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Soil & Tillage Research 127 (2013) 34–44

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Using a morphological approach to evaluate the effect of traffic and weather

conditions on the structure of a loamy soil in reduced tillage
Hubert Boizard a,*, Sung Won Yoon b, Joel Leonard c, Sylvain Lheureux a, Isabelle Cousin b,
Jean Roger-Estrade d, Guy Richard b
INRA, US1158 Agro-Impact, Estrées-Mons, BP 50136, F-80203 Péronne, France
INRA, UR272 Unité de Science du Sol, Ardon, BP 20619, F-45166 Olivet Cedex, France
INRA, US1158 Agro-Impact, Pôle du Griffon, 180 rue Pierre-Gilles de Gennes, 02000 Barenton-Bugny, France
AgriParisTech, Département SIAFEE, Bâtiment EGER, BP 01, 78850 Thiverval-Grignon, France


Article history: A morphological approach and soil porosity have been used to evaluate the effect of compaction and
Received 8 November 2011 climate on the soil structure of a loamy soil in a reduced tillage system. The study was carried out
Received in revised form 25 April 2012 between 2000 and 2006 as part of the long-term ‘‘cropping systems and soil structure’’ experiment
Accepted 27 April 2012
conducted in Estrées-Mons in northern France. Soil hydraulic, mechanical and pore morphological
properties were also measured to characterise the effects on soil structure dynamics. A complementary
Keywords: characterisation of the soil structure was conducted on a microscale.
Soil structure assessment
The method for morphological description of the soil macrostructure was well suited to studying soil
Reduced tillage
Soil compaction
structure dynamics in reduced tillage systems. Results showed that the soil structure in the layer
Platy soil structure without tillage depended in the first instance on compaction intensity. Structural porosity was partly
Soil cracks preserved in the cropping system with little compaction. In contrast just one operation, such as the
Soil structure harvest of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.), was sufficient to reduce structural porosity for 5 years even
though no further compaction occurred during this period. Morphological analysis revealed the
evolution of highly compacted zones under the effects of weather conditions. Platy soil structures were
systematically observed in the upper part of the highly compacted zones under the tilled layers, with
cracking slowly penetrating deeper into the soil with time. The structure types observed corresponded to
specific soil properties resulting from the transformation of the soil structure over time. A micro-
morphological assessment was performed to get detailed information about the network of cracks. The
morphological characterisation showed that a visual morphological approach was insufficient for
revealing the entire network of cracks.
ß 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction However, whilst many studies have focused on the origins

behind compaction and its effects (Ball et al., 1997; Smatana et al.,
The soil structure of the tilled layer of cultivated fields shows 2010), few have dealt with structure regeneration by natural
spatio-temporal heterogeneity due to anthropogenic (i.e. tillage agents such as soil biota, roots and climate, although these
and compaction) as well as natural processes (i.e. climate, root processes are considered essential in reduced tillage (Utomo and
growth and fauna activity). These processes alter the spatial Dexter, 1982; Oades, 1993; Taboada et al., 2004). Weather
arrangement, size and shape of soil aggregates as well as the inter- conditions in particular – through drying–wetting and freezing–
or intra-aggregate pore system (Dexter, 1988). Soil compaction is a thawing cycles – have a marked influence on the formation of soil
major process. It can significantly alter the physical, chemical and cracks of various kinds and consequently on the physical and
biological properties of soil (Oades, 1993; Hakansson et al., 1995), hydraulic properties of the soil (Hussein and Adey, 1998; Rajaram
with negative environmental impacts such as increasing nitrous and Erbach, 1999). The development of horizontal cracks near the
oxide gas emissions (Soane et al., 1995; Ball et al., 1999; Bessou soil surface has often been observed during the transition to
et al., 2010) or leading to runoff and downslope erosion (Batey, reduced tillage. Alvarez and Steinbach (2009) and Sasal et al.
2009). (2006) observed for example a platy structure in the soil in most
situations in the Argentinean Pampas in no-tillage systems, and
near-surface soil layers in no till for 4 and 6 years also exhibited
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +33 3 22 85 75 12.
this kind of structure in the study by VandenBygaart et al. (1999).
E-mail address: (H. Boizard). Stengel et al. (1984) studied cracking in swelling clay soils

0167-1987/$ – see front matter ß 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
H. Boizard et al. / Soil & Tillage Research 127 (2013) 34–44 35

