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Are you struggling with writing your thesis on the central thesis of qualitative utilitarianism?

understand the challenges and complexities involved in this topic. Crafting a well-researched and
coherent thesis that delves into the nuances of qualitative utilitarianism can be daunting. From
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can be overwhelming.

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The gang are carrying out this act because they are receiving pleasure from it. In conclusion, I feel
that utilitarianism is a very cold and harsh approach to life. A doctor saves both the mother and child
in a very difficult birth. Happiness is intended pleasure, and the absence of pain; unhappiness, pain,
and the privation of pleasure.”. I feel that although sometimes we may use utilitarian approaches, it
does not make it right to act as cold and hardened to the world as it does appear to. Utilitarianism
avoids one of the key problems associated with rule based approaches to morality which is when two
moral laws conflict. According to Bentham, the morally right action had the most net happiness for
everyone. For example, Mill would say that in the long run, you would derive more pleasure from
reading Tolstoy or Jane Austin over several evenings and on the odd night going out to the pub rather
than spending all your evenings down the local pub and chasing members of the opposite sex. JOHN
STUART MILL (1806-73) Mill's variation of utilitarianism was so different from Bentham's that it
almost appears that he rejects it. Sought to make ethics quantitative, as Sir Isaac Newton had made
science. It should e noted that higher and lower pleasures often need to work together, as a lower
pleasure can often facilitate a higher pleasure. It is a moral theory which denotes that one should aim
to maximize utility whenever possible. Despite the fact that utilitarianism has always had its
detractors, many 21st century thinkers support it. A trolley is about to run over and kill five people
attached to a track. Remoteness - Is it in the near or distant future? 6. The higher pleasures are those
of intellect, feelings and imagination, e.g. reading a book. The lower pleasures refer to pleasures
mainly of the body e.g. sex. A recent example of this would be to use the case of the American
soldiers torturing the Iraq prisoner. Many people argue Rail's theory of Justice is too restrictive and
pro-communism. The finally the effect of the action on other people must be considered, the extent
of how many people will be affected by the proposed action. On the practicality of utilitarianism,
either consciously or unconsciously, we make our decisions on how much good we are going to
achieve in a situation. Is a botanist Stumbles upon a mass-execution in progress. In Bentham’s
theory, this act would have been seen as ok because the pleasure of the soldiers outweighed that of
the prisoner, even though we can see that it is wrong. Therefore, to be fair, salary should be equally
distributed among the journalists. The lower pleasure of food, for example, is necessary for a healthy,
mental mind, which could lead to achieving good results in exams- a higher pleasure. This idea was
proposed by the philosopher Robert Nozick some years before (in 1974) the movie “The Matrix”
(Wachowski Brothers, 1999). However, Utilitarianism does accept evil where Christianity most
certainly does not. Mill rejected Bentham’s idea that all pleasures are equal. We should treat
everyone, including ourselves, with impartiality. Footer Picture Dictionary English Speech English
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Calculator. Peter Singer uses this to argue for the rights of animals alongside the theory of utility. In
1973 R.M.Hare argued for preference utilitarianism, he believed the “right thing” to do is to
maximise the satisfaction of the preference of each individual involved. But then is it not rule
utilitarianism going back to act utilitarianism.
Classic utilitarianism created by Bentham leads to the act-utilitarianism. From this Bentham
proposed the hedonic calculus which had seven criteria; intensity, duration, purity, extent, certainty,
fecundity and remoteness. Close this message to accept cookies or find out how to manage your
cookie settings. Justice Justice can be defined as the importance of getting fair treatments, equality
and paving rights (Rail, 1999). The doctor could have never known because we can’t see the future.
