Assessment: The candidate demonstrates proficiency in project management methodologies

such as Scrum and Waterfall, particularly in deploying existing partnered enterprise solutions like
MsDynamics. However, there are concerns regarding their adaptability and strategic thinking,
especially in a startup or scale-up environment where flexibility and innovation are crucial.


1. Project Management Skills: The candidate exhibits a strong command of project

management methodologies, particularly in Scrum and Waterfall, indicating the ability to
manage workflows and deliverables effectively.
GAI interview notes
By Bukunmi Ajiboye

2. Technical Proficiency: The candidate's expertise in deploying existing enterprise solutions

such as MsDynamics highlights their technical competency and ability to implement complex

3. Practical Knowledge: The candidate demonstrates practical knowledge of product

development processes, showcasing an understanding of how to build products from a
technical standpoint.

Areas for Improvement:

1. Lack of Flexibility: The candidate's performance in scenario-based questions revealed a lack

of flexibility in applying their skills and methodologies to startup or scale-up environments.
This suggests a potential limitation in their ability to think creatively and adapt to dynamic
business needs.

2. Limited Strategic Thinking: While proficient in technical aspects, the candidate may lack a
comprehensive understanding of product-business impact analysis. This includes recognizing
the strategic implications of product decisions and the need for feature sunsetting or
modification based on business objectives.

3. Insufficient Innovation: The candidate's focus on deploying existing solutions indicates a

potential gap in innovation and the ability to conceptualize and develop new products
tailored to specific business needs.

Candidate 3:

Overall Assessment: The candidate demonstrates valuable skills and experiences that could be
beneficial in a core tech industry, particularly in product development and transitioning business
models. However, there are limitations regarding their knowledge of enterprise solutions and the
logistical challenge of their location in Kaduna, which could impact their suitability for the role.


1. Transferable Skills: The candidate's experience in building agro products showcases their
ability to apply skills across different industries, suggesting adaptability and versatility.

2. Business Model Transitioning: The candidate's adaptability to transitioning business models,

specifically from B2B to B2B2C, indicates a strategic understanding of market dynamics and
customer needs.

3. Understanding of Product Development Cycle: The candidate demonstrates a strong

understanding of the product development cycle and its impact on business outcomes,
highlighting their ability to align product strategies with overarching business objectives.

Areas for Improvement:

1. Limited Knowledge of Enterprise Solutions: While proficient in agro product development,

the candidate may have limited knowledge of complex enterprise solutions commonly used
in the tech industry. This could pose challenges in navigating technical requirements and
integrating advanced systems.

2. Logistical Challenge: The candidate's location in Kaduna presents a logistical challenge,

particularly if a physical presence is required in Lagos. The costs and practicalities of
relocation may be prohibitive, impacting their ability to fulfill the role effectively.
GAI interview notes
By Bukunmi Ajiboye

Candidate 4:

Overall Assessment: The candidate demonstrates a strong understanding of the tech industry,
ranging from tech investment perspectives to business strategy. They exhibit proficiency in data-
driven decision-making, prioritizing features efficiently, and understanding the product development
cycle. Additionally, their experience working with various teams and venture companies has
equipped them with valuable project management and process design skills. However, there is a
need for the candidate to refine their image to avoid appearing as a generalist.


1. Industry Know-How: The candidate showcases a deep understanding of the tech industry,
spanning from investment considerations to strategic business planning. This broad
perspective enables them to make informed decisions across different domains.

2. Data-Driven Approach: The candidate demonstrates a knack for leveraging data to drive
decision-making processes. This skill is essential in optimizing feature prioritization and
identifying areas for improvement.

3. Product Development Proficiency: Through their diverse experiences in working with

various teams and venture companies, the candidate exhibits proficiency in navigating the
product development cycle. This includes understanding the importance of sunsetting
features that do not align with long-term business objectives.

4. Project Management and Process Design: The candidate possesses tangible skills in project
management and process design, which are critical for ensuring efficient workflows and
achieving project objectives.

Areas for Improvement:

1. Avoiding Generalization: While the candidate's breadth of knowledge is impressive, there is

a risk of appearing as a generalist. Focusing on specific areas of expertise and clearly
articulating their unique value proposition can help strengthen their professional image.

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