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The Baptist Bridge

November 2011 Edition By the grace of God, the Philippi Baptist Church shall Embrace, Model, and Share the love of God through Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Philippi Baptist Church 107 Church St. Philippi, WV 26416 (304) 457-3206

Inside this Issue From the Pastor2,3 Prayer list4 Birthdays...4 Anniversaries..4 Announcements...5 Youth News...6,7,8 Getting to Know..9

Catch us on the radio live every Sunday morning 10:30a.m. WQAB 91.3 FM
107 Church Street Philippi, WV 26416(304)457-3206
Jon Villers, Pastor Eddy Poling, Praise and Worship Leader Adam Cheeseman, Associate Pastor of Youth and Young Adults Lisa Dadisman, Secretary Jud Bracey, Choir Director

You know there was a time when I thought emptying my inbox at the office was enough to get my life back on track where it needed to be. There has been this cycle in ministry that I have just about honed to perfection. I would accumulate all the stuff that comes in to the church office in one place and then when that pile turned in to two piles and those piles turned into two more piles, it would be time to go through it all and trash, file or do what was in the piles. This has been about a six month cycle for almost all my 20+ years in ministry. Of course through out this time I have been a loyal student of every time management process that has come around. I cut my teeth on Stephen Covey's 7 habits for highly effective people, DayTimers, Franklin Planner. I have been a disciple of the system started by David Allen called Getting Things Done. All the while partnering these systems with some form of electronic assistance. A paper day planner was ok, but I was always interested in merging technology with Life Management. So a couple of weeks ago when I finally took the time to go through my stacks and got my inbox empty, I thought I had arrived once again! I am now realizing that there are other inboxes in my life as well. My spiritual inbox, my family inbox, my church leadership inbox, my campus ministry inbox, and my physical inbox are just a few of these. These boxes can accumulate with unfinished responsibilities, conversations, vision casting and relationship building. With all this processing in my mind, I find myself at least four days overdue for me to submit my article to our church secretary, Lisa Dadisman! We have been going through the apostle Peter's letters in the New Testament: this verse jumped out at me!! 2 Peter 2:19 (NRSV) They promise them freedom, but they themselves are slaves of corruption; for people are slaves to whatever masters them. There are many times were I find myself a slave to all these inboxes as they have mastered over me!! The Apostle Paul gives me another word to live by: Galatians 5:13 (NRSV) For you were called to freedom, brothers and sisters; only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for self-indulgence, but through love become slaves to one another. 5:13 Paul distinguishes between freedom to sin and freedom to serve. Freedom or license to sin is no freedom at all, because it enslaves you to Satan, others, or your own sinful nature. Christians, by contrast, should not be slaves to sin, because they are free to do right and to glorify God through loving service to others. (Life Application Study Bible) Galatians 5:14-15 (NRSV) 14 For the whole law is summed up in a single commandment, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." 15 If, however, you bite and devour one another, take care that you are not consumed by one another.

5:14, 15 When we believers lose the motivation of love, we become critical of others. We stop looking for good in them and see only their faults. Soon we lose our unity. Have you talked behind someone's back? Have you focused on others' shortcomings instead of their strengths? Remind yourself of Jesus' command to love others as you love yourself (Matthew 22:39). When you begin to feel critical of someone, make a list of that person's positive qualities. When problems need to be addressed, confront in love rather than gossip. (Life Application Study Bible.) So for me, I'm going to take this holiday season as an opportunity to rededicate my motivation to love. I'm going to continue looking for good in others and overlook their faults. I am going to strive for the unity that comes in Loving God First, then living out my love for Him as I Love others!! For this approach, I will be truly Thankful! Shalom, Pastor Jon

New Custodian @ PBC

We want to welcome Zvezdana Vlasic as our church custodian She started November 1, 2011. We had many very capable candidates and appreciate all the work each of them did as they came for three weeks and rotated through the duties while the permanent custodian was selected.

Unspoken requests for family members, unsaved people, community concerns, those with job and home loss, financial difficulties. Also, in need of prayer: our national, state, and country leaders and officials. Please pray for victims, the families and friends of crime, war and violence throughout our country. Pray to protect military personnel and their families throughout the world. Relatives and friends of those serving our country: Tim Jenkins, Chris Mossburg, Taylor Smith, Major Kris Wood, and Captain Aaron Cross

Bill Mozley-1 Dorothy Hayhurst-3 Bob Boyer-7 Blaine Corder-8 Andrew Funk -11 Jack Funk-11 (twin grandsons of Judi Funk Samuel Ferguson-11 Phyllis Martin-12 Megan Sandy-12 Kendra Waddell-17 David Runion-18 Stephen Redd-19 Don Smith-19 Ross Campbell-20 Kathy Lind-21 Donovan Price-21 Priscilla Wonkka-21 Kathy McBee-22 Linda Howell-23 Garry Tenney-24 Betty Luff-24 Steve Mardwood-26 Michael Wolfe-26 Gerald Fogg-29 Morgan Franke-29

