Free Time - 2

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Free time

Reading (newspapers, magazines, books), TV, cinema, radio, theatre

Reading newspapers and magazines

What newspaper or magazine do you read?
What is the main difference between newspapers and magazines?
(newspaper- writes about different topics, magazines- are specialised in one main topic)
What sections are there in a newspaper?
(home and foreign news, politics, business life, economy, financial life, technology, arts, book
reviews, sports, fashion, weather forecast, recipes, small ads, advertisement, announcement, etc)
Where do you start to read newspapers? On the first page or on the last one?
What are the advantages if you are subscribe to a magazine or a newspaper?

Reading books
What types of book do you know? /What genres do you know?
What do you like reading?
What did you read last? What is it about? (your compulsory reading for literature lesson)
Have you got a favourite writer? Why do you like him/her?
Are you a member of a library?
Why is it worth being a member of a library?

Cinema- TV- watching films on the Internet

What kinds of films do you know?
Do you watch them on TV?
What’s your TV channel? What are your favourite TV programs?
What other programs are there on TV?
Do you watch TV alone or with your family members?
How often do you go to the cinema?
What is the main difference between watching films at the cinema or at home?/Why do a lot of people
prefer going to the cinema to watching films on TV? (Mention the technical background, too)
Who is your favourite actor/actress?
Speak about your favourite film.

Which radio station do you listen to? Why do you like it?
Do you listen to the radio as a background noise?

Going to the theatre

Why do people like going to the theatre?
(special atmosphere, live music, actors, actresses on the stage, unique performance, first-hand
experience, personal impression, life-size things, social gathering, you can meet friends elegant
Speak about your personal experience at a theatre.

How to spend your freetime?

Compare the following activities:
a) going to the theatre and playing basketball with your friends
b) going out with your friend or watching film alone/or reading a book

1) Invite your friend to the cinema. Discuss which film you would like to watch. (Matura 2 P 122/ex 7)
2) Your friend invited you to the cinema, but do not want to go. Refuse him/her politely. Find at least five
reasons why you can not go with him/her. Ask about the exact starting time, the length of the
performance, the prices, live music.
3) Ask for tickets to the theatre for the Saturday’s performance. You would like to see Shakespeare:
Romeo and Juliet, you need two tickets. Ask about the free seats, you would like to sit around the 10 th
row. Ask about the live music.

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