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It offers a theoretical explanation to why some parties have undergone more frequent leadership
turnover. It means where the legislature has conferred any power, it must be deemed to have also
granted any other power without which that power cannot be effectively exercised. 41. What is
Conditional legislation. They do so by reading over the bill in detail and to make sure that it will
work. Also, the greater representation a party has in cabinet the more influence it should have over
policy and so it should take more responsibility for decisions and be held more accountable. No
Article 14 does not forbid classification or differentiation if it is based on reasonable grounds of
distinction. 38. How can we decide that the basis of classification is reasonable or not. The Green
Party. Elizabeth May. Key Terms to Know. Policy: A plan of action by a political party or
government to achieve certain goals Platform: A formal, written statement outlining the policies of a
political party. The lists of subjects in India are much more detailed as compared to those in the
Canadian Constitution 9. Yes A law may be constitutional, even though it relates to a single
individual, if that single individual is treated as a class by himself on some peculiar circumstances.
36. Can an artificial person also get benefit under article 14. The greater representation a party has in
cabinet the more influence it should have over policy and so it should take more responsibility for
decisions. These five different categories apply for all assemblies on general. Gabriela Kutting,
Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Aberdeen, UK. What are the
fundamental rights Right to Equality—Articles 14 to 18; Right to Freedom—Articles 19 to 22; Right
against Exploitation—Articles 23 and 24; Right to Freedom of Religion—Articles 25 to 28; Cultural
and Educational Rights—Articles 29 and 30; Right to Constitutional Remedies—Articles 32. ? 25. Is
stock exchange a state authority under article 12. No In Zee Telefilms Ltd. v. Union of India, (2005)
4 SCC 649, Supreme court held that BCCI was not State for purposes of Article 12 because it was
not shown to be financially, functionally or administratively dominated by or under the control of
the Government 27. However, these root causes of constituent interests have remained largely
untested. Yes if two or more States are desirous that on any particular item included in the State List
there should be a common legislation applicable to all such State then they can make a request to
Parliament to make such law on that particular subject. Upload Read for free FAQ and support
Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. Their
proceedings do not end in conviction or acquittal, but in certain other types of restrictive orders. The
Declaration of American Independence 1776, stated that all men are created equal, that they are
endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights: that among these, are life, liberty and the
pursuit of happiness. 22. Compare America and England in terms of constitions. The direction and
control of the processes of government by a single political party usually by provision of the
principal political officials and operation of the formal governmental machinery in europe the
importance of party government has long been recognized — a. That is as a general rule the
electorate is more likely to hold the Government’s party accountable for the governments
performance when compared with other parties in the coalition. Each time, a clear majority 58%
rejected its request and voted for other parties, however, these votes were turned in to comfortable
Conservative parliamentary majorities because of the electoral system. (Gallagher, Laver and
Mair:1995: p293). It analyses endogenous allocation of power that gives rise to a specific pattern of
power hierarchy that best serves the two objectives of political power, the absolute size and longevity
of power. Natural history of political parties in the U.S. Why do parties exist. Thus both centre and
state have separate matters relating to tax (for example, agriculture tax is a part of state list) 8.
Therefore the successful elections indicate that it is successful and adds an air of legitimacy. The
courts cannot declare any law as void on the ground that it contravenes any of the Directive
Principles. The Role of Inter- and NonGovernmental Organizations 107. Context and the Economic
Vote: A Multilevel Analysis. State of Kerala, A.I.R. 1973 S.C. 1461? Parliament can amend any Part
of the Constitution including the Fundamental Rights. It has also writ jurisdiction for enforcing
Fundamental Rights.
