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International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)

Volume 4, Issue 5 May 2022, pp: 1925-1936 ISSN: 2395-5252

AI Virtual Mouse and Keyboard.

Shweta Pardeshi, Shubham Jagtap, Shashank Kathar, Shivam
Giri, Prof. Suresh Kapare
Department of Computer Science and Engineering MIT ADT University, Pune, MH-India
Department of Computer Science and Engineering MIT ADT University, Pune, MH-India
Department of Computer Science and Engineering MIT ADT University, Pune, MH-India
Department of Computer Science and Engineering MIT ADT University, Pune, MH-India
Department of Computer Science and Engineering MIT ADT University, Pune, MH-India
Submitted: 15-05-2022 Revised: 25-05-2022 Accepted: 28-05-2022

ABSTRACT Virtual Mouse as well as Virtual Keyboard. Each

Since the development of computer technology, are interrelated and are basics to advance. In order
human interaction with computers has evolved. to increase productivity and to keep the flexibility
Gestures are an effective method to interact also the in each module creating mini projects is the base
era of Covid-19 impacted on us. The mouse as well idea. Since the development of computer
as the keyboard are devices that interact with technology, the technique for constructing a
computers. Here we have tried to make the mouse process of human-computer interaction has
and keyboard feature interaction using hand evolved. In terms of human-computer interface, the
gestures. Eventually discarding the electronic mouse and keyboard are excellent devices.
equipment. Hence, controlling the mouse cursor by The model suggested ultimately discards
using your finger and typing on a virtual keyboard. the electronic equipment. The functionality of
The actions such as clicking, dragging and typing mouse and keyboard will be done by human hands.
data will be carried out using various hand The system requires an input IOT device, webcam.
gestures. The IOT device needed to achieve this is The model suggests detecting the human hand and
a webcam. The camera's output will be presented tracking its gestures. The gestures which include
on the system's screen so that the user can further pointing finger, touching the tips of finger result in
calibrate it. We use technologies like Open-CV, various functionalities of mouse and keyboard.
Media-Pipe, Python. The Media-Pipe library comes Further detection of gestures the functionalities are
in very handy in AI projects and provides features done like opening a notepad application, typing on
that help the model’s efficiency. The user will be the notepad application. The camera's output will
able to navigate the computer cursor and type using be presented on the system's screen so that the user
the virtual keyboard with their hand holding color can further calibrate it. NumPy and mouse are the
caps or tapes, and left click and dragging will be Python requirements that will be utilized to create
done using various hand motions. In this paper, we this system-In project phase one implementation
propose a hand gesture recognition system to and exploration is done on a Virtual Mouse and on
control the virtual mouse and a virtual keyboard for Virtual keyboard in project phase two. Mini
natural human computer interface. projects like Hand Tracking which tracks the palm
KEYWORDS-Hand Tracing, Finger counter, AI of the hand and displays Frame rate, Finger
Virtual Mouse, AI virtual Keyboard, Gesture counting that counts fingers and uses a hand
control. tracking module as its base are also included. Later,
Gesture Volume control which controls the volume
I. INTRODUCTION by extracting certain hand features is also
Human computer interaction is one of the implemented. These are projects that are targeted to
most rapidly growing technologies. Hand gestures increase productivity. We use technologies like
are very significant for human-computer Open-CV, Media-Pipe, and Python. Media-Pipe is
interaction. Hence discovering various modules of developed by Google. It is quite efficient and helps
HCI via hand gestures and implementing them to to provide quick solutions to AI projects.
innovate is the objective. The proposed systems
consist of projects like Hand Tracking, Finger
counting, gesture volume control and finally AI

DOI: 10.35629/5252-040519251936 Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 1925
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 4, Issue 5 May 2022, pp: 1925-1936 ISSN: 2395-5252

