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Teacher Induction • http://www.


Program (TIP)

The DepEd Teacher
in collaboration with

Philippine National Submitted by:

Research Center for Teacher Quality Christine Joy O. Aguilar
TIP 2024
Preliminary Activity
Please complete the survey below. This activity will help you reflect on
your current understanding of the different aspects in the Department of
Education. How familiar are you with the following? Check the appropriate
box that corresponds to your answer.

Key Topics Very familiar Familiar Slightly familiar Not familiar

DepEd’s Mandate



Core Values

Strategic Directions

Guide for Mentors and Newly Hired Teachers 5

Session 1 – The DepEd’s Mandate a. promote quality education?

The DepEd’s Mandate

The Department of Education (DepEd) was established
through the Education Decree of 1863 as the Superior
Commission of Primary Instruction under a Chairman. The As a recently employed educator at DepEd, my
Education agency underwent many reorganization efforts in foremost focus is to establish a nurturing and
the 20th century in order to better define its purpose vis-à-vis all-encompassing learning atmosphere,
the changing administrations and charters. The present-day ensuring each student experiences a sense of
Department of Education was eventually mandated through worth and regard. Consistently, I will actively
Republic Act No. 9155, otherwise known as the Governance pursue opportunities for professional growth to
of Basic Education Act of 2001, which establishes the refine my teaching skills and remain well-versed
mandate of this agency. in the latest educational approaches. Moreover,
I aim to collaborate with fellow teachers, sharing
DepEd formulates, implements, and coordinates effective strategies and resources to foster a
policies, plans, programs, and projects in the areas of culture of collaboration and creativity. Building
strong connections with parents and the local
formal and non-formal basic education. It supervises
community is a priority, aiming to forge robust
all elementary and secondary education institutions, partnerships that bolster student learning and
including alternative learning systems, both public overall development. Through these endeavors,
and private; and provides for the establishment and I am dedicated to contributing to the
maintenance of a complete, adequate, and integrated advancement of quality education and the
system of basic education relevant to the goals of academic prosperity of my students.
national development.

Required Task 1: Reflection Questions

Reflect on the DepEd’s mandate and respond to the
questions below. You may respond in 2-5 sentences
for each.
As a newly hired teacher in DepEd, what can you
contribute to:

6 The Teacher Induction Program - Course 1

b. uphold equity in education? c. respond to the needs of the learners?

As a recently appointed teacher at DepEd, I In my role as a recently appointed teacher at

acknowledge the crucial role of promoting DepEd, my primary focus is on comprehending
equity in education. My commitment is to the varied requirements of my students. I will
establish an inclusive classroom setting where consistently evaluate their strengths,
every student, irrespective of their background weaknesses, and interests, adapting my
or situation, enjoys equal access to educational teaching methods to suit their individual needs.
prospects. I will employ teaching methodologies Moreover, I am dedicated to offering tailored
that accommodate various learning styles and support and accommodations for learners who
attend to the specific requirements of each may need additional assistance, guaranteeing
student. Furthermore, I will champion policies that every student receives the necessary
and procedures at the school level that attention. Collaboration with parents, guardians,
advocate for equity and impartiality, including and support personnel will be integral to crafting
support initiatives for students from personalized learning plans that cater to the
marginalized communities and guaranteeing distinct needs of each student. Through this
universal access to resources. Through my active responsiveness to the needs of my
proactive efforts to advance equity in education, students, I am wholeheartedly committed to
I aspire to contribute to the creation of a fair and nurturing their academic success and overall
just society. well-being.

Guide for Mentors and Newly Hired Teachers 7

Session 2: Vision, Mission, and Core Values
Preliminary Activity:
As a new public school teacher, what are your visions for yourself, for your class, and your school community?

• Personal Growth: • Classroom Environment: • School Community:
I aspire to continually enhance my In my vision for the classroom, I aim to I aspire to actively engage in the
teaching skills by engaging in establish a vibrant and dynamic school community by collaborating with
professional development, seeking learning environment where students colleagues, parents, and stakeholders
guidance from experienced educators, are valued, supported, and inspired to to establish a nurturing and supportive
and reflecting on my own practice. My reach their full potential. This space will educational environment. My goal is to
goal is to become a highly effective be safe, inclusive, and diverse, contribute to a positive school culture
teacher, making a positive impact on fostering critical thinking and that emphasizes student well-being,
students' lives and contributing to the collaboration. Through innovative academic excellence, and community
improvement of the education system teaching methods, my goal is to kindle involvement. Through fostering strong
overall. a passion for learning and impart relationships and open communication,
lifelong skills that extend beyond the I aim to work collaboratively with all
classroom. members of the school community to
achieve shared goals and make a
meaningful impact on the lives of
students and their families.

8 The Teacher Induction Program - Course 1

Key Topic 1: DepEd’s Vision Scenario 1:
Teacher Johanna is a Grade 7 teacher at Jacobo Z. Gonzales
Memorial National High school. She encourages her learners
to demonstrate their love of country through practicing acts
of kindness inside and outside the school premises. Provide
Vision at least two ways of integrating this in her lessons. You may
respond in 3-5 sentences.

We dream of Filipinos
who passionately love their country To incorporate acts of kindness into her lessons,
Teacher Johanna can use service-learning
and whose values and competencies projects where students identify and address
community needs. This may include organizing
enable them to realize their full potential cleanup drives or volunteering at local charities,
fostering empathy, leadership skills, and civic
and contribute meaningfully to building the nation. responsibility. Additionally, she can allocate time
for reflection and discussion on kindness's
societal impact, using literature or case studies.
As a learner-centered public institution, This approach encourages critical thinking and
empathy while reinforcing the value of kindness
the Department of Education among students.

continuously improves itself

to better serve its stakeholders.

Required Task 1: Application

Let’s see how you would apply the DepEd’s vision in

responding to the following school scenarios. Write your
answer on the space provided.

Guide for Mentors and Newly Hired Teachers 9

Scenario 2: Key Topic 2: DepEd’s Mission
One of the Grade 9 advisory students of Teacher Andrew is
showing interest in joining scouting. However, the student is
very shy and timid. In what ways can Teacher Andrew help
his learners to gain confidence and participate in scouting?
You may respond in 3-5 sentences.

