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1. Nam e the prop erty of carb on that makes it diffe
rent from othe r elements.

2. Org anic com pou nds are vital for sustaining the
life on earth. ·
Tru e D False D
3. Con side r the following reactio~,.
NH 4 CN O Heat A
- Iden tify A.
(a)N H 2 COC1

4. The first orga nic com pou nd prep ared in the

labo rato ry from its elem ent was _ _ _ __
5. The hyb ridi sati on of ethy ne mol ecul e is
(a) sp 3 (b) sp 2 (c) sp {d) dsp 2

6. Arr ang e the sp, sp 2 and sp 3 -hyb ridis atio n in

decreasing ord er of thei r bonc;l length.

7. Elec tron egat ivity of carb on atom s dep end upo n thei
r state of hybridisation. In whi ch of
the follo win g com pou nds , the carb on mar ked
with asterisk is mos t electronegative?
• - CH
(a) CH _ CH _ CH • =C
3 2 2 3 (b) CH 3 - CH H-.CH 3 [NCERT Exemplar]
{c)CH -c H -C= =C H
• •
3 2 {d)CH 3 -C H2 -C H= OI2
~ ei.t caan.t ap-.m.
t•l lloih ~ I "'1d 11 111• (Cffn--..
(h~~ I a tncut1wct - ~ ~ 0 • ,.,.....
tel S-.~ I-~ ~ . a ~ JI tt: .-v,,wt
(d) ~ l ~ 0 .,, • .,istl,
g__ E
L j :U.C A .&IA::;:;:..::u: -=:&

9.. TM tubt,4 wuh tt bybtKl 0t~" ie-;.'l dit<ttotWpl:We lUll ruboo w@ -, • UJ1,11:d
'fntc O r• 0
10. AWJ'tlo• (A) In., 11 ~ ~ ,hoal tt.- catbon doub~ boftd it r~~
· • • • {R) •'"1th lot~ ffll ~ ~ - h ottwr lilltf ptJlWfldiculu to ab.~ 111.J~
~~u.k m r - ,.. • ~ ~•
(a.) Both I\•~ k, ... u,nc<' -1 R tt ,uercd t,tp,~kJ-1 uf A.
{l>J &ch /\ jJld l\ .,_. c ~ tNt R i.l ~ the (Qffrc(C nplaaat.ton of A.
(t) AL; 0,>J'ltd bot l \ k l t ~ t .
(d) All~>~bt.:iil\ -,COM(1.

IL Co.l~uli«~ mt numbrr ol-o aod ~-bond!r tn the molKUle glven bt:htw.


ll. Th. hybrid~ ol°t'.ch wb<>n ln (CHJ).;,CO rt,pectivcly t,

(b} ~ Fl , rp
1 2
(ii} S,J .Jf .s,J. {c) 1p• .tp",p 1 {d) rp·\ rfJ.t/1 J

13.. The state of hybridisation or carbon in HCmaN u______ and shnp,- c.•f H< ~ \
mot.tuft' b -----
14., The pven. repn:se-11tnlicm of a «>tnpou.nd is ________ (condrn~ en,:-:
strucmtal formula.
·is. Write &he complete structural formula of cthene.
J6. Coov m CH3 -CH 2-CH 2 -CH -CH l-CH ,-CH -CH J iatoc
2 2 ondeoled
st:rUctural formuJa.

17. When moltt tde i.s repre smted mdf-VJ& mann~r and atoms are not
ahown lltt!O lM
repTl'Wtltation is known u _ _ _ _ _ _ rq>ff tftlta doa·

18. Pick the odd one out in context of bond Unr ttprn entad oo of molec
~ • ~ • CH~(C Hi).,C H1• ~

t9. •,T he corre ct bond-line reptt1en&ation o( cyelo pmla ne is


(a) 0 (d
(d) None of abftC'

20. Write the comp lete structural formula of the given molec ule.

21. Convert bond line representation of the given molecule into comp
lete molecule

22. Dashed and wedg e is used to show bond towards the viewer
and away from the viewe r

True D False □
23. Name three types of molec ular mode ls used for better visualisatio
n of organ ic molecules.
(i) _ _ _ _ __
( i i ) - - - - - - - - (iii)_ _ _ _ _ _ __
24. Cyclic systems havin g atleast one benze ne ring are called _ _
__ _ comp ound s.
25. Match the following columns.
Column I Columnil
(Structure} J

· CH3
Benzenoid aromatics
A. I 1.


