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Element Reference Page: 1

3-D 2-Node Pipe MP ME ST PR PRN <> <> <> <> <> <> PP <> EME MFS Product Restrictions

PIPE288 Element Description

The PIPE288 element is suitable for analyzing slender to moderately stubby/thick pipe structures. The element is based on Timoshenko beam theory. Shear-deformation effects are included. PIPE288 is a linear, quadratic, or cubic two-node pipe element in 3-D. The element has six degrees of freedom at each node (the translations in the x, y, and z directions and rotations about the x, y, and z directions). The element is well-suited for linear, large rotation, and/or large strain nonlinear applications. PIPE288 includes stress stiffness terms, by default, in any analysis with NLGEOM,ON. The provided stress-stiffness terms enable the elements to analyze flexural, lateral, and torsional stability problems (using eigenvalue buckling, or collapse studies with arc length methods or nonlinear stabilization). Elasticity, hyperelasticity, plasticity, creep, and other nonlinear material models are supported. Internal fluid and external insulation are supported. Added mass, hydraulic added mass, and hydrodynamic and buoyant loading are available.

Figure 288.1: PIPE288 Geometry

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Element Reference Page: 2

PIPE288 Element Technology and Usage Recommendations

PIPE288 is based on Timoshenko beam theory, a first-order shear-deformation theory. Transverse-shear strain is constant through the cross-section; that is, cross-sections remain plane and undistorted after deformation. The element can be used for slender or stout pipes. Due to the limitations of first-order shear-deformation theory, only moderately "thick" pipes can be analyzed. The slenderness ratio of a pipe structure (GAL / (EI) ) can be used to judge the applicability of the element, where: G Shear modulus A Area of the cross-section L Length of the member (not the element length) EI Flexural rigidity
2 2 2 o 2 i 2

For pipes, (GAL / EI) can be reduced to: 2L / ((1 + ) (R

+ R )), or for thin-walled pipes:

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Element Reference Page: 3 L / ((1 + ) R ), where = Poisson's ratio, Ro = outer radius, Ri = inner radius, and R = average radius. The following illustration provides an estimate of transverse-shear deformation in a cantilever pipe subjected to a tip load. Although the results cannot be extrapolated to other applications, the example serves generally. ANSYS recommends a slenderness ratio greater than 30.
2 2

Figure 288.2: Transverse-Shear-Deformation Estimation

Slenderness Ratio (GAL /(EI)) 25 50 100 1000

Timoshenko / Euler-Bernoulli 1.120 1.060 1.030 1.003

The PIPE288 element supports an elastic relationship between transverse-shear forces and transverse-shear strains. When KEYOPT(3) = 0 (linear, default), PIPE288 is based on linear shape functions. It uses one point of integration along the length; therefore, all element solution quantities are constant along the length. For example, when SMISC quantities are requested at nodes I and J, the centroidal values are reported for both end nodes. This option is recommended if the element is used as stiffener and it is necessary to maintain compatibility with a firstorder shell element (such as SHELL181). Only constant bending moments can be represented exactly with this option. Mesh refinement is generally required in typical applications. When KEYOPT(3) = 2 (quadratic), PIPE288 has an internal node in the interpolation scheme, effectively making this a beam element based on quadratic shape functions. Two points of integration are used, resulting in linear variation of element solution quantities Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates

Element Reference Page: 4 along the length. Linearly varying bending moments are represented exactly. When KEYOPT(3) = 3 (cubic), PIPE288 has two internal nodes and adopts cubic shape functions. Quadratically varying bending moments are represented exactly. Three points of integration along the length are used, resulting in quadratic variation of element solution quantities along the length. Unlike typical cubic (Hermitian) formulations, cubic interpolation is used for all displacements and rotations. In general, the more complex the element, the fewer elements are needed. Quadratic and cubic options are recommended when higher-order element interpolations are desired in situations where: The element is associated with tapered cross-sections. Nonuniform loads (including tapered distributed loads) exist within the element; in this case, the cubic option gives superior results over the quadratic option. (For partially distributed loads and non-nodal point loads, only the cubic option is valid.) The element may undergo highly nonuniform deformation (for example, when individual frame members in civil engineering structures are modeled with single elements). PIPE288 supports both the thin-pipe (KEYOPT(4) = 1) and the thick-pipe (KEYOPT(4) = 2) options. The thin-pipe option assumes a plain stress state in the pipe wall and ignore the stress in the wall thickness direction. The thick-pipe option accounts for the full 3-D stress state and generally leads to more accurate results in thick-walled pipes where through-thethickness stress can be significant. The element allows change in cross-sectional area in large-deflection analysis. While the thick-pipe option can accurately determine the crosssection area change from the actual material constitutive properties, the thin-pipe option calculates the approximate area change based on a simple material incompressibility assumption. Two limitations are associated with the quadratic and cubic options in PIPE288: Although the elements employ higher-order interpolations, the initial geometry of PIPE288 is treated as straight. Because the internal nodes are inaccessible, no boundary/loading/initial conditions are allowed on these internal nodes. As a result of the limitations associated with the quadratic and cubic options, you will Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates

