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Racism In Othello Thesis Statement

Racism is a prevalent theme in William Shakespeare's tragedy, Othello. The play explores the
destructive effects of racial prejudice on individuals and society as a whole. Through the character
of Othello, a Moorish general in the Venetian army, Shakespeare depicts the consequences of racism
and its ability to manipulate perceptions, fuel jealousy, and ultimately lead to tragic outcomes. This
thesis statement will delve into the complexities of racism as portrayed in Othello, examining how it
influences characters' actions and relationships, and its broader implications for society.

Writing a thesis on the topic of racism in Othello presents unique challenges. It requires a deep
understanding of the play, its historical context, and the nuances of racial dynamics in Shakespearean
literature. Analyzing the portrayal of race in Othello involves navigating complex themes of power,
identity, and otherness, and requires careful interpretation of characters' motives and interactions.

Additionally, crafting a compelling thesis statement demands critical thinking and meticulous
research to support arguments with evidence from the text. Scholars must engage with various
literary theories and scholarly interpretations to develop a nuanced understanding of the play's
treatment of racism.

Given the intricacies involved in writing a thesis on this topic, it is advisable for students and
scholars to seek assistance from professional academic services like ⇒ ⇔. With
experienced writers well-versed in literature and literary analysis, ⇒ ⇔ offers
tailored assistance to support individuals in crafting well-researched and insightful theses on
complex subjects like racism in Othello.

By collaborating with ⇒ ⇔, students can receive personalized guidance, access

relevant resources, and receive constructive feedback to refine their thesis statements and develop
compelling arguments. With expert support, navigating the challenges of writing a thesis on racism in
Othello becomes more manageable, ensuring academic success and a deeper understanding of this
important literary work.