2. Alicyclic

0 3. Acyclic

D. Q 0
4. Non-benzenoid aromatics

A. ________ _____ B. - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
c._________ ____ D. ____________,,.------

26. Pick the odd one out with respect to classification of organic compounds.

o. 0). 0s
27. Pyridine is an example of heterocyclic aromatic compound.
True D False D
28. Which of the following is not a functional group ?
(a)-COOH (b)-OH {c)-CHO

29. A group or a series of organic compounds having a characteristic functional group is called

30. l\fa!!!~ the homologous series of-compounds containing halogens and ketones respectively.
{i)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {ii)

31. Formic acid is present in red ant.

True D False D
32. What is the common name given to newly discovered C 60 cluster?
33. Match the following columns.
Column I Column II
· (Structure) (Classification)
A. (CH 4 ) 4 C 1. Aniline

2. Anisole

3. Neo-penta ne

4. Benzene
A.___ ___ ___ ___ __
c. ___ ___ ___ ___ __ B. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
D. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
34. Molecule having atleast one double bond/tri ple bond are known as ____ hydroca rbons.

35. Write the molecul ar formula of triacontane.


36. The trivial name of CH3-C -CH2

is isobutyl.
True D False D
37. Which is not a correct stateme nt with respect to IUPAC naming ?
(a) Longest carbon chain in molecule is identified.
(b) Side chains are written in alphabetical order.
(c) Function al group gets the highest priority.
(d) None of the above

38. The IUPAC name of

CH 3 -CH2 -yH-- ?-CH 2-CH 2-CH 3 is

C2Hs CH3

39. The number that will be given to the carbon atom containi ng methyl and ethyl group
respectively in the given molecul e is
CH3 -CH2 -CH-C H2 -CH-C H2 -CH3
CH2CH3 · CH3
40. In a multi-substituted compounds, after selection of chain the numbering to be done from the
end closer to the substituent .
True D False □·

41. Assertion (A) The IUPAC name of CH3-CH-(CH2 )21CHJCH2-CH3 is

I I ·
CH3 CH3 2

2, 5, 6-trimethyloctane but not 3, 4, 7-trip:iethyloctane.

Reason (R) 3, 4, 7- are higher locant number than 2, 5, 6.
(a) Both A and Rare correct and R is correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is correct but R is incorrect.
(d) A is incorrect but R is correct.

42. Which of the following will not liberate hydrogen gas on reaction with sodium metal?
(a) CH 3 0H (b) CH 3 CH 2 0H (c) CH 3 0CH 3 (d) (CH.3 ) 2 CHOH

43. Functional group in the longest chain of hydrocarbon gets the _ _ _ _ (lowest/highest)
possible numbering according to IUPAC.

44. Arrange the following functional group in decreasing order of their priority.

Icoc1,)e=c(, ) e=o, - cooH, -OH I

0 ?i
45. TheIUPACnameofthecompound H - C ~ i s _ _ _ __ [NEET2017]

(a) 3-keto-2-methylhex-4-enal (b) 5-formylhex-2-en-3-one

(c) 5-methyl-4-oxohex-2-en-5-al (d) 3-keto-2-methylhex-5-enal

46. The IUPAC name ofHOCH2(CH2) 3CH2COCH 3 is 2-oxoheptan-7-ol.

True D False D
47. Fill the blanks given in the following table.

Class of compound IUPAC group prefix/~ Example

Halides (i) CH 3(CH 2)2CH 2Br

(ii) alkoxycarbonyl /- oate CH 3(CH 2h COOCH 3

(iii) (iv) (CH3) (CH2h CONH2
48. Pick the odd one out with respect to the functional groups.
Butanoic acid, ~ , Pentane nitrile, Cyclohex anoic acid

49. The functional group present in butanoyl chloride is

(a) amides (b) ethers (c) acyl chloride (d) nitros


· 50. The structural fonnula of cyclohex-2-en-1-ol is

True D False D
51. Draw the structure of anisole.


