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Compare and contrast about some pictures. Now you have half a minute to look at
these pictures and the prompts below them. When you are ready, you will have
three minutes to talk.

The pictures below show people doing different jobs, some fire-fighters and a
librarian. Compare and contrast them, including the following points:
 the important qualities for each job
 a typical day in each job
 the disadvantages of each job
 your personal preferences when it comes to these jobs

I think these two pictures show very different people doing very different jobs. A
good fire-fighter I think needs to be brave, because they often find themselves in
dangerous situations where they have to risk their lives. On the other hand, being a
librarian is probably one of the safest jobs in the world: you just sit and deal with books
and people who read books.
I’m not sure there’s such a thing as a typical day for a fire-fighter, I guess it is a
world of difference whether there is an emergency or not. The librarian’s routine,
however, can pretty much be the same, with opening hours or perhaps even lunch break
determined in advance and very few emergencies.
I don’t think I’d like to be a librarian because I might find it boring after a time. I
mean I like reading but I feel that I would like to make a difference in this world, change
something a little bit. Nevertheless, I would never be a good fire-fighter: I think it’s too
tough for a woman. It’s also the kind of job where you have to retire early and I’m not
sure I would know what to do with myself and how to start learning a completely
different trade at the age of 40.

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