Moreover, it has been argued that party size may influence the level of retrospective voting, when the
coalition is dominated by a strong party it is easier for voters to assign credit and blame, because
voters are likely to find it more difficult to assign responsibility to a government that consists of a
large number of smaller parties. (Lewis Beck:1988:p170-194). It would be extremely difficult for a
state to survive it did not command this legitimacy. An example would be general elections, it makes
it legitimate and it is traditional. The Supreme Court has held that the power to impose wealth-tax on
the total wealth of a person including his agricultural land belongs to Parliament in its residuary
jurisdiction (Union of India v. H.S. Dhillon, A.I.R. 1972 S.C. 1061). 12. When can centre make a
law on state list. Find out more about the Kindle Personal Document Service. The result is a timely
corrective to the notion that parties don’t matter in the Senate—which the contributors reveal is far
more similar to the lower chamber than conventional wisdom suggests. In the process, they
investigate such issues as whether party discipline can overcome Senate mechanisms that invest the
most power in individuals and small groups; how parties influence the making of legislation and the
distribution of pork; and whether voters punish senators for not toeing party lines. If this is the first
time you use this feature, you will be asked to authorise Cambridge Core to connect with your
account. Barrow Motor Ability Test - TEST, MEASUREMENT AND EVALUATION IN
PHYSICAL EDUC. It can advise the President on a reference made by the President on questions
of fact and law. 46. What is the rule of pith and substance It means that where a law in reality and
substance falls within an item on which the legislature which enacted that law is competent to
legislate, then such law shall not become invalid merely because it incidentally touches a matter
outside the competence of legislature. 47. Is colourable law valid. He therefore gets to pick his
ministers, who will obviously agree with his views and ideas. Yes, during emergency, Parliament has
the power to make laws for the whole or any part of the territory of India with respect to all matters
in the State List. This contention may have an element of truth in it, but has been carefully selected
from examples like Italy and the French Fourth Republic; where both coalition systems has reached
epic proportions. Thus, a coalition can be brought don at any moment by the loss of support from one
of its creators. Nominate Candidates Inform Voters Ensure candidates are qualified Help govern in
Congress and State Legislatures Act as watchdogs especially of officials of other parties. Currently,
all countries in Western Europe use some form of PR except France and the UK.(Gallagher, Laver
and Mair:1995: p274). From the Majority Party in the House Elected by the members of the Majority
Party Does not have Committee Responsibilities John Boehner R Ohio. Who suggested and who
opposed fundamental rights as part of constitution of India. Do leaders “boss” followers (common
view) or do followers terrorize leaders. The role of parliament therefore coincides with Norton’s
theory of government through parliament not government by parliament. It offers a theoretical
explanation to why some parties have undergone more frequent leadership turnover. This is the idea
that the public have more of a say on how government is run and have more of a relationship with its
government if they have their own representative from government who will represent them and
their beliefs. On the issue of distribution of powers, which pattern has our country followed. They
further go on to claim that under plurality systems and single party governments, the electorate know
who to blame and who to reward. (Gallagher, Laver and Mair:1995: p293). However, ultimately if
any government, single party or multiparty did not represent the wishes of the electorate then
ultimately they would not be voted back into office in the next election. Parliament has many roles -
Identify and discuss its roles. The jurisdiction of the High Court also extends to the enforcement of
rights other than fundamental rights provided there is a public duty, but the Supreme Courts
jurisdiction to issue writs extends to fundamental rights (Ref: Common Cause v Union of India,
A.I.R. 1999 SC 2979). 45. What role does the Supreme Court play. The Constitution is silent about
political parties and about such important party matters as conventions and primaries. Upload Read
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What is Scribd. Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development 186.
The Supreme Court unanimously held clauses (4) and (5) of Article 368 and Section 55 of the 42nd
Amendment Act as unconstitutional transgressing the limits of the amending power and damaging
or destroying the basic structure of the Constitution 6. How helpful do you find the theories of
Almond (on political culture and cl. Scrutiny is an important factor as it gives the opposition the
chance to oppose the bill and to find any flaws in it. However, ultimately if any government, single
party or multiparty did not represent the wishes of the electorate then ultimately they would not be
voted back into office in the next election. Can parliament make a law on state list during
emergency. Single-party governments are commonly thought to be more clearly responsible for
government policy than coalition governments. It differentiates itself from the small literature of
factions, which is often found to be insufficient to analyse the dynamics of intraparty factions, by
incorporating a hierarchical structure of party organisations. Among The Consequences Of
Conditional Party Government Is An Acceptance That Leaders Would Support (Or At Least Not
Block) Policy Initiatives In Which There Was A Party Consensus. Even though legislation is
considered an important function of parliament political scientists such as Norton criticise this
because. Each one is as important as the other however the main two functions of parliament are
scrutiny and influence. Lorna M. Wilson, Research Assistant, University of Aberdeen, UK. Barrow
also a member of Society of Construction Law (SCL) Malaysia and an associate member of
Institution of Value Management, Malaysia (IVMM). Residuary subjects fall within the central
jurisdiction. Philippe Cullet, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, UK.