(11%, 30% and 53% of clay) in field conditions and showed that the (Triticum aestivum) were sown using a combined rotary harrow
network of cracks is denser when the clay content is high in a and disc drill. The mean depth of stubble tillage and seed bed
reduced tillage system. preparation was 6 cm, varying between 4 and 8 cm.
However, beyond punctual characterisations, it remains diffi- We calculated a compaction index (CI) to characterise the
cult to evaluate the dynamics of changes in soil structure over time. compaction intensity caused by each cultivation operation (Table
Boizard et al. (2002) used a morphological approach proposed by 1). The index was described in Boizard et al. (2002) and
Manichon (1987) called ‘‘profil cultural’’. This method allowed to corresponds to an expected proportion of severely compacted
evaluate the cumulative effects of cropping systems on the zones (D) created under wheel tracks in the 0–30 cm layer of the
structure of the ploughed layer under different plough tillage plot for each operation. The areas of D zones under wheel tracks is
systems. The change of soil structure over time was evaluated by a estimated from an empirical relationship (Roger-Estrade et al.,
field visual assessment indicator referring to the proportion of 2000) between the relative area of D zone created during traffic
compacted clods (called D) in the tilled layer. This indicator and the soil water content at the time of traffic; the compaction
provided a more detailed description of changes in the soil index is calculated for each field operation as the ratio of the areas
structure over time than the mean soil bulk density. The main of D zones created by the two main wheels of each equipment used
advantage of this method is that it takes into account the spatial relative to the total area of 0–30 cm layer. In plot 8 (named LC for
variations in soil structure caused by tillage, wheeling and weather low compaction), the risk of compaction was low and the
conditions. However since its development in plough tillage compaction index (CI) was close to zero except in 2000 and
systems in 1982, its applicability to describe the evolution of soil 2001. In contrast, the compaction risk was high in plots 9 and 12,
structure accurately in situations with reduced tillage remains to with the late harvesting of sugar beet and maize in the autumn
be seen. during wet periods of the year. But the CI differed between plots 9
The objective of this paper is to evaluate (i) the effect of and 12. The scheduling of cultivation operations led to variable soil
compaction and weather conditions on the soil structure of a moisture conditions during harvesting. High compaction occurred
loamy soil in reduced tillage and (ii) the ability of the in plot 9 (named HC for high compaction) only once in late autumn
morphological approach to describe properly the changes in the 2001 during sugar beet harvesting, whilst repeated compaction
soil structure over time. The study was conducted between 2000 events occurred in plot 12 (named RC for repeated compaction).
and 2006 as part of the long-term ‘‘cropping systems and soil These differences allowed comparisons to be made between a
structure’’ experiment in loamy soil in northern France. We have situation without severe compaction, a situation with severe
confined this paper to the effect of compaction and weather compaction but only at the beginning of the period studied, and a
conditions, excluding the effect of earthworms, other soil fauna situation with severe compaction on several occasions during the
and roots. period studied.