II. LITERATURE SURVEY technology platform that mechanically identifies

Industrial robot control, sign language and classifies disease. The detection of disease is
translation, smart surveillance, lie detection, visual accomplished by steps such as picture loading, pre-
environment manipulation, and rehabilitation processing, segmentation, extraction, and
devices for those with upper extremity physical classification. The photographs of the leaves are
limitations can all benefit from virtual hand gesture used to identify plant illnesses[12].
recognition. In addition to being inconspicuous, The computer's camera analyzes the image
virtual hand gesture recognition systems may be a of a person's hand making various movements, and
natural means of interacting with machines, making the mouse or pointer moves in reaction to the
them an important sort of input mechanism. The movements, including performing right and left
ability to reliably detect gestures from numerous clicks with different gestures. The keyboard may
perspectives is a difficult component of this be controlled with a variety of gestures, including a
technology[2]. According to a survey and a sign one-finger motion to select an alphabet and a four-
language study, the hand gesture is the easiest and figure gesture to swipe left and right [13]. It will
most natural manner of communicating among the work as a virtual mouse and keyboard without the
many gesture communications modalities. With the usage of any wires or other devices.
help of recent breakthroughs in the field of This survey presents a virtual keyboard
computer vision and pattern recognition, real-time that overcomes the difficulties faced by using
vision-based hand gesture identification is standard computing devices such as computers and
becoming more and more possible for Human- laptops. The keyboard is built primarily on a
Computer Interaction. [4]. vision-based human-computer interaction idea,
For laptops, there are a variety of quick picture collecting, and image processing approach
access techniques for hand and mouse gestures. that includes virtual keys that are sized to match the
Using our project, we could use the laptop or dimensions of standard QWERTY keys. Image
webcam to recognize the hand motion and operate Capturing, Character Identification, and Device
the mouse and execute simple operations like Emulation are the three primary modules of this
mouse pointer control, select and deselect using left keyboard[14]. A 3D model-based approach is a
click. The completed project is a laptop based technique which has been proposed for hand
"Zero Cost" hand recognition system that employs tracking. A structured light system generates dense
simple algorithms to determine the hand, hand 3D data, which is used in the system. To remove
movements, and assign an action to each the background, we use a static reference image.
movement. The system we're building, which is The 3D hand model is sampled and matched
written in Python, is much more responsive and against the depth map in each frame, and the hand
easy to implement because Python is a simple model's deformation parameters are tuned to
language that is platform independent, flexible, and minimize the Euclidean distance between the
portable, all of which are desirable qualities in a model and depth map surfaces[16].
program aimed at creating a Virtual Mouse and The objective of this work is to explore some of the
Hand Recognition system[8]. recent research in the hand gesture recognition
Hand Gesture detects shapes and/or system and to detect the virtual mouse for human
positions based on implementation to task the and computer interaction.
system to perform some job. The learning process
starts with observations or data, such as examples, III. RESEARCH MODEL
direct experience, or instruction, in order to find 3.1 TECHNOLOGY USED
patterns in data and make better decisions in the 3.1.1OpenCV:
future based on the examples we provide. The OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision
paper's main goal is to allow computers to learn Library) is a library of programming functions
without human involvement or aid and change their mainly aimed at real-time computer vision.The
activities accordingly. In this system, a semi- library is cross-platform and free for use under the
supervised machine learning technique is open-source Apache 2 License. Starting in 2011,
implemented, which can significantly enhance OpenCV features GPU acceleration for real-time
learning accuracy when the collected data requires operations.
experienced and relevant resources to train and Application of OpenCV:
learn from[11]. The system uses Hand motions It is used for image frame acquisition, real
recognition system to replace the essential pointing time image frame object detection and text
devices used in PCs to depict hand motions. The modification in window. Also, works quite
purpose of this project is to create a solution to a

DOI: 10.35629/5252-040519251936 Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 1926
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 4, Issue 5 May 2022, pp: 1925-1936 ISSN: 2395-5252

efficiently in real time applications. Few important of Webcam:

