# Hartmann (1997) The Lactation Cycle in The Sow, Physiological and Management Contradictions

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ELSEVIER Livestock Production Science 50 (1997) 75-87

The lactation cycle in the sow: physiological and

management contradictions
P.E. Hartmann *, N.A. Smith, M.J. Thompson, CM. Wakeford, P.G. Arthur
Department of Biochemistry, The Unir~ersityof Western Australia, Nedlands, WA6907, Australia


Although lactation is an essential component of mammalian reproduction, each species has evolved unique lactation
strategies that optimise the growth and development of their young. However, these evolutionary strategies have imposed
physiological and environmental contradictions in commercial pig production. In the sow only extremes of either under- or
over-nutrition have been reported to influence mammogenesis and lactation, and the incompatibility between the zones of
thermal comfort for piglets and sows often results in ambient temperatures in commercial piggeries that impair either the
growth rate of piglets or milk production in sows. Of the factors investigated to date, litter size has the greatest positive
influence on total production of milk from sows. This observation strongly suggests that milk production is regulated at the
level of each mammary gland (e.g., autocrine control) rather than systemic metabolic processes (e.g., hormonal control).
While the short period of milk flow (10 to 20 s) during milk ejection could facilitate survival of larger litters, the restriction
of milk intake by the piglet due to this short period of milk flow, and the local inhibition of milk synthesis by autocrine
control mechanisms, may be important rate-limiting steps restricting potential milk production in domesticated sows.
Although the very tight control of milk flow imposed by the milk-ejection reflex and the ambient temperature requirements
of piglets could have provided an evolutionary advantage to larger litters, these factors may limit the expression of the
domesticated sow’s capacity to produce milk as well as her piglets’ potential for growth and development. It is important to
determine the significance of these subtle influences on pig production so that both experimental protocols and management
practices do not compromise expression of the full lactation potential of the sow. 0 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.

Keywords: Mammogenesis; Lactogenesis; Milk production; Involution

1. Introduction and develop into adults. In many species of verte-

brates, the adults can thrive in environments that lack
Sexual reproduction is fundamental to the evolu- suitable foods for their young. In contrast, mammals
tion of vertebrate species and depends, in part, upon nourish their young with milk that is synthesised
an adequate supply of food for the young to grow from the products of maternal digestion. Therefore,
they can reproduce successfully providing the mother
has adequate nourishment. Furthermore, because
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +61 8 9380 3327; fax: +61 8 mammals have the ability to deplete their body
9380 1148. reserves to supply the precursors for milk synthesis,

0301-6226/97/$17.00 0 1997 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved,

PII SO301-6226(97)00076-6
76 P.E. Hartmann et al./ Livestock Production Science50 (1997) 75-87

an interruption in food intake by the mother does not It is now clear that the composition of milk is
immediately interrupt the food supply for her young. uniquely appropriate for the neonate at a time when
An extreme example of this ability is seen in the many of its systems such as the digestive, hepatic,
Southern Right whale (Bannister, 1995). These neural, renal, vascular, visual, skeletal and immune
whales filter small crustaceans from the water through systems are functionally immature. Milk is tailored
their large sieve-like baleen plates, and although they to augment the specific developmental defects of the
spend the summer months in their feeding grounds in young of each species and thereby facilitates optimal
the sub-Antarctic waters, every April/May they mi- growth and development during early postnatal life.
grate to Australia’s temperate southern coastline to Human milk appears to be at one extreme of milk
calve and mate before returning to their sub-Antarctic composition, with very low protein and sodium but
feeding grounds in October/November. The calves high lactose and oligosaccharides, whereas aquatic
are born mid-year with a birth weight of about one mammals, such as Blue whales and Harp seals, are at
tonne. The initial physiological drain of lactation on the other extreme with high protein and about 50%
the mother is enormous as food supplies do not of their milk consisting of fat (Table 1). The compo-
normally occur in coastal waters of Australia, so a sition of sow’s milk is closer to the average for the
Right whale fasts for 4 to 5 months while simultane- range of mammals studied to date. Furthermore, the
ously putting around 10 tonnes of weight onto her lactating mammary gland has a high synthetic capac-
calf. ity. For example, the energy output in milk repre-
Lactation has provided a niche for mammals in sents approximately 25% of the total energy intake
the evolutionary tree and, as a result, there are over in the maternal diet for women exclusively breast-
4000 species of mammals (Oftedal, 1984) living in feeding single infants and as much as 50% of the
an amazing variety of habitats. There is not only total energy intake for those breastfeeding twins
great variation in the environments that mammals (Saint et al., 1986). Lactation in the sow is even
live in, but there also is great variation in the matu- more demanding as 100% of maternal dietary energy
rity of mammals at birth. Whereas the guinea pig is intake in the lactating sow may be required for milk
relatively mature at birth, the Joey kangaroo is very synthesis (Pluske et al., 1995b). So to some extent
immature at birth. There also is great variation in the the sow is like the whale, normally using consider-
rate of postnatal development. For example, a l- able body reserves to support the energy demands of
month old piglet is much more mature than a 3-month lactation. Furthermore, it can be concluded that the
old wombat (Reardon, 1993). Given these environ- milk of each species is uniquely appropriate for their
mental and developmental differences, it is not sur- young and that lactation represents a very significant
prising that milk composition varies greatly from energy cost to the mother.
mammal to mammal (Table 1). From these considerations, it can be argued on
both evolutionary and physiological grounds that
lactation is an essential component of mammalian
reproduction. However, the direction of research
funding contradict the evolutionary and physio-
Table 1
Variation in milk composition between mammals
logical importance of lactation to pig reproduction
by directing most attention towards either early
Soecies Lactose (g/l) Protein (g/l) Fat (g/l)
weaning (21 days) or segregated early weaning at 10
Womana 68 8 41
to 14 days. The short-term expediency of segregated
Horsesa 69 19 13
Piga 50 56 83
early weaning may have considerable implications
Cow” 46 32 37 for the future of the pig industry as a greater under-
Rabbitb 18 103 152 standing of the importance of sow lactation emerges.
Blue whaleb 13 119 409 In this review, we propose to compare the physi-
Harp sealb 8 77 53.5
ology of lactation in the sow with that of other
aFrom Oftedal (1984). species. The consistencies and inconsistencies be-
bFrom Oftedal and Iverson (1995). tween the sow and other species will be considered
P.E. Hartmann et al. /Lic,estock Production Science 50 (19971 75-87 77