2. Materials and methods 2.2. Weather conditions

2.1. Site description and experimental design The average atmospheric temperature between 1999 and 2006
was 11.1 8C and the average annual rainfall was 713 mm. Table 2
The site is located in northern France, at Estrées-Mons (508N shows rainfall amounts and mean temperatures by season. The
latitude, 38E longitude, 85 m elevation). The soil is an Orthic first years of the experiment were rather humid, with annual
Luvisol (FAO classification). The 0–30 cm horizon has a silt loam rainfall between 810 mm and 936 mm in 1999–2002, whilst the
texture (19% clay, 76% silt, 5% sand and 1.7% organic carbon) and a 2003–2005 period was quite dry (490 mm, 569 mm and 578 mm
pH of 7.6. The gravimetric soil water contents (SWC) measured at in 2003, 2004 and 2005 respectively). So the annual climatic deficit
10, 32, 50, 100 and 1500 kPa were 0.253, 0.229, 0.208, evaluated as the differences between rainfall and potential
0.175 and 0.084 g g1 respectively. Water content at field capacity, evapotranspiration (ETP) was higher from 2003 to 2005. The total
measured in the field 2–3 days after excess water had drained number of days on which the air temperature was below 0 8C
away during the winter season (Hillel, 1971), was 0.24 g g1. The varied between 10 days during the winter of 2002–2003 and 23
Atterberg plastic and liquid limits were 0.29 and 0.23 g g1 days during the winter of 2003–2004.
respectively. The coefficient of linear extensibility (COLE, Gray and
Allbrook, 2002) ranged between 0.06 and 0.07, indicating a 2.3. Characterisation of the soil structure
moderate to high shrinking potential.
The experiment was conducted as part of the long-term 2.3.1. Morphological characterisation of the field soil structure on a
‘‘cropping systems and soil structure’’ field experiment (Boizard macro-scale
et al., 2002). Three cropping systems were compared between Dry bulk density was measured after each sowing in the
1999 and 2008 with a wide range of soil compaction intensities, unwheeled zones using a gamma ray transmission probe (10
depending on crop rotation and decision-making rules. In 1999, a replicates per plot) at a depth of 0.125 m, 0.175 m and 0.225 m
new treatment with superficial tillage at a depth of only 6 cm was from the soil surface (probe with two tubes placed 0.30 m apart).
introduced into the experiment in order to compare the effects of Total porosity estimated from the bulk density was divided into the
annual ploughing and reduced tillage on soil structure evolution. textural and structural pore space.
In 2006 we selected three plots with reduced tillage (plot The structural void ratio (eS) was calculated from field bulk
numbers 8, 9 and 12) to study the effects of compaction and density ra and textural soil density rt, both measured at the same
weather conditions on the evolution of soil structure and physical water content, as:
properties of the 6–30 cm layer without tillage. The soil textures
rs rs
were very similar between the plots 8, 9 and 12 (19.9, 19.1 and eS ¼  ; (1)
ra rt
18.7% clay respectively). The crops and main characteristics of the
cultural operations of the three plots are described in Table 1. with rs being the particle density.