Element Reference Page: 5 notice discrepancies in the results between PIPE289 and the quadratic option of PIPE288 if the midside nodes of the PIPE289 model have specified boundary/loading/initial conditions and/or the midside nodes are not located exactly at the element midpoint. Similarly, the cubic option of PIPE288 may not be identical to a traditional cubic (Hermitian) beam element. For the mass matrix and load vectors, a higher order integration rule than that used for stiffness matrix is employed. The elements support both consistent and lumped mass matrices. The LUMPM,ON command activates lumped mass matrix. Consistent mass matrix is the default behavior. You can add mass per unit length using the SECCONTROLS command's ADDMAS values. See "PIPE288 Input Summary".

PIPE288 Input Data

The geometry, node locations, coordinate system, and pressure directions for this element are shown in Figure 288.1: PIPE288 Geometry. PIPE288 is defined by nodes I and J in the global coordinate system. If ocean loading is present, the global origin must be at the mean sea level, with the global Z-axis pointing away from the center of the earth. Because the section is round, the element orientation is important only for defining offsets and temperatures, and interpreting bending moment directions and stress locations. Node K is the preferred way to define the orientation of the element. For information about orientation nodes and beam meshing, see Generating a Beam Mesh With Orientation Nodes in the Modeling and Meshing Guide. See the LMESH and LATT command descriptions for details on generating the K node automatically. PIPE288 can also be defined without the orientation node. The element x-axis is oriented from node I toward node J. When no orientation node is used, the default orientation of the element y-axis is automatically calculated to be parallel to the global X-Y plane. If the element is parallel to the global Z-axis (or within a 0.01 percent slope of it), the element yaxis is oriented parallel to the global Y-axis. To control the element orientation about the element x-axis, use the orientation-node option. If both are defined, the orientation-node option takes precedence. The orientation node K, if used, defines a plane (with I and J) containing the element x and z-axes (as shown). If this element is used in a largedeflection analysis, the location of the orientation node K only initially orients the element. The pipe element is a one-dimensional line elements in space. The cross-section details Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates

Element Reference Page: 6 are provided separately via the SECTYPE and SECDATA commands. A section is associated with the pipe elements by specifying the section ID number (SECNUM). A section number is an independent element attribute.

PIPE288 Cross-Sections
PIPE288 can be associated only with the pipe cross-section (SECTYPE,,PIPE). The material of the pipe is defined as an element attribute (MAT). PIPE288 is provided with section-relevant quantities (area of integration, position, etc.) automatically at a number of section points via the SECDATA command. Each section is assumed to be an assembly of a predetermined number of nine-node cells. Each crosssection cell has four integration points. Section integration points and section corner nodes are shown in Figure 288.3: Typical Cross-Section Cell.

Figure 288.3: Typical Cross-Section Cell

KEYOPT(15) specifies the format of the .rst results file. For KEYOPT(15) = 0, the format gives only one averaged result at each section corner node; therefore, this option typically applies to homogeneous sections. For KEYOPT(15) = 1, the format gives one result for each section integration point; therefore, this option typically applies to built-up sections Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates

Element Reference Page: 7 with multiple materials (and generates a larger results file). Section Flexibility To apply section flexibility factors, use the SFLEX command. The command is valid only for linear material properties and small strain analyses, and does not support offsets, temperature loading, or initial state loading.