52. The correct IUPAC name of CH3 is

(a) 4-hydroxy-2-methyl benzene (b) 3, 4-dimethyl phenol

(c) 4-hydroxy-2-methyl toluene (d) 4, 3-dimethyl phenol

53. Which of the following IUPAC names is/are not correctly matched with their respective
structures ?
(a) o -ethyl anisole

(b) p-nitroaniline


(c) 2, 3-dibromo-1-phenylpentane - Ph~


(d) 4-ethyl-1-fluoro-2-nitrobenzene -
54. The compound s having same molecular formula but different properties due to difference in
structural formula are known as _ _ _ __

55. Neo-pentane and isopentane are example of chain isomers.

True D False D
56. Consider the following molecules given below and choose the correct option ?
I. CH3CH2 CH 2 OH IT. CH3 -CH-CH 3
ill. CH 3rr-CH 3 IV. CH 3-CH2 -C-H

(a) Both I and II are position isomers
(b) Both I and III are position isomers
(c) ill and IV are functional group isomers
(d) Both (a) and (c)

57. CH 3 0C 3 H 7 and C2H50C 2H5 are the examples of _ _ _ _ {metamers/ tautomers) .

58. Stereoisomerism can be classified as _ _ _ _ and _ _ _ _ isomers.

59. The rates of transformation of reactants into products (kinetic) is referred as reaction
mechanisms. .
True D False D
+ +
60. Arrange ethyl cation {CH2 CH 3 ), iso-propyl cation [CH (CH ) ] andt-buty l carbocation
3 2
[{CH3) 3C] in increasing order of their stability.

61. Assertion (A) Order of stability of carbocatio n is given as

+ + + +
CH3 < CH3 CH2 < (CH3 h CH< (CH3 h C
Reason _(R) As the number of alkyl group attached to carbocation increases, stability of
carbocation increases.
(a) Both A and Rare correct and R is correct expl?nation of A.
{b) Both A and Rare correct but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is correct but R is incorrect.
(d) A is incorrect but R is correct.

62. The organic reaction which proceed through heterolyti c bond cleavage are _ _ __
(heteropo lar/hetero nuclear).
63. Name the neutral species which contains a high energy unpaired electron.

64. Conside r the followin g statemen ts.

I. Homolyt ic cleavage involves the formation of free radicals and heterolytic cleavage
involves formatio n of an anion and a cation.
II. Both types of cleavage takes place in presence of light.
Choose the correct option.
(a) Both statements ~e correct.
(b) Statemen t I is correct and II is incorrect.
(c) Statemen t I is incorrect and II is correct.
(d) Both statemen ts are incorrec~.

65. The stability of alkyl radicals is as follows

• • • •
CH3 > CH 2CH 3 > CH{CH 3 h > C{CH )
True D False D
66. The reagent that brings an electron pair is called a _ _ _ , whereas the reagent that takes
away an electron pair is called an _ _ _ __

67. The correct statemen t regardin g electrop hile is [NEET 20171

(a) electrophile is a negatively charge species and can form a bond by accepting a pair of
electrons from a nucleophile.
(b) electrophile is a negatively charged species and can form a bond by accepting a pair of
electrons from another electrophile.
(c) electrophiles are generally neutral species and can form a bond by accepting a pair of
electrons from a nucleophile.
(d) electrophile can be either neutral or positively charged species and can form a bond by
accepting a pair of electrons from a nucleophile.

68. Which of the followin g series contains only nucleoph iles?

(a) H 2 0, S0 3, H 30+ (b) NH 3, H 2 0, R-OH
(c) NH 3 , AICI 3 , H 2 0 (d) CN-, S0 3 , OH-

69. Pick the odd one out with respect to nucie·o philes.

ICN-, ROH, NH3, ~Cl 3, H20 I

70. Write the cation and anion formed after heteroly tic cleavage of the molecul es given below.
Cation Anion
(i) CH 3 -CN
(ii) CH 3- Cu
71. Separate the given molecules/ ions into electrophiles and nucleophiles.