Teacher Andrew can help the shy student gain To protect and promote the right of every Filipino to quality,
confidence in scouting by Encouraging gradual equitable, culture-based, and complete basic education
involvement: Start with small activities like where:
attending meetings or helping with simple tasks to Students learn in a child-friendly, gender-sensitive, safe,
build confidence gradually. Providing mentorship and motivating environment.
and support: Pair the student with a peer mentor
or older scout for guidance and encouragement. Teachers facilitate learning and constantly nurture every
Fostering a supportive environment: Create an learner.
inclusive atmosphere where all members uplift
each other, helping the shy student feel more Administrators and staff, as stewards of the institution,
confident and accepted within the group. ensure an enabling and supportive environment for effective
learning to happen.

Family, community, and other stakeholders are actively

engaged and share responsibility for developing life-long

Required Task 2: Application

Let’s see how you would apply the DepEd’s mission in
responding to the following school scenarios. Write your
answer on the space provided.

10 The Teacher Induction Program - Course 1

Scenario 1: Key Topic 3: The DepEd Core Values
Teacher Helga is a Grade 1 teacher at Biñan Elementary
School. She is teaching Science. She wants to make sure
that she can provide a child-friendly, gender-sensitive, safe,
and motivating environment in her class. What should she
do to achieve this? You may respond in 3-5 sentences. Core Values
In promoting “One DepEd,” the official DepEd core values
adapted the national motto as stated in the Republic Act
Teacher Helga can create an inclusive and
No. 8491 (otherwise known as the Flag and Heraldic Code
motivating Grade 1 Science class by using diverse
of the Philippines). The core values are enumerated as such:
teaching materials, promoting equal participation
regardless of gender, enforcing clear classroom
rules for safety, and incorporating engaging
activities tailored to various learning styles. Maka-Diyos
Regularly assessing and adapting teaching methods
based on students' needs will contribute to
maintaining an optimal learning environment.

As an example on how we can interpret these, the DepEd

core values have been elaborated further by the Division
of Baguio City by translating the core values to behavioral
statements with indicators.

The Baguio City Division Memorandum could be accessed

through this link:

Guide for Mentors and Newly Hired Teachers 11

Scenario 2:
Required Task 3: Application
The DepEd Core Values teaches us the love for God
Let’s see how you would apply the DepEd Core Values (maka-Diyos), love for fellow men (maka-tao), love for
in responding to the following school scenarios. You may nature (makakalikasan), and love for country (makabansa).
answer the following questions in 3-5 sentences. Write your Teacher Molina inspires his Grade 2 learners to become a
answer on the space provided. better version of themselves through exemplifying qualities
and characters of our national heroes. What classroom
Scenario 1: management strategies can Teacher Molina employ to
Teacher Luis is a Grade 10 guidance counselor and a Values encourage learners to apply the DepEd core values in real
Education teacher at Arellano High School. One of his life situations?
classes has a diverse religious background. One day, two of
the learners insisted that the class should start with a prayer
led by an assigned student. This leads to a heated debate Teacher Molina effectively imparts the DepEd Core
arguing about their own religious and spiritual beliefs. How Values to his Grade 2 learners through strategic
can Teacher Luis mediate and help resolve the argument? approaches. He serves as a positive example by
(You may refer to Department Order (No. 32, s. 2013) and consistently modeling these values and incorporates
Department Order (69, s. 1990)). relatable stories of national heroes. Interactive
discussions and a reward system encourage
Teacher Luis addresses the Grade 10 learners' students to share experiences and exhibit positive
religious debate by fostering a respectful behavior aligned with the Core Values. Integrating
environment that values diverse beliefs. He activities into lesson plans ensures practical
encourages open dialogue, highlights shared application, fostering a values-centric environment.
values, and provides educational insights into Collaborating with parents further reinforces these
different religions for increased tolerance. principles at home, creating a holistic approach to
Proposing an inclusive practice, like a rotational instilling the DepEd Core Values in real-life
system for leading activities, ensures all students situations.
contribute. Teacher Luis offers guidance on
sensitivity and refers to school policies promoting
inclusivity if necessary. Through these steps, he
aims to create open communication,
understanding, and a harmonious learning
ZC.pptx Required Task 2: Pledge of Commitment
(Portfolio Output)
Required Task 1: Identification
Identify the DepEd Strategic Goals being addressed by the
following scenarios. Pledge of Commitment
Write your own pledge of commitment in support to DepEd
1. Expand Access to Basic Education Strategic Directions. You may write your statements in 3-5
2. Improve Quality and Relevance
I pledge my unwavering commitment to DepEd's
3. Modernize Education Management and Strategic Directions by actively contributing to the
Governance advancement of quality education. I will prioritize
Your school effectively implements a School-based the holistic development of learners, fostering an
Management (SBM) system that empowers your school head inclusive and supportive environment. Through
to make decisions that respond to your school’s immediate continuous self-improvement and staying
needs. informed about evolving educational
methodologies, I aim to enhance my effectiveness
Your Grade Level Coordinator conducts LAC sessions with as an educator. I pledge to collaborate with fellow
all the teachers in the grade level to be knowledgeable about educators, parents, and stakeholders to create a
the concerns of teachers and learners. positive impact on the educational landscape,
aligned with DepEd's vision for empowering
Your school prepares alternative learning mode for all learners and shaping a brighter future for our
learners. nation.
The Local Government Unit (LGU) provides assistance to the
public schools through distributing TVs, tablets, and laptops
to learners and educators.

The Division Office prioritizes training on curriculum

implementation and lesson planning. They invite curriculum
experts to join the teacher training and conferences.

18 The Teacher Induction Program - Course 1

Required Task 3: Reflection
After going through this module, (DepEd Mandate, Vision, 1. In what ways has this module helped you reflect on the
Mission, Core Values, and Strategic Directions), answer the Vision, Mission, Core Values, and Strategic Directions of the
following questions. Write your responses in 3-5 sentences. Department of Education?

This module really got me thinking about

DepEd's Vision, Mission, Core Values, and
Strategic Directions. It gave me a solid grasp of
what DepEd is all about, making me reflect on
how these goals jive with my own teaching style.
It's got me considering how I can chip in to make
DepEd's vision and mission happen in my own
way. All in all, it made me realize just how crucial
these guiding documents are in shaping
education in the Philippines.

Guide for Mentors and Newly Hired Teachers 19

2. How has this module helped you clarify your vision and 3. What are your personal beliefs and values that are aligned
motivations in serving your learners better and in promoting with the DepEd’s VMV (Vision, Mission, Core Values)?
a learner-centered environment for them?