For those embarking on the journey of exploring racism in Othello through their thesis, ⇒ ⇔ is a trusted partner dedicated to providing quality assistance and facilitating
scholarly inquiry into this timeless Shakespearean tragedy.
He refers to their marriage as “a treason of the blood” (1.1.169) and although he says “years, country
and credit” (1.3.97) as factors against the marriage, it is unlikely that if Othello had of been white
and Venetian, Brabantio would react so unkindly, as Othello carried an excellent reputation and high
military rank. With all he has accomplished, he should be able to escape from preconceived notions
of his race. Grading Rubrics. Critical Elements: Distinguished (%) Proficient (85%) Basic (70%)
Below Expectations (50%) Non-Performance (0%). Othello acknowledges the fact that he is
different and realizes his faults. By firstly marrying Desdemona, however he may have loved her,
but he could have easily done this to blend in with the people. But, Othello is not like any other
white man, and their relationship in various ways. Roderigo and Iago are not the only characters to
display racism when referring to Othello; racism is a constant theme throughout the play, spreading
misunderstanding and lies about Othello. Seen as: Barbaric Threatening Dangerous Ape-like.
“Sleeping on the Job”. She brings him up in the most inappropriate times, almost as if on purpose,
such as when she and Othello are arguing. You can also find more Essay Writing articles on events,
persons, sports, technology and many more. In Othello, “black” and “white” are more than just skin
colours, or a mere physical appearance. Shakespeare's Othello is an interesting play that puts the issue
of race at the forefront. One observes this from the way he speaks to the audience and from the
behavior he manifests at this point as he boasts of his carefully designed plans. This event supports
the idea of white purity equals goodness and that other race, such as African-American, represents
darkness and evil. The language shows women’s statuses as mere estates of men. Therefore, after the
Reformation, it represented an antagonistic political and religious force against Protestantism in
England. His anger becomes more prominent; he looses his cool and becomes consumed by rage and
jealousy. He uses the race of Othello to try and turn people against him. It is a never-ending, vicious
cycle and a massive crisis in today’s world. Ali Watkins Dan Casey Nick Whittaker Devon Smiley
Kim Narunsky. As the heroine of this play, Desdemona is presented as a paradoxical character, who
is both an ideal, compliant woman of the Elizabethan time, and a woman of authority and
assertiveness. Shakespeare's play, Othello, mirrors the racism which was prevalent in the setting, the
individual characters of the play, the development of the play and its historical references to the
period. Discuss the representation of religious and racial differences in 'Othello'. Major Characters
Othello Desdemona Iago Michael Cassio. And the fact that people didn’t like a black man being in
such high power.The actors playing the characters do a good job of depicting the tensions between
different races and sex. Othello's color and race is highly different from the Venetian characters
surrounding him. The ease at which Iago was able to trick Othello was frightening. This is may be
true for many other Shakespearean plays as well, but Othello was exceptionally popular at its time of
origin and is not less so today. Nelson changes Othello’s name to Odin and the main focus to his race
and skin color rather than outside ethnicity. We use cookies to create the best experience for you.
Both directors attempted to grab the attention of an audience comprised of different people and
what was going on in society during the time of production. Clint Smith Twitterissa If You Wanted A
Thesis Statement In case you are not aware of thesis statement that you can use the following section
provides more than 15 examples of thesis statement to give you an overview of how your thesis
should be. Therefore, he is the only black man who plays an important role in the Venetian society. A
quote that shows him being a murderer is when the stage directions say “Iago stabs Emilia from
behind and exit”, showing him being responsible for more tragedy than any other character. So he
believes that Iago always tells the truth, as that’s what Iago wants him to believe. According to
sociologists Michael Omi and Howard Winant, “Racial categories and the meaning of race are given
concrete expression by the specific social relations and historical context in which they are
embedded.”. He accuses Othello, calling out, “O thou foul thief, where hast thou stowed my
daughter. Children's Hospital at Vanderbilt Vanderbilt University Research For Patients and Visitors
Resources for Employees and Researchers. Although Othello possesses the highest military rank in
Venice, and is married to a white woman, it is in fact his skin colour that defines him and plays the
pivotal role for Othello’s position in society. Maps of the world were becoming available via
explorers, and more importantly, world trade had. The failure of their marriage is not caused by a
lack of love, or even racial differences, but rather, a society who fails to integrate the outsider. A
quote that shows him being a murderer is when the stage directions say “Iago stabs Emilia from
behind and exit”, showing him being responsible for more tragedy than. We cannot all be masters,
nor all masters Cannot be truly followed. The play exploits this reason to isolate othello further into
his tragedy. A second-class citizen, holding no real power of the time. Narrow-minded thoughts like
racism should have extinguished with the increase in educated people and the intermixing of various
races. Long Essay on Racism 500 Words in English Long Essay on Racism is usually given to classes
7, 8, 9, and 10. A three month long com missioned resear project, ppressed people deal with the