I Hs-, BF 3 , AIC1 3 , c 2H 50-j~o2,CH2-CH3 I

72. Select the molecule/ion which does not have correctly marked electrophilic centre.
II * *
CH3 ...!... CH, CH3 -O=N, CH3 I

73. Which of the following is not a correct representation of shifting or electron pair?
. . ..
(a) ro Homolytic
X+Y (b)
X __ly H~ter~lytic
x++ ye

(c) ry_ ..
+~ •.
(d) CH2-Y CH2=Y

74. Consider the following statements.

I. Permanent polarisation is caused by electron displacement.
II. Temporary polarisation can be seen in electromeric effect when reagent approach to
III. Permanent polarisation is due to influence of atom occur jn inductive and resonance effect
Mark (✓) and (x) under correct and incorrect with r~spect to above ~tatements.
Correct Incorrect

75. Name the effect associated with the statement given below.
When a covalent bond is formed between atoms of different electronegativity, polarity in
bond occurs.

76. Represent the polarisation of electrons in thP given molecule.

CH3 -CH 2 -Cl

77. Pick the odd one out in context of elE:ctron withdrawing group.

I -N02, -COOH, (CH 3)2CH,-CN, -OC5H 5 I

4 3 2 I
78. Assertion (A) In CH3 CH2 CH2 CH 2Cl , the inductive effect is least between carbon-4 and
Reason (R) Magnitude of inductive effect decreases as the number of intervening bonds
(a) Both A and Rare correct and R is correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is correct, but R is incorrect.
(d) A is incorrect, but R is correct.

79. The structures contributing to resonance hybrid in valence bond theory are· also called as
_ _ _ _ _ structures.

80. Write the two rules to be followe_d while writing the resonance structures?
(i)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

a (d) o-
81. Which of the following molecule is least resonance stabilised? UEE Main 2017)

(a) 0 (b) (OJ] (c)

N o,
82. Which of the following does not show correct movement of electrons by curved arrows, in
resonance structures giveµ below.
/ 0
1 0
(c)@ 0
~(~ e ?-
(d) CH2 ::bCH-±-C-H - - CH2-CH=C-H

83. Arrange the given resonating structure of prop-2-enal into increasing order of their reactivity.
0 o- . 08
I ;. .
CH2=CH-C-H +---➔ CH2=CH-C-H +---➔ CH2-CH=C-H
CY.~ • N

84. The given structures are less importa nt contributors to the real structure ofCH3C 00CH
oe oe
I I +
CH 3 -C-O -CH 3 c > CH 3 -C =O-C H3
+ (I) (II)

True D False D
85. Name the effect which is defined as "polarity produced in the molecule by the interaction of
two or more 1t-bonds present on adjacent atom".

86. Out of the following groups which will show -R effect:

(a)-OR (b)-OC OR (c)-NH 2

87. In aniline as well as in nitrobenzene, system develops polarity due to delocalisation of

True D False D
88. Name the tempora ry effect which involves complete transfer of shared pair of electrons.

89. Match the following columns.

Column I Column il
(Effect) (Characteristic)
A. + E-effect 1. Transfer of electrons is away from atom attached to conjugate d system
B. -E-effect 2. 1t-electrons are transferre d to atom attacked by reagent

C. +R-effect 3. CJ-bond involving permanen t effect

D. -/-effect 4. 1t-electrons are transferre d to atom which is not attacked by reagent

B. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
D. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
90. Hyperco njugatio n involves overlapping of which of the following orbitals with conjugated
system or(+) ve charge.
(a} a-bonding orbital {b} 1t-bonding orbital
(c} Orbital with {- )ve charge (d) Orbital with lone pair

91. Conside r the following statements-with respect to hyperco njugatio n.

I. It is a permanent effect and destabilises carbocation.
II. It involves delocalisation of a-electrons of C - H bond of alkyl group directly attached to
atom of unsaturated molecule.
III. Hyperconjugation increases with increase in number of alkyl groups attached to
Mark (✓) and (~) under correct and incorrect with respect to given statements.
Correct Incorrect
+ + +
92. Assertion (A) (CH 3) 3 C is more stable than CH 3CH2 and CH3.
+ + +
Reason (R) Hyperconjugationinter actionin (CH3)gC is greater than in CH3CH2 andCH3.
{a) Both A and R are correct and R is correct explanation of A.
{b) Both A and Rare correct but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is correct but R is incorrect
(d) A is incorrect but R is correct.