functions implemented are To get computer vision.
 imshow() - used to display an image in a of Webcam:
window. If the camera used is within a laptop or
 putText() - used to draw a text string on integrated the VideoCapture() function
any image. In our case we used to display frame implemented should have parameter 0. If the
rate. webcam is an external device the parameter passed
 waitkey() - allows users to display a should be 1 or else the video will not be detected.
window for given milliseconds or until any key is 3.1.3 MediaPipe:
pressed. In our case we passed parameter as 1 MediaPipe offers cross-platform,
which initiates a while loop, and the image is customizable ML solutions for live and streaming
displayed continuously giving a video effect. media.[17] It provides machine learning pipelines.
It was found that OpenCV is easier to implement This perception pipeline is a graph. Developed by
and debug than MATLAB. Google. In 2019, MediaPipeopened up a new world Challenges of OpenCV: of opportunities for researchers and developers to
We found that the frame rate (fps) should develop applications in the computer vision sector,
be 30 for the output accuracy. Hence ensuring the following its public release.
same is necessary. Calculating fps for webcam is Application of MediaPipe:
not done by OpenCV functions MediaPipe is implemented for detecting
(CAP_PROP_FPS); we manually calculated the the palm and drawing out the hand landmarks. It
values by finding previous time and current time. has developed these models which have been
3.1.2 Web Camera: implemented. MediaPipe has trained thirty
A webcam is a video camera that feeds or thousand images of palm hence it provides great
streams an image or video in real time to or accuracy. The library detects 21 hand landmarks
through a computer network, such as the Internet. which can be coordinated to build various
This IOT device can be an integrated camera of the functionalities.
laptop or an external webcam with high resolution.

Fig.1. Hand Landmarks by MediaPipe [17]

Code includes a hand class which includes ● - responsible

methods. Examples of the following are: to draw all hand’s landmarks points on the output
● - initialize the Hands image which were detected by our Hands function.
class where MediaPipe is imported as mp. of MediaPipe: manner. In our module we have used the functions
While implementing the MediaPipe library we for controlling virtual mouse and keyboard. [18]
have to make sure that the image captured in the Application of Autopy:
image frame is in RGB format which by default is In the Autopy the mouse module contains
obtained as BGR. Hence, we have to convert it. functions for getting the current state and
3.1.4 AutoPy: controlling the cursor of the mouse virtually.
It is a simple cross-platform GUI Few implemented functions include:
automation library for Python. It includes functions  Autopy.mouse.move (x, y) : The function
for controlling the keyboard and mouse, finding will move the mouse according to the imputed x
colors and bitmaps on-screen, and displaying alerts and y coordinate.
-- all in a cross-platform, efficient, and simple 3.1.5 NumPy:

DOI: 10.35629/5252-040519251936 Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 1927
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 4, Issue 5 May 2022, pp: 1925-1936 ISSN: 2395-5252

Library is used to perform mathematical operations Recognizing the hand gesture, we could control the
on arrays, matrices as well as linear algebra. This cursor of the mouse and perform basic operations
computing library is designed to integrate with like mouse pointer or cursor control as well as
Python and can be called the core library for features of the mouse like left click and right click.
scientific computing in Python. [19] The idea also suggests how the fingers are gestured Application of NumPy: will define the type of click. If only the index
NumPy’s computational power is used in our finger’s tip is detected, then the cursor will act as
module to find the coordinates of the screen while the finger moves like a mouse. The hand
implementing AI Virtual mouse. The webcam will movements are small and easy to do. Hence the
return the coordinates in dimension (640 * 480) of system is also designed such that it can be used
the fingertip. Hence, converting these coordinates easily. Similarly, with an AI keyboard the process
equivalent to the user’s screen NumPy’s starts with designing the keys and the entire
mathematical computation is required. keyboard onto the screen, hence implementing. The
3.1.6 Time: tips of the finger are also used to select the
Library is used to get the current time. In the alphabets off the screen resulting in typing on the
proposed system the library is used to calculate the text area on the screen or on external applications
fps. That is the frame rate. like notepad. Application of time: The system also focuses on developing
Frame rate is calculated as (1 / (cTime- pTime)) other small feature models such as hand tracking,
where cTime is current time and pTime is previous finger counter and gesture volume control along
time. with the AI virtual mouse. The reason is to increase
3.1.7 Pynput: the results and to get more outcomes from a single
It is a library used to control input devices. It can project.
be used to control the mouse and keyboard. 3.2.2 MINI MODELS
The mini models include:
3.2.1 OVERVIEW:  Finger counting
The aim is to create a cost-free hand  Volume Control
recognition system for controlling laptops and PCs
with support of an IoT device i.e., webcam. Block diagram of Mini models (Hand tracking, finger counting, Gesture Volume control)