in relation to the lactation strategy of the pig and the the least body reserves (low-low; 152 g/piglet/d).
factor(s) limiting the lactation potential of the sow. However, provided the sows had a high feed intake
during lactation, variation in body reserves at farrow-
ing did not affect piglet growth. Piglets from sows
with high-high, medium-high or low-high levels of
2. Lactation cycle
nutrition during pregnancy-lactation all had similar
growth rates: 2 10, 2 10 and 219 g/piglet/d, respec-
Conception marks the beginning of the lactation
tively. Thus, the work of Mullan and Williams (1989)
cycle (Fig. l), which includes: growth and develop-
suggests that reduced food intake during pregnancy
ment of the mammary gland (mammogenesis), initia-
does not compromise mammogenesis to the extent
tion of synthesis of unique milk constituents such as
that it affects subsequent milk production.
lactose, P-lactoglobulin, cu-lactalbumin and the ca-
Indeed, there appears to be a contradiction be-
seins during pregnancy (lactogenesis l), initiation of
tween nutrition in pregnancy and nutrition during
copious milk secretion at fan-owing (lactogenesis 21,
lactation. Recent research suggests that the more a
established lactation (lactation) and regression of the
sow eats during pregnancy the less she eats during
mammary gland after weaning (involution).
lactation (Mullan and Williams, 1989). Furthermore,
Head and Williams (1991) observed impaired mam-
mogenesis in gilts given a low protein-high energy
3. Mammogenesis diet during pregnancy. Although, this is not necessar-
ily a consistent finding (Smits et al., 19951, it is
Hormonal control of growth of the mammary probably not desirable to have pregnant sows on a
gland of the sow during pregnancy has not been diet which restricts lean tissue growth as this also
extensively investigated (Hartmann and Hughes, may compromise mammogenesis.
1996). The influence of nutrition of the pregnant sow
on mammary development during pregnancy and the
outcome of the subsequent lactation also has not 4. Lactogenesis 1
been completely resolved. Mullan and Williams
(1989) varied the body reserves of pregnant gilts at Although the timing of the first phase of lactogen-
farrowing by feeding either high, medium or low esis (lactogenesis 1) has not been extensively studied
diets during pregnancy. In addition, after far-rowing it appears to occur later in pregnancy in the sow
the sows received either high or low levels of feed. (Willcox et al., 1983; Dodd et al., 1994) than in
Severe restriction of feed intake during lactation other species, such as women (Kulski and Hartmann,
caused a marked reduction in litter growth during the 1981) and cows (Hartmann, 1973). Dodd et al. (1994)
fourth week of lactation, particularly in sows with reported that P-lactoglobulin is the earliest de-
tectable specific milk product found in sow’s blood
during pregnancy (5 weeks pre-parturn), with de-
tectable increases in most other milk constituents,
Birth such as a-lactalbumin (Dodd et al., 1994), lactose
Gestaticn/ Tb> and casein only occurring during the last few days of
pregnancy (Whitely et al., 1990). Furthermore, it is
Conception9 O”i..Gl”G0
very difficult to express any mammary secretion
from the sow until about 24 h before farrowing and
Lactogenesis 1 Involution
/I the earliest secretion is usually a clear straw colour.
The late initiation of lactogenesis 1 in the sow
(Willcox et al., 1983) may be, in part, attributed to
Lactation the fact that the sow lacks a placental lactogen
Fig. 1. Mammary development and the stages of the lactation (Forsyth, 1986); a h ormone that appears to be associ-
cycle in the sow. ated with growth and development of the mammary
78 P.E. Hartmann et al./ Livestock Production Science 50 (1997) 75-87

gland during pregnancy in a number of species,

including the cow (Byatt et al., 1994).