Seedbed preparation was performed with a light disc harrow. The textural soil density was measured as a function of soil
Maize (Zea mays L.) and sugar beet were sown using a precision water content using 2–3 mm aggregates as described by Monnier
drill. Pea (Pisum sativum L.), flax (Linum Usitatissimum) and wheat et al. (1973). The initially saturated aggregates were gradually
Table 1
Cultural operations from 1999 to 2006.

Plot 8 with a low risk compaction (LC) Plot 9 with a high risk compaction (HC) Plot 12 with a repeated risk compaction (RC)

Operation Crop Date SWCa CIb Crop Date SWC CI Crop Date SWC CI

Sowing W. wheat 12/10/1999 25.0 0.17 Sowing W. wheat 29/10/1999 23.5 0.04 Sowing W. wheat 15/11/1999 21.1 0.00
Harvesting W. wheat 13/08/2000 20.9 0.19 Harvesting W. wheat 13/08/2000 21.5 0.21 Harvesting W. wheat 13/08/2000 20.5 0.16
Stubble discing 25/09/2000 14.6 0.00 Stubble discing 25/09/2000 15.3 0.00 Stubble discing 25/09/2000 15.8 0.00

H. Boizard et al. / Soil & Tillage Research 127 (2013) 34–44

Sowing Pea 23/04/2001 24.3 0.10 Preparation S. beet 02/04/2001 23.5 0.04 Preparation Maize 23/04/2001 23.7 0.05
Harvesting Pea 13/08/2001 16.7 0.02 Sowing S. beet 02/04/2001 23.5 0.03 Sowing Maize 23/04/2001 23.7 0.15
Sowing W. wheat 09/10/2001 22.1 0.00 Harvesting S. beet 15/11/2001 22.8 0.67 Harvesting Maize 15/10/2001 20.9 0.22
Harvesting W. wheat 01/08/2002 13.2 0.00 Sowing W. wheat 15/11/2001 22.8 0.01 Chopping Maize 17/10/2001 20.9 0.10
Preparation Flax 17/03/2003 22.8 0.00 Harvesting W. wheat 14/08/2002 17.2 0.15 Sowing W. wheat 17/10/2001 21.8 0.00
Sowing Flax 17/03/2003 22.8 0.02 Preparation Maize 01/04/2003 20.0 0.00 Harvesting W. wheat 01/08/2002 15.9 0.01
Harvesting Flax 07/08/2003 7.6 0.00 Sowing Maize 01/04/2003 20.0 0.03 Preparation S. beet 13/03/2003 22.8 0.00
Stubble discing 25/09/2003 10.7 0.00 Harvesting Maize 01/10/2003 9.2 0.00 Sowing S. beet 13/03/2003 22.8 0.08
Sowing W. wheat 13/10/2003 12.9 0.00 Chopping Maize 13/10/2003 15.4 0.00 Harvesting S. beet 19/11/2003 19.0 0.20
Harvesting W. wheat 03/08/2004 13.6 0.00 Stubble discing 13/10/2003 15.4 0.00 Sowing W. wheat 19/11/2003 14.9 0.00
Stubble discing 03/09/2004 22.3 0.00 Sowing W. wheat 13/10/2003 15.4 0.00 Harvesting W. wheat 03/08/2004 11.7 0.00
Preparation Pea 21/03/2005 21.9 0.00 Harvesting W. wheat 03/08/2004 13.5 0.00 Stubble discing 03/09/2004 20.5 0.00
Sowing Pea 21/03/2005 21.9 0.00 Stubble discing 03/09/2004 22.1 0.00 Preparation Maize 04/04/2005 21.5 0.00
Harvesting Pea 22/07/2005 17.2 0.03 Preparation S. beet 16/03/2005 23.0 0.03 Sowing Maize 04/04/2005 21.5 0.06
Stubble discing 01/09/2005 19.3 0.00 Sowing S. beet 16/03/2005 23.0 0.05 Harvesting Maize 26/10/2005 22.5 0.31
Sowing W. wheat 11/10/2005 18.9 0.00 Harvesting S. beet 08/11/2005 16.0 0.02 Chopping Maize 27/10/2005 22.5 0.20
Harvesting W. wheat 28/07/2006 11.4 0.00 Preparation 08/11/2005 16.0 0.00 Sowing W. wheat 27/10/2005 22.5 0.06
Sowing W. wheat 08/11/2005 16.0 0.00 Harvesting W. wheat 28/07/2006 10.6 0.00
Harvesting W. wheat 28/07/2006 10.4 0.00
SWC, gravimetric soil water content (g g1) of the 0–30 cm layer at the time of compaction.
IC, compaction index is the ratio of the volume of the D structure created at each operation to the total volume of the 0–30 cm layer of the plot.
H. Boizard et al. / Soil & Tillage Research 127 (2013) 34–44 37