parents. In 1558, Queen Elizabeth I becomes Queen of England. In marrying Othello she also went
against her father’s wishes and deceived him, “she has deceiv’d her father and may thee” and if
she’s willing to deceive her own father then it allows you to accept that she could deceive others too.
This shows how Othello’s race was seen as something not desirable. He learns of his daughter’s
marriage to Othello from Iago, who plants “the seeds of doubt” by inciting several prejudices in him.
On the contrary, Nelson tried to appeal to a younger crowd. Parker attempted to make the adaptation
of Othello more of a movie while still keeping all the important details. However, the island
symbolizes the farthest fortress of the Christian world. But extremist women's rightist political
orientation rapidly became dominant. Othello is a romantic man who has won the heart of
Desdemona, the senator’s daughter, with his stories of battles. While Othello is a moralist, against
adultery and passionately in love with Desdemona; Iago is immoral, cynical and a pathological liar.
Blessed pudding! Didst thou not see her paddle with the palm of his hand. The marked degrees of
difference between Venetians and Turks, Europeans and Moors, Christians and Muslims are shown
in the play.
Instead of trying to talk, he just lashes out and doesn’t let anyone explain what’s happening, he
shows this quality when he learns that Desdemona is supposedly cheating on him he just lashes out
and “he strikes her”, as the stage direction says. We use cookies to create the best experience for you.
Shakespeare wrote this play for English audiences in the early seventeenth century and this play
reflected and responded to problems, situations, and problems of the period. It is probable that a
young Venetian lady would tire or her old, “out-dated” husband, and turn to the new, handsome and
young lieutenant. Racist feedback had been produced by many of the heroes like Iago, Brabantio,
Roderigo, and Emilia. After witnessing this they go to the residence of Brabantio. This shows how
much he lets his emotions take over him and make him do things and think things that aren’t rational,
this also shows how he could be to blame as if he didn’t act so rashly then he could of found out the
truth and not caused so much pain and death. According to sociologists Michael Omi and Howard
Winant, “Racial categories and the meaning of race are given concrete expression by the specific
social relations and historical context in which they are embedded.”. Cyprus is the last stronghold
guarding it from the Ottoman Empire to which Turkey belonged. Answer: Racism is the barrier
between the modernization of our society. Oddly, unlike Desdemona and Othello, the similarities
between Desdemona make for a more probable couple. To be more precise, he is killing that self who
is the other, the Turk or the Moor, as an act of Venetian patriotism. (168)Works CitedShakespeare,
William. But, racism is so deep-seated in our consciousness and subconsciousness that we have long
bowed down to such infuriating ideals. He is shown as a hero, a victim and a perpetrator at the same
time, and it is probable that the audience hoped for Othello to realize Iago was deceiving him before
it was too late. The complex and shifting attitudes of English people in the sixteenth and early
seventeenth centuries towards the other nations, races, and religions make up a rich context from
which to approach this Shakespearean tragedy. He mocks their coupling, by again comparing them to
animals. To him, the pair seems completely inappropriate and unnatural. Each city-state had its own
separate finances, government and its own administration. Society rejects the marriage of Othello
and Desdemona, sees it as an act “against all rules of nature”(act 1.3, line 102). Society has no real
reason to reject the marriage of Othello and Desdemona. She explains that she would surely cuckold
her husband if it would make him king of the world. He confesses to Roderigo “I have told thee
often and I tell thee again and again, I hate moor: my cause is Because of this, Iago begins to plan
ways on how he can bring both Casio and othello to their downfall. It is doubtful Shakespeare did
this to be malevolent; it is far more likely that it was written in character. However, it was also known
for the decadence of its pleasures, particularly its sexual liberties. That is why there is a clear theme
of racism throughout the play. In Othello, “black” and “white” are more than just skin colours, or a
mere physical appearance. The audience at the time was mixed; men and women from varying social
backgrounds attended the plays. Mini- Lesson. Othello. To seek revenge, or not to seek revenge. It
may be subtle in the western world, differences in pay, attitudes toward women and their choices, etc
or dictated by religion and seemingly old fashioned and extreme, but overall attitudes have changed
since the days of Shakespeare. These reasons could’ve also brought the race into it. Mini- Lesson.
Othello. To seek revenge, or not to seek revenge.
Clint Smith Twitterissa If You Wanted A Thesis Statement In case you are not aware of thesis
statement that you can use the following section provides more than 15 examples of thesis statement
to give you an overview of how your thesis should be. The play starts out with Iago and Roderigo
witnessing the marriage of Othello and Desdemona. A mixture of curiosity and morose or odious
fascination to see how it would be performed, and who would triumph overall. Although many
stereotypes existed for different cultures, the colour of your skin could almost define you as a
different, inferior species entirely. Racism is so deep-seated in our culture that we think it to be the
norm. Olivier's othello: A Racially Charged Performance othello has a very controversial cinematic
history. In a sense, the responses of English audiences were also influenced by their own sense of
identity as a nation. And the fact that people didn’t like a black man being in such high power.The