5. Farrowing
Fig. 2. Intra-mammary pressure changes during the birth of a
The normal length of gestation in the sow varies piglet. The plot shows (a) intra-mammary pressure increases
from 110 to 120 days, and it is apparent that initia- coinciding with movement of the sow, (b) expulsion of the piglet,
and (c) post-delivery increase as the sow lay motionless (Thomp-
tion of farrowing is under hormonal control. With-
son, Wakeford and Hartmann, unpublished observations).
drawal of progesterone (Ash and Heap, 1975) cou-
pled to an increase in prostaglandins and relaxin
(Whitely et al., 1990) are central to the control of
farrowing. oxytocin also may be involved, but its The mammary duct of unrestrained conscious sows
exact role remains a puzzle (Gilbert et al., 1994). cannulated with a Venflon@ 2 i.v. (22 G/0.8
In established lactation, acute changes in intra- mm OD, luer-lock) cannula (Viggo Products, Swe-
mammary pressure reflect transient changes in con- den) attached to a disposable pressure transducer
centration of oxytocin in the sow’s blood (Ellendorff (COBE, Lakewood, CO, USA) and the amplified
et al., 1982). Between sucklings in established lacta- pressure signal was captured by either a chart recorder
tion, blood oxytocin ranges from < 0.2 to 6.0 or a data recording system (MacLab/4e, ADInstru-
pU/ml (Forsling et al., 1979; Ellendorff et al., ments, Sydney, Australia). The cannula was held in
1982; Holmes, 1991). However, oxytocin increases position manually throughout the measurement of
to maximum concentrations of 3.9 to 21.2 @J/ml intra-mammary pressure. Irma-mammary pressure
just prior to the intra-mammary pressure increase was recorded over 61 normal deliveries of piglets
and milk ejection (Ellendorff et al., 1982; Holmes, (Smith, 1994). There was a pressure peak in the
1991). minute prior to four of the deliveries and at the same
During farrowing, the concentration of oxytocin time as four of the deliveries (i.e., to within 5 s of
in blood (Ellendorff et al., 1979; Forsling et al., delivery). During these eight deliveries, movement
1979; Taverne et al., 1979) is much higher (IO-265 of the sows obscured the measurement of changes in
pU/ml) such that lowest concentrations of oxytocin intra-mammary pressure after delivery. For the re-
over farrowing are at least as high as the maximum maining 53 deliveries, the sows remained at rest and
concentrations reported for established lactation. The all showed an increase in intra-mammary pressure
concentration of oxytocin varies considerably over within a minute after delivery (Table 21, suggesting
farrowing, although the association between changes that a release of oxytocin occurred after the expul-
in concentration of oxytocin in blood and birth of sion of a piglet. In this connection, it is of interest
each piglet is not convincing (Gilbert et al., 1994). that Fraser (1984) observed that colostrum ejections
It is difficult to relate changes in concentration of
oxytocin in blood to birth of the piglets as oxytocin
has a short half-life. As an alternate approach, Ellen- Table 2
dorff et al. (1982) introduced the measurement of Characteristics of the intra-mammary pressure peaks associated
changes in intra-mammary pressure as a qualitative with the birth of oielets
in vivo ‘bio-assay’ for oxytocin in the SOW, and Peaks Delay a (seconds) Duration (seconds)
subsequently Gilbert et al. (1994) investigated the Before Delivery (n = 4) 32 f 5.1 28f7.0
changes in intra-mammary pressure during farrowing At Delivery (n = 4) 23*5.5**
with puzzling results-an increase in intramammary After Delivery (n = 53) 18 + 7.4 37f9.0
pressure occurred consistently in the minute after
’ * P < 0.01 from duration of the peaks after delivery.
delivery of each piglet. aDelay refers to the delay between the end of the peak and the
We also have investigated variations in intra- delivery (before delivery peaks) or between the delivery and the
mammary pressure in sows over farrowing (Fig. 2). start of the peak (after delivery peaks).
P.E. Hartntann et al. / Lic,estock Production Science 50 (1997) 75-87 19