This module clarified my vision by emphasizing My beliefs and values strongly resonate with
learner-centered approaches, encouraging me to DepEd's Vision, Mission, and Core Values. I
prioritize student needs and interests. Reflecting wholeheartedly believe in the empowering impact
on DepEd's vision, I now understand the of education, echoing DepEd's vision for every
significance of holistic development and lifelong learner to succeed. Likewise, my dedication to
learning. It inspires me to continually seek promoting excellence, integrity, and social
innovative teaching strategies for student responsibility aligns closely with DepEd's core
engagement and empowerment, reinforcing my values. I also share DepEd's mission to deliver
commitment to creating a nurturing, learner- quality, accessible, and inclusive education that
centered environment. equips learners with the skills and values for
positive contributions to society. In essence, my
personal principles closely mirror DepEd's VMV,
motivating me to consistently uphold these ideals
in my role as an educator.

20 The Teacher Induction Program - Course 1

Session 4 – The Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers
Required Task 1: Video Viewing
Click here or go to to watch the PPST explainer video (8:41 minutes)

Use the table below to take note of important information.

What I learned from watching What else i want to know about

the PPST explainer video the PPST/ concepts that need clarification
After viewing the PPST (Philippine Professional Standards I'm curious about how the PPST is integrated into teacher
for Teachers) explainer video, I gained insights into several education and pre-service training, its alignment with
crucial aspects: existing teacher evaluation systems, and practical case
1. Recognizing the pivotal role of the PPST in guiding studies of teachers applying it in classrooms.
and enhancing teaching practices nationwide. Understanding challenges and potential solutions teachers
2. Understanding the structure and components of the face with the PPST implementation is crucial. Additionally,
PPST, encompassing domains, strands, and insight into the research and evidence behind the PPST's
indicators development would deepen my understanding of its
3. Appreciating the emphasis on teacher rationale and effectiveness in improving teaching practices.
professionalism, continuous improvement, and
lifelong learning embedded in the PPST framework.
4. Acknowledging the PPST's role in supporting
teachers' professional growth through self-
assessment, reflection, and collaboration.
5. Noting the alignment of the PPST with global
standards and best practices, showcasing a
commitment to delivering quality education for all
Filipino learners.

Guide for Mentors and Newly Hired Teachers 21

The DepEd School Calendar contains the guidelines that
Key Concept 3: Implementing Guidelines should be observed in schools nationwide, including school
programs, curricular non-classroom-based activities, and
Required Task 1: Reading and Reflection parent-teachers conferences. Some of the important dates
Study the rationale of the Implementing Guidelines of the to be observed include a general assembly, deworming of
DepEd School Calendar for the current school year. Write children, career guidance, in-service training, Christmas
your insight on the space provided below. Limit your break, standardized tests spearheaded by Bureau of
response to 150 words. Education Assessment (BEA), summer classes, and end of
school year rites.

As a teacher who works in the Department of Education,

The rationale behind the DepEd School Calendar's you are enjoined to be familiarized with the DepEd School
Implementing Guidelines for the current academic Calendar because it will affect school-based calendar and
year extends to providing a comprehensive and your professional work within the school year. It is important
structured framework. This framework acts as a to mark the dates on your own calendar, so that it gives you
guide, delineating crucial dates, events, and a heads up on how you plan your activities throughout the
milestones to enhance the efficiency and year.
effectiveness of educational processes. The
overarching goal is to optimize teaching and
learning opportunities, allocate resources
judiciously, and ensure uniformity in educational
planning across various schools and regions. This
systematic approach is intended to support the
realization of educational objectives, fostering a
standardized and organized academic experience
for educators and students throughout the entire
school year. This systematic approach is designed
to contribute to the achievement of educational
objectives, fostering a standardized and organized
academic experience for educators and students
throughout the entirety of the school year.

Guide for Mentors and Newly Hired Teachers 27

Required Task 2: Personal School Calendar (Output for Portfolio)
Get a copy of the latest DepEd School Calendar. In the space below, write your personal activities, reconciling them with the
important dates set by DepEd throughout the school year.

School Year: 2024 - 2025

June July August September October November

Vacation Brigade eskwela Prepare Monitor the Make remediation Create
Performance Task progress of the on the learners with Performance tasks
for the whole learners incomplete output suitable to the
quarter learners

28 The Teacher Induction Program - Course 1

December January February March April May
Make adjustment Make remediation if Prepare activities Monitor the Asssess learners
on the output necessary for slow suitable to the progress of the progress
based on the days learners learners learners

Guide for Mentors and Newly Hired Teachers 29

Required Task 3:

Write TRUE if the statement is correct; write FALSE if otherwise.


The DepEd school calendar for each school
year does not set the specific dates for the
opening and closing day of classes.
Republic Act 11480, which is also known as True
An Act to Lengthen the School Calendar from
Two Hundred (200) Days to Not More Than Two
Hundred Twenty (220) Class Days.
The in-service training is inclusive of the number True
of days required for learners to be in school.
The parent-teacher conference is inclusive of True
the number of days required for learners to be
in school.
Alternative delivery modes or make up classes True
are not allowed to be undertaken to compensate
for the unplanned suspension of classes due to
natural calamities.
The Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan True
(BE-LCP) is a plan that aims to allow learners
to continue their learning despite any ongoing
disasters like calamities, pandemics, etc.


• The DepEd school calendar for each school year sets the opening and closing day of classes, as well as the activities

30 The Teacher Induction Program - Course 1

Scenario Answer Feedback
a. Librarian/LRMDS
1. Teacher Leo creates activities to make
sure that learners and teachers access the
place where reading materials and learn-
ing resources are kept. He also crafts a
schedule of the classes that could visit the
place. He coordinates with the School Head
for the selection, acquisition, organization,
and maintenance of reference and reading

a. Librarian/LRMDS Coordinator

b. Guidance Coordinator/Teacher

c. Guidance Counselor

d. Subject/Learning Area Coordinator/

Department Head

2. Teacher Lorrine is handling a case of some c. Guidance Counselor

Grade 7 learners who were caught cheating
by their adviser. She calls the attention of
the parents and reports to them what the
learners did. Since it is the first incident,
the learners are reprimanded and remind-
ed of the importance of honesty and of not

a. Librarian/LRMDS Coordinator

b. Guidance Coordinator/Teacher

c. Guidance Counselor

d. Subject/Learning Area Coordinator/

Department Head

Scenario Answer Feed

3. Teacher Steffi is conducting a career guid- b. Guidance
ance and advocacy seminar to Grade 12 Coordinator/Teacher
learners focusing on the four exits envi-
sioned for SHS graduates—namely, higher
education, entrepreneurship, employment, or
middle-level skills development. Afterward,
she gives them a survey to answer on what
they plan for their career development after

a. Librarian/LRMDS Coordinator

b. Guidance Coordinator/Teacher

c. Guidance Counselor

d. Subject/Learning Area Coordinator/

Department Head

4. Mark Anthony is preparing a budget plan for d. Administrative Officer

the continuous improvement of the school
for the month of August. He is also preparing
the financial report for the month of July.
Both reports are subject to the approval of
the School Head.