What was the decision in Minerva Mill Ltd. v. Union of India, (1980) 3 SCC, 625. Close this
message to accept cookies or find out how to manage your cookie settings. Nominate Candidates
Inform Voters Ensure candidates are qualified Help govern in Congress and State Legislatures Act
as watchdogs especially of officials of other parties. Norton’s idea of parliament coincides with the
concept of government through parliament not government by parliament. One way to measure the
proportion of a coalition is to count the number of cabinet seats controlled by the head of
governments party. It is also a Court of original jurisdiction for criminal matters 58. I shall then
reverse the argument to discuss how coalition governments are more accountable than single party
governments; however, there are many factors that affect this argument such as the number of parties
in the coalition and whether one party has a majority in government will both affect the coalition
governments accountability. An ordinary Indian entrepreneur wishes to remain an honest
entrepreneur and contribute to the development of nation, but our systems and processes. 3. When
there is conflict between fundamental rights and directive principles, which will prevail. However,
on the other hand, although coalition governments do not last as long as single party governments, it
should not be forgotten that Germany, Switzerland and Austria have been economically and
politically successful for most of the post war period due to their coalition governments. (Gallagher,
Laver and Mair:1995: p302). High Courts of Bombay, Calcutta and Delhi, have ordinary original
civil jurisdiction (i.e. jurisdiction to try regular civil suits) for their respective cities. The third paper
integrates different types of organisational hierarchies, in power, as the second paper does, and in
decision procedures and connects them to the longevity of political power. For matters relating to
union territory with respect to a matter enumerated in the State List if the Council of States declares
by a resolution supporetd by two-thirds of its members present and voting, that it is necessary in the
national interest that Parliament should make a law on that matter. What is mandamus ? It is a
command issued to direct any person, corporation, inferior court, or Government requiring him or it
do a particular thing specified therein which pertains to his or its office and is further in the nature of
a public duty. 63. What is habeas corpus. From the Majority Party in the House Elected by the
members of the Majority Party Does not have Committee Responsibilities John Boehner R Ohio.
Currently, all countries in Western Europe use some form of PR except France and the
UK.(Gallagher, Laver and Mair:1995: p274).
Who suggested and who opposed fundamental rights as part of constitution of India. The doctrine
was first evolved in Bhikaji Narain Dhakras v. State of M.P., A.I.R. 1955 S.C. 781 35. Can there be a
single person law. However, on the other hand, although coalition governments do not last as long as
single party governments, it should not be forgotten that Germany, Switzerland and Austria have
been economically and politically successful for most of the post war period due to their coalition
governments. (Gallagher, Laver and Mair:1995: p302). No other person may use or reprint without
his permission. It offers a theoretical explanation to why some parties have undergone more frequent
leadership turnover. A writ of prohibition is issued to an Inferior Court preventing the latter from
usurping jurisdiction which is not legally vested in it 62. I wish that more people should become
entrepreneurs. They can also hear references made by the Income Tax Appellate Tribunal under the
Income Tax Act and other tribunals. 56. 57. What are the powers of the court of sessions. It may not
be identified by Norton as one of the major roles of parliament, however it is a rather significant role
of parliament. No If a legislature may pass a law in such a way that it gives it a colour of
constitutionality while, in reality, that law aims at achieving something which is beyond the powers
of the legislature, then this legislation is called colourable piece of legislation and is invalid. 48. What
is 'harmonious construction'. On Fridays each MP have the day off to talk to constituents.
Hetherington 12 Distributive and Partisan Politics in the U.S. Senate: An Exploration of Earmarks
Michael H. Barrow Motor Ability Test - TEST, MEASUREMENT AND EVALUATION IN
PHYSICAL EDUC. Residuary power is vested in the Union. 20. Is our Constitution purely federal.
No person, holding any office of profit or trust under State can without the consent of the President,
accept any present, emolument or office of any kind from or under a foreign State. 31. What
freedoms are available to a person under article 19. Strategic Aspects of Implementing the
International Agreement on Climate Change 264. Thus, a coalition can be brought don at any
moment by the loss of support from one of its creators. No citizen of India can accept any title from
any foreign State. However, these root causes of constituent interests have remained largely
untested. However, ultimately if any government, single party or multiparty did not represent the
wishes of the electorate then ultimately they would not be voted back into office in the next election.