began lo-25 s after the birth of 10 out of 23 piglets. ejection in the cow occurred after a ‘lag period’ of
However, in his hand-milking study, 11 births were 3-4 min in response to the l-2 min inflation of an
not accompanied by any noticeable increase in airbag within the vagina. Roberts and Share (1968)
colostrum yield and two births occurred during the rhythmically inflated and deflated a balloon for 2
initial periods of high yield. These findings also min and then in the third minute, kept the balloon
suggest that a release of oxytocin occurs immedi- inflated at 100 mm Hg in lactating ewes during an
ately after the birth of the piglet. oestrous cycle. They found that there was a signifi-
The delay between expulsion of the piglet and cant increase in the concentration of oxytocin in the
pressure peak (18 f 7.4 s) was similar to the delay plasma in both the first and third minutes of stimula-
measured following injection of oxytocin (50 mu> tion as compared to pre-stimulation concentrations,
into the ear veins of sows either during farrowing although the increase was more pronounced in the
(20 + 9.3 s, II = 6) or at 7 days of lactation (21 + 4.1 first minute. The deflation of the balloon may have
s, n = 6) (Smith, 1994). Thus, we concluded that the been the stimulus for oxytocin release in both stud-
delay between delivery of the piglet and the increase ies. A recent report on parturition and vagino-cervi-
in intra-mammary pressure was due to the circulation cal stimulation in the ewe showed that the reflex
time from the ear (or the neurohypophysis) to the release of oxytocin could be induced by the use of a
mammary gland. These observations appear to con- plastic probe that was rhythmically inserted into, and
tradict the accepted action of oxytocin. If oxytocin withdrawn from, the vagina (Kendrick et al., 1991).
promotes uterine contractions, why is the effect of Thus, the results of earlier studies, including those of
oxytocin release observed immediately after the birth Ferguson ( 194 l), also are consistent with the hypoth-
of the piglet? esis that the relaxation of a stretched cervix/uterus
Ferguson (1941) measured uterine motility in the provides the stimulus for the release of oxytocin.
8 to 48 h post-partum rabbit. He found that dilation Further support for this hypothesis was provided
of either the uterine horn or cervix increased the by measurement of the intra-mammary pressure as-
motility of the exposed uterus when both the spinal sociated with internal examinations of farrowing
tract and neurohypophysis were intact, but not when sows. Following nine internal examinations, pressure
either had been destroyed. On the other hand, vagi- peaks were only recorded in the minute after the
nal stretch had a varied response. He attributed this withdrawal of the animal attendant’s hand from the
increase in uterine motility to be due to a reflex reproductive tract of the sows. The mean time inter-
release of oxytocin from the neurohypophysis in val from completion of the internal examinations to
response to the stretching of the uterus. This re- the pressure peak was 21 * 13 s and was similar to
sponse has become known as the Ferguson reflex the time interval observed after the full expulsion of
(Folley, 1969). The consistent observation of pres- the piglet at normal farrowing (Table 2) except that
sure peaks after the piglet was fully expelled (Table on a number of occasions multiple peaks were
2; Gilbert et al., 1994) suggests that, if oxytocin was recorded, whereas after the birth of a piglet multiple
released from the neurohypophysis in association peaks were rarely recorded.
with birth of the piglet, it must have been released as We concluded that release of oxytocin was not
the piglet was fully expelled and not while the piglet inducing birth of the piglet but rather was the result
was stretching either the uterus or the cervix. It of birth of the piglet. That is, it is not distension of
follows that it was the release of the stretch stimulus the birth canal but rather contraction of a distended
which caused the reflex release of oxytocin rather birth canal that stimulates release of oxytocin. There-
than the application of this stimulus to the fore, the physiological strategy for release of oxy-
cervix/vagina. Upon closer examination of Fergu- tocin at birth is probably related to its release in the
son (1941), there is further evidence to support our hypothalamus and its central nervous system effects
hypothesis. In several of his experiments, there was on maternal behaviour rather than peripherally influ-
increased uterine activity after deflation of either the encing the birth process.
vaginal or uterine dilators. It is of interest that although this reflex was
Debackere and Peeters (1960) reported that milk originally described by Ferguson (1941), it has had
80 P.E. Hartmann et al. /Livestock Production Science 50 (1997) 75-87