Table 2
Summary of climate data from 1999 to 2006.

Years 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Avg. temp. (8C)

First quarter 5.5 5.5 5.4 6.2 4.6 12.9 4.5 2.9
Second quarter 13.3 13.4 12.5 12.9 14.0 12.5 13.5 12.9
Third quarter 18.4 16.6 16.8 16.7 18.3 17.6 17.3 19.1
Fourth quarter 6.8 8.1 7.5 8.1 6.7 7.0 7.7 9.1

Annual 11.0 10.9 10.5 11.0 10.9 12.5 10.7 11.0

Precipitation (mm)
First quarter 157 132 282 204 136 132 99 144
Second quarter 187 157 198 118 156 100 152 178
Third quarter 233 219 229 168 90 218 213 231
Fourth quarter 254 302 228 308 108 120 114 144

Annual 830 810 936 797 490 569 578 696

P – ETP from April to October (mm)

222 108 114 185 367 290 239 181

Number of days with

No rain 94 194 214 213 243 221 222 55
Temp. <0 8C 14 12 16 21 10 23 25 4

dried to zero water content and 2–3 g samples were regularly precision of the measurement of the percentage of D, P and F
taken to determine dry mass and volume. The volume of the areas.
aggregates was measured for each water content in kerosene using
Archimedes’ principle. The textural soil density at given water 2.3.2. Laboratory characterisation of field soil structure on a micro-
content was then obtained from the ratio of the dry mass of the scale
sample to its volume at that water content. The particle density rs To examine more precisely the effects of climate on the soil pore
was determined using a pycnometer (Blake, 1965). system on a micro-scale, an undisturbed soil cylinder (diameter:
A morphological description of the 0–30 cm layer was carried 18 cm; height: 10 cm) was collected in the first 30 cm under the
out every year, after each sowing date, from a randomly located seedbed in the three experimental treatments. Sampling was
3 m wide soil profile perpendicular to the tillage and wheeling conducted in the spring of 2005, just after the sowing of each crop,
directions. Identification of the tilled layer in reduced tillage on the same date as the soil profiles described. The main axis of
treatments LC, HC and RC was possible because the plots were these cylinders was horizontal. After air drying, the cylinders were
ploughed until 1999, and 7 years after ploughing had ceased, the impregnated with a polyester resin containing fluorescence dye
lower limit of the ploughed horizon was still visible. The tilled layer which is reactive with ultraviolet light, allowing the porous
was approximately 30 cm in all situations. We used the ‘‘profil network and solid phase to be distinguished easily. The
cultural’’ method proposed by Manichon (1987) and presented in impregnated cylinders were then cut into nine 2 cm-thick slices.
detail in Boizard et al. (2002) to map soil structure variations in this The two sides of each slice were photographed under UV
tilled layer. The different structure types were identified by illumination using a Nikon Coolpix digital camera. The photo-
exerting lateral pressure with a knife. The highly compacted zones graphs were taken with the 8–20 mm zoom fully deployed and in
containing specific features (no visible macropores, a massive macro mode. A detailed picture (5.5 cm wide and 4 cm high) was
structure and a smooth breaking surface) were delimited in slight taken from each cylinder to be scanned at 8–12 cm and 18–22 cm
relief on the observation face. Four structure types were identified. depth. Finally, each image was 2048 by 1536 pixels.
The D structure is characterised by a massive structure and no Image analysis was performed using Optimas 6.5 software
visible structural porosity. The D structure is related to severe (Media Cybernetics, 1999). A thresholding procedure enabled the
compaction events. D zones of soil are found under wheel tracks pores and soil matrix to be separated.
when traffic in wet conditions has severely compacted the soil, The area (mm2), perimeter (mm) and index of circularity
destroying the structural porosity. D clods are produced when (perimeter/area) were determined for each pore. Cracks were
these zones are fragmented by ploughing or shallow tillage. identified as pores with a perimeter greater than 0.72 mm, an
Weathering can also alter the D structure: due to wetting–drying index of circularity greater than 50 and a main axis length greater
or freezing–thawing cycles, cracks gradually appear in D clods and than 2 mm. We calculated the surface density of the cracks and
zones. When such cracks are observed, the structure is classified as also arranged them into six classes according to their orientation
F in the original method. Since a specific platy soil structure was from the horizontal axis: 0–308, 30–608, 60–908, 120–1508 and
often observed at the bottom of the seed bed during our study, we 150–1808.
distinguished this platy soil structure which we called P from the
remaining F structure. In contrast to the D structure, soil zones 2.4. Mechanical and hydraulic properties
showing visible aggregates with a high level of intra- and inter-
aggregate porosity (whose origin is not weathering) are classified Three soil hydraulic and mechanical properties – infiltration
as G. rate, shear strength and penetration resistance – were measured
The proportion of areas with D, P and F structures was for each structure type (G, D, F, P) by taking morphologically
calculated as the ratio of the area of the structure to the total area of uniform soil volumes in the three plots. The physical properties of
the tilled layer under the seedbed. The variations in these variables the G structure type were also measured in a plot of ploughed
were investigated by analysing nine profiles in a plot in 1994. The tillage treatment (plot 17 named MP) to compare the G structure
mean was 28%, the standard deviation 6% and the coefficient of type in conventional and reduced tillage. Measurements were
variation 22%. This last value was used as an estimate of the performed following the morphological characterisation of the
38 H. Boizard et al. / Soil & Tillage Research 127 (2013) 34–44