PIPE288 Loads
Internal fluid and external insulation are supported. Added mass, hydraulic added mass, and hydrodynamic and buoyant loading, are available via the SOCEAN, OCDATA, and OCTABLE commands. See the SECCONTROLS command for defining added mass. Forces are applied at the nodes I and J. If the centroidal axis is not colinear with the element x-axis because of offsets, applied axial forces will cause bending. The nodes should therefore be located at the desired points where you want to apply the forces. Use the OFFSETY and OFFSETZ arguments of the SECOFFSET command appropriately. By default, ANSYS uses the centroid as the reference axis for the pipe elements. Element loads are described in Node and Element Loads. Pressures can be input on the internal and external surfaces of the element. On the first and second faces, pressures are the internal and external pressures, respectively. The pressure input on the third face is the global Z coordinate location of the free surface of the fluid internal to the pipe. The pressure on the third face is used only for the mass and pressure effect. If this value is zero, no fluid inside of the pipe is considered. If the internal fluid free surface should be at Z = 0, use a very small number instead. The free surface location is stepped, even if you issue a KBC,0 command. When KEYOPT(1) = 0, temperatures can be input as element body loads at the inner and outer surfaces at both ends of the pipe element so that the temperature varies linearly through the wall thickness. If only two temperatures are specified, those two temperatures are used at both ends of the pipe element. If only one temperature is specified, all others default to the first. The following graphic illustrates temperature input when KEYOPT(1) = 0:

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Element Reference Page: 8

When KEYOPT(1) = 1, temperatures can be input as element body loads at three locations at both nodes of the pipe element so that the temperature varies linearly in the element y and z directions. At each end, the element temperatures are input at the element x-axis (TAVG), at the outer radius from the x-axis in the element y-direction (T y), and at the outer radius from the x-axis in the element z-direction (Tz). The first coordinate temperature TAVG defaults to TUNIF. If all temperatures after the first are unspecified, they default to the first. If all temperatures at node I are input, and all temperatures at node J are unspecified, the node J temperatures default to the corresponding node I temperatures. For any other input pattern, unspecified temperatures default to TUNIF. The following graphic illustrates temperature input when KEYOPT(1) = 1:

The effects of pressure load stiffness are automatically included for this element. If an unsymmetric matrix is needed for pressure load stiffness effects, issue an NROPT,UNSYM command.

PIPE288 Input Summary

Nodes I, J, K (an optional orientation node) Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates

Element Reference Page: 9 Degrees of Freedom UX, UY, UZ, ROTX, ROTY, ROTZ Section Information Accessed via SECTYPE,,PIPE and SECDATA commands. Material Properties EX, EY, EZ, PRXY, PRYZ, PRXZ (or NUXY, NUYZ, NUXZ), ALPX, ALPY, ALPZ (or CTEX, CTEY, CTEZ or THSX, THSY, THSZ), DENS, GXY, GYZ, GXZ, DAMP Surface Loads Pressure -face 1 - Internal pressure face 2 - External pressure face 3 - Height of free surface of fluid on inside of pipe face 4 (I-J) (-z normal direction) face 5 (I-J) (-y normal direction) face 6 (I-J) (+x tangential direction) face 7 (I) (+x axial direction) face 8 (J) (-x axial direction) --I and J denote end nodes. Use a negative value for loading in the opposite direction. Input pressure values for faces 1, 2, and 3 via the SFE command. Input pressure values for faces 4 through 8 via the SFBEAM command. For faces 4, 5, and 6, offsets apply only if you are using the cubic option (KEYOPT(3) = 3). Body Loads Temperatures -TOUT(I), TIN(I), TOUT(J), TIN(J) if KEYOPT(1) = 0. TAVG(I), Ty(I), T z(I), TAVG(J), Ty(J), Tz(J) if KEYOPT(1) = 1. Special Features Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates

Element Reference Page: 10 Plasticity (PLASTIC, BISO, MISO, NLISO, BKIN, MKIN, KINH, CHABOCHE, HILL) [1] Hyperelasticity (AHYPER, HYPER) [1] Viscoelasticity (PRONY, SHIFT) [1] Viscoplasticity/Creep (CREEP, RATE) [1] Other material (USER) Stress stiffening Large deflection Ocean loading Nonlinear stabilization Birth and death Automatic selection of element technology [2] 1. Items in parentheses refer to data tables associated with the TB command. See "Structures with Material Nonlinearities" in the Theory Reference for the Mechanical APDL and Mechanical Applications for details of the material models. 2. See Automatic Selection of Element Technologies and ETCONTROL for more information about selecting element technologies. KEYOPT(1) Temperature input 0 -Through wall gradient 1 -Diametral gradient KEYOPT(3) Shape functions along the length: 0 -Linear 2 -Quadratic 3 -Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates

