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122nd High School Day

ROLLY:INTRO:There is an air of unexplainable excitement that none of us could clearly define. As we look
into the ground where this today’s celebration is taking place, we can see different signs of excitement. We
have all the reasons to be merry and happy because we have reached our 122nd Founding Anniversary with
the theme: “
ISNHS Tradition of Excellence: Championing Filipino Values Amidst Cultural Diversity and Fast-paced
JOY : Our honored guests, generous parents of the members of the royal court, school administrators,
teachers,students, friends, ladies and gentlemen, Good afternoon! Welcome to this year’s high school day
celebration highlighting the Grand Coronation of His RoyaL Highness, Her Majesty Queen, and their Royal
Court. Without further ado,May I request everyone to please rise for the singing of our patriotic song, to be
followed by the doxology and ISNHS march by our very own ISNHS combo.
Rolly: To welcome us all with her welcome address, may I call on our principal, Mrs. Editha C. Bagcal
Joy: thank you so much mam Editha for those warm words of welcome.Now, Let us take a glimpse at our
outgoing King and Queen 2020, His Royal Highness, Grecko Tristan Rosales and her majesty queen, Jenelle
Panugao as they take their final entrance…. Indeed your valuable contribution will always be remembered
and forever instilled in our hearts, Once again ladies and gentlemen our King and Queen 2020! , His Royal
Highness, Grecko Tristan Rosales and her majesty queen, Jenelle Panugao
Rolly: We now come to the grand entrance of our royal court: to start with Ladies and gentlemen, marching
on her way to her throne is
11th Prince & 11th Princess 5th
10th 4th
9th 3rd
8th 2nd
7th 1st
ROLLY: And now let us witness the grand entrance OF HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS AND HER MAJESTY
JOY: Ladies and gentlemen, Let us now witness the formal turn-over of scepter between our king and
Queen 2020, His Royal Highness, Grecko Tristan Rosales and her majesty queen, Jenelle Panugao to their
successor his royal highness John Carl A. Aslor and her majesty queen.Sophia Axle R. Ragunton.
ROLLY: Once again ladies and gentlemen, his royal highness John Carl A. Aslor and her majesty
queen.Sophia Axle R. Ragunton. together with their royal court.
EMCEES: (Present all)
Joy: In a kingdom, the king and queen and their descendants, wear important and symbolic materials and
garments like crown, robe, sash and scepter which represent royalty, authority and nobility. To others, they
symbolize victory, success and high achievement.
Ladies and gentlemen, let us now witness the coronation rites of His royal highness, Her Majesty Queen
together with their Royal court.
Joy & Rolly : let us start with his royal highness ……
• King & Queen 2024
• 1st Prince & 1st Princess
• 2nd Prince & 2nd Princess
• 3rd Prince & 3rd Princess
• 4th Prince & 4th Princess

Judy & Wejie

• 5th Prince & 5th Princess
6th Prince & 6th Princess
• 7th Prince & 7th Princess
• 8th Prince & 8th Princess
• 9th Prince & 9th Princess
• 10th Prince & 10th Princess
• 11th Prince & 11th Princess
Judy :May we now listen to the message of our PTA President , Mr. Leon Patacsil. A round of applause please.
WEjie: Thank you sir , now, let us witness an intermission number coming from one of our talented student of 11
Sardonyx, ladies and gentlemen a round of applause to Jenilda Alegre
Judy Ann: To formally introduce our guest speaker, may I now call on Mrs. Susiemar M. Rapisura, OIC, office of the
Asst. Principal II to do the honors. A round of applause, please.
WEjie: As a token of sincere appreciation, we would like to present our plaque of recognition to our honourable guest,
Ma’am Vilma Eda ( Read Citation)
Judy Ann: Thank you ma’am for gracing our High school day. We would also like to present our certificate of
recognition to our very supportive parents and advisers of the royal court.( Read citation)
***Let us now witness the tribute to the royal court from our selected teachers ,the Sanggalaw dancers
To start with let us welcome
Tinikling by our Selected Teachers
Folk Dance from Selected Teachers
Modern Dance by the Sanggalaw Dancers
Song Number Christopher Tollo TI, SHS
Wejie: Ladies and gentlemen, our PTA vice president , Mrs. Sharm Palomares. Will now give the closing remarks.
***Thank you ma’am, and that concludes our Coronation ceremonies for our Mr. and Miss ISNHS 2024. To our
supportive parents, stakeholders, guests, thank you for gracing our 122nd High school day celebration. We hope that
you continue to support our beloved school , Again , Happy 122nd founding anniversary ISNHS!

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