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The victim was rushed brought to the West Metro Medical Center on orabout 9:55 AM on the same
day, the victim, Pedro Cruz y Rojas waspronounced dead on arrival by his attending physician.
According to Dr.Romel Garcia, the victim sustained multiple gunshot wounds on differentparts of his
body causing to lose a lot of blood. The gunshot wounds arefound specifically on the right chest, biceps
and left cage of the victim.This officer recovered the CCTV footage that shows the exact occurrenceof
the incident with the help of the concerned business owners near thelocation of the crime scene. It was
revealed through the CCTV footagethat the suspect fled towards outside the street of Don toribio street,
ablack scooter bearing plate number JA42456.5. The case investigator is still looking for the
suspect and theaforementioned vehicle at this time and date. Any information pertaining tothis case
will be forwarded to your office as soon as it is obtained. Thisofficer has asked the LTO to verify the
ownership of the aforementionedplate number.6. The auntie of the victim, Marites Dugapan,
also revealed the motivebehind the incident. The victim and the suspect had an
argumentregarding the paying of debt on time. According to Marites, Pedro Rojaspromised to pay his
debt on January 7 on the same year, one week beforethe shooting incident was committed but did not
fulfill the promise becauseof unknown reasons. The victim requested again for another extensionand
the suspect gave him a grace period of 1 week, started on January 7to 13 of the year 2023 but the victim
was not able to pay his debt for thesecond time.7. This officer received information from a confidential
informer alias Russellthat the victim was always attending a cockfighting event at brgy Talon-Talon and
went home defeated by gambling amounting to 500,000 pesos.8. After operation report will
followRYVHONNE BRIX T. HALIL Police Captain
Station Commander

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