Element Reference Page: 11 Cubic KEYOPT(4) Hoop strain treatment 1 -Thin pipe theory 2 -Thick pipe theory KEYOPT(6) End cap loads 0 -Internal and external pressures cause loads on end caps 1 -Internal and external pressures do not cause loads on end caps

KEYOPT(7), KEYOPT(9), KEYOPT(11), and KEYOPT(12) are active only when OUTPR, ESOL is active: KEYOPT(7) Output control for section forces/moments and strains/curvatures: 0 -Output section forces/moments, strains/curvatures, internal and external pressures, effective tension, and maximum hoop stress (default) 1 -Same as KEYOPT(7) = 0 plus current section area 2 -Same as KEYOPT(7) = 1 plus element basis directions (X,Y,Z) 3 -Output section forces/moments, strains/curvatures, internal and external pressures, effective tension, and maximum hoop stress extrapolated to the element nodes KEYOPT(8) Shear stress output: 0 -Output a combined state of the following two types (default) 1 -Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates

Element Reference Page: 12 Output only torsion-related shear stresses 2 -Output only flexure-related transverse-shear stresses KEYOPT(9) Output control at integration points: 0 -None (default) 1 -Maximum and minimum stresses/strains 2 -Same as KEYOPT(9) = 1 plus stresses and strains at each section node KEYOPT(11) Output control for values extrapolated to the element and section nodes: 0 -None (default) 1 -Maximum and minimum stresses/strains 2 -Same as KEYOPT(11) = 1 plus stresses and strains along the exterior boundary of the cross-section 3 -Same as KEYOPT(11) = 1 plus stresses and strains at all section nodes KEYOPT(12) Hydrodynamic output: 0 -None (default) 1 -Additional centroidal hydrodynamic printout KEYOPT(15) Results file format: 0 -Store averaged results at each section corner node (default). 1 -Store non-averaged results at each section integration point. (The volume of data may be excessive. This option is typically useful for built-up sections Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates

Element Reference Page: 13 with multiple materials only.)

PIPE288 Output Data

The solution output associated with these elements is in two forms: Nodal displacements and reactions included in the overall nodal solution Additional element output as described in Table 288.1: PIPE288 Element Output Definitions For ways to view results, see the Basic Analysis Guide. To view 3-D deformed shapes for PIPE288, issue an OUTRES,MISC or OUTRES,ALL command for static or transient analyses. To view 3-D mode shapes for a modal or eigenvalue buckling analysis, expand the modes with element results calculation active (via the MXPAND command's Elcalc = YES option). Linearized Stress It is customary in pipe design to employ components of axial stress that contribute to axial loads and bending in each direction separately; therefore, PIPE288 provides a linearized stress output as part of its SMISC output record, as indicated in the following definitions: SDIR is the stress component due to axial load. SDIR = Fx/A, where Fx is the axial load (SMISC quantities 1 and 14) and A is the area of the cross-section. SByT and SByB are bending stress components. SByT = -Mz * R0 / I SByB = Mz * R0 / I SBzT = My * R0 / I SBzB = -My * R0 / I

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Element Reference Page: 14 where My, Mz are bending moments in the beam coordinate system (SMISC quantities 2,15,3,16) as shown in Figure 288.1: PIPE288 Geometry, R0 is the outside radius, and I is the moment of inertia of the cross-section. ANSYS uses the maximum and minimum crosssection dimensions. Corresponding definitions for the component strains are: EPELDIR = Ex EPELByT = -Kz * R0 EPELByB = Kz * R0 EPELBzT = Ky * R0 EPELBzB = -Ky * R0 where Ex, Ky, and Kz are generalized strains and curvatures (SMISC quantities 7,8,9, 20,21 and 22). The reported stresses are strictly valid only for elastic behavior of members. PIPE288 always employs combined stresses in order to support nonlinear material behavior. When the elements are associated with nonlinear materials, the component stresses can at best be regarded as linearized approximations and should be interpreted with caution. When using KEYOPT(9) with the cubic option (KEYOPT(3) = 3), the integration point at the middle of the element is reported last in the integration-point printout. The Element Output Definitions table uses the following notation: A colon (:) in the Name column indicates that the item can be accessed by the Component Name method (ETABLE, ESOL). The O column indicates the availability of the items in the file Jobname.OUT. The R column indicates the availability of the items in the results file.

always available, a number refers to a table footnote that describes when the item is conditionally indicates that the item is not available.
For the stress and strain components, X refers to axial, Y refers to hoop, and Z refers to Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates

Element Reference Page: 15 radial.