field soil structure in the same pit in the following five situations macropores on infiltration. The flux obtained is different and
(12 replicates for penetration resistance, and 8 replicates for shear higher than the soil saturated hydraulic conductivity because of
strength and infiltration rate). A visual examination of the samples the three-dimensional nature of the flow (Reynolds and Elrick,
was performed carefully to avoid the presence of earthworm 1990). Although saturated conductivity may be derived from such
channels, so that only the effect of climate was being analysed: an experiment, it was not judged necessary here given that initial
soil water content was fairly constant, thus allowing comparisons
– G soil structure for LC treatment (LC-G); to be made. Steady state infiltration rates were log-transformed
– G soil structure for MP treatment (conventional tillage, for before testing for differences between the different situations.
comparison, MP-G);
– P soil structure in the 6–20 cm depth zone of HC treatment (HC- 3. Results
– D soil structure in the 20–30 cm depth zone of HC treatment 3.1. Change in soil porosity over time
(HC-D); and
– D soil structure in the 20–30 cm depth zone of RC treatment ANOVA results give the F-ratio as significant at a probability of
(RC-D). 0.01 for plot, year and plot  year. The mean structural void ratio
(eS) at 8–25 cm depth observed during the whole period (2000–
The last two situations were chosen because it was assumed 2006) was 0.20, 0.13 and 0.13 respectively for LC, HC and RC.
that the age of creation of the D zones (2001 in HC and 2005 in RC) Though the variation of eS was high in 2000, eS ranged between
was likely to alter soil properties. The gravimetric water content 0.18 and 0.21 in 2001. In 2002, eS dramatically decreased to 0.09
before measurement varied between 0.18 and 0.19 g g1 and the for HC and RC. This decrease could be caused by high soil water
soil water content at saturation between 0.27 and 0.28 g g1. content during sowing in spring and harvesting in late autumn
The penetration resistance was measured in situ using a 2001, leading to severe compaction (Table 1). In both HC and RC,
specially designed needle penetrometer 1.96 mm in diameter. The the void ratio remained low, slightly above 0.10 from 2003 to 2006
needle was driven by a motor with a constant vertical velocity of (Fig. 1), and the observed variations were not significant. It is
10.2 mm min1. The applied strength was measured continuously pointed out that the eS remained low in HC since the cultural
using an electronic sensor and the ratio of the maximum strength operations were performed in dry conditions from 2003 to 2005.
value at the time of soil failure to the soil contact area defined the In 2002, the void ratio in LC also decreased, but to a lesser extent
penetration resistance. The gravimetric soil water content was than HC and RC: eS was 0.135 with a great difference between the
recorded at each measurement location and varied little between depth of 0.125 m (eS = 0.10) and 0.225 m (eS = 0.17). The decrease
0.18 and 0.20 g g1 for the different treatments. could be caused by high soil water content during sowing in 2001
Shear strength was measured both at field moisture and under (Table 1) which is likely to create compaction at the soil surface.
close to saturation conditions using a shear vane 19 mm in From 2003 to 2006, eS was significantly higher in LC than in HC and
diameter and 3.5 mm high. The small area of measurement RC (Fig. 1). In LC the compaction was low due to the fact that the
allowed sampling zones of uniform structure. After insertion into crops were always harvested in the summer, during a period of the
the soil, a torque was applied and continuously measured using an year which is generally dry in this area. For comparison, the void
electronic sensor and the maximum torque value at the time of soil ratio of the control treatment MP, which had the same crop
failure was used to calculate shear strength knowing the vane sequence as LC, was 0.37 due to loosening and fragmentation
geometry. induced by yearly plough.
A simple indicator of vertical water transfer capacity was
obtained from the measurement of the infiltration rate in a 5 cm 3.2. Changes in soil structure over time: assessment by visual
diameter cylinder and under a 2 cm hydraulic head until a examination
permanent infiltration regime was obtained. The small measure-
ment area allowed sampling zones of uniform structure and Fig. 2 shows changes in the proportion of D, F and P areas over
avoided undesired effects, such as the influence of earthworm time in the first 30 cm of soil under the seedbed. The proportion of

Structural void rao (m3 m-3)


0.2 LC

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Fig. 1. Change in the structural void ratio at a depth of 8–25 cm over time. Structural void ratio was measured after each sowing in the unwheeled zones (10 replicates per
plot). The measured values are plotted with a confidence interval corresponding to one standard deviation.
H. Boizard et al. / Soil & Tillage Research 127 (2013) 34–44 39

Fig. 2. Change in the proportion of D, F and P areas over time measured after
sowing (m2 m2). The proportion of D, F and P areas were calculated in the first
30 cm of soil under the seedbed. The measured values are plotted with a confidence
interval corresponding to one standard deviation.

D areas was higher in HC and RC than in LC. In LC, pea sowing in

2001 was performed in wet conditions and the compaction index
(CI) was 0.10 with SWC at 24.3%, close to field capacity (Table 1).
Compacted volumes under wheel tracks were visually observed
after pea sowing, mainly at the top of the 0–30 cm layer of soil. In
the following years, a decrease in the proportion of these D areas Fig. 3. (a) Photographs of the cultural profiles in 2006. (b) Photograph of a soil
was observed. A photograph of LC in 2006 showed that the G volume with a platy structure (P-structure type) located at the top of a D zone.
structure type was dominant (Fig. 3a).
In HC the proportion of D areas greatly increased in 2002 due to In RC, the initial proportion of D and F areas is high (73%) and
high soil water content during sugar beet harvesting in late remains between 50% and 70%. The decrease in the proportion of D
autumn 2001 and CI was 0.67. Little compaction occurred between areas was counteracted by the compaction events in 2001 during
2003 and 2006 and the proportion of D areas slowly decreased maize harvesting (CI = 0.16), 2003 during sugar beet harvesting
from 60% to 40%. An inverse trend was observed for the platy (CI = 0.20) and 2005 during maize harvesting (CI = 0.31). A platy
structure, which was systematically observed from 2003 onwards, soil structure developed between 2003 and 2005 and disappeared
with the proportion of P zones reaching a maximum of 23% in 2006. in 2006 (Figs. 3a and 4).
The P structure types were observed systematically at the top of
the compacted volumes (D structure types) with a dense network 3.3. Morphological characterisation of cracks using image analysis
of horizontally oriented large cracks (Fig. 3a and b). The upper part
of the compacted volumes in the soil is gradually replaced in HC by Fig. 5 contains pictures which are representative of the soil
soil volumes exhibiting a platy structure (Fig. 4). structure for each plot. In LC, the porosity was lower at 8–15 cm
40 H. Boizard et al. / Soil & Tillage Research 127 (2013) 34–44