practical significance for centuries. For example, each sow. The fat content of colostrum increased
Kolben 1731 (cited by Cowie et al., 1980) observed significantly in suckled compared to unsuckled
the practical application of this reflex in Southern mammary glands (Atwood and Hartmann, 1993),
Africa N To make a refractory cow yield milk. His while concentration of lactose and metabolites asso-
description of the process was as follows: ciated with lactose synthesis also increased in the
colostrum from suckled compared to unsuckled
But if the cow is too cunning to be cozen’d in that
mammary glands during the post-partum period
way (by bringing a Counterfiet calf to the Teats),
(Atwood et al., 1995). Thus it is probable that,
their last Shift to make her yield Milk is, after tying
whereas the withdrawal of progesterone releases the
her Hind-Legs together to prevent her Kicking, blow
systemic hormonal block to lactogenesis 2, either
with all their Might into the Vulva. This is done by
removal of colostrum by the piglets or the local
Men as well as Women.
effect of sucking switches on increased milk (lactose
and fat) synthesis in the individual mammary glands.
Our investigations suggest that a relatively large
6. Lactogenesis 2 volume of colostrum is ingested initially by most
piglets within an hour of birth (Fig. 3) and that
Parturition and the second stage of lactogenesis piglets tend to develop a preference for the teat from
(lactogenesis 2) are two closely coupled events, It which they first obtained colostrum. Piglets are born
has been recognised for many years that initiation of agammaglobulinanaemic and with virtually no fat
copious milk secretion at parturition is under en- reserves. The strategy of teat preference and milk
docrine control in mammals. Indeed, the pioneering removal triggering lactogenesis 2 would ensure that
work of Kuhn (1969) established that progesterone the last born piglet obtained colostmm of similar
withdrawal was the trigger for lactogenesis 2 in the concentration of immunoglobulin to that available to
rat. Subsequently, Nicholas and Hartmann, 1981a,b, the first born piglet, while the rapid increase in fat
established the temporal relationship between with- and lactose triggered by milk removal ensures that,
drawal of progesterone during late pregnancy and after birth, each piglet obtains a crucial supply of
lactogenesis 2 in the rat. They demonstrated that energy as it establishes itself on its preferred teat.
when progesterone fell to low levels about 24 h
before parturition, there was an increase in lactose
synthesis at parturition.
Evidence supporting the progesterone withdrawal 80r
theory in the sow has been reviewed recently (Hart-
mann and Holmes, 1989; Hartmann et al., 1994).
Briefly, there is a negative relationship between con-
centration of progesterone in blood and concentra-
tion of lactose in milk at both normal farrowing and
when farrowing is delayed by administration of pro- %
gesterone. Furthermore, de Passille et al. (1993)
reported a reduced growth rate and increased mortal-
ity in piglets from sows that had higher concentra-
tions of progesterone in their blood immediately
after farrowing. 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210
In other mammals such as women, lactogenesis 2 Time after first delivery (min)
occurs whether or not the baby suckles at the breast
Fig. 3. Changes in the weight, relative to the birth weight, of the
(Kulski et al., 1978). Therefore, milk withdrawal is
individual piglets of one litter for 3.5 h after delivery of the first
not required for lactogenesis 2 in these species. piglet (Smith, 1994). Each delivery time is indicated by a vertical
Closer examination of initiation of lactation suggests line at the bottom of the figure with the symbols indicating the
that an additional level of control may exist within piglet.
P.E. Hartmann et al. /Livestock Production Science 50 (19971 75-87 81