a. Guidance Coordinator/Teacher

b. Librarian/LRMDS Coordinator

c. Guidance Counselor

d. Administrative Officer

Scenario Answer Feedback

c.Property Custodian
5. Miss Rhea prepares the receipt, issuance,
maintenance, and safekeeping of supplies,
materials, and equipment and other prop-
erties and facilities of the school. She also
conducts and maintains the inventory of
properties and prepares the required reports
for the School Head’s reference.

a. Librarian/LRMDS Coordinator

b. School Nurse

c. Property Custodian

d. Feeding Program Coordinator

36 The Teacher Induction Program - Course 1

Scenario 2
Required Task 2: Scenario Analysis
Teacher Mary Ann, a fellow teacher whom you consider a
To foster harmonious relationships with the wider school friend, messaged you on Facebook and told you that she will
community, it is important to involve learners, parents, and be absent tomorrow. She asked you to substitute all her five
other stakeholders in identifying and resolving issues and classes. Without letting you respond, she already sent you
concerns in the school community. Discuss how you can the learning materials for her lessons tomorrow. However,
help in each scenario and involve some key personnel who you also have classes to attend and your learners are
can help you resolve the following challenges. expecting to deliver a performance task that they prepared
for. What are you going to do as a colleague and who should
Scenario 1 you direct her to?
Teacher Lozano, the mother of one of your advisory
students, visited you in the school because of a bullying
incident that you are not aware of. She was very angry and
disappointed about what happened because the incident As a colleague and friend, acknowledge Teacher
was not addressed and resolved properly. Her daughter is Mary Ann's absence request and express your
still afraid and decided not to go to school that day. The understanding. Politely explain your prior
incident happened during Science time because the teacher commitments, including scheduled classes with
was late to enter the class. You also had other classes to performance tasks. Offer assistance for a specific
attend to and had no chance to meet your advisory class class or suggest she inform school administration or
during that time. Who should you seek help to? the department head about her absence, providing
contact details. If possible, inform nearby colleagues
or the department head about the situation for
Connect with the School Guidance Counselor for potential support. This ensures Teacher Mary Ann's
emotional support and counseling for the affected absence is appropriately addressed within the
student. Simultaneously, inform the School Principal school's procedures, considering both your
to initiate an investigation and take necessary commitments and hers.
actions. Engaging the Subject/Learning Area
Coordinator or Department Head in Science can
provide insights into the incident specifics.
Collaborating with these individuals ensures a
comprehensive approach to address the incident,
support the student, and implement preventive
measures for a safer learning environment.

38 The Teacher Induction Program - Course 1

Scenario 3 Session 3 – Pre-opening of Classes
Lito, the class president of your advisory class, was elected Preparation
as the president of the Supreme Student Government (SSG).
After three months, his subject teachers are having trouble Key Topic 1: Preparations for pre-
with his class standing because of his frequent absences and
non-submission of required written and performance tasks.
opening of classes
Lito is getting overwhelmed with the various school activities Now that you have familiarized yourself with the DepEd
he manages. What are you going to do as the adviser? school calendar and the school support system, it is time
to get ready with the preparations for the pre-opening
of classes. Planning ahead for the opening of classes is
important so that you can efficiently and effectively prepare
As the adviser, address Lito's academic challenges
for the school year. In this session, you will determine how
by scheduling a private meeting to discuss his
to get to know the school structure, available resources/
frequent absences and non-submission of tasks.
equipment, etc. and set up the classroom.
Acknowledge the difficulties of balancing academic
and SSG responsibilities. Collaboratively explore Your first year of teaching in the public school system would
solutions, including time management strategies probably be one of the most rewarding and unforgettable
and coordinating with subject teachers for support. experiences that you will have as a teacher. Expect that
Encourage Lito to create a balanced schedule and you will have grounding experiences, as well as a myriad
provide ongoing assistance. Monitor his progress to of challenging circumstances that will test your character.
ensure effective navigation of responsibilities while Hence, it is important that before you prepare your classroom
maintaining academic performance. and your lesson, you also need to prepare yourself physically,
mentally, and emotionally.

You can do journal writing to reflect on your teaching practice.

This will help you make wiser decisions as you deal with
your situations inside the classroom. In this way, it will help
you reflect objectively when untoward incidents happen.
Whenever you make mistakes or failures, you need to be
patient with yourself. Bear in mind that your school head or
head teacher considers that you are a new teacher in the
school and will definitely give you the kind of understanding
that you need.

Guide for Mentors and Newly Hired Teachers 39


It is important to set these rules and routines on the first day of the school year.

Required Task 1: Article Reading

Read an article from Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) entitled Power
in the Classroom: Creating the Environment. You may access the article through this link: http://www.

After reading the article, finish the table below:

How I will apply

Concepts I learned from the article My thoughts about these concepts
these concepts to my class
Giving students a say in the classroom Teachers should allow the pupils to participate I will allow my pupils involvement in crafting
in developing the classroom rules. our classroom rules and regulations so that they
are aware of the consequences they made.
Helping students gain recognition Giving short recognition to pupils output or I will give my pupils recognition to my pupil’s
behavior can boost their morale and encourage achievement either small or big achievement by
them to study hard. giving certificates and praises to show that I am
happy on their achievement.
Adopt other classroom procedures We teachers can adopt other classroom I will give varied tasks to my pupils, giving
procedures to help the students gain personal them the accountable for their own learning
empowerment in school and improve their selves in communicating
with their other classmates
Giving students a say in the classroom Teachers should allow the pupils to participate I will allow my pupils involvement in crafting
in developing the classroom rules. our classroom rules and regulations so that they
are aware of the consequences they made
Helping students gain recognition Giving short recognition to pupils output or I will give my pupils recognition to my pupil’s
behavior can boost their morale and encourage achievement either small or big achievement by
them to study hard. giving certificates and praises to show that I am
happy on their achievement
Adopt other classroom procedures We teachers can adopt other classroom I will give varied tasks to my pupils, giving
procedures to help the students gain personal them the accountable for their own learning
empowerment in school. and improve their selves in communicating
with their other classmates
Giving students a say in the classroom Teachers should allow the pupils to participate I will allow my pupils involvement in crafting
in developing the classroom rules our classroom rules and regulations so that they
are aware of the consequences they made.
Helping students gain recognition Giving short recognition to pupils output or I will give my pupils recognition to my pupil’s
behavior can boost their morale and encourage achievement either small or big achievement by
them to study hard giving certificates and praises to show that I am
happy on their achievement

46 The Teacher Induction Program - Course 1

Required Task 2: True or False
Write TRUE if the statement is correct; write FALSE if otherwise.