Fig. 4. Changes in thickness and location in the profile of the platy soil structure over time.

than at a depth of 20–27 cm, and the pores appeared to be larger 3.4. Consequences on soil mechanical and hydraulic properties
and more connected at depth. In HC and RC, the opposite was
observed: porosity was more developed and more connected at the Shear strength at field water content (0.18–0.19 g g1 soil
top of layer than at the bottom. In HC, large horizontal cracks can depending on the situation) differed significantly between the
easily be identified in the top layer, whereas vertical cracks with a different types of soil structure (p = 0.001). The shear strengths of
lower width can be distinguished at the bottom. HC-D and RC-D samples were higher than those of P-structure
These qualitative observations are confirmed by the results of type, meaning that the formation of the soil platy structure caused
image analysis (Fig. 6). The cracks were more numerous in LC, a decrease in shear strength because of the failures that appeared
which has the higher void ratio, especially at the 20–27 cm depth. in the soil matrix. Measurements showed significant differences in
The much greater porosity at depth is due to surface compaction resistance to penetration, depending on structure types (p = 0.001).
during pea sowing in 2001 which reduced the number of The resistance to penetration was very high in HC and RC in the P
macropores. No preferential orientation can be observed. and D structures due to severe compaction and was significantly
The crack density is significantly higher in HC (1.12 cracks cm2) lower in the G structure (Table 3). An ANOVA performed on the log-
than in RC (0.48 fissure cm2) (Fig. 6). Compaction in RC during transformed value of the infiltration rate showed differences
harvesting in 2005 probably reduced the number of cracks. In HC between structure types (p = 0.037).
there are numerous, mainly horizontally oriented cracks at the 8– Large and significant (p = 0.037) differences in the steady state
15 cm depth, which suggests a pronounced effect of weather infiltration rate were observed between the different situations
conditions only evident after several years without compaction. analysed (Table 3). Values obtained in G zones were significantly
Image analysis on thin sections revealed a platy structure containing higher than in P and D zones, although very variable, which is
both macrocracks visible to the eye and a high density of finer cracks, consistent with the higher porosity. However no significant
not detectable by the field description of the soil structure. At the 20– difference in steady state infiltration rate was observed between
27 cm depth, image analysis also revealed that many of the cracks the P soil structure and D soil structure despite differences in
observed in the lower part of the samples were oriented vertically. porosity. The preferential horizontal orientation of cracks in the
H. Boizard et al. / Soil & Tillage Research 127 (2013) 34–44 41

Fig. 5. Image analysis of thin vertical sections: image is 5.5 cm wide and 4 cm high. The white zones correspond to the pore space and the black zones to the matrix.

platy structure explains their limited contribution to vertical flow. loamy soil if interventions are made when the compaction risk is
The G-structure type was significantly different for the three low (Fig. 3). In contrast, in HC and RC, severe compaction greatly
properties between conventional and reduced tillage. reduced porosity and increased the proportion of D zones (Figs. 2
and 3) and the effect of compaction was long lasting: structural
4. Discussion porosity remained low (close to 10%) over the next 4 years in HC,
although there was little additional compaction between 2003 and
4.1. Soil structure porosity 2006 (Table 1). This contrasts with results obtained under
ploughing on the same site where compacted zones were shown
Soil structure porosity in a reduced tillage system was shown to to disappear after only 18 months (Boizard et al., 2002). The natural
depend greatly on compaction intensity. Structural porosity was recovery of porosity is therefore much slower in reduced tillage
partly preserved below shallow tillage depth (6 cm) in the LC systems. Soil must therefore be protected from severe compaction
cropping system with little compaction (Fig. 1). This means that by using appropriate rules for determining the timing of
structural porosity can be preserved without tillage even in a interventions or/and controlled traffic.
42 H. Boizard et al. / Soil & Tillage Research 127 (2013) 34–44