Table 288.1 PIPE288 Element Output Definitions Name EL NODES MAT C.G.:X, Y, Z Area S:X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ EPEL: X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ EPTO:X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ EPPL:X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ EPCR:X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ EPTH:X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ NL:EPEQ NL:CREQ NL:SRAT NL:PLWK NL:EPEQ SEND:ELASTIC, Element number Element connectivity Material number Element center of gravity Area of cross-section Section point stresses Definition O R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 1 2 3 Y Y

Elastic strains

Section point total strains (EPEL + EPPL + EPTH)

Section point plastic strains

Section point creep strains

Section point thermal strains

Accumulated equivalent plastic strain Accumulated equivalent creep strain Plastic yielding (1 = actively yielding, 0 = not yielding) Plastic work Accumulated equivalent plastic strain Strain energy densities

4 4 4 4 4 4

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Element Reference Page: 16 PLASTIC, CREEP TQ TE SFy, SFz SEy, SEz Ky, Kz Ex Fx My, Mz INT PRESS EXT PRESS EFFECTIVE TENS MAX HOOP STRESS SDIR SByT SByB SBzT SBzB EPELDIR EPELByT EPELByB EPELBzT EPELBzB TEMP Torsional moment Torsional strain Section shear forces Section shear strains Curvature Axial strain Axial force Bending moments Internal pressure at integration point External pressure at integration point Effective tension on pipe Maximum hoop stress at integration point Y Y Y Y 2 2 Y Y


Axial direct stress Bending stress on the element +Y side of the pipe Bending stress on the element -Y side of the pipe Bending stress on the element +Z side of the pipe Bending stress on the element -Z side of the pipe Axial strain at the end Bending strain on the element +Y side of the pipe Bending strain on the element -Y side of the pipe Bending strain on the element +Z side of the pipe Bending strain on the element -Z side of the pipe Temperatures at all section corner nodes Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates

2 2 2 2 2 Y Y Y Y Y Y

Element Reference Page: 17 LOCI:X, Y, Z SVAR:1, 2, ... , N Integration point locations State variables 5 6

The following values apply to ocean loading only: GLOBAL COORD VR, VZ Element centroid location Radial and vertical fluid particle velocities (VR is always > 0) Radial and vertical fluid particle accelerations Dynamic fluid pressure head Fluid temperature (printed if VISC is nonzero) Viscosity (output if VISC is nonzero) Normal and tangential Reynolds numbers (if VISC is nonzero) Input drag coefficients evaluated at Reynolds numbers Input inertia coefficient evaluated at Reynolds numbers CT* w*De / 2, CD*w*De / 2, where w = density of the surrounding fluid, and De = outside pipe diameter plus 2*thickness of insulation CMW CM*w**D e / 4, where w = density of the surrounding fluid, = 3.141592, and D = outside pipe e diameter plus 2*thickness of insulation URT, URN Tangential (parallel to element axis) and normal relative velocity Vector sum of normal (URN) velocities Hydrodynamic forces tangential and normal to element axis Effective position of wave (radians) Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates 7 Y

7 7



7 7 7 7 7



7 7 7



7 7



Element Reference Page: 18 1. Available only at the centroid as a *GET item, or on the NMISC record for ocean loading. 2. See KEYOPT(7) description. 3. See KEYOPT(9) and KEYOPT(11) descriptions. 4. Available if the element has a nonlinear material. 5. Available only if OUTRES,LOCI is used. 6. Available only if the UserMat subroutine and the TB,STATE command are used. 7. See KEYOPT(12) description.

More output is described via the PRESOL command in the POST1 postprocessor. Table 288.2: PIPE288 Item and Sequence Numbers lists output available for the ETABLE command using the Sequence Number method. See Creating an Element Table in the Basic Analysis Guide and The Item and Sequence Number Table for more information. The output tables use the following notation: Name output quantity as defined in Table 288.1: PIPE288 Element Output Definitions Item predetermined Item label for ETABLE E,I,J sequence number for data at nodes E, I and J

Table 288.2 PIPE288 Item and Sequence Numbers ETABLE and ESOL Command Input Output Quantity Name Item Fx My Mz TQ SFz SMISC SMISC SMISC SMISC SMISC E -----1 2 3 4 5 I 14 15 16 17 18 J