A-B faculty, staff and students, Susan Ball, Ronald Ball, Billy Coontz, Blaine Corder, Audrey Cross Susan Cross, Regina Edens, Becky & Mike Elmore, Otilia Franke, Jim Friend, Carl Gant, Mike Gillian, Joe and Beverly Gouer Jane Gibbons, Karl Greathouse, Raymond Hayes, Joyce Kerr, Linda Kines, Matt Lake, Chrissy Maddy, Bernard McBee, Bronlyn Morlan, Billie Moore, Donna Moore, Don Murray, Bryson Parker, Brenda & Gary Price, Sonny Qualls, Melvin Richter, Kaley Sinsel, John Scott, Braden Scheick, Vangie Shaffer, Dr. Richard Shearer, Linda Smell, Darlene Waddell, Elizabeth Withers.

Please remember that Heart & Hand volunteer night is on the first Monday of the month. YOU HAVENT MISSED IT: Fun at the Heart & Hand Thrift Store -- Volunteer night- November 7, 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Don't miss the opportunity to support our young people by contributing to the Third Floor Renovation. We currently need $9,000 to complete the project. As contributions come in we could change the $9,000 to reflect the progress of the project. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Every Member Canvass: Our Every Member Canvass theme this year is God Changes My Life. Pastor Jon has suggested that we refer to Romans 12:2 wherein the Apostle Paul challenges the believers in Rome, Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what Gods will is His good, pleasing and perfect will. We ask all of our members and friends of Philippi Baptist Church to prayerfully consider making a written financial commitment to the church for 2012. We will be sharing several notices regarding the Every Member Canvass during the next several weeks. Commitment Sunday will be November 13th. May God bless the gifts and the givers in 2012. Craig Cobb, Chair, Every Member Canvass _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ You are cordially invited to participate in the Alderson-Broaddus College Music Department Community Chorus for our performance of Handel's Messiah. The music department and the community will be joining to perform several movements of this major work to be performed during the Christmas season. Scores will be provided for those who do not own one. All rehearsals and the performance will be held in Wilcox Chapel on the A-B campus. Please call Lauren Lindsey (304-457-6304) for more information. Rehearsals: November 13 at 7pm (Sunday) November 28 at 7pm (Monday) December 1 at 7pm (Thursday) December 3 at 3pm (Saturday) Performance: December 4 at 7pm (Sunday) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ABWM NEWS
Book of the Month John I,II, II _____________________________________________________________________________________________________


With Heartfelt Thanks from the Family of Violet Mouser To My Church Family, Thank you for your love, support, and visitation during our time of loss. With Warm Regards, Greg Mouser and Family Dear Friends, Thank you so much for the beautiful flowers that lifted my spirits all week! I appreciate all the prayers coming my way and I know for sure that they are working! Sincerely, Darlene Waddell 5

Lets help our youth complete at least one Ultimate Basket for the Senior High Convention See Adam for Details!!!!

Youth News
We gather at least once a month and do something special. Please put these dates on your calendar and be part of the fun.

FAMILY GAME NIGHT Always the last Saturday of every month in the Fellowship Hall from 68p.m. Bring your favorite game, a snack and a refreshment . This is for all ages. Come out for an evening of FUN!

Where two or three come together in my name, there I am with them. Matthew 18:20

Man with a Green Eye Greg Mouser is a native of Philippi, a graduate of the local schools, an alumnus of Alderson-Broaddus and a member of the University of Hard Knocks, which has its headquarters at A-B. He is also an alum of West Virginia University, where he studied landscape architecture. Since then he has worked in a variety of jobs related to landscaping and the environment. One of his most notable volunteer tasks at Philippi Baptist Church is to design and place the seasonal plantings outside the church. Married in 1989, Greg has a twenty-year-old son who attends DuPont Technical College in Fairmont. His one sibling is a sister who lives here in Philippi. Greg retired in 2011 in order to take care of his mother, who recently passed away. One of his favorite pastimes is listening to music, but he also likes to fish and hunt when he has time. Much of his time has always been and still is spent outdoors. As for church roles, and in addition to being resident landscaper, Greg has served on the Board of Trustees and recently served as its chair. Dont limit me to flowers and trees, though, Greg says. Ill do just about anything that needs doing. This church means everything to me, and Im really glad to see all of the new families coming in. Without the guidance of God and my church family, life would be pretty tough to get through. I just hope I can continue to be useful. Any time you see Greg Mouser driving past in his white truck or sitting in the fourth row from the back of the sanctuary or serving as an usher, wave or say thank you or hand him a contribution for the plantings. There will never be a more faithful or dedicated member of the congregation.

Philippi Baptist Church 107 Church Street Philippi, West Virginia 26416 Do not return, leave with current addressee

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