D zones remained fairly high. However, the visual assessment

method allowed a detailed analysis of compaction after each
cultivation operation and the evolution of the compacted volumes
over time through the description of D zones and their localisation
(Fig. 3). Moreover the visual assessment method actually allowed
the progressive development of a platy soil structure to be
followed from the top of compacted zones to greater depths, which
suggests that freezing–thawing or wetting–drying cycles may
drive its extension. It also showed that a platy structure like this
can suddenly disappear when a compaction event transforms P
zones back into D zones. Compared with other visual structure
assessment methods such as the visual evaluation of soil structure
(Ball et al., 2007) or the drop-shatter method (Shepherd, 2009), the
‘‘profil cultural’’ method is more time consuming, but allows a
better understanding of the effects of tillage, compaction and
weather conditions on soil structure dynamics over time.
Nevertheless the laboratory characterisation of soil structure at
fine scale reveals complementary information: (i) a platy structure
containing both macrocracks visible to the eye and a high density
of finer cracks <0.5 mm, not detectable by the field description of
the soil structure and (ii) the fact that many of the cracks observed
in the lower part of the samples were oriented vertically. Since this
study focused on the effects of compaction and weather conditions,
we avoided burrows of earthworms (macropores >1 mm). Vertical
pores caused by plants were probably not seen because of the small
size of pores not being visible with this method. Considering that
cracks and the macropore network play an important role in the
functioning of the soil and root access to the subsoil (Capowiez
et al., 2003; McKenzie et al., 2009), a major challenge in being able
to model the long-term structural dynamics in reduced tillage
systems is to characterise cracks and the macropore network more

4.3. Platy structure

A platy soil structure has been observed by several authors in

untilled situations on soils with a low swelling capacity
(VandenBygaart et al., 1999; Pagliai et al., 2003; Sasal et al.,
2006). However, the origin of this type of structure is still under
discussion. Some authors attribute its development to freezing–
Fig. 6. The number of cracks per cm2 and their directions observed in 2006. Cracks thawing and/or shearing produced by the action of tyres during the
were identified as pores with a perimeter greater than 0.72 mm, an index of
compaction process (VandenBygaart et al., 1999). Sasal et al.
circularity greater than 50 and a main axis length greater than 2 mm. The angle is
relative to the horizontal.
(2006) and Alvarez and Steinbach (2009) observed a platy soil
structure in the Argentinean Pampas where frost is rare, which
suggests that freezing–thawing cycles are not a necessary
4.2. Visual assessment condition. The results of this study tend to confirm the role of
climate since horizontal cracks were observed developing from the
The visual assessment method yielded results consistent with surface to depth, and seldom deeper than 10 cm, but they also
results from porosity analysis. The proportion of highly compacted seem to indicate that compaction is a necessary condition for platy
zones was higher in HC and RC than in LC and although there was structure development. In this study, both freezing–thawing and
little compaction in HC between 2003 and 2006, the proportion of wetting–drying cycles occurred (Table 2), but further studies are

Table 3
Shear strength, resistance to penetration and infiltration rate measured for each structure type number of replicates was 8 for shear strength and infiltration, and 12 for

Structural types Shear strength (kPa) Shear strength (kPa) Resistance to penetration (kPa) Infiltration (mm/h)
at 0.18 SWC at 0.27 SWC at 0.19 SWC at 0.18 SWC
Mean value  sd Mean value  sd Mean value  sd Mean value  sd

MP-G 33  5a 19.5  3 1319  437a 549  177a

LC-G 52  8bc 20  6 2905  573b 284  332b
HC-P 44  7b 14.5  4 4518  432c 86  82c
HC-D 57  11c 24  12 5211  949cd 65  52c
RC-D 55  8c 23  9 5340  879d 58  46c

p value 0.001 0.09 0.001 0.001

The results are mean (n = 5)  standard deviation. Means followed by the same letters are not significantly different according to the Newman–Keuls test at 5%.
H. Boizard et al. / Soil & Tillage Research 127 (2013) 34–44 43

needed to analyse the respective effects of each with greater Acknowledgements

precision. Similar studies in soils with different climate conditions
and shrinking potential may help understand the drivers behind The authors are grateful to P. Regnier, B. Chauchard, F. Mahu
platy soil structure development. and D. Boitez for their technical assistance and the Domaine INRA
Mons for supporting the long-term experiment. The English text
4.4. Physical properties of different structure types was edited by Claire Tarring. This work was conducted with
financial support from the Picardy Region, the French National
Some soil properties of the different structure types were also Research Agency (ANR) as part of the Agriculture and Sustainable
measured for comparison purposes only. Results showed that soil Development Programme, ‘‘ANR-05-PADD-013, DST’’ and the
properties evolved simultaneously with soil structure changes. French Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development
Shear strength, for example, decreased with platy soil structure (MEDD) as part of the Gessol2 programme.
development because horizontal cracking introduced planes of
weakness, whilst vertical penetration resistance remained unaf- References
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