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Montalban Town Center, E. Rodriguez Highway

Barangay San Jose, Rodriguez, Rizal


In response to heightened safety concerns in educational settings, this quantitative

study aims to develop a tailored Room Security System. By analyzing user preferences

and integrating advanced technology, the research seeks to prioritize security while

enhancing user experience and privacy. Its primary objective is to design and implement

a system aligning with the needs of educational users, identifying key features, creating

an integrated architecture, designing an intuitive interface, and ensuring robust security

measures. The research holds significance for improving safety, bridging functionality

and usability gaps, and informing future security system developments across various


Background of the Study

According to Camille (2017), Installation of Surveillance Camera Systems as a way

to determine crimes or criminal acts has gained traction in recent years. In some

countries, surveillance camera systems also known as CCTV Cameras have also installed

in Education Institutions have started to install cameras inside the classrooms as a means

not just to monitor the teacher, but also to address classrooms behavior.

Incorporating surveillance cameras into classrooms can alter the learning

environment by fostering a sense of constant monitoring, potentially inhibiting students'

and teachers' ability to freely express themselves. Moreover, concerns about the

indiscriminate collection and storage of personal data, as well as the potential for misuse
Montalban Town Center, E. Rodriguez Highway
Barangay San Jose, Rodriguez, Rizal

or unauthorized access, highlight the need for robust safeguards and clear policies. The

introduction of surveillance technology may also have broader societal implications, such

as normalizing a culture of surveillance and undermining trust within the school

community. Thus, while surveillance cameras may offer benefits for security and

behavior management, it is crucial to balance these with the rights to privacy and dignity

through consultation, transparency, and accountability measures.

Furthermore, the implementation of surveillance cameras in classrooms may

inadvertently contribute to a sense of surveillance-induced stress among students and

teachers, affecting their overall well-being and mental health. The constant presence of

cameras could create a feeling of being constantly watched and evaluated, leading to

heightened anxiety levels and potential negative impacts on academic performance and

classroom dynamics. Therefore, it is imperative to consider not only the immediate

security and behavior management benefits but also the long-term psychological effects

on all stakeholders involved in the educational environment.

Statement of the Problem

Due to the lack of security inside the classrooms in AICS Montalban, researchers are

developing a system that would compensate for the security while respecting the privacy

of students and teachers. As a result, this study aims to investigate students' preferences

and requirements regarding the characteristics, integration, user experience, and safety

protocols of the system. The following research questions will guide the investigation:
Montalban Town Center, E. Rodriguez Highway
Barangay San Jose, Rodriguez, Rizal

1. What features do students desire in the Room Security System at AICS,


2. How important is the ability to record activities in the rooms, according to student


3. What devices do students primarily intend to use for accessing the Room Security


4. How important is it for the user interface of the system to be intuitive and user-

friendly, as perceived by students?

5. What specific preferences or requirements do students have regarding the user

interface design, including color scheme, layout, navigation, typography, and


6. How concerned are students about the privacy and security implications of the

Room Security System?

7. What measures do students recommend to ensure the privacy and security of

individuals monitored by the system?

General and Specific Objectives

The general goal of this study is to create a system that can monitor students and

teachers in classrooms.

Specifically, the researchers would like to create the system while adhering to

relevant laws and regulations governing surveillance, data protection and privacy in
Montalban Town Center, E. Rodriguez Highway
Barangay San Jose, Rodriguez, Rizal

educational setting. As the system would likely cause privacy and ethical concerns related

to the use of CCTV inside classrooms, we intend to reduce the negative effects while

further enhancing the benefits.

In addition, To address privacy and ethical concerns, the system will be designed with

strict access controls and encryption protocols to safeguard sensitive data. Only

authorized personnel, such as school administrators and designated staff, will have access

to the surveillance footage and analytics reports, ensuring that information is used

responsibly and in accordance with relevant regulations. Additionally, transparent

policies regarding data collection, storage, and retention will be established, with clear

guidelines on how information will be utilized and shared.

Significance of the Study

The significance of this study lies in its commitment to developing a Room Security

System for the Asian Institute of Computer Studies (AICS), Montalban, that balances the

paramount need for safety with the fundamental rights to privacy and dignity. By actively

engaging with user preferences and concerns, this research aims to create a system that

enhances security measures while fostering a culture of trust and transparency within the

educational community. Through its user-centered design approach, the study seeks to

mitigate surveillance-induced stress, promote mental well-being, and ensure legal and

ethical compliance. Ultimately, the findings of this study will not only inform the

development of a tailored security solution for AICS Montalban but also contribute
Montalban Town Center, E. Rodriguez Highway
Barangay San Jose, Rodriguez, Rizal

valuable insights for future advancements in security systems across educational

institutions, thereby paving the way for safer and more inclusive learning environments.

Scope and Limitation

The scope of this research is delimited to the Asian Institute of Computer Studies

(AICS) in Montalban, focusing exclusively on the development of a Room Security

System tailored to the specific needs and preferences of its student body and faculty. The

study utilizes a non-probability convenience sampling method to gather insights from

participants within the institution, aiming to capture a representative sample of

perspectives on security, privacy, and user experience. By concentrating efforts within

AICS Montalban, the research aims to provide a targeted solution that addresses the

unique challenges and requirements of the educational environment in this particular


However, the reliance on non-probability convenience sampling introduces inherent

limitations, potentially leading to sampling bias and restricting the generalizability of

findings beyond AICS Montalban. This limitation underscores the need for caution in

extrapolating the research outcomes to other educational institutions or broader

demographics. Furthermore, the research is constrained by time and resource limitations,

which may impact the depth and breadth of data collection and analysis. Additionally,

ethical considerations surrounding surveillance technologies and data privacy present

ongoing challenges that may not be fully addressed within the confines of this study.
Montalban Town Center, E. Rodriguez Highway
Barangay San Jose, Rodriguez, Rizal

In conclusion, while this research provides valuable insights into the development of

a Room Security System for AICS Montalban, it is essential to acknowledge its

limitations and recognize that further research and refinement may be necessary to

address broader contexts and challenges. Despite its scope restrictions and

methodological constraints, the study contributes to enhancing safety and privacy within

the educational environment by prioritizing user-centered design and ethical

considerations. By embracing transparency, accountability, and continuous improvement,

the Room Security System developed through this research endeavors to create a safer

and more inclusive learning environment within AICS Montalban, while also laying the

groundwork for future advancements in security systems across educational institutions.

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