7. Lactation the intake of milk from their preferred gland. Indeed,

under increased suckling pressure, individual glands
The major changes in the composition of sows’ within sows have the potential to produce almost
milk occur during the first 72 h after farrowing and double their normal milk production. It can be con-
this is characterised by a major reduction in concen- cluded that milk production in the sow is regulated,
tration of IgG in milk (see reviews by Hartmann and in part, within individual glands rather than respond-
Holmes, 1989; Hartmann et al., 1995). ing to systemic metabolic control mechanisms.
Based on studies in dairy animals, it would be The possibility of local regulation within each
expected that the diet of the lactating sow would be gland together with the teat preference of piglets
one of the most important determinants of milk suggests that suckling behaviour and, in particular,
production. However, the sow does not respond as the milk-ejection reflex, might limit the transfer of
might be expected. milk from the sow to the piglet. The sow has the
Unlike dairy animals, there is not a consistent highest level of control over milk ejection of any
relationship in sows between dietary energy intake mammal studied to date. Piglets suckle once every
and milk production measured by the growth rate of 40 to 60 min and observational and intra-mammary
standard sized litters (Williams, 1995). Since the ad pressure measurements suggest that milk is only
libitum fed piglet has the capacity to grow at up to available to the litter for a very short period of time
twice the rate of the normal suckling piglet (Pluske about 10 to 20 s at each suckling. Folley and Knaggs
et al., 1995a), it is unlikely that this variable re- (1966) as well as Ellendorff et al. (1982) demon-
sponse in milk production is due to piglet satiety. On strated that milk ejection in the sow, as in other
the other hand, milk production in the sow is linearly mammals, is triggered by the release of oxytocin.
related to litter size and this relationship is due to an However, despite the short half-life of oxytocin in
increase in the number of functional glands (Auldist blood, milk flow ceases in the sow while significant
and King, 1995). Indeed, litter size has a greater concentrations of oxytocin remain in the circulation.
influence on milk production in the sow than any If a piglet is removed before a suckling, milk is not
other factor studied to date. accessible for expression from the unsuckled gland
Recently, Auldist et al. (1995) demonstrated that once the flow of milk in the suckled glands has
suckling demand can greatly increase milk produc- ceased. Thus, compared to other mammals, milk
tion from individual glands. They measured milk ejection in the sow may be more complex consisting
production from 6 to 27 days of lactation in three of both ‘on’ and ‘off’ mechanisms. The ‘on’ mecha-
treatment groups of sows. Group 1 sows had six nism is the classical neuro-hormonal reflex of oxy-
functional teats and a litter size of six, group 2 sows tocin triggering contraction of the myoepithelial cells.
had 12 functional teats and a litter size of 12, and Whereas, an opposing ‘off’ mechanism acutely stops
group 3 sows had six functional teats and were cross the flow of milk within a few seconds of oxytocin
suckled with two litters of six piglets at 30 min triggering contraction of the myoepithelial cells and
intervals. The six glands of the sows in the cross- regardless of whether or not milk has been removed
suckled group supported similar piglet growth (2 195 from the gland. In this context, we propose that the
g/d) to that in the 12 glands of the group of sows term ‘milk ejection’ should be used to describe the
with litters of 12 piglets (2571 g/d). The additional neuro-hormonal reflex, which stimulates the neuro-
production from the glands of the cross-suckled group hypophysis to release oxytocin and, in turn, causes
was the result of hypertrophy of the glandular tissue contraction of the myoepithelial cells surrounding
(mean gland weight 124.0 g DM and 64.9 g DM, the alveoli and expulsion of milk. We also propose
respectively). Since piglets have a strong teat prefer- the term milk ‘let down’ should be used to specifi-
ence, it can be concluded that total milk production cally describe the length of time that milk is avail-
of the sow is closely related to the number of able to the piglets following milk ejection.
functional glands and to the suckling intensity and We measured intra-mammary pressure in one
resultant milk withdrawal from individual glands. gland as the piglets suckled the other glands in 11
Thus, the growth potential of the piglet is limited by sows at 12- 14 days of lactation and at 19-24 days
82 P.E. Hartmann et al./Livestock Production Science 50 (1997) 75-87

sow is a strategy that promotes survival of large

One of the most puzzling contradictions in lacta-
tion in swine relates to ambient temperature. The
2Gfi-z lower temperature for the zone of thermal comfort of
the piglets is greater than 30°C whereas, the higher
temperature for the sow’s zone of thermal comfort is
less than 24°C. Thus, there is an incompatibility
between the ideal ambient temperature for sows and
piglets. A number of workers have shown that if
ambient temperature of the sow is increased to near
Fig. 4. Intra-mammary pressure changes during suckling in a sow
at 14 days of lactation (Thompson, Wakeford and Hartmann, the zone of thermal comfort for the piglets, both food
unpublished observations). intake by the sow and milk production decrease. For
example, Mullan et al. (1992) increased the tempera-
ture of the sow from 20°C to 30°C and food intake
decreased from 4.05 to 3.13 kg/day and milk pro-
of lactation. Since the piglets stopped fast sucking (3 duction decreased from 8.88 to 7.53 l/day. Black et
jaw movements per second) before the pressure re- al. (1993) raised the ambient temperature of sows
turned to basal levels, the duration of milk ejection from 18°C to 28°C and reduced voluntary feed intake
was arbitrarily defined as the time from the initial by 40% and milk production by 25%. The decline in
sharp increase in pressure to the peak pressure re- milk production was more than would be expected
sponse (Fig. 4). On this basis, duration of milk from an equivalent decline in food intake for sows
ejection was 14.0 s with a coefficient of variation of housed within their zone of thermal comfort (Black
27%. Therefore, it is possible that the short duration et al., 1993) and this has been attributed to heat
of milk flow at each suckling restricts the ability of stress diverting blood flow to the skin with a con-
the piglet to remove all of the available milk from comitant decrease in blood flow through other tis-
the gland and that variation in duration of milk flow sues including the mammary gland (Williams et al.,
could explain a significant proportion of variation in 1994).
milk production. If this is so, then it is probable that Whatever the physiological explanation, it is clear
local (autocrine) inhibitory mechanisms (Peaker, that the ideal ambient temperature for the sow (Black
1995; Wilde et al., 1995) control the rate of milk et al., 1993) is not the ideal temperature for her
synthesis within individual glands in the sow de- piglets (English and Edwards, 1996) and this im-
pending on how much milk the piglet has been able poses a contradiction for swine management in in-
to remove from the gland in this limited period of let tensive piggeries. It is difficult to provide a micro-
down. The autocrine control of milk synthesis would environment for piglets which provides appropriate
explain both the linear relationship between litter access to the sow yet has minimal air movement and
size and milk production, and increased production is at least 10°C higher than the ideal environmental
from glands subjected to increased suckling demand temperature for the lactating sow. Since newborn
(Auldist et al., 1995). Furthermore, autocrine control piglets have very limited energy reserves and indi-
would restrict the influence of diet and exogenous vidual piglets cannot survive cold stress for more
hormonal administration on milk production in the than a few hours, the selective advantage of this
sow. environmental contradiction is not clear. However,
The above observations coupled with the finding perhaps nest building by feral (and range managed)
that milk ejection only occurs if the majority of the sows more closely approximates the micro-environ-
piglets are stimulating the teats means that it is very mental requirements of both the sow and her piglets.
difficult for dominant piglets to obtain milk from In this connection, Bruce Mullan (Personal Commu-
more than one teat at a suckling. Thus, the restriction nication, 1996) in Western Australia has demon-
imposed by the tight control over milk ejection in the strated that optimising the ambient temperatures for
P.E. Hartmann et al. /Livestock Production Science 50 (1997) 75-87 83