1. First impressions are really important,
so you have to set a good first
impression to your learners, their
parents, and your co-teachers.

2. In your first contact with your learners,
co-teachers, and parents, you need
to display confidence and show that
you know what you are doing even in
things that you are not so sure about.
3. You should only do what is instructed
for you to do at the beginning of the
school year.

4. You should model how to introduce
oneself at the beginning of the school

5. Rules play a significant aspect in
helping to define the classroom

Guide for Mentors and Newly Hired Teachers 47

Session 5 – Handling Advisory Classes As you go over the activity, write your reflections below by
answering the questions that follow. Limit your answers to
Required Task 1: Introductory Activity all the three questions below into a maximum of 600 words.
There is no playbook that sums up your task as a classroom Guide Questions:
adviser. Apart from equipping young people with knowledge,
skills, and values to succeed in this vastly demanding 1. What is the role of a teacher to his/her learners?
society, teachers must also strive to build their morale.
Learners who enter their classrooms must discover how to 2. How do you think are those roles manifested in
believe in themselves, exert effort to accomplish their goals, being a classroom adviser?
and persist despite all challenges. It may be ambitious and
daunting, but we should always give them platforms where 3. So far, how was your experience as a classroom
they can express their ideas so they can shine in the most adviser?
brilliant way possible.
1. The role of a teacher to his/her learners is
multifaceted and encompasses various responsibilities
such as providing instruction, guidance, and support to
facilitate student learning and growth.

2. As a classroom adviser, these roles are manifested

in a more personalized and holistic manner. In addition
to academic instruction, the adviser provides guidance
on personal and social matters, assists with goal-
setting and decision-making, and supports students in
navigating challenges and transitions.

3. My experience as a classroom adviser has been

rewarding and fulfilling. It has provided me with the
opportunity to form meaningful relationships with my
students, understand their individual strengths and
needs, and support their overall development. While it
can be challenging at times, particularly in addressing
various issues and concerns that arise, the experience
has also been a source of personal and professional

Guide for Mentors and Newly Hired Teachers 49

Required Task 1: Homeroom Guidance Plan
Using the module provided above, create a Homeroom Guidance Plan for the first quarter of the school year.

Date Activities Outputs

When is Homeroom Guidance What activities do you plan to do in What are the expected outputs from
scheduled? You may consult with your Homeroom Guidance? You may learners and/or documentation of
your mentor. consult with your mentor. evidence?

It will be given by the Guidance Office Icebreaker games or team-building Completed reflections or journal entries
activities to foster a sense of on personal growth, goal progress, or
community and belonging within the insights gained from discussions.
homeroom class.

Discussions or reflections on topics Written or verbal responses to prompts

such as self-awareness, goal-setting, or questions posed during discussions
resilience, and interpersonal or activities.

uided journaling or reflection exercises Participation in group activities, such

to encourage self-expression and self- as sharing personal experiences or
discovery. providing peer support and feedback.

Skill-building activities focused on Completion of self-assessment or goal-

study skills, time management, setting exercises, with documented
organization, and effective action plans for achieving identified
communication. goals.

Guide for Mentors and Newly Hired Teachers 51

Optional Task
Choose five (5) tips on how to connect with your learners and identify ways on how to apply this to your class:

Tips to connect with your learners (Kotler,

How to apply to your class
et. al. 1998)
1 Be Approachable: Foster an open and welcoming atmosphere where students feel comfortable
expressing themselves and seeking assistance when needed.
2 Show Genuine Interest Demonstrate sincere interest in students' thoughts, ideas, and concerns. Actively
listen to their perspectives, validate their experiences, and respond with empathy
and understanding.
3. Be responsive Be responsive to students' needs and preferences by adapting your teaching
approach to accommodate diverse learning styles and abilities. Offer
personalized support and guidance to address individual challenges and promote
student success..
4 Encourage participation Encourage active participation and engagement by providing opportunities for
students to contribute to class discussions, share their insights, and collaborate
with peers. Create interactive learning experiences that stimulate curiosity,
creativity, and critical thinking.
5. Build Trust Build trust through consistent and transparent communication, fairness, and
integrity. Establish clear expectations, boundaries, and consequences while
demonstrating fairness and impartiality in your interactions.
Required Task 1: Scenario Analysis
Read and analyze each scenario. Try to identify different methods of developing discipline among learners by answering the
questions after every case.

Scenarios Possible Answer and Points for Feedback

To tackle tardiness without resorting to corporal
punishment, the teacher should engage in open dialogue
Case 1 : On Being Tardy
with students like Rhea, understanding their challenges,
Rhea: I live a few kilometers away from my school. In the morning, fostering empathy, and exploring flexible arrangements.
sometimes I have to fetch water and cook food for my siblings Positive reinforcement, connection with support services,
before I can go to school. I have no money for transport, so I walk to and collaborative efforts with parents are essential for
school. Learners in our school get late slips when we don’t arrive on creating a compassionate and supportive learning
time. I don’t want to get too many. environment that addresses tardiness without punitive
Rhea’s teacher: I have to make sure the children understand that
coming late to school is not acceptable. They have to know that
there are consequences for their tardiness. I always give them
punishment. Some of them are even used to it. They just offer
themselves up because they know I don’t listen to any excuses.

What alternative/s to corporal punishment could suggest to the


58 The Teacher Induction Program - Course 1

Scenarios Possible Answer and Points for Feedback
To address Marcus's disruptive behavior positively, the
teacher should initiate a private conversation, set clear
Case 2: On Disruptive Behavior
behavior expectations, implement positive reinforcement,
Marcus: I am feeling good today. I am telling funny stories, and and engage effective classroom management strategies.
everyone is laughing. The teacher tries to tell me to stop talking, Involving students in rule-setting, teaching conflict
but I want to show everyone that I am not afraid. I am tough and resolution skills, and seeking parental involvement are
cannot be bossed around by a teacher. additional measures to foster a supportive classroom
atmosphere. These alternatives aim to address disruptive
Marcus’ teacher: I have to ensure that the class is well-
behavior effectively while maintaining a positive and
behaved. Otherwise, they will just get out of control and I will not
be able to teach. The learners will take over and other teachers
respectful learning environment.
will laugh at me. I will put Marcus in his place by embarrassing
him publicly. I will make an example out of Marcus so that
learners will not dare to show disrespect by making noise in my

What alternative action/s could you offer to the teacher in order

to promote positive discipline?