93. Name any two techniques used for purification of organic c::>mpounds.
(i) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
(ii) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

94. The process of conversion of solid to vapour phase without changing into liquid is called

95. The basic principle of crystallisation is "difference in the _ _ _ _ _ of compound and

96. Which is the relevant condition for solvent in crystallisation process?
(a) Solvent must not react chemically and crystallises on cooliµg.
{b) Solvent must not dissolve impurities.
(c) Solvent must be soluble at high temp. and sparingly soluble at room temperature?
(d) All of the above

97. Chloroform and aniline can be separated by _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

98. Name the technique used to separate liq~ds in which difference in boiling point is not much.

99. In fractional distillation vapours of liquid mixture are passed through which apparatus?

100. In fractional distillation, vapours of liquid with _ _ _ _ {higher/lower) boiling point

condense before the vapours of liquid with {higher/lower) boiling point.
101. ThE! advantage of using fractionating column is to
(a) speed up the process
(b) increase surface area for exchange between ascending and descending condensed liquid
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above
102. Each ruc:c:nsive condfflSalion and va,oriRtion unit in hdlonadn& colurnn b QJJrd "

100. Fractional distillation is used ao ~ l t ' diffttenl (taedoN of made oil in pc,trolt,um U'lt.lutt1;
True O Fabt- 0
10.. Give the name or technique UNd to purify liquidl having tuab~r bo.ilina point WhJc:h
decompose below lhc-ir ro1.p«tive boilin, polntJ.

105. The p:reuure ln dhtilladon undN reduttd JWHIWt' b: ccontrolled by Ulinl

(a) vacuum pump (l,) spKUOmet~r
(c) cttlumn (d) ~ ol lbtte

10& _ _ _ _ _ can be wpantf'CI &om apent·lye in IOllp indUJtry utlng dlltiJhillon Ull drr
reduced p,.resaure.

107. Steam distillation is uJed to l<"pU"llt~ sut»tances which are steam _ _ _ _ _ (volAlilt/
invo(atile) and ~ _ _ __ _ (miscible/immiscible) with water.

108. In steam distillatio~ th~ liquid boils. when the sum of vapour pressure due to organic Uqutd
and water ls mott than the- atmospheric pressure.

True 0 False D
109. Name a mixture that can be saparated using steam distillation.

110. Diffe.rential extraction is used to separate organic compound in aqueous solution by shaking
it with su:itabJe organic solvent

True D False D
111. Name the extraction technique which uses large quantity of solvent to extract small quantity
of compound.

112. _ _ _ _ _ is an important technique used to separate coloured substances found in plant5.

113. Generally chromatogr aphy can be classified as
(i)_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (ii) - - - - - - -- -- - -
114. The adsorbent used in adsorption chromatogr aphy is
(a) silica gel (b) water
(c) alumina (d) Both {a) and (c)
115• The technique that involves separation of mixture over a column of acbotbtmt fn
glass tube i.s partition chromatography.

Yes 0 No 0
116. The principle of column chromatography is
(a) cfjfTere:ndaJ ab~orpdon of the •ubstances on the soJid pb&k
(b) differe:ntJal adsorption of the ,ubstaoces on lhc toltd p ~
(c) gravttatfonaJ force
(d) capillary action

117. Jn column chromatography, the mcm readJJy absorb«f s:ubstonce, aue retained _ _ __
(near/far) the top.
US. The relative adsorption it expTeaed in terms ol _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

J19. The RI value of X and Y (a., determined by TLC) an 0.65 nod 0.42 reapecdvely. If the
mixture Ja separated by column. chromatogrnphy using same solvent, which one of the two
component will elute first ?

120. Amino acid can be detected by sprnying which solution on chromatographic plate ?
{a) Ninhyd.rin (b) Silica
(c) Alumina (d) None of these

121. The principle involved in paper chromatography is (Naff bemp&a,J

(a) adsorption (b) partition
(c) solubility (d) volatility

122. Chromatography paper contains water trapped in it, which act as a mobile phase.
True O False 0
123. While detecting carbon and hydrogen in presence of copper oxide, carbon is oxidised to
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ and hydrogen is oxidised to _ _ _ _ _ _ __

124. Name the test used to detect nitrogen, sulphur, halogen and phosphorus group in organic

125. Lassaigne's solution when boiled with FeSO 4 and acidified with cone. H 2 S0 4 will give
Prussian blue colour due to the presence of sulphur.