both the sow and her piglets in an intensive piggery ambient temperature requirements of piglets could
can have profound effects on improving the growth have provided an evolutionary advantage to larger
rates of piglets. litters, these factors may limit expression of the
If the short period of milk flow at a suckling, and domesticated sow’s capacity to produce milk as well
the different ambient temperature requirements of as her piglet’s potential for growth and development.
sows and piglets are currently important rate-limiting It is important to determine the significance of these
factors restricting milk production in the sow, both subtle influences on pig production so that both
endocrine manipulation and nutritional supplementa- experimental protocols and management practices do
tion would be unlikely to greatly improve the lacta- not compromise expression of the full lactation po-
tional performance of sows. tential of the sow.

8. Involution 10. Discussion

In commercial piggeries, weaning is an acute Ron Kensinger: Does the first intake of colostrum
event that has occurred at progressively earlier stages by each newborn coincide with the presence of the
of lactation as the industry moves from 3-week next pig in the cervix? I wonder if you would
weaning to segregated early weaning at around 10 comment on the role of oxytocin to make sure that
days of lactation. colostrum is available for that pig?
Within an hour or so of removal of the litter, Peter Hurtmann: In sows, colostrum is generally
concentration of prolactin in the sow’s blood begins available. Oxytocin levels are high and considerable
to fall and reaches low levels within 4 to 6 h. During amounts of colostrum can be expressed at any time.
the first 24 h after weaning, there are significant So the firstborn piglet really does not necessarily
changes in concentration of a number of the metabo- need milk ejection to get colostrum. We could not
lites associated with synthesis of lactose including associate the increase in the weight of the piglet with
glucose, glucose 6-phosphate, glucose 1-phosphate, actual milk ejection or increase in mammary pres-
uridine S-diphosphate, orthophosphate and adeno- sure for the initial piglets, but once you got halfway
sine S-phosphate (Atwood and Hartmann, 1995). through birth of the litter, you start to get some sows
These changes occur 24 to 48 h before the detection having a definite milk ejection and increase in mam-
of increased apoptosis (programmed cell death) after mary pressure. This was a suckling effect. So oxy-
weaning even in rats (Bielke et al., 1995). It must be tocin release at suckling could be superimposed on
emphasised that despite the current interest in apop- the normal release of oxytocin associated with the
tosis after abrupt weaning, metabolic changes still birth of each piglet. The interesting thing is that if
provide first indications of a change in cell function you take the amount of oxytocin that is required to
and that these changes occur before apoptotic elicit an increase in mammary pressure during estab-
changes. Thus, the link between altered metabolic lished lactation, and you inject that small amount of
activity of the cell and apoptosis should provide a oxytocin intravenously into a sow during farrowing
fertile area for investigation. you will get an increase in mammary pressure, de-
spite the fact that there are extremely high levels of
oxytocin there in the first place. So it really is a bit
9. Conclusion of a puzzle. In summary, I think colostrum is avail-
able for piglets from the start of farrowing but as the
The apparent physiological and environmental farrowing proceeds you start to get definite milk
contradictions associated with the lactation cycle in ejection occurring in response to the piglets suckling.
sows reflect strategies favoured during the evolution Martin Tang S@rensen: You told us that piglets
of the lactation phase of the reproductive cycle in the have the capacity to grow much more than they do
feral sow. Although the very tight control of milk when they are with the sow, and also that the sow
flow imposed by the milk-ejection reflex and the has much more capacity for milk production, than
84 P.E. Hartmnn et al. /Livestock Production Science 50 (1997) 75-87