Guide for Mentors and Newly Hired Teachers 59

Scenarios Possible Answer and Points for Feedback
Not all learners learn the same way, that’s why teacher
should be aware of the individual differences of the
Case 3: On Giving a Wrong Response to a Question
learners. The behavior of Clark in the class wherein he
Clark: I am so nervous in class. I am afraid that the teacher is always gives wrong answer doesn’t mean he is not paying
going to ask a question when I don’t know the answer. Even if attention, but he doesn’t understand the lesson. This
the answer is obvious, sometimes when the teacher looks at makes him afraid to participate in the class because he
me, I can’t speak. I become scared and just remain quiet. I know thought that his classmate will laugh at him. How the
everyone is staring at me and laughing, but what can I do? I teacher could help Clark is by giving him a remedial lesson
just can’t risk giving the wrong answer. Even in tests, I feel so after the class. Talked to him what he did not
afraid and always fail because I don’t know how to answer the understand in the lesson and give him remedial
questions. I just don’t understand anything that is being taught,
and I don’t want to be laughed at. The best thing is to stay quiet
activities to further understand the lesson. Embarrassing
or just leave that question blank on the test. the pupils in the class when giving wrong answer will cause
the learners to be discouraged to learn or go to school.
Clark’s teacher: This boy is insulting me by not paying attention.
How many times have I taught this thing? Is he not listening? I
am tired of trying hard when a student in a class does not care.
Last week, he failed the test and now he doesn’t even know the
answer to this simple question. I am going to reprimand this boy
so that everyone will learn that when I teach, they have to pay
attention. They should know the right answer before I ask the

What alternative action/s could you suggest in order to promote

positive discipline?

60 The Teacher Induction Program - Course 1

Scenarios Possible Answer and Points for Feedback
If the students lack the interest in going to school maybe
there are reasons behind this. Like the situation of Elna
Case 4: On Absenteeism
wherein the teacher is the reason why Elna don’t want to go
Elna: Sometimes my mother sends me to sell things at the to school anymore. The behavior of the teacher of
market and I can’t go to school. Sometimes I feel bored on the Elna is very unacceptable, she should be the one to treat
way to school and visit my friend instead of going to school. her pupils in a nice way and not to judge her, it is her job to
Sometimes I don’t like being in a class where the teacher always make her students feel safe in the classroom and not to
asks me questions and looks at me in a funny way. I know that discourage them to go to school. She should be the one
I am not going far after the 2nd year High School, so what’s the who need to change her treatment to her pupils,
point? I might as well do what I want. reprimanding Elna with her behavior and giving her final
Elna’s teacher: We can’t have learners missing class whenever warning is not the right solution because this only proves
they want. Her case should serve as an example so that that the teacher does not care with Elna. If the students lack
her behavior doesn’t spread. In the morning assembly, I will the interest in going to school maybe there are reasons
reprimand her, and give her a final warning. If she doesn’t listen, behind this. Like the situation of Elna wherein the teacher is
she will be recommended to drop out of this school. We can’t the reason why Elna don’t want to go to school anymore.
have learners undermining authority at this school.

What alternative action/s do you suggest in order to promote

positive discipline?

Guide for Mentors and Newly Hired Teachers 61

Scenarios Possible Answer and Points for Feedback
If the teachers observe bullying in the classroom, he/she
need immediate action to stop it. The first thing he/she
Case 5: On Bullying
might do is to talk privately to the pupils who bully his/her
Kurt: I am the toughest boy in this school. Everyone fears me, classmates, ask him/her why he is doing it. Let your
and I need to make sure that no one gets away with undermining students know how people are affected by bullying and the
my status. I keep others’ respect by showing them what might consequences of bullying others at school. If the first action
happen if they don’t fear me. I tease small girls, and sometimes is not affected, then seek the help of the parents and the
rough up an annoying boy. Everyone in school knows not to guidance councilor and discuss the solution to the problem
cross me. They know my father is tough at home and I am tough
at school.

Kurt’s teacher: This boy is a problem. He is making other

children miserable and giving our school a bad name. Today in
assembly, I will announce to all learners that we do not tolerate
such behavior. I will send him to the guidance counselor. I will
warn him that if he persists, we will expel him from school.

What alternative action/s do you suggest in order to promote

positive discipline?

62 The Teacher Induction Program - Course 1

Scenarios Possible Answer and Points for Feedback
Due to Pandemic, school had to shift from face-to-face to
online education. Sudden and unprepared students were
Case 6: On Adaptability Struggle
forced to study online, and this caused anxiety and stress to
Janelle: Online learning is new to me. I am used to face to face students. What the teacher could do is to be considerate
classes. I will inform my teacher that I can not attend online with the situation of the pupils. Provide them enough time to
classes regularly and I can not submit my requirements on time. submit their requirements. Always encourage them even a
short phrase, “You can do this”, statement. Acknowledge
Janelles’s teacher: This student may just be making an excuse them that everyone is going through challenging time. If
for not attending our online classes and not submitting on time.
Janelle cannot really access to online learning, then the
As their teacher, I need to be able to communicate to my class
that I will not tolerate complacency and that this rule must
teacher should give Janelle other options wherein she can
equally and strictly apply to all. continue her study.

What alternative action/s could you suggest in order to promote

positive discipline?

