2007 Wog 09 300 Nlhe 03-08-07

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Thursday, March 8, 2007

$300 + $40,
$90,300 PRIZE POOL

Tony Hugnh Secures No Limit Hold’em Win

This No Limit event attracted 301 players who all were looking for their share of the
$90,300 prize pool. The final table was set at 1:30am during Level 13 with blinds of
1,500/3,000 and an ante of 500. This final table was ready for action as 4 of the players
were shortstacked (< 30,000).
On the second hand, Roland Weedon raised 10,000 from the cutoff and was re-raised
all-in by the button, Peter Nam for 20,500. Roland called and showed his 8-9o. Peter
showed Qd-10d and had the 60/40 lead. The board came 9-6-3-10-7 and Roland rivered
a 10-high straight. Peter Nam was eliminated in 10th place for $1,130.
On the very next hand (#3), the action continued when Le Banh pushed all-in in early
position with pocket 7’s. He was quickly called by the player to his left, David Ramirez,
a real estate broker, with A-Jo. The board was Q-8-2-8-9 and Le Banh’s 7’s hold up.
David Ramirez was eliminated in 9th place and earned $1,355.
Shortly, on hand #8, Tony Huynh raised from the cutoff and the small blind, Sam Lim,
re-raised all-in with K-Qo. For a few chips more, Tony called and showed a dominating
A-Ko. The board was K-10-10-8-8 and Tony’s Kings-up took down the pot when Sam
failed to make the runner-runner straight. Sam Lim finished in 8th place and took home
On hand #15, Chau Le raised all-in for his last 7,500 chips with K-8o. Le Bahn re-
raised to isolate Le for 15,000 with Ac-7c. The board was A-Q-Q-J-6. Chau Le hit the
flop hard with Aces-up and Chau Le was drawing too thin to survive. Chau Le, in the
construction business, finished in 7th place and earned $2,225
It took another 21 hands for our next elimination. Le Banh raised from the button for
12,000 with Ad-7d and was called by Roland Weedon of Villa Park, CA. The flop was
5d-4-3 and the action was checked. The turn 3d put 4-to-straight and a diamond draw.
The action was checked again. The river was a 6 making a 6-high straight on the board.
Roland checked and Le bet out 14,000. Roland expecting to chop the pot called for his
last chips and Le showed his 7-high straight. Roland mucked his cards and said he was
playing the board. Roland was eliminated in 6th place for $3,160.
The final 5 players played 10 more hands until a 10-minute break occurred just before
moving to Level 15 with 3,000/6/000 blinds. Walid “Wally” Abirafeh was the short stack
but he kept the pressure on the other four players by frequent preflop raising. Wally
would not back down and I believe the 5-way deal was made because instead of getting
knocked out, Wally kept on slowly increasing his stack. The chip count deal was made
and Tony Hugnh was declared the winner as he entered the final table with the chip lead
and kept that lead through the entire final table play.
-Jay “Bugsy” Siegel

Tony Huynh is a cash game Limit Hold’em player ($20/40) and $500 No Limit player.
He plays a couple of tournaments per month and plays strictly No Limit Hold’em. Early
in the tournament Tony was short stacked but got a couple of hands that put him back into
the game. He built his lead up to 100,000 by the time he reached the final table. Tony
tripled up when he won a key pot after he caught an Ace on the turn to knock out
tournament pro Cowboy Kenna James with three tables to go. Tony said his hope as the
result of toninght’s win is that: “May this win make my wife more supportive of my
poker playing.”


Seat 1 Le Banh $26,500
Seat 2 David Ramirez $11,000
Seat 3 Walid Abirafeh $53,500
Seat 4 Sam Lim $31,000
Seat 5 Roland Weedon $76,000
Seat 6 Peter Nam $20,500
Seat 7 Chau Le $26,500
Seat 8 Abraham Barbarian $44,000
Seat 9 Jeff Wilson $62,500
Seat 10 Thanh “Tony” Huynh $100,000
Chip Variance= 0


1 Thanh “Tony” Huynh Los Angeles, CA $33,865
2nd Banh Le Long Beach, CA $16,705
3rd Jeff Wilson Newport Bch, CA $8,125
4 Abraham Barbarian Los Angeles, CA $5,420
5th Walid Abirafeh Los Angeles, CA $4,065
6th Roland Weedon Villa Park, CA $3,160
7 Chau Le Garden Grove, CA $2,255
8th Sam Lim La Canada, CA $1,805
9th David Ramirez Costa Mesa, CA $1,355
10 Peter Nam Los Angeles, CA $1,130

Omaha Hi-Lo
$500 + $50
Friday, March 09, 2007 4:15pm
Tournament Results: www.thebicyclecasino.com

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