Fig. 2. Block diagram of Mini Models HAND TRACKING - The Hand Tracking the hand by segmenting it into a category of 21
model will use two main modules of the MediaPipe features.
in the backend that are palm detection and hand  Output obtained: Package created to
landmarks. The Palm detection crops the image and track hand.
finds the exact image which has a palm. Hand  Flowchart for Hand Tracking Model
Landmarks; find 21 different landmarks on the
cropped image. Hence the MediaPipe library tracks

DOI: 10.35629/5252-040519251936 Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 1928
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 4, Issue 5 May 2022, pp: 1925-1936 ISSN: 2395-5252

Fig. 3. Flow ofHand tracking Model FINGER COUNTER -Finger Counter will position in real time and then give the estimated
import the Hand tracking model. As the Hand output of how many fingers are displayed and then
Tracking model will contain modules which are it will count fingers.
flexible and easing reusable importing and using it  Output obtained: How to detect fingers. How
will be quite efficient. Finger counter will also to extract the feature of the landmark and
import a database that has 6 images of hand implement it to create a functionality.
counting till five and an image of fist. The model  Flowchart for Finger Counter Model
will trace the 21-hand landmark, check their

DOI: 10.35629/5252-040519251936 Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 1929
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 4, Issue 5 May 2022, pp: 1925-1936 ISSN: 2395-5252

Fig. 4. Flow of Finger Counting Model GESTURE VOLUME CONTROL-This expected output is the aim here. Here detecting
model will also import Hand tracking modules. fingers as well as their gestures was implemented.
Detecting index finger and thumb to control the  Output obtained: How to create functionalities
volume. Also detecting the pinky finger to fix the using gestures was the learning.
volume. Hence using 21 hand landmark features  Flowchart for Gesture Volume Control Model
extracting the landmarks which are required and
programming them accordingly to give the

DOI: 10.35629/5252-040519251936 Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 1930
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 4, Issue 5 May 2022, pp: 1925-1936 ISSN: 2395-5252

Fig. 5. Flow of Gesture Volume Control Model RESULT OF MINI MODEL

Fig. 6. Result of Hand Tracking Model

DOI: 10.35629/5252-040519251936 Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 1931
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 4, Issue 5 May 2022, pp: 1925-1936 ISSN: 2395-5252

Fig. 7. Result of Finger Counting Model

Fig. 8. Result of Finger Counting Model

1) Lowering the volume level to 0% hand landmarks and programming such that only
2) Increasing the volume level to 100% the index finger’s movement will be read is the
3) Setting the volume level to 69% objective. Using the index finger as a pointer to the
mouse cursor the virtual mouse is implemented.
3.2.3 VIRTUAL AI MOUSE: The right and left click functionality were
An AI mouse is a proposed system where implemented when index and thumb and index and
the mouse functions will be handled by a finger middle finger touch gestures were detected
using the camera. Use of the hand tracking model respectively.
will be done again. Tracking hand extracting 21- FLOW DIAGRAM OF WORKING OF VIRTUAL AI MOUSE

DOI: 10.35629/5252-040519251936 Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 1932
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 4, Issue 5 May 2022, pp: 1925-1936 ISSN: 2395-5252

Fig. 9. Flow of Virtual Mouse

Fig. 10. Result of Visual Mouse

3.2.4 VIRTUAL AI KEYBOARD for our reference. The letters are detected when a
An AI keyboard is a proposed system finger hovers over the particular alphabet on the
where a virtual keyboard is simulated on the screen screen. The letter is typed on the gesture of middle

DOI: 10.35629/5252-040519251936 Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 1933
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 4, Issue 5 May 2022, pp: 1925-1936 ISSN: 2395-5252

and index finger touch. The AI keyboard web camera has to be adjusted accordingly. The
implemented is very flexible. As the keyboard is implementation suggests
comparatively big the image frame acquisition by Flowchart of the working of the keyboard.

Fig. 11. Flow of Virtual Keyboard RESULT OF VIRTUAL KEYBOARD

Fig. 12. Performing thekeypress on the virtual keyboard

DOI: 10.35629/5252-040519251936 Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 1934
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 4, Issue 5 May 2022, pp: 1925-1936 ISSN: 2395-5252

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