Guide for Mentors and Newly Hired Teachers 63

Scenarios Possible Answer and Points for Feedback
If Allen could not cope up to the lesson due to poor internet
connection, then the teacher should provide him printed
Case 7: Technical Issues
materials that are aligned with their lessons so that he can
Allen: I really wanted to pass the subject, attend our online still cope up with their lesson and not left behind by his
classes on time and learn our lessons well. But because of my classmates. If Allen could not cope up to the lesson due to
poor internet connection and I am only using a mobile phone, it poor internet connection, then the teacher should provide
is difficult for me to catch up with the discussions as well as with him printed materials that are aligned with their lessons so
the required tasks. Everyone is doing a great job except me. I that he can still cope up with their lesson and not left
think I should just drop out from school. behind by his classmates.
Allen’s teacher: I noticed that Allen is having difficulty with
internet connection since he keeps signing on and off during
our online classes. If this continues, there’s no way for him to
understand our lessons as well as other students in the class.
However, I have to treat my students equally to avoid favoritism.
I should not give him special treatment

What alternative action/s could you suggest in order to promote


64 The Teacher Induction Program - Course 1

Situations Answers Feedback
Develop prosocial Address the misbehavior in appropriate
1. During the group activity of Teacher behavior, self-discipline, way.
Justin for his Classroom Observation and character
(CO), two of his pupils started argu-
ing with each other, which caused
noise and distracted their classmates.
Teacher Justin then told them to stay
away from each other and that he will
deal with the both of them after class.

Maximize the child’s Stick to the lesson plan so that you are
2. Teacher Gemma prepared a very active participation guided by your lesson activity. Always
engaging group activity for his Grade provide time allotment in doing group activity
7 during her CO. Because of the so that students are aware of the time
learners’ enthusiasm and excitement, remaining.
Teacher Gemma exceeded her time
allotment for the said activity, and
therefore affected the remaining parts
of the lesson.

Develop prosocial Address the misbehavior in appropriate

3. During the class of Sir Christopher, behavior, self-discipline, way, talked to them privately and explain
there was an on-going group activity and character Assure their inappropriate behavior in the
for his learners. Most of the pupils fairness (equity and class.
were quiet except for this one group non-discrimination) and
wherein two pupils were talking about justice
unrelated topics loudly, disrupting the
other groups. He approached them
and with a soft voice he said to them,
“It seems that you forgot our rules
during class activities, just wait until
our class is finished and see what
happens then”. The two suddenly
quieted down and went on with their

68 The Teacher Induction Program - Course 1

Situations Answers Feedback
4. During the General Mathematics class Respect the child’s Avoid embarrassing the child in front of the
of Ma’am Princess, she noticed that dignity class. The teacher should be considerate to
Gian was sleeping. “Rise and shine, Respect the child’s the child’s situation, maybe there is a
Gian! It’s time for your breakfast”, developmental needs problem in the house that’s why he did not
Ma’am Princess shouted and the and quality of life sleep well. Try to talk to him after the class.
whole class giggled. Immediately, Gian
sat properly and became attentive for
the whole duration of Ma’am Prin-
cess’s class.
5. Ma’am Trisha scheduled her First CO Respect the child’s Avoid comparing pupils with another pupils
in her Grade 4 MAPEH Class. During motivation and life views because every child has different ways of
their discussion, she noticed that Assure fairness (equity learning. Always e fair to your students.
among the learners, Carl was the most and non-discrimination)
attentive and participative. After ask- and justice.
ing a question, she then called Amy to
answer, “I don’t know”, Amy replied
nervously. Then Ma’am Trisha told her
pupils that they should be more like
Carl to be able to answer as much as

6. Teacher Cora records the learners Develop prosocial The teacher should call out the attention of
performances and outputs during behavior, self-discipline, the pupils after the online class to discuss
synchronous and asynchronous ac- and character their incomplete activities not during
tivities. She noticed some incomplete the lesson to avoid embarrassment.
activities compiled by the learners. Promote solidarity
During her online class, Teacher Cora
asked the learners to share their online
experiences. After some important
sharing they proceed to the activities
where Teacher Cora prepared. Teacher
Cora called for the learners who have
concerns based on record to actively
participate and give immediate feed-
back to the participation.

Guide for Mentors and Newly Hired Teachers 69

Required Task 3: Quiz
A. Positive or Negative: Determine each teacher’s action if it signifies positive disciplinary action or negative disciplinary

Actions Answers Feedback

1. Acting in the way that you want
the children to act (modelling)

2. Forming small groups in online
synchronous activities

3. Getting the student’s attention
before you begin class

4. Making assumptions on student
abilities without evidence or data

5. Using physical force

70 The Teacher Induction Program - Course 1

Establish clear rules and procedures and instruct
Positive discipline is a way not only to reduce misbehavior learners on how to follow them. Give primary-level
but also motivate learners (UNESCO 2015, 80). It is based learners, in particular, a great deal of instruction,
on the premise that behavior that is rewarded is behavior
practice, and reminding.
that will be repeated. The most critical part of positive
discipline involves helping learners learn behaviors that are
effective in promoting positive social relationships and help
them develop a sense of self-discipline that leads to positive Establishing clear rules and procedures is
self-esteem. foundational for creating a structured and
orderly learning environment. Teachers should
Required Task 4: Reflection break down these rules into simple,
understandable terms, especially for primary-
The following are some ways that can help you create a level learners. Providing explicit instructions,
motivating and conducive environment. How are you going ample practice opportunities, and consistent
to illustrate these ways in your own classroom? Limit your reminders are essential for ensuring
response to 100-150 words per question. comprehension and adherence to the rules.
Visual aids, such as charts or posters, can
a. Hold and communicate high behavioral
further reinforce understanding and serve as
expectations for your learners and yourself.
helpful reminders for students. Through
b. ongoing instruction and reinforcement,
To hold and communicate high behavioral teachers equip primary-level learners with the
expectations for learners and oneself, it's crucial skills and knowledge necessary to navigate
to establish clear guidelines and standards from classroom expectations successfully.
the outset. Teachers can articulate these
expectations through written rules, verbal
reminders, and consistent modeling of desired
behaviors. Providing regular feedback and
reinforcement helps reinforce these expectations
and hold students accountable for their actions.
Additionally, teachers should lead by example,
demonstrating the same level of respect,
responsibility, and integrity they expect from their
students. By fostering a positive and supportive
learning environment grounded in high
behavioral expectations, teachers empower
students to thrive academically and personally.

Guide for Mentors and Newly Hired Teachers 71

Required Task 3: Quiz
True or False. Write TRUE if the statement used positive discipline, or FALSE if it did not.

Scenario Answers Feedback

1. At the very first day of the school
year, Teacher Joy enforces
classroom rules promptly,
consistently, and equitably.
2. Ma’am Carol believes that it is a
waste of time to devote time in
teaching self-monitoring skills.

3. Teacher Michael ensures that he
maintains instructional pace of
his lesson for the day and makes
smooth transitions between
4. Monitor classroom activities
and give learners feedback and
reinforcement regarding their

5. Evelyn makes sure that there
would be one item in her quizzes
that would be very difficult for
learners to answer in order
to discriminate the very good
learners from the rest.