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Element Reference Page: 19 SFy Ex Ky Kz TE SEz SEy Area BM BK SDIR SByT SByB SBzT SBzB EPELDIR EPELByT EPELByB EPELBzT EPELBzB TEMP INT PRESS [1] EXT PRESS [1] EFFECTIVE TENS [1] SMISC SMISC SMISC SMISC SMISC SMISC SMISC SMISC SMISC SMISC SMISC SMISC SMISC SMISC SMISC SMISC SMISC SMISC SMISC SMISC SMISC SMISC SMISC SMISC ------------------------31 32 33 34 35 41 42 43 44 45 51-53 61 62 63 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 27 28 30 36 37 38 39 40 46 47 48 49 50 54-56 65 66 67 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 29

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Element Reference Page: 20 MAX HOOP STRESS [1] S:X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ EPEL:X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ EPTH:X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ EPPL:X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ EPCR:X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ EPTO:X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ EPTT:X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ SMISC LS LEPEL LEPTH LEPPL LEPCR LEPTO LEPTT --------64 i i i i i i i 68 6 * nn + i 6 * nn + i 6 * nn + i 6 * nn + i 6 * nn + i 6 * nn + i 6 * nn + i

The following output quantities are valid for ocean loading only: GLOBAL COORD VR, VZ AR, AZ PHDYN TFLUID VISC REN, RET CT, CD CM CTW, CDW CMW URT, URN ABURN FX, FY, FZ ARGU NMISC NMISC NMISC NMISC NMISC NMISC NMISC NMISC NMISC NMISC NMISC NMISC NMISC NMISC NMISC 1, 2, 3 4, 5 6, 7 8 9 10 11, 12 13, 14 15 16, 17 18 19, 20 21 22, 23, 24 25 -----------------------------

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Element Reference Page: 21 1. Internal pressure (INT PRESS), external pressure (EXT PRESS), effective tension (EFFECTIVE TENS), and maximum hoop stress (MAX HOOP STRESS) occur at integration points, and not at end nodes.

The value i in Table 288.2: PIPE288 Item and Sequence Numbers refers to the order of results stored within the two cross-sections respectively at element node I and J, where 1 i (6 * nn). The definition of nn is as follows: nn = number of section corner nodes when KEYOPT(15) = 0 nn = number of section integration points when KEYOPT(15) = 1 For more usage details, see Plot and Review the Section Results and Sample Problem with Cantilever Beams, Command Method.

Transverse-Shear Stress Output

The shear stresses are caused by torsional and transverse loads. PIPE288 is based on firstorder shear-deformation theory, also popularly known as Timoshenko beam theory. The transverse-shear strain is constant for the cross-section; therefore, the shear energy is based on a transverse-shear force. This shear force is redistributed by predetermined shear stress distribution coefficients across the pipe cross-section, and made available for output purposes. Use KEYOPT(8) to activate output of shear stresses caused by flexure or transverse loading. By default, ANSYS uses a mesh density (for cross-section modeling) that provides accurate results for torsional rigidity, warping rigidity, inertia properties, and shear center determination. The default mesh employed is also appropriate for nonlinear material calculations; however, more refined cross-section models may be necessary if the shear stress distribution due to transverse loads must be captured very accurately. Use the SECDATA command to adjust cross-section mesh density. The traction-free state at the edges of the cross-section is met only in a well-refined model of the cross-section. The transverse-shear distribution calculation ignores the effects of Poisson's ratio. The Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates

Element Reference Page: 22 Poisson's ratio affects the shear correction factor and shear stress distribution slightly, and this effect is ignored.

PIPE288 Assumptions and Restrictions

The pipe cannot have zero length. Cross-section distortion or collapse is not considered. Rotational degrees of freedom are not included in the lumped mass matrix if offsets are present. The element works best with the full Newton-Raphson solution scheme (the default option in solution control). Only moderately "thick" pipes can be analyzed. See "PIPE288 Element Technology and Usage Recommendations" for more information. Stress stiffening is always included in geometrically nonlinear analyses (NLGEOM, ON). Prestress effects can be activated via the PSTRES command. The element coordinate system (/PSYMB,ESYS) is not relevant.

PIPE288 Product Restrictions

When used in the product(s) listed below, the stated product-specific restrictions apply to this element in addition to the general assumptions and restrictions given in the previous section. ANSYS Professional. The only special features allowed are stress stiffening and large deflections.

Release 12.0 - 2009 SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved.

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