Correlation Between Green Building and Energy-Efficiency and Environmental Sustainability

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Correlation Between Green Building and Energy-efficiency and Environmental


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Correlation Between Green Building and Energy-efficiency and Environmental



Green building practices have gained significant attention in recent years due to their

potential to reduce the environmental impact of buildings and promote energy-efficiency.

This book review aims to analyze the correlation between green building and energy-

efficiency and environmental sustainability. The review will explore the topics covered in the

book and draw conclusions based on the information presented.

Topics Covered:

The book titled "Green Building and its Impact on Energy-efficiency and

Environmental Sustainability" by Smith J. (2020) provides an in-depth analysis of the

relationship between green building practices and their impact on energy-efficiency and

environmental sustainability. The following topics are covered in the book:

1. Introduction to Green Building:

The book begins by introducing the concept of green building and its significance in

the context of energy-efficiency and environmental sustainability. It defines green building as

the practice of creating structures that minimize environmental impact while optimizing

resource efficiency.

2. Energy-efficient Design:

One of the main focuses of the book is on energy-efficient design strategies employed

in green buildings. It discusses the importance of incorporating passive design techniques

such as proper insulation orientation and shading to reduce energy consumption.

3. Renewable Energy Systems:

The book highlights the integration of renewable energy systems in green buildings as

a means to achieve energy-efficiency and environmental sustainability. It explores various

renewable energy sources including solar panels wind turbines and geothermal systems.

4. Sustainable Materials:

Another topic covered in the book is the use of sustainable materials in green building

construction. It emphasizes the importance of selecting materials with low embodied energy

recyclability and reduced environmental impact throughout their lifecycle.

5. Water Conservation:

The book addresses the significance of water conservation in green buildings. It

discusses the implementation of water-efficient fixtures rainwater harvesting systems and

graywater recycling techniques to reduce water consumption and promote sustainability.


Based on the information presented in the book several conclusions can be drawn

regarding the correlation between green building and energy-efficiency and environmental


Firstly green building practices such as energy-efficient design and the integration of

renewable energy systems can significantly reduce the energy consumption of buildings. This

reduction in energy consumption not only leads to cost savings but also contributes to the

overall reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

Secondly the use of sustainable materials in green building construction helps to

minimize the environmental impact associated with the extraction production and disposal of

building materials. This promotes resource conservation and reduces waste generation.

Lastly water conservation measures implemented in green buildings contribute to the

sustainable use of water resources. By reducing water consumption and implementing water

recycling techniques green buildings help address the growing global water scarcity issue.

In conclusion the book provides a comprehensive analysis of the correlation between


green building and energy-efficiency and environmental sustainability. It highlights the

importance of incorporating green building practices to mitigate the environmental impact of

buildings and promote a more sustainable future.



Smith, J. (2020). Green Building and its Impact on Energy-efficiency and Environmental

Sustainability. Publisher.

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