Guide for Mentors and Newly Hired Teachers 73

Session 2: Positive Relationships Key Topic 1: Building Positive
Optional Task: Learn from Others Relationships with Learners
Positive learning communities and relationships contribute
Ask a colleague, either a fellow newly hired teacher or a to a great extent to learners’ engagement in face-to-face or
fellow subject area teacher, on which they think are the best virtual classroom activities. Indeed, relationships are key--
ways to build relationships with their learners. Write your which includes teacher-to-learner and learner-to-learner
findings on the space provided. Limit your response to 100- interactions. To build a positive relationship with your
150 words. learners, you should know the importance of understanding
and empathy. Some of the conditions that are especially
important in encouraging positive learner behavior as part of
Teachers can build strong relationships with their the relationship building process are:7
learners through consistent communication and
- Maintaining a positive emotional tone in the
active listening, demonstrating genuine interest
and empathy towards their students. Creating a
supportive and inclusive classroom environment - Providing attention to the learner to increase positive
where every student feels valued and respected behavior.
fosters trust and rapport. Engaging in meaningful - Providing consistency in the form of regular routines
interactions outside of academics, such as for daily activities and interactions to make unexpected,
through extracurricular activities or informal negative experiences less stressful.
discussions, helps deepen connections with - Responding consistently to similar
learners. Providing individualized support and behavioral situations – both positive and negative.
personalized attention based on students' needs
and interests demonstrates care and investment - Being flexible, particularly with older learners and
in their success. By prioritizing relationship-
building, teachers cultivate a positive and - Treat mistakes as lessons. Tell your learners that we
conducive learning environment where students only learn by making mistakes.
feel motivated to learn and grow. - Building confidence. Promote positive self-talk.
- Focusing on past successes.
- Making learning meaningful. Modify your instructional
4 American Academy of Pediatrics, Committee on Psycho-
social Aspects of Child and Family Health. Guidance for effective
discipline. American Academy of Pediatrics. Committee on Psy-
chosocial Aspects of Child and Family Health [published correction
appears in Pediatrics. 1998;102(2, pt 1):433]. Pediatrics. 1998;101(4,
pt 1):723–728.

74 The Teacher Induction Program - Course 1

Required Task 2: Checklist

What practices should be done by teachers to build good relationships with learners? Put a check (/) next to the statements that
reflects good practice and an “X” mark if otherwise.

Statements Answers Feedback

1. Interacting respectfully and sensitively
are only important to elementary school

2. Treating the learners kindly and
respectfully in the classroom is enough
to bolster academic achievement.


3. Taking no notice of relationships during

the teaching and learning process.

4. Awareness of explicit and implicit
messages given to learners is

5. Modelling behavior to learners,
whether intentional or unintentional,
is important.

Guide for Mentors and Newly Hired Teachers 75

Required Task 3: Reflection
List down the routines you set for your classroom both as an adviser and a subject teacher and ask a colleague to share his/
her own rules he/she has in his/her own class.

My Classroom Routine as an My Routines I Set as a Subject- The Routines my Colleagues Set

Adviser Teacher in Class

As an adviser, I center my classroom As a subject teacher, I implement clear My colleagues prioritize the
routine on creating a positive and routines to enhance learning and establishment of consistent routines
inclusive learning space, emphasizing uphold classroom organization. These geared towards promoting student
the value and support for every routines encompass a concise review engagement and success. They initiate
student. The day starts with a of the previous lesson and a each class with a well-structured warm-
welcoming and engaging activity to captivating introduction to the day's up activity, effectively transitioning
establish a positive atmosphere. I topic at the start of each class. students into the learning mindset.
consistently promote active Throughout the lesson, I utilize diverse Throughout the lesson, they skillfully
participation, collaborative learning, instructional strategies to ensure integrate interactive discussions and
and provide individualized support, students remain engaged and actively collaborative activities, cultivating a
aiming to meet each student's needs participate in their learning. dynamic and participatory learning
and maximize their potential. This environment.
approach fosters a conducive and
supportive learning environment.

You have listed down the rules you set in class as an adviser and a subject-teacher and the rules set by a colleague. Take
note that these rules should be agreed upon with the learners to promote trust and fairness. Hence, classroom rules set the
standards of behavior for our learners, but we, as teachers, must also have standards. After all, we are important role models
for our learners.

Guide for Mentors and Newly Hired Teachers 77

Required Task 4: Oath of Promoting Trust and Fairness
(Output for Portfolio)
Accomplish the oath below and write three tasks you intend
to do that will help you promote trust and fairness in your
own classroom.


I, Christine Joy O. Aguilar, a newly hired teacher, do solemnly swear to abide

by the following tasks on promoting trust and fairness to my learners:

I pledge to treat each student with respect, dignity, and equity,

fostering an environment where trust and fairness are paramount.
I commit to providing equal opportunities for all learners to
succeed and to ensure that my actions promote transparency,
honesty, and integrity in all aspects of teaching and learning."

(Signature over Printed Name)

78 The Teacher Induction Program - Course 1

Required Task 5: Agree or Disagree
Read each statement and identify if you agree or disagree with it. Share your thoughts on the next column.

Statements Answer
1. We should tell our learners how we expect everyone to
behave in class (our learners and ourselves) and discuss
these expectations regularly.
2. We must inform our school’s administrators, other
teachers, and parents about our classroom rules, so
they can help to monitor them and to avoid conflicting

3. The rules we develop with our learners must be applied
consistently with no favoritism.

4. We must constantly be aware of what is going on in and
outside of our classrooms, and our monitoring must be
subtle and preventative.
5. We cannot get angry or lose self-control, but be role
models for good behavior, and follow the rules.

6. When discipline is necessary, it focuses on the learner’s
behavior, not the learner. The learner’s dignity is
7. We need to encourage learners to monitor their own
behavior, such as by keeping diaries. They also need to
monitor each other’s behavior with respect.
8. In teaching, we should not use ambiguous or vague
terms. Activities should be sequenced clearly and with
as few interruptions as possible.

Guide for Mentors and Newly Hired Teachers 79

Congratulations! You’ve come to the end
of Teacher Induction Program Course
I: The DepEd Teacher. Please go to this
link for the summative assessment:

Don’t forget to take a screenshot of your

score. It will be submitted to your mentor for
verification and recording purposes.

Once you’re done, kindly input your score

here: [Input your score here.]

Additional reminder: Compile your portfolio

output/s and make sure that your mentor
has checked your coursebook.

Guide for Mentors and Newly Hired Teachers 81

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