actors playing the characters do a good job of depicting the tensions between different races and sex.
He uses people's goodness, integrity, and ignorance to get what he wants. For here nature steps in
and forbids its achievement. Cyprus is the last stronghold guarding it from the Ottoman Empire to
which Turkey belonged. Act 1 of othello shows Venice as an organized and just society. Venetian
women were perceived to be very deceptive. In Othello, a former slave rises to a position of power
and respect. Othello tells the audience later, “Her father loved me, oft invited me”(act 1.3, line 128).
All it took to change that was a few crude words from Iago to make a respected figure turn against a
close friend of equal stature simply because of skin color. This shows this director wanted keep the
true to its origin but with a little small spin on the plot. The antithesis of “black” and “white” instilled
within emphasizes the racial discrimination and gap between different ethnic groups at the
Elizabethan time, when white people don’t admit black (African) people as part of their Christian
society. Get an answer for what is a good thesis statement on racism for to kill a mockingbird. His
true deceptive intentions are conveyed patently when he states that “I follow him (Othello) to serve
my turn upon him. Othello believes that he has done enough for Venice and that everyone has
respect for him. Firstly, he seems angry due to Desdemona’s disobedience towards him; however, his
anger comes from the fact the marriage is unnatural, because of Othello’s skin colour. When he is
with the other Venetians he is polite and sociable. To him, the pair seems completely inappropriate
and unnatural. He is a Moor and he shared this color and race with the Turks. Once there, Iago and
Roderigo tell Brabantio of the marriage by using racist language to appeal to the senator’s traditional
beliefs. Essentially, this law provided the foundation, with its peaks of economic restructuring itself:
Its origins and impact in more transformative pedagogy, which is not scien- tific. As Othello is a
black man in a white society and is a soldier, Iago is thought to have betrayed hi own friend due to
the racial views he has on black people. To be more precise, he is killing that self who is the other, the
Turk or the Moor, as an act of Venetian patriotism. (168)Works CitedShakespeare, William.
Therefore, as a contradictory female character in this play, Desdemona appears both as an
autonomous and wise daughter to Brabantio as well as a passive stereotypical meek wife to Othello.
Shakespeare portrays a woman who refuses to accept t.
His fall into jealousy could be seen as much more of a basic human flaw than conformity to a
stereotype. So he believes that Iago always tells the truth, as that’s what Iago wants him to believe.
No one can choose to be black, white, dark, fair, or anything in particular. Shakespeare composed
Othello after James's ascent to the throne at a time when political relations had increased England's
interest in Venice. Suitable examples include the closing statements in a lawyers argument or even an
advertisement. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies.
Whilst the two states had their common differences, they were both, for the most part, very much
alike. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. From 1500 to
1900 approximately 12 million slaves were forced from their homes to go westward. This reveals
Emilia to be the most Machiavellian character, even more so than Iago who is driven by blind
revenge not a desire for power. For example, personal impetuses will be intricately connected section
of the cause-and- impact chain of deeds producing fear and pity in the audience. Everything Iago
says to present himself is a false show. He also thinks that he can buy Desdemona’s affections with
any amount of money that he owns, “put money in thy purse.”, even though she is a married woman.
Furthermore, in the beginning of the play, when Othello first enters the scene, he defies all racial
stereotypes that were labelled upon him by Iago or the general society. Unleashing the Power of AI
Tools for Enhancing Research, International FDP on. His true deceptive intentions are conveyed
patently when he states that “I follow him (Othello) to serve my turn upon him. Why do you think
that they can imagine and reflect on their circumstances and events that are expressed, passed on to
explore in particular industries and industrial revolutions ushered in discovery, innovation, change
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transformative design as important, put the available designs of meaning. It also showcases
contemporary refinement, wealth, and economic power. On the other hand, there were scenes that
were removed and scenes that were added that were not in the original play. King James the I gave
the Venetians a royal welcome. For example if Emilia hadn’t of stole the hankie and gave it to
Othello, then he wouldn’t have had so much to believe that she was cheating on him. Othello is an
example of a noble black man at a time when black men and woman were not known except as
slaves. When he is with the other Venetians he is polite and sociable. Othello is the victim of some
racial discrimination although, overall, the play is not a racial hate statement. Teachers schools. In
william shakespeare s othello racism is certainly featured throughout the play. Electrical Engineering.
Overview. Rsums and Cover Letters. Something that is unheard and looked down upon in the time
period of the play. Othello, for example, tries to keep his and Desdemona’s sexuality down, while
Desdemona is overt and frank about her sexual desire for Othello. This event supports the idea of
white purity equals goodness and that other race, such as African-American, represents darkness and
evil. Once the peace is disrupted, Iago moves directly to Othello.

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