Conditional party government is a theory that party leadership will be strong when a party is more
homogenous, and there is high polarization of the two parties. Among The Consequences Of
Conditional Party Government Is An Acceptance That Leaders Would Support (Or At Least Not
Block) Policy Initiatives In Which There Was A Party Consensus. It also shows that the optimal
power hierarchy differs across the types of decision hierarchies, indicating the decision-making
procedures adopted by a parties. A. Endres, Department of Economics, University of Hagen,
Germany. The person must have the knowledge of his rights and that the waiver should be voluntary.
28. Is a law made to allow black money to be converted to white money a discrimination with tax
payers and against article 14? No R.K. Garg v. Union of India, AIR 1976 SC 1559. Eric Shibuya,
College of Security Studies, Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies, Hawaii, USA. The greater
representation a party has in cabinet the more influence it should have over policy and so it should
take more responsibility for decisions. Unleashing the Power of AI Tools for Enhancing Research,
International FDP on. Jenkins 11 Catch-22: Cloture, Energy Policy, and the Limits of Conditional
Party Government Bruce I.
Speaker of the House Presiding officer of the House Constitutional officer: first in succession to
President, after VP Powers Leader of the majority party (outranks majority leader). A corporation,
which is a juristic person, is also entitled to the benefit of this Article (Chiranjit Lal Chowdhurary v.
It is harder for the electorate to hold to account a government that consists of a several smaller
parties. An example would be general elections, it makes it legitimate and it is traditional. One
particular problem for voters evaluating coalition governments is how to assess whether all parties
within a coalition should be held equally responsible for past performance. (Gallagher, Laver and
Mair:1995: p293). If this is the first time you use this feature, you will be asked to authorise
Cambridge Core to connect with your account. The Government (party in power) and the opposition
have the opportunity to scrutinise these before they are passed. The lists of subjects in India are
much more detailed as compared to those in the Canadian Constitution 9. The legislation under
attack was the Special Bearer Bonds (Immunities and Exemptions) Act, 1981. It may not be
identified by Norton as one of the major roles of parliament, however it is a rather significant role of
parliament. Unfccc, kyoto protocol, montreal protocol, pollution, international conventio. A law
made before the commencement of the Constitution remains eclipsed or dormant to the extent it
comes under the shadow of the fundamental rights, i.e. is inconsistent with it, but the eclipsed or
dormant parts become active and effective again if the prohibition brought about by the fundamental
rights is removed by the amendment of the Constitution. 34. When was doctrine of eclipse evolved.
In the year of 1999-2000 parliament spent an astonishing 40% of their time spent on legislation.
They can also hear references made by the Income Tax Appellate Tribunal under the Income Tax Act
and other tribunals. 56. 57. What are the powers of the court of sessions. Illuminating the growing
significance of these effects, the contributors explore three major areas, including the electoral
foundations of parties, partisan procedural advantage, and partisan implications for policy. The Role
of Inter- and NonGovernmental Organizations 107. Marc A. Williams, School of Politics and
International Relations, University of New South Wales. Yes, during emergency, Parliament has the
power to make laws for the whole or any part of the territory of India with respect to all matters in
the State List. Article 51A imposing the fundamental duties on every citizen of India was inserted by
the Constitution (Forty-second Amendment) Act, 1976. 33. What is the doctrine of eclipse. No
Article 14 forbids class legislation, but does not forbid classification. 40. What is the doctrine of
implied powers. The first paper analyses the strategic interactions between parties and their
candidates in elections. Legislature is basically the passing of laws in the House of Commons,
however all they do is pass the laws. How is it that, beginning with This Means That If A Certain
Condition Is True, A Certain Result Occurs. B. Rundshagen, Department of Economics, University
of Hagen, Germany. Each one is as important as the other however the main two functions of
parliament are scrutiny and influence. Some members of government may be held under more
scrutiny than others, and this hypothesis is based on the head-of-government’s party experiencing
more retrospective voting than other coalition members. Barrow Motor Ability Test - TEST,
Democracy The Roles of American Parties. The result is a timely corrective to the notion that parties
don’t matter in the Senate—which the contributors reveal is far more similar to the lower chamber
than conventional wisdom suggests. This concept is commonly called legitimacy, the third of five
major roles of parliament as stated by Philip Norton.

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