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NAMA : Alisah Widia Sari

NO : 2
1. Custom Makes All Things Easy
(Bisa karena terbiasa)
Meaning : everything that looks difficult but if we do it continuously
then we will get used to doing it easily
(Makna : segala apapun yang terlihat sulit tapi jika dilakukan
terus menerus maka kita akan terbiasa melakukan hal itu
dengan mudah)
I want to learn to dance, starting from I like Korean boy band
music, that's where I have the desire to learn to dance. At first I
couldn't but because I used to dance wherever I was, like when
I was keeping the shop, showering, washing dishes and when I
was bored, so now I can dance even though I'm not very fluent.
2. Talk Less Do More
(Sedikit bicara banyak berbuat)
Meaning : It's better to prove it in terms of action than talk too much
(Makna : Lebih baik buktikan dengan tindakan dari pada banyak
I have a friend named Mahen, he is a very economical person,
speaking only when needed. One day when we were in the
school cafeteria I ordered meatballs and Mahen ordered
chicken noodles, when I was about to eat meatballs Mahen
stopped him, I was confused and I asked why Mahen, it turned
out that when I was allowed to go to the toilet there was a
naughty person who put a lot of vinegar in my meatballs
3. Words Cut More Than Sword
(Kata-kata lebih tajam dari pada pedang)
Meaning : We must be careful in speaking, because the words we speak
can cause others to be hurt, they are much sharper than a sword

(Makna : Kita harus berhati-hati dalam berbicara, karena kata-

kata yang kita ucapkan dapat menyebabkan orang lain terluka,
itu jauh lebih tajam dari pada pedang)
That day Nanda was working in groups at Ninda's house,
Ninda's mother prepared various foods and snacks to
accompany them to study. Ninda's mother made a cake and
when Nanda ate the cake, Nanda said if the cake was hard and
tasteless, Ninda just smiled and apologized to Nanda

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