she shows when she has her litter. So why is it that sample a lot of glands and then they stop at the gland
the litter doesn’t grow more and the sow give more where they seem to first get colostrum-not the first
milk at the same time when they both have the gland they get to. But I am not sure about all of this,
capacity to do so? Nathalie Trottier: It has been my observation and
Peter Hartmann: I think that is interesting. Allen many other people’s observation that with smaller
Tucker said yesterday that speculation was a good litter size the posterior part of the mammary gland
thing. So let us speculate: What I think is occurring involutes before the anterior part. I think it deserves
is that the sows have evolved to produce large litters. further investigation.
Now, the short period of milk availability at a suck- Peter Hartmann: That is true, yes.
ling switches off consistently in all glands at the Denis Petitclerc: If I understand right, you have
same time, so that the more dominant piglet really shown a decrease in milk production during heat
does not have enough time to consume the milk stress while there was an increase in lactose concen-
available to it and then go and attack its neighbour tration in milk?
and get its milk as well. So it is actually giving the Peter Hartmann: We used deterium oxide to mea-
less dominant piglet a chance to have an equal sure milk production, so it was the average over a
suckling period. Now in doing that it is actually 3-day period, whereas the concentration of lactose
restricting the milk production capacity of the sow. If went up and down during that period. We could not
you do not take milk from the gland, by stopping the get day by day estimates of milk production.
piglet from suckling, at the end of that 12 s you Denis Petitclerc: You do not have data that shows
cannot get any more than a couple of drips of milk when volume decreased concentration of nutrients
out of the gland, but during the 12 s you could squirt increased. But nutrients may have increased in milk.
it a couple of meters. It just shuts off whether or not Could that be a way for the sow to preserve water
the milk is being removed. So that may be regulating while trying to maintain nutrient supply to the piglets
the amount of milk availability rather than the actual as much as possible?
synthetic capacity of the sow. The benefit of this Peter Hartmann: That could be. We did notice
may be to allow the less dominant piglets to survive that the sow’s suckling behaviour also was impaired
against the dominant piglets. Just a suggestion! at that time, so we do not know whether she was
Nathalie Trottier: A question about the anterior giving the piglets as good access to the gland as an
and posterior glands. Do you have words of wisdom unstressed animal.
as far as capacity of the glands to produce more milk Denis Petitclerc: The sow regulates suckling time
in the anterior versus the posterior glands, or is that a for the piglet, but do you have any evidence whether
behavioural relationship for the perhaps more domi- she also regulates the amount of milk given to the
nant pigs migrating in the cranial direction of the piglet, which regulates their growth rate? And can
gland at birth? she purposely limit growth rate of the piglet?
Peter Hartmann: There has been quite a lot of Peter Hartmann: I think that is a good point
work done on actual production along the glands. because we really do need to understand more about
One of the real problems is the difficulty in measur- milk ejection in the sow. If it increased from 12 to
ing milk production in the sow. Weigh-suckle-weigh 15 s of flow it could make a big difference in milk
is quite difficult. Deterium oxide estimates are based intake by the piglet. I think this is an area that really
on a 3 or 4 day duration. So there is a lot of noise in needs a lot more study to see whether that is a
any milk production measurements that have been potential regulatory system for the sow.
done on the sow. We do not necessarily see a Chantal Farmer: You mentioned that the ejection
gradation from teats 1 and 2 to 5 and 6 that other reflex stops even though oxytocin levels are still
people have reported, so I am not really sure whether high. Do you have a suggestion as to what might
that is a real thing or not. Some suggest that it is, but stop this ejection reflex, and what might be done to
I do not know why this might occur. We certainly prolong the reflex?
have not seen the firstborn pigs getting out and Peter Hartmann: Sows have made me rethink the
getting on to the front two glands. They tend to whole milk-ejection reflex because we have always
P.E. Hartmann et al. / Lioestock Production Science 50 (1997) 75-87 85

just thought of it as a one-way thing. Namely, it Acknowledgements

contracts the myoepithelial cells and then in some
way they relax and that is the reflex. But in the sow; We thank the Pig Research and Development
the relaxation is so precise and it occurs in all glands Corporation and the Pig Industry Compensation Fund
at one time makes me think that there may be an (WA) for financial support.
‘off’ mechanism. 1 really have no idea what that
‘off’ mechanism might be, but I think it is something
that needs further investigation.
Malcolm Peaker: You looked at relaxin in suck-
ling, and we have a manuscript in press now where
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variation in accordance with the reproductive cycle. I 141-154.
just wondered whether your cut-off mechanism in- Atwood, C.S., Hartmann, P.E., 1993. The concentration of fat,
protein and lactose in sows’ colostrum from sucked and
volves relaxin? The second question: Do you know
unsucked glands during lactogenesis II. Amt. J. Agric. Res.
whether the period of milk ejection increases with
44, 1457-1465.
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mates as yet unborn). In a very old sow she should
Atwood, C.S., Toussaint, J.K., Hartmann, P.E., 1995. The assess-
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