True O False 0
126. Due to presence of 'X ', a black ppt. of lead sulPhide is obtained .when sodium extract
. .
acidified with addin I d acetate to it. Identify X
acetic acid followed by g ea
X= _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
127. Lassa.ig . 'th clium nitroprusside due to the presen
ne's solution gives violet colouration Wl so ce of
(a) nitrogen (b) halogen · (c) sulphur (d) Both (a) and (c)

128. If Lassaigne's solution gives blood red colouration on treatment witb sodium nitroprusside
then it shows the presence of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (N and S both/only N).

129. Complete the following flowchart.

Sodium extract AgNO3
+ dil. HNO3

Whitep pt

Yellow ppt

Soluble in
Indicates the Indicates the Indicates the
presence of presence of presence of
(i) (ii) (iii)
130. When compound is heated with sodium peroxide and is boiled with HNO followed by
ammonium molybdate it gives a yellow colouration due to the presence of phosphorus.
True D False D
131. Consider the following statements.
I. In estimating carbon, it is oxidised to CO and is absorbe d by U-tube containing
cone. KOH solution.
II. In estimating hydrogen, it is first oxidised to H O and is absorbe d by U-tube containin
2 g
anhydro us CaCl 2.
Choose the correct option.
(a) Statement I is correct and statement II is incorrect
(b) Only statement I is correct
(c) Both statements are correct
(d) Both statements are incorrect

132. On complete combustion, 0.246 g of organic compound gave 0.198 g of CO and 0.1014 g
of water. Give the percentage composition of C and H in compound.
Name the metho d in which compo und is heated with CuO in the atmos phere
133• of CO2 and
yields nitrog en in additio n to CO2 and H20.

4. Nitrog en in Duma 's meth~ d, is collect ed in _ _ _ _ _ (upper /lqwer ) part

13 of gradua ted
135. In Duma 's metho d, 0.3 g of organi c compo und gave 50 inL of nitrog en collec
ted at
300 K tempe rature aµd 715 mm pr~ssure. The perce n~e of nitrog en ~ compo
und is
136. The steps followed in Kjelda hl's metho d is as follows
I. Nitrogen is conver ted to ammo nium ~ulphate.
II. The nitrogen containing organic compo und is heated with ,cone. H 2 SO 4
.. ~
: .
III. Liberated NH 3 gas is absorb ed in excess of standa rd solution of H 2 SO
IV Acid mixture is then heated with excess of sodium hydrox ide.
The correc t order of steps will be
(a) I ➔ II ➔ IV ➔ III {b) II ➔ I ➔ III ➔ IV 1

(c) II ➔ I ➔ IV ➔ III (d) IV ~ III ➔ II ➔ I

t• l l -

137. Kjeldahl's metho d is applic able to compo unds having nitro and azo group
- .
- -· -
True D Fal~e_ . .0 __ _,
138. Which of the follow ing compo und will be suitabl e for Kjelda hl;s metho d
for nitrog en
estimation? · [JEE Main 20181

(a) 0 N
~ /N02
{c) V
139. Write the percen tage of nitrog en estima ted using Kjelda hl's metho
d, if ammo nia evolve d
neutralises 10 mL of lM H2S0 4 during estima tion of 0.5 g compo und.

140, Give the name of metho d used for the estima tion of haloge ns.

l4L The percen tage of bromi ne in 0.15 g of organi c compo und which will give 0.12g
of AgBr will
be approx imatel y
w~ ~~ ~~ ~~
142. Assertion (A) Sulphur present in an organic compound can estimated by Carius method.
Reason (R) Sulphur is separated easily from other atoms in molecule as it gets precipitated
as light yellow solid.
(a) Both A and Rare correct and R is correct explamilion of A.
(b) Both A and ·R are correct but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is correct but R is incorrect
(d) A is incorrect but R is correct

143. By Carius method, sulphur is estimated d~e to formation of compound 'X'. F'md X
r. ,., ,

144. In estimation of sulphur, 0.157 g of organic compound gave 0.4813 g of BaSO 4 . The
percentage of sulphur ·p resent in that compounds is 42.100/o.
True O '•• ·· 11
c False D
145. Phosphoric acid may be precipitated as _ _ _ _- _ by adding magnesia mixture which on
ignition yields Mg 2P 2 0 7 • • -l ~ . l

146. Name the reagent which is used to estimate oxygen by converting oxygen to carbon
.l I

147. The instrument used to determine C, Hand N is

{a) elemental analyser (b) spectrometer
{c) detector (d) None of these

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