Furthermore, it says that the majority is always right and does not protect the minorities, e.g. Nazis
in WWII and the Jewish community, where they quite obviously were not right. A good example
would be lying, while there may be a good reason for lying in a certain circumstance, as an overall
principle lying cannot be supported because in the end it does not support the greatest good for the
greatest number. Consequentialism: The rightness of actions is determined solely by their
consequences. However, we cannot solve every dilemma by reference to one ethical theory because
every dilemma is unique in some way. On Mill's view, pain—or even the sacrifice of pleasure—is
justified only when it directly contributes to the greater good of all. However there are weaknesses
in rule utilitarianism. E.g. suppose that a maniac is chasing someone who then hides in a shop, the
maniac then walks into the shop and asks the shop keeper where the person is. The Principle of
Utility, even focused on tendencies of actions rather than their actual consequences, seems false. A
person could spend their whole life on this machine. This concept rejects any kinds of moral codes
like taboos and commands based on different traditions or any order given by any leader. 10 Lines
on Utilitarianism in English Utilitarianism is one of the most persuasive approaches to normative
ethics. This time prevents people from making hasty, unethical judgements, as it encourages thought
before action. Consequentialist ethics focus on the consequences of our actions, which actions are
good is relative to the ends and results of those actions. With utilitarianism, an action seems to be
morally right or wrong. However, he disagreed that all differences in pleasures could be quantified.
Therefore, this section is going to identify various ethical issues that happen in a newspaper company
called 'News of the World' or NOW through the eyes of one of their Journalists named Dan Arnold.
Bentham was concerned with social and legal reform (the conditions in which people lived and
worked were appalling), wanting to develop an ethical theory that established whether something
was good or bad according to its benefit for the majority of people. These Journalists have also
worked hard Just like the others and deserve some sort of Job security and protection from the
newspaper company. Furthermore, also included is a collection of essay plans. However, there have
been arguments on Kantian demonology mostly due to the narrowness and inadequacy of this theory
to handle various moral problems or dilemmas (Mackerel; Left, 2010). Weak rule utilitarians say that
although there should be generally accepted guidelines, they should not always be adhered to
indefinitely. Full explanations of the philosophical topics listed in the specification. For example, the
rule 'never tell lies' and the rule 'protect life' clearly conflict so if a mass murderer was to ask where
the hiding place of his next victim was the utilitarian would simple lie to him where as people who
might follow a rule based approach will be forced to break one of these rules. This is the total
opposite to deontological ethics whereby utilitarian believes that there should not be any
compromising when It comes to determining the stand point of morality. This is and 'a priori'
assumption and as such, is independent of experience and because of this, experience may suggest
that it is not worthwhile having intellectual pursuits if they offer no immediate or long-term gain.
The ultimate goal of utilitarianism, be it act-utilitarianism, or rule-utilitarianism, is to bring happiness.
The point is that no outcome is for certain and that a lack of information can prevent us from
producing the greatest good for the greatest number.
Help Center Here you'll find an answer to your question. Mill has introduced moral rules to
utilitarianism to overcome the swine ethic, this is called rule utilitarianism. Criticisms of
Utilitarianism Criticisms of Utilitarianism Critic’s response: Consider another case: While viewing
the suffering in Darfur, a psychopath offers you this deal: “Put a bullet in this revolver, spin the
chamber, aim at some passing kid, and fire. Answer: The main theme of utilitarianism is, it morally
promotes everyone’s values with equal treatment to everyone, centring around happiness. Question 2.
Name one drawback of utilitarianism. As long as the slaves are in a smaller proportion of the people,
the greatest good might be to keep them enslaved, because of the benefits that this would give to the
majority. Another key feature that is severely flawed it the fact that humans do not always agree on
what actions bring pain and pleasure, and utilitarianism is weakened by the fact that people have to
agree with each other. This idea was proposed by the philosopher Robert Nozick some years before
(in 1974) the movie “The Matrix” (Wachowski Brothers, 1999). As per Bentham’s request, his body
was laid out for public dissection. National Law. Legal Architecture. Guiding Principles on Internal
Displacement. Another problem with Mill's argument is that his ideas of intellectual pursuits being
intrinsically desirable reflects and ideal. See other similar resources ?3.19 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY
NOW Save for later Not quite what you were looking for. Kinnon, Ethics, Chapter 4 - Lawrence
Hinman, Course at San Diego University. Write a review Update existing review Submit review
Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. Aside from that, he amount of time spend in offices also
means they have neglected their families back home. A utilitarian would, given the chance, flick a
switch to change the course of the trolley to kill one person instead. Long and Short Essays on
Utilitarianism for Students and Kids in English We are providing the students with essay samples, of
a long essay of 500 words in English and a short essay of 150 words in English for reference.
Bentham’s aim was to achieve a specific scientific formula to calculate how much pleasure and pain
is produced from each proposed action. The problem with having an ideal is that is that it is almost a
substitute for the failure of experience and the critic would claim that the grounds for such and ideal
are arbitrary. When we compare, we think about how things are different. In particular Mill is
thinking about the qualitative superiority of those pleasures that are specifically human (for example,
aesthetic experiences) The KIND of pleasures. There is no guarantee that minority interests will be
protected. Is it sensible to believe that actions can be changed into a mathematical formula that
measures their respective goodness and is it realistic to suppose that all peoples pleasure is the same.
Tools such as cost benefit analysis and risk assessment are often depended on by utilitarian for
decision making purposes. Also, the quality of pleasure that satisfies a human is more important than
that which satisfies an animal, so the desires of the lions, and the animalistic pleasures of the romans
are rejected. They are Jeremy Bentham and J S Mill, and both of. Isidoros Karatzas Head of the
Ethics Review Sector European Commission. The Principle of Utility, even focused on tendencies of
actions rather than their actual consequences, seems false. Video Say more by seamlessly including
video within your publication. Many people argue Rail's theory of Justice is too restrictive and pro-
communism. That action, if it can be done in secrecy, seems to clearly be the best option in terms of
producing the most good for the greatest number.
This article has been cited by the following publications. According to utilitarianism, you should go
to the area of the sea where two people are drowning. If a car crash sends five Nobel Prize winners
to the emergency room, each needing a different vital organ to survive, and the doctor looks at you or
me, in for a hangnail, should he or she put us under and remove our organs for the Prize winners.
Kinnon, Ethics, Chapter 4 - Lawrence Hinman, Course at San Diego University. He believes that
this action is Just and promotes productive behavior. Understand the distinction between a theory of
right and a theory of good. I could make them most happy by helping supply them with cheap
drugs, but I feel uncomfortable doing that. I feel that although sometimes we may use utilitarian
approaches, it does not make it right to act as cold and hardened to the world as it does appear to.
This time prevents people from making hasty, unethical judgements, as it encourages thought before
action. It Is first introduced by a philosopher from Germany named Emmanuel Kant. Qualitative
Utilitarianism For Later 0% 0% found this document useful, Mark this document as useful 0% 0%
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are on page 1 of 28 Search inside document. He believes that morality must follow a set of rules
without any exceptions. Apart from that, they also have to be on the pager 24 hours a day and they
are expected to travel around the globe in a short period notice so that, they can catch the next big
story. The second principle stresses if there is any existence of social and economic inequalities, they
should benefit members of society who are at the most disadvantage (Rail, 1999). Journalists from
this newspaper have to work extra hard and are moved from one project to another without any
consideration for their health. The man was desperate for money and shot the teller at the bank while
robbing it. There may be situations where the better consequence might be achieved by breaking a
rule. It also refers to those actions that maximize pleasure and minimize pain. Jeremy Betham played
the key role in the development of the concept of Act Utilitarianism whereas John Stuart Mill took
Betham’s act utilitarianism and developed it further into his own version, becoming known as Rule
Utilitarianism. This act of bribery can be seen as unethical based on the ethical relativism theory
(George, 2009). Utilitarianism does not take into account personal relationships. In this article we
make some initial remarks on Bentham and Mill prior to evaluating a famous case in 1972 where
utilitarian principles seemed to cause a really unethical result - the Ford Pinto case. Best
consequences for the greatest number (more pleasure; pleasure minus pain; intensity; duration;
likelihood). Is a botanist Stumbles upon a mass-execution in progress. Lower pleasures were deemed
as actions which benefited the body and were of a physical nature or example eating or having an
orgasm. A classic example of this is global wealth and although we know that there are many people
who are starving, a utilitarian may come to a decision that it causes more pain to the 'well-off' to
share the resources equally amongst the world. In Mills theory the soldiers pleasure does not justify
their actions because it is of such a low value that it doesn’t outweigh the extreme pain the prisoner
goes through. GOOD FOR WHAT? A sceptical look at the rationalising of morality. Mill
distinguished that there were two forms of pleasure, higher pleasures and lower pleasures. “It is better
to be a human being dissatisfied than a pig satisfied, better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool
satisfied”. (Mill,1861) Higher pleasures were associated with the mind, such as mental disciple and
cultural activities, where as lower pleasures were pleasures associated with the body such as
satisfying the bodily need for food and sleep.

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